Chapter 6 - Wait what house?

The foursome made their way out of the train when they heard a voice shout out "oi you gits, I was looking for you all on the train" they turned and saw Theo making his was towards them with Draco and Pansy following him.

Daphne: "Hey guys, sorry the cabins were all full by the time our families let us go. These two are Harry and Hermione."

Draco:" Harry? Harry Potter? Father said you would be coming to Hogwarts this year."

Hermione looked shocked while Daphne and Arya just grinned at each other before they started laughing.

Harry looked at them in surprise "Wait you knew who I was and didnt say anything?"

Arya: "Come on Harry, if you wanted us to know you would have said your full name, your not exactly hard to recognize. Messy black hair, glasses and the scar you tried to cover with your fringe. But we don't care if your the boy who lived to me your the boy who flirts with my best friend."

Daphne burst out laughing "well said little dove but seems Hermione was caught off guard"

Arya looked over at a very confused looking Hermione and said " Don't stress Mione would you like if your friends stared at you like that he will have enough staring people at Hogwarts"

Harry looked over the group he had quickly come to call his friends with grateful eyes.

Draco: "Well Potter you will come to know some wizarding families are better than othe....

Daphne smacked Draco on the back of the head and said "Shut up Malfoy you sound like a right tosser Harry is our mate are you saying the Greengrass and Rosier familes are inferior to the Malfoys? Stop talking and be on your way. If you want to get to know Harry better come back with some manners."

Draco blushed before stuttering out a timid "Sorry my bad" and walking away with Pansy close on his heels

Daphne: " Don't mind him Harry he's got a good heart but his dad is an asshat and it is difficult for Draco to try and stay true to himself with such an overbearing father in his life. I am hoping Hogwarts mellows him out"

Harry nodded his head when they hear some shouting "Firs Years Firs Years follow me firs years"

They saw a giant of a man carrying a torch walking with a pack of small first years that looked like miniature toys following behind him. Harry laughed at their dumbstruck faces before saying " thats Hagrid he is a good guy don't worry, lets go,"

Daphne: " How do you know him Harry?"

Harry: " He is really good mates with my guardian and godfather Sirius Black"

Arya was in shock, 'so Sirius wasn't in Azkaban. Well that explains his flirty personality but thats a massive part of canon affected how could my birth have changed so much it doesn't make sense. What on earth is going to happen in our third year?' Daphne interrupted her internal breakdown and said "what's on your mind little dove"

Arya: "nothing let's go we are falling behind"

Daphne just looked at her unsure of what was going on in her mind but let it go. The five of them made their way after Hagrid

Hagrid: " four to a boat firs' years"

Theo went over to join Draco and Pansy while Daphne, Arya, Harry and Hermione got in a boat together. As the boats made their way to Hogwarts a huge shadow passed under them. That gave her an idea to get back at Daphne

Arya: "Hey Daph remember I asked you to stop calling me little dove? But you kept doing it anyway?"

Daphne narrowed her eyes as she looked at Arya unsure of her intentions and responded "sure what of it" Arya smirked at her before taking her wand out and chanting "Wingardium Leviosa" Daphne is quickly picked up before she she has a chance to scream is tossed overboard into the lake. Harry and Hermione couldn't believe their eyes when did the shy quiet Arya turn into a evil prankster. They started to worry they are next, when Arya noticed them looking at her like deer caught in headlights she giggled softly.

Arya: "Don't worry I wont harm ye. I owed her for calling me little dove and I was simply doing an experiment. Just watch what happens next."

All of a sudden they saw Daphne wrapped in a tentacle being gently placed back in the boat.

Arya: "see my experiment was successful the giant squid in the lake is indeed friendly magical creature that helps first years who fall in the lake. I read about that in Hogwarts - A history "

Daphne stared daggers at Arya. Arya giggled before chanting out the hot air charm "aer calidas" and in turn completely drying off her best friend.

Arya: "see no harm done, oh look that must be Hogwarts"

The foursome turn their heads towards Hogwarts and collectively gasped as they took in the size of the castle in front of them.

Daphne crawled next to Arya and whispered in her ear "Don't think I will just let that go little dove, I will return the favor" Arya inwardly shivered as she blushed not knowing how to respond to Daphne.

The boats finally reached the castle and Hagrid led them up the steps to a middle aged woman with a stern demeanor.

Hagrid: " here they are Professor McGonagall years firs' years"

Professor Mcgonagall: "Thanks Hagrid, follow me students. We are about to enter the great hall, the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

Arya looked around and could see the nervousness on the other students faces. She felt extremely excited she wasn't sure what house she would end up in. She believed it was between Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. She doesn't count herself as crazy brave or cunning, yet she believes she is extremely studious and very loyal to those around her.

Professor McGonagall returned and led them into the hallway. Daphne nudged her in the shoulder and said "what house do you think we will be in? How do they even sort us into houses. Im so anxious what if we hate the house we are in."

Arya: "Calm down Daph, I have never seen you nervous before I am surprisingly really enjoying this side of you. Don't worry I am sure that whatever house we go to we will be happy with it. As far as I know they have a magical way of figuring out which house we belong to, but I have no idea how."

Arya stopped talking when they walked into the great hall. The first years were immediately silenced when the saw their surroundings, the hall was massive and the ceiling looked like a night sky full of stars.

Hermione: "The ceiling is enchanted to look like the sky outside you know, I read about it in...."

Arya: "Hogwarts - A history? I have read that too as she smiles at Hermione"

Hermione blushes and turns away oddly happy she found someone as interested as her in learning.

Time skip the sorting hat song

AN-( I am not going to waste your time with too much copy and paste material I find that boring if you want however I can remake my own attempts at the song. I cant promise it will be very good but its better than copy and paste)

After the hat finished its song Professor McGonagall walked up and started calling out names

Hannah Abbott - Hufflepuff

Susan Bones - Hufflepuff

Next it was Hermione's go to get sorted, Arya smiled at her as she walked up and the hat was placed on her head

Sorting Hat: 'hmmm your an interesting case aren't you Miss Granger. Plenty of courage to go to Gryffindor you would be regaled a hero there but also an incredible amount of brains to go to Ravenclaw where you would be a once in a century genius. Very loyal, you would make a lot of friendships in that house and also very ambitious Slytherins could take you to that next level. Where to put you is the question... ahhh I can see your desire in your heart your thirst for limitless knowledge. Then it must be' "RAVENCLAW."

The Ravenclaw house erupted in applause. Arya was taken aback, 'that was unexpected but at the same time makes the most sense she is incredibly intelligent so it is only right she goes to a house where she can thrive. Poor Harry will struggle with homework now. Daphne was called up next, the sorting hat was placed on her head.

Sorting Hat: "ahhh Miss Greengrass so much potential inside this little head of yours. The cunning is there, Slytherin would be a second home for you, but an incredible amount of loyalty to your loved ones is inside of you Hufflepuff would welcome you but no more than anything else is the inner bravery you have to fight with those on your side therefore'..... Gryffindor

The Gryffindor house erupted in applause next, Arya was yet again taken aback another house that goes against the canon this is going to be very confusing.

Malfoy was called up next but before the hat was fully on his head the sorting hat yelled out "Slytherin" as the Slytherin table erupts in applause. When Harry was called the entire hall fell silent and you could feel the anticipation in the air. Harry confidently strutted up as if he had no worries in the world. Yet again the Hat was barely put on before it shouted out Gryffindor. Ok now Arya was even more confused sure he went their in Canon but it wasn't nearly as quick. Arya had absolutely no idea what to expect. Next up she called Ron Weasley up to the sorting hat. He seemed different to what Arya was expecting, there was no goofy awkwardness in his walk there was an almost predator like grace to his walk. The moment the hat touched his head it shouted out "Slytherin"