Chapter 28 -Metal Dragons?

Arya took out her wand and ran through all the spells she knew trying to decide what would best show her skills to Professor McGonagall. She decided to show her new spell chain she had created.

Arya waved her wand and said "Avis" conjuring a flock of birds and followed that up with a wave of her hand and chanted "Duro" turning the birds into stone. Then once again waving her wand chanted "Draconifors Maximo" turning the stone birds into giant fire breathing stone dragons.

However she was not done as she had added a little twist to improve them after Draco demolished them so easily in their spar and with a final wave of her wand she chanted "Tungsten Armis". With a glow the stone dragons stone bodies turned into a black metal.

Professor McGonagall was once again left in utter awe at what she had just seen. 'That spell chain took 3 seconds, how can anyone do what she did so quickly and fluidly. What on earth was that final spell I have never heard of it before' she thought. As Professor McGonagall came back to her senses and went to inspect the dragons.

Arya interrupted her inspection and said "Professor, please use your strongest Bombarda spell and watch what happens." Professor McGonagall merely nodded her head and took out her wand. She flicked it and said "Bombarda Maxima" and channelled all her power into it.

The spell was sent rocketing at the lead dragon and connected. However Professor McGonagalls eyes widened in disbelief when she saw the result of the spell. There was a large dent on the Dragon but nothing that would stop it in a duel.

Professor McGonagall turned to Arya and asked "What did that last spell do exactly?" Arya sheepishly rubbed the back of her head and explained "Well that was a new spell I designed after Draco beat me in our spar in front of Professor Flitwick. I researched the strongest metal on earth and found it was Tungsten. Then I got Hermione to help me study the metal in detail and designed a spell to turn my stone dragons into metal dragons made out of Tungsten. We discovered how much stronger they were so I wanted to keep it hidden until my next duel with Draco."

Professor McGonagall couldn't believe an 11 year old girl had come up with this all on her own. 'What exactly does she want me to teach her when she is so good at studying it herself' she thought. Professor McGonagall smiled at Arya and said "Cleary you have an incredible aptitude for Transfiguration Ms Rosier. Lets call this little meeting to an end so I can finalize what I teach you. Although I would prefer to focus purely on Transfiguration I will add some lessons to better your dueling as you use it so much in your duels and we can see what we can make of you"

Arya happily smiled at the Professor before nodding her acceptance and leaving the classroom. Professor McGonagall was left to her own thoughts. 'I don't know what Albus has in mind for Ms Rosier but I shall put that to the back of my mind and focus purely on helping her improve even more' she thought as she took a sip of tea and sighed contentedly.

Arya headed towards the Dungeons for her potions class and was greeted with a sour faced Ron Weasley at the door. Ron narrowed his eyes at her but went into the class without saying a word. Arya had no idea what was running through his head but that look in his eyes unnerved her to say the least.

Class concluded with nothing too exciting happening and Draco met up with Arya outside the classroom afterwords. Arya smiled at him and said "Professor McGonagall told me that Professor Flitwick has a surprise for us later today, I have no idea what it is but I can't wait to see what is in store for us"

Draco's expression lit up at the mention of the surprise but he reigned in his happiness and said in a serious tone "I got an owl from my father Arya, your stand yesterday was all over the Daily Prophet and rumors are surrounding the Pure Blood families now that you have been declared Heir of House Rosier. You need to be careful you are going to be annoyed non stop at marriage requests and apparently your grandparents are causing an awful amount of noise that they were passed over for Heirship."

Arya gritted her teeth and nodded her head she had expected a reaction to her proclamation yesterday but this was the person she had decided to be in this life and she wouldn't let anyone have their way with her.

Draco continued on and said "You need to be careful I know your parents are good people but your grandparents sided with you know who during the war although they never took arms against the light they used their influence to do as they wished. I wouldn't put past them to do something drastic to try and recover the position for themselves."

Arya's shoulders dropped at the thought of how far her grandparents may go but she pushed past it and smiled at Draco and said "As long as I don't lose in a duel anytime soon I can solidify my position over time. Don't worry Draco, I have no plans to lose anytime soon and that includes you."

Draco smirked at her and flicked her in the head before saying "Bring it little dove as far as I am concerned I still have the upper hand against you. what would you do if I put myself forward to take your hand in marriage? You know my dad would only be delighted to have you marry into the Malfoy family"

Arya chuckled and said "We both know that your father would be too afraid of his son losing face and his title as "Dueling Dynamo" to risk forcing you to duel me"

Draco grinned back at her and they walked towards the Great Hall together. Once they reached the door Draco turned to Arya and said "You need to talk to Daph, you are not aware of it but she pulled a lot of strings behind the scenes and roped in Theo and myself in helping her. It is not my place to say what she did, but you need to talk to her about it soon okay?"

Arya looked at Draco, confusion all over her face but she saw the glint in his eyes and knew he wouldn't share more information so she simply nodded and headed towards the Ravenclaw table.