Chapter 3 - The wand chooses the witch

Time seemed to pass slower somehow for Lyra after she met Daphne. She finally had her first real friend and she was about to see just how much better life could get when you have friends with you to go through it with. After the party Lyra went home feeling like she was on cloud nine

Arya: "Since I did what you asked and went to the party and even made a friend, can you get me tutors now?"

Lyra burst out laughing, "if that is what you want little dove, sure we will take care of it for you"

Arya was over the moon. She now had her first friend and her mom just promised her that they would organize tutors for her for all the subjects she couldn't touch on without someone to guide her. Arya had touched on all basic subjects for Hogwarts already and was all her way to mastering third years spells, but for subjects such as Occulmancy, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy she would need to have proper guides as trying to study those subjects on her own was a recipe for disaster. The level of difficulty was multiplied from subjects like Ancient History or Charms which she had already gone through by herself.


It was a light switch was flipped on for Arya, for the first time ever she was experiencing what most kids took for granted. A completely normal, happy childhood. For the first time in either of Arya's lives she had a friend who treated her like a person, parents who actually cared for her and future potential that looked absolutely limitless to be anything she wants in the world. True to their word, Arya's parents hired her tutors for the subjects she had interest in, so before even getting to Hogwarts she was getting introduced to subjects she wouldnt have access to until her 3rd year. Daphne and arya became inseparable, as Arya saw her personal worth was much greater to both her family and Daphne than she ever expected. Seeing this she started to gain more confidence in her self but that was not enough to completely erase her past memories which continued to haunt her, constant nagging thoughts that this was all a dream, she was worthless and never should have been born were flickering across her mind. Yet whenever this happened all she had to do was look to her back and see her parents always supporting her and look to her side and see Daphne always there with her, and those thoughts would be banished to the side. With her teachers praise, her parents love and her friends support she felt she could handle whatever was thrown her way.

As the years passed, arya started to leave her old self behind. Daphne continued to drag her to any dinner or party she was invited to, despite her protests. Daphne would always argue that if she was forced to suffer through these insufferable gits the least that Arya can do as her best friend is be there and suffer through with her. 'Uggggghhhhhhhh if I knew this is what friendship meant, I would have kept at being a loner' thought Arya. Regardless of the fact every time Daphne grabbed her hand to pull her along with her she would blush. As a result of all these dinners and parties Arya slowly started to lose that fear of people around her. But it was always easy to spot that flash of fear in her eyes whenever Daphne was pulled aside, however Arya remained strong and pushed through that fear.

Thanks to the dedicated tutors her parents hired for her by the time she had turned 11 February 2nd 1990 she was ready for the first four years of Hogwarts based on book knowledge alone. However despite her talent at wandless magic she couldn't practice her spells properly with her ancestors wand. So while she may have all the technical knowledge from books aside from her natural talent at transfiguration and her ability to use wandless magic for that subject, something unheard of in the wizarding world, this talent didn't hold through for the other subjects such as charms as she couldn't do anything further beyond 2nd year charm spells. Thankfully her parents saw how talented she was as a witch and the moment she had turned 11 her parents had taken her straight to Olivanders so that she could finally get her first wand.

Ollivander:" Ahhhhh Miss Rosier, I have been expecting you, since I have seen your progress through the Daily Prophet with wandless magic I have been utterly fascinated to match you to a wand. Shall we begin?'

Arya: "Greetings Mr Ollivander, it's a pleasure to work with you. I am anxious myself, from the wand lore i have studied I have absolutely no idea what is going to be the most suitable towards me, so I leave myself in your care"

Ollivander burst out in laughter "not to worry, if wand lore was that easy to understand, I fear I would be out of a job. Here we have Holly, flexible with dragon heartstring 10 and half inches"

Arya picked up the wand and said "hmmmm no I believe that holly is for those prone to anger issues although its protective I doubt it will choose me" Arya gave the wand a twist and boxes scattered everywhere.

Ollivander: "spot on there, Arya. Lets see what else we have here Elm, flexible with unicorn hair 11 inches"

Arya: " hmmmm interesting choice, I definitely have magical dexterity so it is easy to think of Elm however I lack presence, I don't think this wand will choose me either." Arya took the wand yet the moment she had it in her hand she could feel the rejection from the wand immediately. Ollivander seemed to notice as well and took it back.

Ollivander: " Again your knowledge surprises me but you are correct, have you any personal suggestions? I rarely get the opportunity to interact with such a knowledgeable as you."

Arya: "Well from my research I figured it might be a rowan wand with a more unique core than usual, maybe Wampus Cat or Horned serpent horn. The three more common cores from your store don't seem to suit me."

Ollivander: "Curious, very curious hang on I believe I have the wand that is looking for you, it's been in my store for a very long time. This wand was made by my father Gervaise Ollivander who worked closely with Shikoba Wolfe back in the early 19th Century. Pine inflexible with a Thunderbird tail feather, 10 inches.Give it a wave."

Arya took the wand in hand and immediately felt a connection between them and said "wow Pine known to be attracted to independent individuals who are often seen as loners and sometime mysterious. Known to be very well suited to non-verbal casting along with a thunderbird tail feather very powerful but can be difficult to master, sought after for its incredible transfiguration abilities. Honestly I can't imagine a more perfect wand for me." Arya gave the wand a wave and their was a dense wave of magic in the air revolving around her lightly speckled with a gold aura inbetween the magic.

Ollivander: " This is incredible I thinks its fair to say i have rarely seen a better suited witch and wand. However as it was made by my father I am afraid I must ask for more. That will be 14 galleons.

Arya's parents handed over the money and they left the store together. Ollivander was left alone to his thoughts. 'She is going to be an incredible witch, i can't even begin to imagine who she will be in ten years time'