Chapter 23: Naruto's Agony: The Darkness Rises

Kurama couldn't watch the scene that was happening in front of his eyes. Naruto was crying hysterically, his sobs were getting louder with each passing moment, his body was shaking.

Everywhere around him was a river of blood, pieces of human flesh were scattered everywhere. The walls were stained in blood, and Naruto was right in the center of this hell.

He was broken, his soul was dead; his pain had become unbearable.

All around him were bodies of his friends, his comrades, his teachers...they were all dead.

Kurama decided he had to help the poor boy, or else he would just kill himself in this much despair.

"Naruto...listen to me," said Kurama gently.

He didn't get any response, it seemed the boy was not really focusing on his voice. He had to try again.

" can get through this. Get up, your friend Sai needs you," said Kurama patiently.

Again no response, what was going on here?

"Can you hear me?" asked Kurama worriedly.

Again, there was no response and this time Kurama's danger senses started kicking off. Something horrible was going to happen,

"Naruto-" said Kurama but was cut off as he heard a new voice.

"He cannot hear you right now," said a mysterious voice.

Kurama's eyes snapped in surprise as a person walked out of the shadows of his cage; but when Kurama saw who this person was his eyes widened in shock.

There stood in front of him, a blond boy with the same face, same hair, same clothes as Naruto. He looked like his clone.

The only difference was it had red eyes that were more darker than Kurama's very own.

"You..." said Kurama angrily.

"Long time no see..." said the blonde boy cheerfully.

Kurama knew this boy, in the past there was an incident when he had worked with him, and had tried to influence Naruto.

"After all these years...why have you showed up now?" asked Kurama sternly.

The blonde boy pouted on hearing that, he was also making an innocent face; but Kurama knew all of this was fake, the person in front of him was more devious than the Biju himself.

And was the worst enemy for Naruto, right now.

"I'm hurt that how you greet your best friend?" asked the blonde boy in a hurt voice.

This seemed to anger Kurama more, as he tried to stab the boy with his claws, but he back flipped away easily with a smirk on his face.

"My my, you are still hot headed!" said the blonde boy in an amused voice.

"ANSWER ME!" yelled Kurama angrily.

Kurama's angry voice seemed to irritate the blonde boy, as all playfulness vanished from his face; and he looked at the Biju with a mad look in his red eyes.

"I CAME HERE TO FINISH WHAT WE STARTED A FEW YEARS AGO!" yelled the blonde boy madly, and started chuckling hysterically.

Kurama's eyes widened in shock and fear, this person was none other than Naruto's Dark side. Before Kurama and Naruto became friends, the Biju had worked together with this side of Naruto in order to get out of the cage.

Dark Naruto had the power to control Naruto's emotions when he was broken, or when he got very angry.

The Fourth Hokage's seal prevented Kurama to cause any significant influence and damage to Naruto, but it was different in the case of this dark side of Naruto's personality.

He was a part of Naruto, formed due to all the negative feelings the real Naruto had to face in his life.

Dark Naruto resembled anger, hatred, sorrow, misery and revenge.

He was a part of Naruto, as a result he was not bound by the Fourth Hokage's seal, but his power depended on the will of the real Naruto.

If the real Naruto got weak, or if his spirit broke, or when he was very angry then dark Naruto could influence him without showing any signs of his presence.

Kurama remembered a few years back, he and Dark Naruto had worked together, Naruto had been fighting Sasuke in a spar at the academy and somehow Sasuke said something that greatly angered the real Naruto.

At that time with Dark Naruto's help, Kurama had tried to take over Naruto's body; but somehow real Naruto's will was strong and he stopped both Kurama and Dark Naruto.

Both Kurama and Dark Naruto had their own goals, Kurama wanted to get free from the cage in the past and destroy Konoha, while he did not want to get out now, he still despised Konoha.

On the other hand, Dark Naruto was a form of Naruto's hatred. He wanted to take revenge on Konoha for all they did to his real form, all the pain they put him through.

He wanted to destroy each and everyone person in the hidden leaf village; and his dream was very powerful.

And this was the moment he was going to strike and have his revenge; the real Naruto was broken and he was going to take advantage of it.

"You can't be thinking of..." said Kurama in shock.

"It is exactly as you think...I will destroy Konoha tonight and everyone in it," said dark Naruto murderously.

"I won't let you harm Naruto!" said Kurama angrily.

Dark Naruto again chuckled on hearing that, the Biju's attempts were pointless now, he had the power now!

"You still don't get it, do you?" asked Dark Naruto calmly.

Kurama frowned on hearing that question, what did that idiot mean?

"This is Naruto's mind, or in other words my mind. I am Naruto's dark side, I am his darkness; for all these years that fool kept me at bay, but now I can have my revenge on Danzo, on Konoha, on you, on everyone!" said Dark Naruto with a smirk.

"Naruto will stop you again," said Kurama confidently.

"Can he?" asked Dark Naruto with narrowed eyes.

"What?" asked Kurama in surprise, why was Dark Naruto so confident this time?

Dark Naruto seemed to understand what the Biju was thinking and decided to explain it to the beast.

"After all, it would be fun, to see his shocked face," thought Dark Naruto mischievously.

"Don't you get it, Naruto is broken, his soul is dead; his will is finished. The pain of killing his friends, comrades, teachers has killed him...he cannot take it anymore. The only thing left in his heart is sadness and misery," explained Dark Naruto calmly.

"What does it matter to you?" asked Kurama firmly.

" power is his darkness, his pain, his misery, his sadness, his anger...and his hatred. I represent all of it...and right now my power is greater than yours," stated Dark Naruto proudly.

"You can't mean?" asked Kurama in shock, they were fucked now.

"Yes...I am going to destroy the original Naruto, I will destroy his soul and I will have my revenge!" said Dark Naruto with determination.

"YOU-" said Kurama but was cut off, as Dark Naruto disappeared.

"We are fucked!" thought Kurama worriedly.

The real Naruto found himself in his mindscape; he was floating on the surface of a river.

But it didn't matter anymore, he had enough, he just wanted all of it to end.


The real Naruto's painful voice echoes in the dark corridor, where the only sound was of the floating river. The fact that Naruto couldn't see his partner Kurama, was alarming; but it seemed he didn't care about anything anymore.

"Why did this happen?" asked the real Naruto sadly.

Tears freely flowed from his eyes, he couldn't forget all the cries of the men he killed tonight, their screams still rang in his mind.

Two small sharingan eyes appeared in front of the real Naruto, and looked at him sternly.

"How will you face this pain?" asked a mysterious voice.

Suddenly Naruto found a clone of himself with dark red sharingan eyes, floating on top of him.

The real Naruto just looked at him with his dead eyes, nothing mattered to him anymore.

"I don't know," said the real Naruto in a dead voice.

"Let me hear your answer," said Dark Naruto again, his sharingan bore into the real Naruto's dead eyes.

But the real Naruto didn't answer, and more tears flowed from his eyes.

"It hurts..." said Naruto in a choked voice.

"What hurts?" asked Dark Naruto with a smirk, things were going according to his plan.

"I can't take it anymore...I don't know what I'm supposed to do!" said the real Naruto in a depressed voice.

"Let's make the world feel pain..." said Dark Naruto firmly.

"I don't care about anything anymore...I killed all of them, their screams...get it out of my head," pleaded the real Naruto.

"Love gives birth to sacrifice...which brings forth hatred and let's you know pain," said Dark Naruto seriously.

Dark Naruto's sharingan started to swirl and were now looking clearly in the real Naruto's eyes.

"Remember your pain...remember your hatred!" said Dark Naruto loudly.

Dark Naruto's sharingan changed into the Mangekyo state.


He then flashed Naruto's entire life in front of him, the hatred of the villagers, his first kills.

But the worst thing he made the real Naruto, watch how he killed Shin again and again.

"STOP IT!" screamed the real Naruto in agony.

"Only 71 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds more to go...This is the beginning of your suffering!" said Dark Naruto sadistically.

Naruto's painful screams would echo in the entire mindscape continously.

Kurama didn't know what was going on, he was yelling at the top of his lungs...but no answer was coming from Naruto.

He was just sitting in the same place in the base, but it seemed as if his consciousness was not there.

The Biju's eyes widened in shock as he remembered Dark Naruto's words...

" power is his darkness, his pain, his misery, his sadness, his anger...and his hatred. I represent all of it...and right now my power is greater than yours,"

Kurama understood what was going on, it seemed Dark Naruto had taken his original form in an alternate mindscape, and only Kami knew what he was doing with him.

"The end has begun..." thought Kurama worriedly.


The real Naruto screamed in horror and pain, as Dark Naruto had made him watch for the 1000th time as how he killed Shin, and the entire Root Anbu forces.

He had tortured him continously for 3 three days.

"Somebody help ME!" yelled Naruto in pain, as he watched Shin getting stabbed by his sword again.

"Destroy everything...Kill those who've brought you pain" said Dark Naruto madly, and made the real Naruto watch the massacre again.

"I..." said Naruto but couldn't speak further, as his sobs blocked any further voice from coming out of his mouth.

"Entrust me with your soul...I'll save you from your suffering if you do," said Dark Naruto with a smirk.

The real Naruto nodded tiredly and soon his tshirt was ripped apart and a seal formed on his stomach.

"That's it...Go on!" said Dark Naruto happily, it was finally his time.

The real Naruto's eyes changed to complete red, and his body started floating towards the dark Naruto.

"EMBRACE ME BROTHER!" yelled Dark Naruto madly.

Both the Naruto's bodies connected and there was a large explosion in the mindscape.


Kurama eyes widened in shock, as he felt a massive amount of his chakra being taken away from him.

Suddenly two figures appeared sevreal feet away from his cage; and Kurama couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The Dark Naruto had embraced the real Naruto; and both of their eyes were of the same color now.

"I'm finally free Kyubi" said Dark Naruto seriously.

"BALLS!" screamed Kurama.

The Anbu commander's eyes widened in fear as he saw a blast of a very familiar red chakra, cut straight through the sky.

The barrier which he had formed prevented anybody who was inside to get out, and also did not allow any sound to be heard.

But the thing which he was seeing, terrified him.

A ray of red chakra was leaking from a far end of the Root base, and the Anbu commander's eyes widened in shock when a mark appeared on his hand.

His fears were true, and all hell was gonna break lose now.

"Clones, hold the barrier as long as possible...Its an order don't let the barrier down or Konoha is finished!" yelled the Anbu commander loudly.

"Hai Captain,...what are you going to do?" asked all the clones together, even they knew what bloody situation they were in now.

The Anbu commander looked at the Kanji showing the word "5" on his hand; and he steeled himself.

"I'm going in,"

Sai dodged another strike from Danzo and backflipped a few meters away. He had been doing this for a few moments, and he just wanted Naruto to come.

But suddenly both he and Danzo felt a blast of a malicious chakra in the entire base.

Suddenly loud footsteps approached their position at lightning speed.







The entire wall of the corridor was blown to dust as a figure approached from the shadows.

Sai collapsed flat on the ground, the KI was out of this world, he had not felt and seen such a foul chakra in his entire life.

Danzo meanwhile knew what this thing was, and a bead of sweat rolled of his head.

The memories of the incident 15 years ago flashed through his mind, and a shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the horrible night.

It seemed history was going to repeat itself after 15 years again.

Danzo slowly turned around, in order to face his opponent and some fear rose in his body as he watched the terryfying creature that was in front of him.

"Do you hate me?" asked Danzo calmly, he somehow was trying to control his nerves but this chakra was making him shake in fear.

There stood in front of him a middle sized fox looking human, his entire body was covered in red chakra, and no skin was visible at all.

His eyes were now of a monster, his teeth had become canine, and his nails had turned into large claws.

But the most terrifying thing were the five tails on his back, that were floating murderously.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" yelled the creature,

The fight for Konoha's survival had just began...