Chapter 1 It crew

The sun was out and Arya was wandering around the town of Tralee in County Kerry, Ireland. It was cold, colder than it should be in October in Ireland and Arya is dragging her feet as she goes on an errand run for her mother. As she walked to town she spotted the "it crowd" laughing and jumping around further up the road. " Must be nice" thought Arya.

Arya never knew where she stood in her life. Her mother was a drug addict who was constantly looking for her next fix, her father left when she was 2. Arya doesn't know where she belongs or what she is supposed to do. As these thoughts were running through her mind she looked up to see she was now surrounded by the "it crew"

Patrick: "Haha look its awkward Arya, how are you today love?"

Arya: "F fffff ffff fine tttttt thanks."

Lisa: "What was that annoying Arya can't you

fucking speak like a normal person"

Arya:" I am ssss ssss so sorrrrr rrry Liiiii-sa"

Paudie: "Fuck i hate this bimbo ass bitch who can't even talk to someone. Whats wrong you looking for your next fix like your druggie mother? No wonder your dad left you who would want to be around your smelly ass."

Arya could feel the tears rushing to her eyes but she held them back as best as she could.

Patrick: "Awww is the little bitch going to cry, come here ill slap you back to the 1900s just so that I don't have to see you anymore"

Arya couldn't handle it anymore. Why was the world set to crush her at every turn. What did she do to deserve this. The people around she started pushing and shoving her as the guys caressed her body and the girls spat in her face

Paudie:" wow for a druggie you have a great body Arya, I must say I am surprised."

Aryas mind went into turmoil No, not again I can't go through this again. An inner strength she would never have expected to be in her surged through her body. She shoved Paudie off her and made a break for it. Yet the next thing she saw was a pair of headlights rushing towards her. Fuck....


Arya woke up surrounded by a black space. There was a stillness like a moment caught in a picture and Arya felt strangely at peace. What is going on I wonder thought Arya. A sudden white flame came into existence next to her.

The flame: "I am so sorry my child, you were never meant to go through all these problems, it seems that your world was rejecting you the entire time you were alive"

Arya:" Rejecting me? Alive? I don't understand whats going on?"

The Flame: "Don't worry my child, all will be well, we will fix what should have never happened and ensure a bit of extra luck in your next life. Hopefully its good luck this time. Bye my child, I hope to see you again in a long time.

Arya:" No wait, what next life? Who am I? Please help me, I am so confused"

The Flame:" All will be well my child, you are going to where you belong I just wish I could take away the horrible memories you have suffered through, but I have no power over that. Live well, Live free my child"


Arya opened her eyes and instantly confronted with faces and lights all around her. "Shes a perfectly healthy baby Lyra"

Lyra? Who is Lyra? "Give her to me Beth let me hold my little girl." Ary felt herself being picked up and placed into a lady's arms. Arya was finally able to have her eyes focus more. As she looked up she saw a stunning lady with curly black hair and piercing ice blue eyes looking down at her with nothing but love and warmth in her eyes. Arya was shocked, she didn't remember ever being looked at with such a loving look. She burst into tears and the lady holding her just hugged her closer.

Lyra:"Hush my little dove, hush I am here now baby girl"

Arya felt a sense of comfort encompass her senses as she slowly slipped out of consciousness. Maybe this is a good dream for once she thought. Arya opened her eyes to see the same lady looking down at her. What this isn't a dream? This is true? Her mind was abuzz.

Lyra: "Your name is Arya my little dove, mommy is going to love you forever my little dove."

Just as Arya was relaxing into her mothers arms she heard a male voice shouting " I am here Lyra, where is our little dove I need to hold her" Arya turned her head slightly and saw a handsome older man standing in the doorway. He had pitch black hair and deep green eyes that seemed to give a constant sense of peace off as they looking at you.

Lyra:"Here she is Tyler our little dove is finally in our arms"

Tyler:" She is absolutely gorgeous, can I hold her?"

Lyra handed Arya off to her husband and Tyler took her into his arms with a loving gaze looking down.

Tyler:"Your going to be a special one my little dove, I can already see that in your eyes. We will be with you every step of the way."