Chapter 12 - My mother shall hear of this

The surrounding students were left in shock at was taking place, they have of course seen arguments over the years take place at Hogwarts but to see a first year capable of the magic power she was exerting in her second day at Hogwarts was a lot to take in.

Arya - "whats wrong Ronald have you no words for the Rosier Family let down? Come on fight back, break my hold on you I beg of you or this wont be a beat down it will be a slaughter"

At this point the amount of students watching what was taking place had multiplied and there was a sea of students standing there watching.

? - "Hey you bitch let him go before we take your little mudblood cow and show her how us fine upstanding Pure Bloods treat those who are below us"

Arya turned her head and saw three people coming towards her namely Crabbe, Goyle and Marcus Flint. 'Ahhhh the "young masters" if Slytherin house, I was wondering when they would show thought Arya. Hermione paled seeing three more students getting involved including an older student realizing this would make things far more difficult for Arya.

Draco - "Stand down Flint, this is between them but if you want to get involved I don't mind showing why they call me Draco "Dueling Dynamo" Malfoy" said Draco with a twisted grin on his face.

Flint and the others were taken aback that Malfoy would stand up for someone outside of Slytherin even if they were childhood friends.

Marcus - "Really Draco? You want to have a go because of a blood traitor and Mudblood bitch. What would your father say?"

Draco visibly paled and took a step back at the mention of his father before recovering his nerve.

Draco - "I would not get involved but it seems to me that your trying to turn this into a 4 on 1 against a first year. Where is your pride Flint? Your a fifth year and you want to get involved. Are you too busy rubbing weasleys balls to realize how bad you look right now?"

The students watching what was taking place burst into laughter at Draco's comment.

Flints face went even redder after he heard Draco's remark. " You sure you want to do this Malfoy? Your sacrificing your good name if you do" said Marcus trying to break Malfoys resolve. Draco started laughing at this before saying " Ruin my good name you say? I wouldn't be so sure about that considering I am defending a child of a Most Ancient and Noble house from a bullying older student, I think giving the school a show of my dueling prowess while I pummel you into the ground would only cause my name to skyrocket. So I ask you again, you sure you want to do this Flint?"

Marcus narrowed his eyes and took out his wand as did Crabbe and Goyle. Seeing this Hermione got even more nervous before taking out her own wand, she would not let her friend do this on her own. Arya who had been taking everything in smiled warmly at Hermione who despite her shaking was ready to defend her.

Arya - "Don't get involved Mione, Draco and myself are more than enough for this bunch of pansies. I will leave Flint to you Draco I will handle dumb dumber and dumbest over there."

Draco - "Very well Lady Rosier lets have some fun teaching these Young Masters what they are lacking"

Arya - " Why of course Lord Malfoy, it will be a very educational experience for seniors to see they are nothing but the dog shit we stepped on during our journey to the Pinnacle of the the Wizarding World."

After saying that Arya threw Ron over to his friends and said "Take out your wand Weasley I don't want to be thought of as a bully who didn't give you a fair chance at defending yourself."

Ron - " My mother shall hear of this you bitch."

Arya could only sweat drop at his choice of words before looking at Draco from the corner of her eye

Draco - " Does it sound that bad when I used to say that?"

Arya could only nod solemnly at Draco causing a tick mark to appear on his forehead.

The four Slytherins now stood shoulder to shoulder facing the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Duo. But before things could escalate any further they were interrupted by Snape who came out at all the noise he heard outside his classroom.

Snape - "what on earth is happening here you all know dueling between students is illegal in Hogwarts 50 points from Ravenclaw for Ms Rosier initiating this fight." The crowd was baffled at this it was clear from the start that the Slytherins were instigating this from the start but Snape only saw someone out of his house causing trouble.

? - "That is ENOUGH Severus, are you blind it is clear that the Slytherin boys were the instigators and even ganged up on young Rosier when they realized they were not her match one on one"

The students turned to see Professor Flitwick walking towards them. The crowd was taken aback at the usual kind of friendly Professor losing his temper as they could feel the magical power radiating off of him. But before the Professors could continue their conversation Arya interrupted them.

Arya - " I claim insult to my honor and house from one Ronald Weasley. I am well aware of wizarding laws and I challenge him to a duel for besmirching my Family's good name. As a child of a Most Ancient and Noble House Rosier I am well within my rights to defend myself from such actions."

Everyone watching was once again taken aback at the little first year. They couldn't believe this was all taking place on the second day of Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick - "Now now Ms Rosier I understand what happened but is it necessary to go so far against those clearly below your level of competence, isn't this just bullying at this point?"

Draco - "I am sorry Professor but I too have had my honor attacked so I propose a 2 on 4 duel with Arya against these 4 Troglodytes in an effort for a fair duel, they have the numbers and a fifth year student on their side, surely that is enough of a handicap to face us?"

The four Slytherins in question could only see red at Draco's disregard for their abilities. All four of them shouted at the same time "We accept"

Professor Flitwick could only sigh at the young students actions and truly pitied the four Slytherins. As a former 2 Time dueling champion he has been interested in both Arya and Draco's development in the art of dueling over their very few years and was looking forward to taking them under his wing once they arrived at Hogwarts. "Very well Mr Malfoy even though it is against the rules here at Hogwarts for unofficial duels to take place that is not the case if a Most Ancient and Noble family's honor has been attacked. As the challengers Ms Rosier and Mr Malfoy have the right to decide the time while the challenged decide the place for the duel."

Arya and Draco looked at each other and nodded.

Arya - "The duel shall take place at noon in one weeks time."

Ron - " The duel shall take place at Hogwarts Training grounds."

Draco - "All dueling and family magic is allowed but no unforgiveables and the duel shall continue until either side retires or loses consciousness, whichever happens first"

The Slytherins agreed before turning around and departing with Snape looking coldly at Draco making him tense up before following them. Professor Flitwick looked on at the four Slytherins with nothing but pity in his eyes as despite the numbers and older student advantage he believed they stood little chance. He turned to Draco and Arya and said "you two come with me"