Chapter 14 - Sparring Practice (2)

"Tela" shouted Arya as she launched a volley of fire arrows towards Draco who quickly responded with Muram Aquarum summoning a wall of water in front of him which quickly extinguished the arrows. Yet this had all been to Arya's plans as she waved her wand and said "Draconifors Maxima" turning all the rubble on the platform into three 6 foot fire breathing dragons. This caused Draco to sweat as they were too large to destroy before they launched fire at him so he quickly launched a chain of three Imepedimenta curses at the dragons in an effort to slow them down before chanting "Protego Maximo" forming a large blue shield to protect him from the fire that was sent his way from the dragons. He was forced to reinforce the shield spell two more times before they stopped spitting fire at him. Now Draco was panting from all the magic he was forced to put into his shield spell. Arya realizing this was her best chance to beat him launched a spell chain of Impedimenta - Impedimenta - Stupify - Incarcerous - Expelliarmus. This was the most Arya could chain spells at the moment and put most of her magic into this spell chain.

Draco however was called the Dueling Dynamo for a very good reason and seeing what Arya had cast at him responded instantly conjuring multiple walls in front of him to take the brunt of Arya's attack as he prepared to utilize his family magic to try and finish this. Once the last wall was destroyed by Arya's disarming spell Draco fought back with "Furore Circumdatos" his families strongest severing curse which completely destroyed Arya's three stone dragons. Arya could only watch with a dumbfounded expression on her face as her greatest spell work to date was dismantle before her very eyes. Draco realizing Arya's momentary shock quickly took advantage of the situation. He launched his finest spell chain at her Stupify - Incendio - Ventum Cicer - Expelliarmus - Flipendo

(AN- As I have said before for spells I make up I use Latin on google translate, Ventum Cicer is Wind Pulse used to fan the flames from incendio.)

Arya quickly coming back to her senses tried to recover and was able to dodge the stunning spell but once the flames from Incendio were fanned by the wind pulse spell she used the black hole spell Cavum Nigrum to counter it she lost her focus from the magical drain on her energies and was quickly hit by the disarming spell and sent back against the wall of the barrier by Flipendo.

Professsor Flitwick who was completely dumbfounded by the level of expertise by this first year duo was able to come to his senses and declared "Draco Malfoy is the victor of the duel"

Draco fell to his knees in exhaustion and tried to process what just happened in his mind ' I know she is the undisputed genius of Transfiguration and is a once in a thousand years talent in it, for her to incorporate all of that into a dueling style that pushed someone like me whose sole focus is on dueling this far. Isn't this absurd just how talented is she if she hadn't lost focus after I destroyed her dragons I have no doubt that this duel would still be continuing and I am not too confident that I could have pulled out the win.'

Draco got to his feet and walked over to Arya who was lying on the ground in a daze and cast "Episkey" twice to heal the cuts and bruises she sustained in the duel before lying his head down on her stomach

Draco -" Merlins beard Arya... how on earth have you come so far without a retinue of dueling instructors supporting you? Even in all our previous duels I have never been pushed so far like this. Are you ok?"

Arya let out a soft chuckle before running her hands threw Draco's hair. " I don't know what your talking about Draco, you still beat me YET AGAIN. I was positive I had this duel in the bag after my recent progress in Transfiguration, how did you destroy my dragons so easily?" she responded with a small pout on her face. Draco who was looking at her saw the pout and flicked her in the head.

Draco - "Stupid little dove, you know as well as I do that my only escape is dueling. I literally eat sleep and poop Dueling with a team of instructors at my beck and call. If you had put as much into your dueling as your transfiguration magic I would stand no chance against you. Seriously if you just had more experience in duels you wouldn't lose focus like that and could have countered me before I launched that spell chain. I used my family spell Fury Cutter. It's the strongest severing curse in my grimoire."

Arya sighed and cast Episkey on Draco to heal the cuts from the battle. "I guess thats your 40 win now... dammit I wont lose next time Malfoy I promise you that."

Professor Flitwick walked over to the exhausted duo with a massive grin on his face. "That was some of the finest dueling I have had the pleasure to watch and you are both only first years. The fact you can both launch a five spell spell chain is nothing short of ridiculous. For you Mr Malfoy I suggest on improving you magic control you used too much power on some spells and exhausted yourself prematurely. As impressive as your Protego Maximo was it is leaking magic and too inefficient. I also recommend incorporating more spells to impair your opponents sight. You pack a lot of power in your wandwork so if you can force situations to further take advantage of that you will undoubtedly become a far stronger duelist. Ms Rosier, your talent for Transfiguration is absurd in any witch let alone a first year and your creativity in spells and wand work is superb. I recommend you improving the speed and fluidity of your casting. Your last spell chain was slightly hitched and prevented you from fully showing its power and I would incorporate a transfiguration spell with wandless magic in it. You have the ability that most witches and wizards could only dream off but your inexperience in dueling showed especially when you lost focus. Yet for the both of you I honestly believe these adjustments could be made before your duel in a weeks time but honestly I pity your opponents already I have never seen more natural duelists than you two in my entire life. If I am not mistaken Mr Malfoy you are on the verge of breaking through to your second magical maturity and and you Ms Rosier have already entered it?"

Both students nodded impressed he could tell that from one duel but then again considering his background in dueling and his talent as a wizard it made sense he could see that.

Professor Flitwick - "Ok you two I have detained you both long enough if you head back to the Great Hall you might catch the end of Lunch. I want to see you both tomorrow afternoon and we shall begin on your training, take today and rest. I am afraid word of this will have reached the headmaster so both of you should expect to be called to his office, be ready I will be there to support you so try not to worry too much."

Arya realized she was already asked to go there this afternoon from Professor McGonagall and could only sigh at how much trouble she caused in one morning.

Professor Flitwick - "Very well I shall see you both later and Arya I believe you have a class with me today so I will see you then."

The duo gave their thanks for their Professors guidance and left supporting each other with an arm around each other as they walked with weary steps.

Professor Flitwick was left to his own thoughts 'while I can see why Draco is known as the dueling dynamo and it is well deserved, it is built off the back of great talent but relentless hard work. Whereas Arya was dueling purely instinctually, if she can focus on dueling she will surpass Draco in time, I have never before seen a more naturally talented duelist. Her combination of powerful magic, in-genius creativity and physical ability is too terrifying to even consider in one person, and shes a first year who is already in her second magical maturity that can't even be considered a once in thousand year talent at dueling. Simply put she is a monster.