Chapter 2: The Secrets of the Sharingan

It had been a month since Naruto had awakened his sharingan. A lot had changed in the village, the entire Uchiha clan was massacred by Itachi Uchiha. The village had still not recovered from the shock. There was only one survivor of the attack, he was Sasuke Uchiha. His mental condition was not looking good.

Many things had changed since then, due to the Uchiha's massacre- Hiruzen had issued a martial law and placed the village under strict security. He now took complete control over the village. He overruled the council with the help of the Fire Damiyo and gained complete control over the shinobi as well as civilian affairs of the village.

The entire civilan council and the elders were furious and demanded him to give them back their power. But Hiruzen knew that he was the Hokage and he should be in command. The council were just advisers and should just advise, and not order him around. So with a few executions of some greedy councilors and imprisoning Homura and Koharu the problem was solved.

The shinobi council supported his decision and surprisingly Danzo did not raise any objections and it troubled Hiruzen very much. Just what was Danzo up to?

Ever since Danzo's "personal" bodyguards attacked Naruto, Hiruzen had reprimanded Danzo, he knew he could not take more stricter actions against Danzo as it may lead to revolt in the village, but in order to show Danzo his place, he had reduced Danzo's personal shinobi to some extent. Danzo objected to this and had said that he had no hand in this and those shinobi acted on their own, but Hiruzen had threatened him to be in line or suffer the same consequences as the elders. This seemed to shut him up but Hiruzen knew better.

Hiruzen knew that his actions may have increased his enemies but it was past time he gained control over the village. The Uchiha clan's massacre opened his eyes making him see how much he was swayed by others influence.

But what troubled him most was Naruto.

Ever since he awakened the sharingan, his demeanor started to change. He was now more reserved and only was his usual self to the people which he trusted. Kakashi and Hiruzen decided to give Naruto some time to cope up with his first kill because even if he was to become a shinobi, he was a 6 year old child who had taken a life.

He could still remember the day when they told Naruto about the sharingan. It was after a few days after the Uchiha massacre, and the questions Naruto had asked unnerved Hiruzen a bit because they were way beyond a person of Naruto's age could even understand, but surprisingly Naruto understood it perfectly.

(Flashback: Few Days Ago)

Naruto was right now standing in the Hokage's office. It had been a few days since his first kill, Kakashi had given him a break from his training and he spent most of the time with his friends.

But something was bugging him and he decided to ask the Hokage about it.

"What can I do for you naruto?" asked Hiruzen kindly

"Jiji I wanted to ask you something."said Naruto politely

"Go ahead." said Hiruzen, but somehow he had an idea of what Naruto was going to ask.

"Jiji how was I able to evade that strike from the Anbu?, I was no match for them, at one moment they were charging at me and I thought I was going to die. But then everything seemed to slow down, there was a pain in my eyes and then I could see the Anbu's movements before he performed it. I don't understand." said a confused Naruto

"(sigh) Naruto what I am about to tell you is a secret, and you should not reveal it to anyone until very necessary. Do you understand?" asked Hiruzen sternly.

"Hai" said Naruto sincerely

Hiruzen then took out a small mirror from one of his desk drawers and asked Naruto to come closer.

"Naruto I want you to channel chakra into your eyes."said Hiruzen seriously

Naruto did as told, and when he looked in the mirror he was shocked. Instead of his blue eyes they were now red with two black tomoes surrounding it.

"Jiji is this the Sharingan that Nii-san has?'' asked a stunned Naruto

"Yes Naruto it is the sharingan."said Hiruzen trutfully

"So I am an Uchiha."said Naruto dejectedly as the entire clan had been massacred, and now he could not find any more family. He did not like the Uchiha much but still they were family.

"Not exactly, yes you are an Uchiha but there are some other things about your parents which I would like to tell you when you are older. You alright Naruto?" asked a concerned Hiruzen

"Yeah a bit." said Naruto silently

"Are you angry at me for not telling you this?" asked Hiruzen gently

"No, the Uchiha did not like me much, so I guess we are even, and I understand you had good reasons."said Naruto quietely

"Naruto don't you feel sorry for them as they were somehow your family?"asked Hiruzen curiously

"A bit but they were so cold towards me, so I don't know what to feel. I am sad that they were killed but I didn't know any of them, so I don't know what to feel."said Naruto tiredly

"Alright I understand, Naruto I will tell you about your parents when you are older. Is that alright?" asked Hiruzen kindly

"I think so, I have a lot of things going in my life, and I don't think I can handle another new revelation right now, even though I want to know about them now is not the time."explained Naruto briefly

"You're too smart for your own age naruto." said Hiruzen with a smile, and Naruto nodded a little sheepishly.

"Jiji were my parents bad people?"asked Naruto suddenly catching Hiruzen off guard.

"No Naruto they were one of the best people I have ever met. They loved you with all their heart. They were proud shinobi of the leaf who gave their lives to protect the village."said Hiruzen honestly

"Jiji what is the meaning of the village? What is a true shinobi?" asked Naruto as he wanted to know why his parents died for the village, and left him alone in this cruel world.

Hiruzen was shocked on hearing Naruto's question. He remembered the First and the Second' Hokage's advice to him regarding the Sharingan, and knew that his answer would be very important in deciding Naruto's thinking and his future. He had failed in teaching Orochimaru, and he had fallen into darkness and he won't let that mistake happen again.

"A village is a place where people come together. It is a place where people put aside all their past differences and end the chaos. It is a place where the children and the old are protected, the young prosper. It is a place where people can spend their life in peace." said Hiruzen carefully.

"What is the duty of a shinobi? Is being a shinobi meant leaving your child in a cruel world alone. To let him face difficulty and hardships and pain alone? Is it not a parent's duty to protect and be there for their child. Aren't they supposed to take care of them? If a parent leaves his child like this then they are trash." yelled Naruto with tears in his eyes.

Hiruzen got up from his desk and went towards Naruto. He then leaned down and put a hand on his head, and lifted his chin with his other hand so he could look in his eyes. When he looked in his sharingan eyes he saw pain, hurt, betrayal and knew he had to make things right.

"Naruto lets go for walk. Hold on to my hand tightly." said Hiruzen seriously, and grabbed Naruto's hand and shunshined from his office.

When Naruto opened his eyes, he saw he was standing on the top of the Yondaime's face at the Hokage monument. It was evening time and the sun was setting and the village looked beautiful.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" asked Hiruzen kindly.

"Yeah." said Naruto with a small smile

"Naruto the village is not formed by bricks and stones. It is founded by the people, when you look at the people what do you see?" asked Hiruzen curiously

Naruto looked towards the village and saw some kids playing far away, some people enjoying in a nearby restaurant, some people were just chatting around, and much more. It brought a small smile on his face.

"The people look happy and at peace, but it also makes me realize, that I may never have such happiness in this world." said Naruto dejectedly

"Thats not true naruto. Yes it is very unfortunate and sad that your parents died, but you are not the only orphan in this village. And you still have me, Kakashi, Teuchi-san and Ayame-chan and your friends Don't you? Aren't we your family? I think that does count to some happiness." said Hiruzen kindly

"Sorry jiji, I just got swayed by my emotions, yes I have you guys. I don't know what I would have done without you all." said Naruto with a smile behind his mask.

"I understand. Now come on there is one more place we have to go." said Hiruzen happily, and offered Naruto his hand as they shunshined away.

Right now Naruto and Hiruzen were standing in a clearing surrounded by trees, and there was a big stone situated in the center of the clearing. Hiruzen took Naruto towards the stone.

"Jiji what is this place?" asked a confused Naruto

"This is the place where the heroes of the hidden leaf village are honored." said Hiruzen sadly

"Heroes?" asked a confused Naruto

"Yes can you see that stone?'' asked Hiruzen simply, and Naruto nodded.

"There the names of all those shinobi who gave their lives in order to protect the village are written." said Hiruzen seriously

"Are my parents name there?" asked Naruto sadly

"Yes" said Hiruzen honestly

"Jiji, can you please tell me their names at least. Please Jiji." pleaded Naruto with his puppy dog eyes.

"Damn where did he learn that" thought Hiruzen with a frown

"Alright but I will only tell you your mother's name, I'll tell you about your father some other time." offered Hiruzen

Naruto pouted, he wanted to know his father's name, but at least his Jiji was telling him his mother's name. He wanted to know her name for so long.

"Ok Jiji" said Naruto with a smile

"Her name was Kushina" said Hiruzen sadly remembering all the time he spent with her and Minato.

Naruto went towards the stone and after a few moments he reached a point where his hands froze. Written on that place was a name of a person he desired the most in the world. The one person which he never had, his mother. He wanted to know what was a mother like? He had seen his friends with their mother's and every time his heart ached when he saw that his mother was not alive and with him. How he could have had the love of a mother, how badly he wished his mother was alive.

"Kushina Uzumaki."

"Kaa-chan.."said Naruto with tears in his eyes.

Hiruzen put a hand on his shoulder and waited in silence for Naruto to let out his feelings. Naruto cried for a few minutes but after that he seemed to settle down.

"Naruto inside every shinobi of the leaf village burns the Will of Fire." said Hiruzen kindly

"Will of Fire?" asked Naruto quietly

"Its the unbreakable bond that every shinobi in the village has with each other. It gives us the strength to protect our village. A shinobi is a person who endures pain and faces hardship in order to protect something precious, that is the Will of Fire."said Hiruzen kindly

"The Will of Fire burnt brightly in your parents. Imagine if they and many other shinobi had not sacrificed their lives, then the village would have been destroyed. The peace in which we live in would not exist, the people those are living happily may not be alive, if not for the sacrifice of these heroes. The path of shinobi is one of sacrifice and pain, that is a shinobi." concluded Hiruzen.

"Do you think I can become a good shinobi?'' asked Naruto hopefully,

"Let me ask you something first, what is precious to you?" asked Hiruzen seriously

"My family, friends and my village is precious to me. Even though some villagers may not like me, but this was the country I was born in and this was the village which my parents gave their lives for, so I will honor my parents and protect it. Do you think the villagers will accept me?" asked Naruto with hope in his eyes.

"The Will of Fire burns the brightest in you, my boy. And yes I truly believe that the people will see you as a hero one day. I believe in you Naruto." said Hiruzen kindly

"Arigatou Jiji, I will follow my own path, and will fulfill my dream and protect the village." said Naruto with determination, and gave Hiruzen a hug which he returned.

"I have no doubt about it, now would you like Kakashi to train you in using the sharingan?" asked Hiruzen curiously

"Hai" said Naruto excitedly

"Alright I'll ask Kakashi to train you from tomorrow. Give it your best, now go and play with your friends if you like." said Hiruzen happily

"Hai" said Naruto and rushed off to play with his friends.

"That went pretty well Sandaime-sama." said Kakashi with a smile coming out from the trees with his book in his hand.

"It went better than I expected, but we just avoided a major problem today Kakashi." said Hiruzen in relief,

"Yeah even I was taken off guard by his questions."said kakashi seriously

"Yes it was indeed troublesome. If not for Shodai-sama and Nidaime-sama's advice, I don't know what would have happened."said Hiruzen worriedly.

"What do you mean Hokage-sama?" asked a confused Kakashi.

"As you know an Uchiha activates his sharingan when he is faced with emotional turmoil, despair or in life or death situations.."said Hiruzen and Kakashi lowered his head as he remembered his friend Obito activating it.

"But when a person activates the sharingan he starts to change." said Hiruzen gravely

"I don't understand Hokage-sama."said Kakashi with a frown

"The Nidaime had told me that the Uchiha were a clan who sealed of their own emotions. So when they awaken the sharingan all the hidden emotions awaken with it. For people who want power, the eye gives them power, but also increases their ego making them think they are invincible, for those who have experienced sadness or pain it changes them to people who hate the world. For those people who have stored away their love, their love for the person or thing increases, and for those people like Naruto who are confused it can end up in two ways, either they would follow the right path in life or fall to darkness ,and I don't want that for Naruto, he is like a grandson to me. The Uchiha's love was greater than that of the Senju." said Hiruzen shocking Kakashi.

"But it still does not clearly explain what it has to do with naruto?" asked Kakashi curiously

"I'll explain it, as time passes the person's sharingan grows stronger, and so does his feelings. Many Uchiha's in the past had became insane due to this. The Nidaime had told the sharingan is "The eye that shows emotions". When I looked in Naruto's eyes today I saw sadness, pain and betrayal in them. If these feelings would have grown can you imagine what would have happened?"said Hiruzen gravely

"He would have hated the village and many people for his fate, and his sharingan combined with Kyubi sealed in him could have made him a new Madara."said Kakashi in shock, realizing what could have happened.

"Indeed Hashirama-sama had told me that it was the insane love of Madara for his younger brother that made him mad. So he had told me to treat them with love but I failed once again, but I won't let it happen with Naruto. I had tried to talk to Sasuke sometimes, but the trauma he has suffered is intense, and he refused to talk, but I hope with time he will recover from it." said Hiruzen hopefully

Kakashi nodded understanding what the Sandaime meant, as he could not stop the Uchiha's demise and was blaming himself.

"I'll have to be careful with Naruto. But I will train him to be a better shinobi, and a good man." thought Kakashi with determination

(The Next Day)

Naruto and Kakashi, were standing in the forest of death, a.k.a "training ground 44". Kakashi had brought Naruto here many times in order to train him. He had chosen this place, in order to train Naruto in using the Sharingan as almost nobody came to this place, so they won't notice Naruto using the Sharingan.

Today the training was going to be different, first of all Kakashi was not reading his book, and was looking serious, while Naruto was also ready to begin his training. After talking with the Hokage his resolve was strengthened and his goal became more clear to him.

"Alright Naruto since I have already taught you chakra control exercises, and basic Taijutsu, I deem you fit to learn Ninjutsu, and how to use the Sharingan from today. You up for this?" asked Kakashi cheerfully

"Hai, Nii-san" said Naruto politely.

"Alright first of all I'm going to teach you the basic Jutsu which academy students are taught. Normally you shouldn't be learning Ninjutsu at such young age, but you have some enemies in the village, and so in order to defend yourself, you are going to learn Ninjutsu." said Kakashi firmly, earning a nod from Naruto in return.

"But before we start your training, I am also going to teach you how to use the Sharingan." said Kakashi and lifted his headband, opening his Sharingan eye.

"Nii-san, can you tell me the abilities of the sharingan?" asked Naruto curiously

"Alright, Naruto but first activate your sharingan, and tell me what you see?" said Kakashi firmly

Naruto channeled chakra into his eyes, and instantly a two tomoe sharingan appeared.

"Nii-san, I can see the chakra flowing in your body, also when the anbu attacked me I was able to predict his movements before he made them. That's all I know about the sharingan." said Naruto honestly

"Impressive, the Sharingan has many attributes, and one of them is certainly to predict one's movements before he or she actually makes them. The Sharingan has three levels. First, is the level with only tomoe in each eye. Within this form, you can partially predict movements as well as see the opponent's chakra array, albeit a little bit blur. Only after the second stage of the Sharingan, which composes of two tomoe in each eye, would you be able to fully visualize the opponent's chakra flux and composition. Within the second level, the Sharingan can then copy the hand signs as well as how much chakra is needed for either Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Finally, the third level, which of course, is composed of three tomoe in each eye, is when the Sharingan is complete and no technique escapes from the eye's copying ability. Also as your Sharingan develops, your speed will certainly increase simply because you'd be one step ahead of every move your opponent makes" explained Kakashi briefly

Naruto listened to the entire explanation carefully, and was amazed with the abilities provided by the Sharingan.

"So I can copy any ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu styles. Thats impressive." said Naruto with a smirk.

"Hold your horses, yes you can copy them, but that does not mean you have to do it." said Kakashi firmly

"Why not?" asked Naruto in confusion.

"You should not be too much reliant on these eyes. You should also learn things on your own." said Kakashi seriously

"I get your point Nii-san. But you told me once we are shinobi, nothing in our line is fair. My opponent will not hesitate to hold anything in a fight with me, and neither do I. And shinobi should use all the tools they have in order to achieve victory. The sharingan is a tool, and I will use it, but I will also work hard and learn on my own too." said Naruto with determination

Kakashi was left speechless, his little brother had just outsmarted him, and his answer was logical too. Naruto will need all the power.

"Alright I get your point. Now before learning any Ninjutsu, you must understand that it is divided into three parts." instructed Kakashi seriously

"What are they?" asked Naruto curiously

"First is to perform hand seals, the next is to gather and mold chakra, and the last step is to combine both the first two steps, and execute the technique perfectly. It requires utmost concentration." said Kakashi seriously, and Naruto nodded in return signifying he got the point.

"Now the technique, which I am going to teach you is the most basic technique, which almost every shinobi uses. It is called Kawarimi no Jutsu." said Kakashi briefly

"What does this technique do?" asked Naruto curiously

"With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield." said Kakashi and did the hand seals, and replaced himself with a nearby log of wood. He could have done that technique without hand seals, but he wanted Naruto to learn it.

Meanwhile Naruto had watched the entire process with his Sharingan. He had watched Kakashi perform the hand seals quickly. To any other person it may have seemed like a blur, but his Sharingan allowed it to see them. He also saw the chakra required to perform it.

"That is very useful technique Nii-san." said an impressed Naruto

"Indeed it is, but before you perform the Justu first you must perform the hand seals as quick as me." said Kakashi seriously

"Why do I need to perform handseals quickly?" asked Naruto in confusion

"Because in a fight your enemy won't allow you to perform your Jutsu. So you need to be quick in performing the jutsu, and with its hand seals." explained Kakashi simply

"Hehe, sorry Nii-san." said Naruto sheepishly, and rubbed the back of his head.

"That means your not as smart as you look ototo." teased Kakashi playfully

"Huh did you say something?" asked Naruto with a smirk.

Kakashi had a look of horror on his face, never in his entire life he had been outsmarted verbally, and now his little brother had used his own trick against him.

"If Gai finds out about this then he'll never let me live with it."thought Kakashi fearfully, and paled on even thinking about it.

Meanwhile Naruto was laughing loudly, as he had just tricked his big brother

"Hah, got you ni-san." thought Naruto with a smirk.

"For that you will have , No ramen for a week and you will perform the hand seals while I play with you." said Kakashi with an evil chuckle.

"NO" yelled Naruto in horror

"DOGDE" said Kakashi and threw five shuriken towards naruto. Naruto easily dodged them, but saw dozen more shuriken coming towards him at lightning fast speed.

"Shit" thought Naruto in shock, and performed the hand seals as quick as he could, and replaced himself with a wooden log.

"Man that was close." said Naruto in relief,

"You performed quite well." said Kakashi with a chuckle.

"Next time give me a heads up, will you?" asked Naruto irritatingly

"I'll try, now since now you know how to perform the technique, let's move on to the next one. Keep your Sharingan on." said Kakashi sternly

"Nii-san, while I would like to learn much more with the Sharingan, I want to learn the next jutsu on my own and a little bit faster, do you have any technique that can help me?" asked Naruto curiously

"Yes there is one technique, now that I think about it you should be able to perform this technique, as you have the required chakra and control. This technique helps the user learn a jutsu ten times faster." said Kakashi seriously

"What is it?" asked Naruto gleefully

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" said Kakashi with a smirk, as he knew how useful this jutsu was.

"Kage Bunshin?" asked Naruto in confusion

"It is an B-rank jutsu, only jounin and people with high chakra levels are able to perform it, but you will be able to do it, first deactivate the sharingan." said Kakashi, Naruto nodded and deactivated his sharingan.

"What does this jutsu do?" asked Naruto excitedly

"It is similar to the Clone technique, this technique creates clones of the user. However, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows...

Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance. A characteristic that is unique to the Shadow Clone Technique is that any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed. This makes the technique ideal for spying, since the user can simply send a clone to spy on a target, then have the clone disperse itself without returning to pass the information back to the user...

It's also useful for training purposes, since the total amount of experience the user gains is multiplied by the total number of clones being used to train. For example, if a user creates one shadow clone and trains together with this clone for one hour, then dispels the clone, the user gains two hours of training in one hour by adding the hours of clone and the user together." explained Kakashi deeply

Naruto was practically drooling on the aspect of learning such a useful jutsu. It was the best thing after his Sharingan.

"Teach. Me. Now"said Naruto quickly

"Alright now watch carefully." said Kakashi with a chuckle on seeing Naruto's eagerness to learn it and he couldn't blame him. The shadow clone was one of the most advanced and beneficial Ninjutsu. He did two hand seals and instantly two exact replica of kakashi popped into existence.

"As you can see we are real, and can do anything." said both clones in unison, and started climbing a tree to show Naruto that they were real and not illusions.

"Wow, I'll do it too," said Naruto eagerly, and formed the hand seals.

"WAIT-"shouted Kakashi, but was already too late as he was surrounded in cloud of smoke, and when his vision cleared he was shocked to see himself surrounded by 50 identical Naruto clones all of whom had a smirk behind their masks.

"YO" said all the clones in unison

"Damn, I knew you would be able to do it but 50 clones at your age is astonishing. You alright?" asked Kakashi worriedly

"Yes I'm fine. Just a lot of my chakra is spent." said Naruto a little roughly, as he was feeling the effect of the technique on his body.

"I understand, it is a forbidden technique and if not for your high chakra reserves, and your "tenant", you'd be dead by now. Naruto you should always be careful while learning this technique." said Kakashi sternly making sure Naruto understood his reasons.

"You worry too much Nii-san, but I'll be careful."said Naruto with a smile.

"Good, that's what i'll always expect from you." said Kakashi happily

"Nii-san what should I do with these clones?" asked naruto curiously. Kakashi thought for a moment, meanwhile all the clones were chatting among themselves wondering what they were supposed to do.

"I think its time to find out about his elemental affinity, maybe teach him a jutsu or two according to his element." thought Kakashi tactically, and took out a piece of paper.

"What is this Nii-san?'' asked Naruto curiously, taking the paper from kakashi.

"This is a chakra paper. But before I tell you any further, tell me what are the five basic types of elements, and its applications for ninjutsu?"asked Kakashi sharply, hoping Naruto would give the correct answers, after all the training and books which he had made Naruto read.

"There are five basic types into which the nature of chakra can be transformed, called the Five elements Nature Transformation ( Godai Seishitsu Henka). These five types are also called elements and are not only the origin of the names of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but also the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than the other. They are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning." explained Naruto briefly

"Accurate as always, I trained you well."said Kakashi proudly, and Naruto nodded humbly.

"Every person has chakra that has an affinity towards one of these types, a characteristic that seems to be genetic, since whole clans sometimes share the same affinity. Most members of the Uzumaki Clan, for example, had an affinity towards the Water nature. They were one of the most skilled water users in the world whose skills surpassed even the Nidaime Hokage, who was said to be the most powerful water user of his time, he could convert the moisture in the surrounding environment and create water."said Kakashi briefly

"That's excellent, but what would happen if a person does not have the affinity for an element?" asked Naruto curiously

"Usually it would be extremely difficult for a person to master the ninjutsu of that element, as it is not his type and also it would require a lot of chakra. But it is not impossible a person could still learn a technique of the element which he does not have but it won't be very effective."explained Kakashi

"So how can I find out my element?" asked Naruto eagerly

"The paper which you have in your hand is a chakra paper, pieces of paper made from a special type of tree (that are grown and fed with chakra) that are used to react to even the slightest hint of chakra in any of a number of ways, depending on the nature latent in the chakra...

"If your affinity is fire it will burn, if your affinity is water it get wet/damp, if your affinity is earth it will crumble, if your affinity is wind it will be sliced and if your affinity is lightning it will wrinkle. Now channel your chakra into the paper, let's see what you got."explained Kakashi seriously

Naruto then channeled chakra into the paper, and the results were quite astonishing. At first the paper got damp, then it got sliced in half, but before it could reach the ground one half of it was burnt to ash while the other half wrinkled.

Kakashi eyes widened on seeing the results, he had expected Naruto to have two affinities at the most, but he had four natural affinities.

"That's impossible." thought Kakashi dumbly.

"Interesting" smirked Naruto proudly

"Nii-san, how do I have four affinities?" asked Naruto curiously, bringing kakashi out of his daze.

"I think its because of who you are Naruto, that you have these affinities." said Kakashi honestly

"What do you mean?'' asked Naruto confusedly

"It seems that your water affinity is the strongest out of all your affinities with wind rivaling it. Your paper got damp first, so you have a strong water affinity, also you have a strong affinity for fire and lightning. The reason I think for you having these affinities is because of your clan. You belong to the Uzumaki clan who were the strongest water users in the world, so you got water as your strongest affinity, as for your fire affinity the Uchiha clan's primary affinity was fire, so you gained that affinity as well. Your father had lightning affinity like me so you inherited that from him and as for your wind affinity I think it is your own." said Kakashi suggestively

"Okay Nii-san, but what was Tou-san like?" asked Naruto curiously

"Your father was one of the most talented and strongest shinobi of the world. He was also a very smart and kind man who cared for his friends and village."explained Kakashi also not giving any vital points about Minato's abilities.

"Thank you for telling me Nii-san, but will I be able to perform any earth techniques?" asked Naruto hopefully

"They won't be much efficient, but with hard work you could at least be able to perform it as an average jutsu."said Kakashi honestly, and Naruto nodded satisfied with the answer he got.

"Alright now as you have water as your strongest affinity I am going to teach you a water jutsu. It is called Mizu Bushin No Jutsu. It is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique, except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water. Now normally this technique requires a source of water but you will be able to perform it." explained Kakashi and showed naruto the hand seal

Naruto formed the Tiger seal and in a moment three identical water clones were formed.

"It seems I was right, you are able to convert the moisture in the air to water like Nidaime-sama, though you are not at all as great as he is with water manipulation but with a few years of training you will be. You are indeed a true Uzumaki." said Kakashi proudly, and Naruto bowed in return showing his appreciation to his brother.

"Nii-san, what rank was that jutsu?" asked Naruto curiously

"It was a C-rank jutsu. It is indeed impressive that you are able to do them but don't ever get arrogant about your powers Naruto. It has led to the dowfall of many shinobi." said Kakashi strictly, and Naruto gave him an honest "yes" in return.

"I won't Nii-san. What affinity do you have Nii-san?" asked Naruto excitedly

"My primary affinity is lightning, but I also have water as my sub-element, and I know a few fire and earth jutsu. Though I only know 4 wind jutsu." explained Kakashi briefly

"Thats impressive Nii-san, can you teach me any more jutsu?'' asked Naruto hopefully. The prospect of learning new jutsu was quite interesting.

"Yes I am going to teach you three more jutsu today, but first I want you to divide your clones into two equal groups. One of my clones will supervise each group, and will teach them a jutsu each, but keep their Sharingan active as it will help them maintain their Sharingan for a longer while, and will help in learning the jutsu faster, while you and I will meditate." instructed Kakashi

"Why do I need to meditate Nii-san?" asked Naruto with a frown

"Meditation will help you increase your concentration, and better control of your chakra, it will also make you aware of your surroundings. Also I want to find out something." said Kakashi silently

"I hope I'm right on this one." thought Kakashi hopefully

Naruto nodded and divided his clones into two groups, and they went with each of Kakashi's clone to learn their respective Jutsu.

Naruto then sat in a lotus position and started concentrating. At first nothing happened but after a few minutes of utmost concentration, he could slowly hear the sounds of far away creatures of the forest, the flow of river, and most surprisingly he could feel Kakashi's chakra signature.

"Nii-san, why am I sensing your chakra signature?" said Naruto in confusion

"As I expected." thought Kakashi with a smirk.

"You can sense my chakra because you are a sensor." said Kakashi proudly

"A sensor?" questioned naruto

"Let me explain, many in the Uzumaki clan were skilled sensor's, so I had some expectation as you could also be one. A sensor (Kanchi taipu) is a ninja that is capable of detecting the presence of other people through their chakra. A skilled sensor can detect their targets from a great distance, as well as differentiate the characters by their chakra signature alone. They are even able to tell when other sensors are using their abilities." explained Kakashi briefly

"So can you teach me how to use my sensing ability too?" asked Naruto happily

"Sure I can give you some pointers, as I can too detect chakra signatures and have a good sense of smell" said Kakashi truthfully, and started teaching Naruto.

(Meanwhile with Shadow Clones Group 1)

In a clearing were standing 25 Naruto clones facing one of Kakashi's clone. There were training dummies in the field and the clones were waiting to be trained a new jutsu.

"So what is this jutsu?" asked one clone of Naruto loudly

"It is called Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu). It is one of the prized jutsu of the Uchiha clan, and is a C-rank offensive Ninjutsu, in this technique chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface." explained Kakashi's clone briefly

"So how do we do it?" asked another Naruto clone quickly

"Now, I'm going to perform the jutsu, and you will watch it with your Sharingan." instructed Kakashi's clone and performed the hand seals.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)"

A large fireball was released from the clones mouth, which rushed speedily towards one of the training dummies, burning everything in its path and with a loud bang crashed with the training dummy and burnt it to a crisp.

The clones were fascinated with the jutsu, and copied it down and started performing the Jutsu.

(Meanwhile with Shadow Clones Group 2)

"The jutsu which you are going to learn is called "Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Violent Water Wave)" explained Kakashi's clone simply.

"What does it do?" asked one Naruto clone in confusion

"In this technique, Water gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. Having many variations, this is a basic Water Realese technique and is a C-rank offensive ninjutsu." explained the Kakashi clone.

He then performed the dragon, tiger and hare hand seals and spitted a small stream of water towards a nearby tree. The small wave crashed violently with the tree and created a small crater on the tree's body.

"Alright now you have copied the jutsu start practicing it." instructed the Kakashi clone.

"HAI" yelled all Naruto clones in unison and started practicing.

(Few Hours Later)

It had been a gruesome training day for Naruto. He was now completely exhausted, as he received the memory of his shadow clones and the fatigue too. He had also learned some sensing ability from Kakashi, during these hours of meditation. Kakashi was proud of Naruto for learning so fast, and with his stamina and decided to check the results of the two jutsu he learned.

"Naruto do you think you can perform the jutsu the clones learned?" questioned Kakashi seriously

"Yeah I can do that" said naruto panting heavily

"He is exhausted but still is not willing to give up."thought Kakashi proudly.

Naruto then performed the hand seals and performed the jutsu he had learned.

"Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Violent Water Wave)"

A large wave of water rushed out of Naruto's mouth, and flooded the entire clearing, and crashed against everything nearby violently with a loud bang.

"He is a skilled water user, he has the potential to surpass Nidamie-sama some day," thought an astonished Kakashi after seeing the power of Naruto's jutsu. Indeed he had the help of the Sharingan and the shadow clones, but to master a C-rank jutsu in a few hours at Naruto's age was a big feat.

Without waiting for any comment from Kakashi, Naruto performed another set of hand seals, and gathered chakra and executed his next technique.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)"

A small fireball equivalent of the size of a large windmill shuriken was executed from Naruto's mouth. It crashed with a nearby tree burning it to some extent.

"Excellent work Naruto, you have already mastered the Suiton jutsu, while your Katon Jutsu was good but it still needs to be more efficient. But I'm sure with training you will be able to do it." said Kakashi proudly

"Thanks..(pant)..(pant)..Nii-san." said Naruto tiredly

"Oh.. looks like you are tired..even your stamina has limits" teased Kakashi

Naruto pouted and glared daggers at Kakashi making him laugh.

"Tell you what I'll teach you one last jutsu. It is an E-rank jutsu and requires minimum chakra, if you are able to do it I'll take you to Ichiraku's today.."said Kakashi with a smirk.

"Your're on Ni-san." yelled Naruto, all the fatigue gone from his body almost instantly.

"Anything for ramen" thought naruto gleefully imagining the number of bowls he would eat.

"I should have not said that. Jeez where does he get so much energy from!" whined Kakashi with anime tears dropping from his eyes.

"I'll get you for this" thought Kakashi with an evil smile

"Alright this jutsu is a basic technique which all ninja use. It is called Henge No Jutsu, It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. This gives this technique an abundance of uses. The transformation of a skilled shinobi will be exactly like the genuine article, so it will be impossible to tell the two apart. On the other hand, a transformation performed by an inexperienced person will have obvious discrepancies." explained Kakashi and performed the hand seals, and performed the jutsu transforming himself into a panting Naruto who had a stupid expression on his face.

"Heh got you." thought Kakashi with a smirk

Meanwhile Naruto had activated his sharingan, and had watched the jutsu closely, and decided to give Kakashi some payback and performed the jutsu.

Immediately in place of Naruto stood a tall blond girl whose hair reached up to her ass. Her face was angular and she had beautiful blue eyes. She had large C-cup breasts, a curvy ass and long silky legs and the most astonishing feature was the she was completely naked.

"Oiroke No jutsu (Sexy Jutsu)" said Naruto with a smirk.

Kakashi had crashed into a nearby tree with a heavy nosebleed and had a perverted smile on his face before he became unconscious, and drifted into his perverted world.

"Payback's a bitch Nii-san" thought Naruto with a smirk, and collapsed from chakra exhaustion, but had a large smile on his face for his success.

After a few minutes Kakashi woke up, and laughed on remembering how he was knocked out, he then went and picked up Naruto who was sleeping peacefully.

"That jutsu was damn impressive, i'll have to learn that from him" thought Kakashi perversely.

"But still he managed to learn so many jutsu in one day and mastered almost all of them. Minato-sensei, you would be so proud of him. I wonder what would happen if I teach him genjutsu. He would be a force to be reckoned with in the future. But I wonder what will his academy life be" thought Kakashi with a smile, and started walking towards their house.

Only if Kakashi knew that this day had marked the birth of the Sharingan prodigy, who would decide the fate of the world