Chapter 10: Broken Crest

Blue life stared into Red eyes without blinking for a second. Many emotions could be seen in the respective eyes. One reflected feelings of guilt and sorrow while the other reflected feelings of betrayal, hurt and sadness.

Naruto looked at Kurenai's face, he could see how hurt she was. It broke his heart, he did not blame Kurenai for behaving like this, she had every right to be like this.

He was her student, best friend, both of them shared a deep bond of love between them and he had hidden a major part of his identity from her. Naruto knew that Kurenai was fiercely loyal to the village and to her precious people and she did not like when someone lied to her.

Kurenai's heart was broken and she grabbed Naruto's collar more roughly and brought him more closer to her face, with only mere inches from her lips.

If it was some other moment Naruto would never avert his gaze from her beautiful face and lips. But right now he couldn't look in her eyes.

"Naruto, I need answers NOW!" demanded Kurenai again and leaked little KI.

To her surprise Naruto just gave a nod, she expected him to be angry at her for behaving like this in front of the rest of the team but he just didn't show any emotions.

"I will answer every question of every one of you. But Please just ask them one at a time." requested Naruto quietly

Sasuke knew he had to step in and help Naruto out, so he stepped up and gently remove Kurenai's hands from Naruto's collar. She gave him a harsh glare but he didn't flinch at all.

"Leave his collar. He won't be able to answer if you keep strangling him." said Sasuke sternly and stared at Kurenai with his sharingan.

Kurenai removed her hands roughly and stepped a few meters back but continued to give a stern gaze to Naruto. Sakura saw Naruto's hurt face, even though she felt a little sad that Naruto had hidden some things from her, but she knew she had to be rational and at least give him some support to explain himself.

"Naruto-kun, how do you have the sharingan?" asked Sakura in a kind voice.

"Because I am an Uchiha." said Naruto honestly

"But how can this be possible? There were no other survivors after that incident with the Uchiha clan, you were an Uzumaki before Kakashi adopted you. I just don't understand." said Anko confusedly

"Yes you are right, I had the Uzumaki name before Kakashi-nisan adopted me, even he and I didn't know that I was an Uchiha before that incident." said Naruto sadly as he remembered his first kill.

"What incident?" asked Kurenai seriously. She was now in more control of her anger and wanted to hear Naruto's reasons. A small part of her heart felt very sad when she saw Naruto was so sad.

"I was 6 years old and was training in a field when I was attacked."said Naruto silently

All the members of the team were quite shocked to hear this, who would want to attack a child? Sasuke and Sakura were shocked on hearing this, Sasuke wondered how hard was Naruto's life and Sakura was feeling very sad for her best friend.

Anko and Kurenai looked at each other, they knew why he would have been attacked, both of their anger reduced a little, they could now understand that his life had been hard and as such should listen to him.

Surprisingly Kurenai stepped forward and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder gently.

"What happened? Who were those attackers?" asked Kurenai softly.

Naruto's eyes widened on seeing this, he didn't expect Kurenai to lose her anger so quickly but then he also realized that they were best friends and as such she was trying to support him.

"They were Anbu blackops." said Naruto but didn't mention they were Root for obvious reasons.

"WHAT?" yelled all of them in shock.

"It will be better if I show you." said Naruto and activated his sharingan.

All the members felt the world around them change and they were now standing in a white plain and Naruto was standing beside them. After a few moments some light came in front of them.


Suddenly two people arrived at the training ground. Naruto looked at them and saw two anbu standing there, their face were hidden by their masks, however their masks were different than most anbu, because they were "blank".

"Naruto Hatake." said the anbu on the left.

"Huh?" asked naruto curious as to why the anbu were here and asking for him.

Suddenly both the Anbu charged at him, drawing their swords ready to strike him down. Naruto had only time to blink as he barely dodged the strike of the swords but still got a cut on his face mask. It was due to sheer luck and due to some of Kakashi's training that he was barely able to dogde the blow.

"What the hell are you doing?" shouted naruto angrily.

The anbu were surprised that he was able to dodge the strike but neither showed any emotions. They never showed emotions.

Getting out of their daze they started leaking a massive amount of killing intent. This was the type of killing intent of silent assasins.

Naruto was frozen in shock. His body wasn't moving, his heartbeat was increasing every second, he was already hearing it beating so many times. He barely was able to get a Kunai from his pouch but his hands were trembling. He had faced a lot of angry villagers on many occasions but the killing intent these anbu were leaking were the most powerful one he had faced in his entire life. There was a sharp pain in his eyes.

The anbu rushed at him, one of them swinged his sword towards naruto' chest while the other anbu jumped in the air with his sword drawn ready to cleave naruto in half.

Time seemed to slow down for naruto, all the things started to move much more slowly around him. He could see the leaves rustling in the air at a much slower pace, he could see that the anbu were drawing closer towards him. To any other shinobi the anbu would seem like blurs but for naruto he was able to read their movements and the exact angle through which they were going to strike him.

"I..can''t. will not die."thought naruto

Acting purely on what his instincts were telling him he backflipped a few meter's but the anbu's attacked him again, the one on the left tried to attack him with a diagonal slash from his sword but before his attack could even connect, he felt something cold pierce his chest but when he looked down all he could see was two red eyes with two tomoes in it and a kunai buried deep in his heart.

The anbu's lifeless body fell dead on the ground and after a few seconds a glow came from his left arm and the entire body was engulfed in flames burning the body to ashes.

Meanwhile naruto was frozen in his spot, his hands were shaking, he was looking at the blood stained on his hands and realized he had just killed a man. He didn't know what happened he had just ducked before the blow hit him and before he realized what was happening his kunai was lodged into the anbu's heart. He had seen the shock in the man's eyes hidden behind his mask which were then replaced with emptiness before he fell on the ground and was burned to a crisp.

""thought naruto sadly and tears started to drop from his eyes.

Meanwhile the remaining anbu was shocked to see his partner killed by the boy and was just about to attack him and was already charging towards him, naruto was frozen in his spot so it looked much easy.

The anbu readied his sword to deliver the blow but his entire body was electrocuted and something had pierced his chest. He looked down to see a hand sticking out of his chest which was covered in a ball of lightning. He only heard a single word before he fell lifeless on the ground.


(Flashback end)

"This was how I got my sharingan." said Naruto somberly and removed the genjutsu.

He was surprised when he was engulfed in a bone crushing hug by Kurenai who was crying and was continously apologizing to him for her rude behavior. He looked around and saw Anko's sad look and Sakura's shocked face. Sakura had never seen any killing and as such was shocked to see her best friend's first kill.

Sasuke was now a little angry as Naruto had lied to him about how he activated his sharingan but he could also understand that this was Naruto's pain and as such was not willing to share it and also they were not good friends when he had lied to him.

Kurenai was feeling the worst, she could not imagine how painful it must have been for Naruto. She knew as a shinobi they had to kill, she had her first kill when she was 13 and it still haunted her sometimes and to find out that Naruto had to go through such horrible experience at such a young age broke her heart. She hugged Naruto more tightly.

"Thank you." said Naruto honestly and released the hug much to Kurenai's protest.

"Why did you not tell us about this? Did you not trust us?" asked Anko sadly.

"No, it was never a matter of trust. That incident was classified by the Hokage. The only people who knew about this were Jiji, Kakashi-nisan and me. Jiji had told us not to reveal this until extremely necessary." explained Naruto truthfully.

"And you think it was time to tell us the truth?" asked Sakura softly

"Yes, I know I have hurt all of you but please understand that this was something that I didn't want to reveal until the right time. I trust all of you with my life, but this was something personal and I was also following my orders. But I know I have hurt all of you and for that I'm extremely sorry." said Naruto and dropped to his knees and bowed in front of all of them.

The rest of the team was a little taken back by this reaction, they didn't know how to handle this situation. On one hand, they were sad that Naruto had hidden this truth for so much time but seeing he trusted them now and was telling them really put them in a lot of turmoil.

"Its alright Naruto-kun. But please no more secrets." said Sakura trying to calm down the situation.

Naruto just gave a nod, he knew he could not promise such a thing but right now it was the only option he had.

"How strong are you?" asked Sasuke seriously. If he wanted to trust Naruto as a teammate and brother he had to know some more things about him.

"I don't want to boast about my abilities. You all just say what I can do, that's all I have to say." said Naruto seriously. He did not want to show his real strength until very necessary in order to avoid more questions.

"Look Naruto, if you are to be the leader of this team, then we should know everything about you and you should know everything about us." said Kurenai flatly. She had enough of this secrecy. Anko and Sakura agreed too.

Naruto just sighed, he knew he had to tell them something atleast. If his teammates didn't trust him and knew about his abilities then how would their team be efficient and perform missions.

"Fair enough, I'll tell you my abilities, and you tell me yours." said Naruto seriously

"I'll start first, I am good in learning genjutsu, I also want to learn medical ninjutsu to help my comrades. I am also good with Doton ninjutsu. Rest of all my abilities are average." said Sakura starting the introduction.

"I am skilled in fire style ninjutsu and Doton jutsu. I don't know much genjutsu, but I'm working on it. I am skilled in the Uchiha Interceptor fist Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu." said Sasuke briefly

"I am skilled in fire style ninjutsu and Hebi style Taijutsu. My genjutsu skills are average but I am quite flexible and have speed. I am trained in assassination, recon, infiltration and interrogation." explained Anko. The others were quite impressed with the skills she had.

"I am a genjustu master and thus skilled in this art. My taijutsu and shurikenjutsu are average. I have a Suiton affinity on which I am working to learn different ninjutsu. I also know a little fuinjutsu." explained Kurenai. Naruto and the others were quite surprised that she knew fuinjustu.

Everyone then turned towards Naruto, expecting a brief explanation as many of his abilities were highly advanced for a genin.

"I am skilled in Suiton and Katon Ninjutsu, I also am good with Futon and know some Raiton Ninjutsu. My genjutsu is good, I am proficient in the Uchiha Interceptor fist and Hebi style. I know Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu and I am a little proficent in them." explained Naruto seriously.

All the members of team 7 were shocked to hear this, Naruto was skilled in all the different branches of shinobi arts.

"Naruto this can't be true, you cannot do ninjutsu of four different affinities efficently if you don't have those affinities. As far as I know you are skilled in only fire and water style." argued Anko. She had only seen him perform Jutsu of these affinities until now.

"That is true Anko, however I am skilled in these ninjutsu because I have four affinities." said Naruto again shocking the members of team 7.

"WHAT! THAT'S Impossible" said Sakura logically. She knew many shinobi had two, maximum three but for one to have four affinities was unheard of.

"Now I understand why Kakashi adopted you and what you have been doing for all these years. He trained you and Sasuke in the Uchiha Interceptor fist, while he also trained in you in ninjutsu and your sharingan. You learned Genjutsu from me since past three years. You also learnt Anko's Hebi style Taijutsu. Now the question remains where did you learn Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu?" asked Kurenai after briefly giving a logical explanation.

"That is a very good analysis Kurenai and you are right at each point. I learnt Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu from Hokage-sama." said Naruto seriously. He was really good at deceiving people, he could look a person straight in the eyes and could lie to them and make the lie a truth with his confidence. It was one of his skills which he was not proud of but as a shinobi it was necessary.

"Is that the real truth?" asked Sasuke seriously

"Yes, Sasuke it is." said Naruto without even blinking and looked at Sasuke straight in the eye. Both of them understood what the other was trying to say and nodded respectively.

"Now I see why the Anbu commander wants you to be in the blackops." said Anko understanding the entire situation. She understood that Anbu and the Hokage must have kept tabs on Naruto and monitored his progress, and he was far skilled than what she had anticipated.

"Yes, Naruto if my analysis is correct, you are far stronger than a chunin, as you defeated all of us easily. I want to know at what level you are and please I want the truth this time." requested Kurenai.

Her anger had reduced a lot after listening to Naruto's reasons and they seemed a little logical, it did hurt her but she could understand him. But more than that she loved him and wanted to be with him so she forgave him.

"I am fit to be in the Anbu if my skills are considered, but I have to show some results in the fields before I am recruited." explained Naruto diplomatically

"Would you join the Anbu, if you are deemed fit?" asked Sakura sadly. She did not want her best friend to get separated from her and Sasuke. Sasuke also nodded indicating he also wanted answer to that question.

Anko and Kurenai also were waiting patiently for Naruto's answer.

"Yes, I will join Anbu. It was always my dream to join Anbu and I hope I am capable for that." said Naruto with a small smile

"Hn, with your sharingan you can easily make it in the Anbu." said Sasuke with a smirk

All the females looked at Naruto and Sasuke strangely. They were quite suspicious with Sasuke's behavior, they expected him to have some reaction by seeing Naruto's sharingan and he was his family but he was just behaving normally.

Sakura wondered when had Naruto and Sasuke become such good friends, at one point they couldn't stand each other and now they were behaving like brothers.

That only meant one thing : Sasuke knew about Naruto's sharingan from the beginning.

"Did you know about Naruto's sharingan?" asked Anko sternly to Sasuke

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, Naruto made eye contact with Sasuke and requested him to make up some good excuse or else Kurenai would kick his ass.

"Yes, he was training once and I wanted to fight with him. When I arrived at the training ground, I accidently saw his sharingan. I then asked him about this and he had no choice but to tell me the truth. We then talked with the Hokage and he asked me to keep my mouth closed about this for a while, so I didn't speak about this with anyone." explained Sasuke to the females confidently

"Wow, who would have thought he could lie so perfectly. Thanks Sasuke." thought Naruto with a smirk

"Is that so?" asked Sakura with a very sweet voice and cracked her knuckles. There was a dark aura surrounding her.

Both the boys gulped on seeing this, over these years the three of them had become best friends, they used to hang out together, train together, Naruto even gave them some pointers for their Doton Ninjutsu after consulting with Kakashi. Both the boys knew Sakura had changed but if anyone made her mad it would be hell to pay. Even Sasuke didn't want to piss of Sakura.

"She sure has talent, I like this girl." thought Anko with a smirk

"Guess Sakura can keep these two idiots in control." thought Kurenai proudly.

"Yeah, you sure can ask Hokage-sama about this. I am sure he can explain." said Sasuke a little nervously

"That we will" said Kurenai confidently

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other, they didn't need words to convey their message.

"You owe me for this dobe."

"Thanks teme, I'll make it up to you I promise. Let's just hope the old geezer can handle three pissed off Kunoichi."

Somewhere in the Hokage tower an old man in Kage robes sneezed loudly.

"Why do I feel as if I am in for great trouble." thought Hiruzen with a little fear

"Well, is there any other surprises we should be aware of." asked Kurenai "sweetly"

"Only that I am a sensor." said Naruto quickly, he was a little scared of Kurenai now.

"You a sensor? Don't joke Gaki." said Anko and laughed.

"Sensors are very rare, you didn't show any such abilities in the academy." said Sakura confidently

"He didn't show his Sharingan either." retorted Sasuke.

Everyone was surprised when Sakura gave a light bop on Sasuke's head, making a small bump on his head.

"Acting smartass are we? We'll decide what to do with both of you after talking with the Hokage." said Sakura with a smirk

"Damn, she sure can hit hard." thought Sasuke with a frown.

Naruto, Kurenai and Anko started laughing loudly on seeing this. For Naruto it sure was fun to see Sasuke being subdued by Sakura.

"What are you laughing at dobe!" yelled Sasuke angrily. He was a little embarassed when everyone was laughing at him.

"Its just funny to see you the emo king being talked down." said Naruto with a chuckle

"Is that so?I wonder what would Kurenai do if she found out about your hotsprings adventure a little while back." said Sasuke with a devious smile on his face.

Naruto started feeling nervous, he and Sasuke were just returning after training until they heard some voices coming from a place. They went there to investigate and that place was none other than Konoha Hotsprings. Both the boys sure had a good time there.

"Damn you teme, two can play this game." thought Naruto with a smirk

"I remember one emo king also tagging along with me." retorted Naruto with a smirk

Sasuke was just about to respond when both the boys felt the air around them getting a lot more colder, they both looked back and saw all the females cracking their knuckles and with demonic expressions on their faces.

"Naruto, I think we need to have a little talk." said Kurenai with a dark chuckle

"We would also like to hear about your adventure..." said Anko very sweetly.

"Sasuke, Naruto...YOU'RE DEAD!" yelled Sakura and cracked her knuckles.

Both the boys each other and yelled loudly



(Few hours later)

The members of team 7 were sitting in the training ground. They had practiced their teamwork for the past few hours after a little talk which the girls of the teams quite enjoyed.

The same couldn't be said for Sasuke and Naruto XD!

Their team was a very balanced team. Naruto was very happy to see, Sakura and Kurenai were a good combo in genjutsu. Kurenai was training Sakura and the girl was quite good with illusions.

On the other hand, Sasuke and Naruto were the heavy hitters of the team. Their job was to confront the enemy head on and face the brute of the attack. They would receive support from Sakura and Kurenai.

Anko was their trump card. While the rest of the team would distract the enemy, she could infiltrate enemy positions and assasinate or capture their targets.

The Hokage had indeed well thought about their abilities and formed this team.

They still needed to act more quickly and as a unit but Naruto was sure that they would be able to do that with a few days of hardwork.

The training had been quite gruesome and all the members of team 7 were quite tired. Anko was sleeping on the branches of a tree, while Sakura and Sasuke were sitting under the shade of the tree and were talking about various combination attacks.

Naruto and Kurenai were sitting near the lake. Kurenai had cooled down a lot and was now able to understand Naruto and his reasons. She just wanted to say that she was there for him.

Naruto looked at Kurenai, he could understand many things had happened today and he was not sure what Kurenai thought of him now.

"You hate me now don't you?" asked Naruto carefully

"Why do you think that I hate you? I will never hate you no matter what." said Kurenai softly with a smile

"That won't be possible Kurenai." thought Naruto sadly

"Hey snap out of it, you sure do space out a lot.." joked Kurenai and chuckled.

Naruto felt a little happy on seeing Kurenai happy, these were the moments that he would cherish his entire life. No matter what path he would choose, or how he would meet his end or who would kill him for his crimes, it didn't matter.

"No matter what happens Kurenai, I will always love you." said Naruto silently

Unfortunately Kurenai's listening skills were sharp and she heard what Naruto said.

"Do you really mean that?" asked Kurenai shakily. How she wished those words were true, she loved everything about Naruto. Who wouldn't love this type of guy. He was handsome, kind and cared for his friends. He was a strong shinobi and most of all he loved her for what she was.

"Huh?" asked Naruto innocently. He suddenly felt himself caught, he realized his tongue had slipped up and he was in trouble.

"Naruto, you don't want to do this." advised Kurama sternly

"I know Kurama, but ...I just can't live without her. She is my world, haven't I sacrificed enough for this village. I watched my closest friends die one after one in front of my eyes in Root. My brother died to save me, I endured all that pain all for what? Can't I have right to deserve some happiness before going down on my dark path that doesn't have a future. I AM HUMAN IN THE END AND I LOVE HER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD!." yelled Naruto. He couldn't bare this, his heart was already broken, how much lies had he said, how much sins had he done so far.

"With great power comes great sacrifice Naruto. I cannot understand what you are feeling now because I am not human and I am not you. But think-" said Kurama but was cut off

"Please Kurama don't say anything anymore. I just want to live a few moments as per my own free will." said Naruto sadly

"Very well." said Kurama seriously. If Naruto wanted to do this, then he wouldn't stop him, the Biju also knew what the boy had gone through.

Root was hell, and when Naruto entered it he didn't know that. Naruto had watched many of his comrades with whom he had trained fight to death and die in front of his eyes one by one. Those who survived suffered a fate worse than death, they were just reduced to mindless drones with no memories of their past.

How would a person feel when his comrade didn't even remember him?

Then one final act sealed the deal, with Shin's death by Naruto's hands, he was broken. He was very good at deception so no one could look past his false mask. Not even Kurenai, or the ones closest to him. He had been carrying such pain for 3 years.

All these traumas had turned him into a pacifist, he just didn't want any more bloodshed. He had seen enough death for one such young.

Even after all of this he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the village, but Kurama could understand that Naruto loved Kurenai more than anything.

It was the cursed fate of the Uchiha clan. Kurama knew if Naruto didn't let out his feelings he would breakdown and nothing was more dangerous than a broken Uchiha.

"Do you love me Naruto?" asked Kurenai again. Her voice was more desperate than before.

"Fuck it all. I just can't die without telling her how I feel." thought Naruto angrily

"Yes, I love you Kurenai, you mean everything in the world to me. You were always by my side helping me, guiding me, you were there for me as a friend, teacher and many more things. Whenever I was sad you would cheer me up, when I lost hope and wanted to give up but you believed in me. I love you more than anything, you didn't even care what the villagers thought about you and continued to stand by my side. I just want to say this, you don't have to love me or even accept me, but from here on out no matter what happens I will always love you." said Naruto and gave Kurenai the biggest smile.

Kurenai's eyes widened on hearing everything that Naruto had said. In truth she loved him with all her heart. She didn't give a rat's ass about their age difference or what the villagers might think of them. And now that Naruto had confessed his love for her she became very happy,

Naruto was patiently waiting for Kurenai's answer. In truth no matter what answer she gave him, he loved her with all his heart.

The reply he got was quite interesting.

Kurenai slowly came in front of him, she then gently removed his facemask completely.

Kurenai was shocked to see Naruto's face. It was as if she was looking at the Yondaime Hokage himself, the only difference was Naruto's hair were a little more silkier than the fourth.

"He just looks like the fourth." thought a shocked Kurenai. She indeed had her suspicions but after seeing his face her belief was getting a lot more stronger that Naruto was related to the fourth.

Naruto felt a little vulnerable as Kurenai had removed his face mask. It had been close to 9 years since he had wore it, he never took it of. He didn't even remember when was the last time he saw his entire face in the mirror.

But he didn't have time to think any further as he was hastily tackled to the ground by Kurenai. She was now right on top of him with her gorgeous hair falling on his body. Their lips were just an inch apart from each other. Naruto could feel her breath and one look in her eyes showed him what Kurenai felt.

"I love you too with all my heart. You are precious to me, with you I can be myself. You were always there for me, encouraged me to become a Jounin, supported me during harsh times. With you I feel safe, you make me feel wanted." said Kurenai with a true smile.

Naruto's heart melted on seeing her smile, to him it was one of the most beautiful things in the world.

"But what would do the villagers think about us?" asked Naruto sadly. He didn't mind what others thought about them, but Kurenai was a proud and respected kunoichi of the village. She had worked hard to achieve such feat, and he didn't have the best reputation in the village. Naruto didn't want to get in the way of Kurenai's dreams.

"I don't care about it anymore. When I had first kissed you, I was having these doubts about what others may think about me. But then I realized you mean everything to me. You are the man with whom I would like to spend my entire life with and have a family." said Kurenai happily

"Family?" asked Naruto sadly. He too wished to have a family one day. A lovely wife, few kids, and a nice peaceful home where he could spend the rest of his life in peace. But that dream could never be reality.

"You don't want a family with me?" asked Kurenai in a hurt voice.

"No, I do want a family with you. But I am nothing but trash Kurenai, I don't deserve your love, I wasn't able to reveal my identity to you. I thought you would leave me when you would know the truth. I was scared, I just couldn't lose you. I don't know what I would do without you, for me you are my world. But I lied to you and for that I am sorry." said Naruto sadly with few tears in his eyes.

It had been so long since he wanted to let Kurenai know his true feelings for her.

"Don't talk like that. I admit I was hurt that you lied to me, but I forgive you because I love you more than anything. And you are not trash, if I ever hear those words from your mouth again I would kick your ass.'' joked Kurenai and chuckled

"Hai" said Naruto happily, this was what he always wanted.

"Now you're mine Naruto-kun" said Kurenai with a seductive grin on her angelic face.

Kurenai then immediately wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck and slowly brought her lips onto Naruto's lips and kissed him deeply. Naruto was a bit startled by this sudden kiss but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around Kurenai's back and held her more tightly. He then kissed her back more passionately.

Both of them were enjoying kissing each other. Naruto was getting a lot more aggressive and Kurenai liked that. She allowed him more access to her mouth, their tongues were dancing wildly with each other.

They continued kissing each other for quite a while, both of them were feeling a lot more happy, they could feel that they were perfect for each other and loved each other more than anything.

Fortunately the rest of the team were quite a distance away so they didn't notice the couple's little make out session.

Kurenai then broke the kiss after some time, she then gently kissed Naruto on his cheek leaving a red mark. She gave him a lovely smile.

"I love you Naruto-kun."

"I love you too Kurenai-chan"

They both kissed each other again, they both were so busy in their own world that they didn't notice the a pair of hateful lavendar eyes looking at them from a distance.

"Naruto-kun will be mine!"