Chapter 34: Feelings of a Soldier

Naruto sat at the banks of a small lake in the forest, it was night time and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. His blue eyes gazed at the calm light that the moon was providing, it looked so peaceful.

No noises, no people, it was just him and nature all by themselves. The cool breeze of wind that was hitting his chest, was making him relaxed, and he wanted to feel comfortable for a little while.

It had been 10 days since he had arrived at Nono's house, and a week since he was declared as a traitor. By now, he knew Kurenai and the others must have known what he had done.

His wounds were now healed, but his eyesight was deteriorating with each passing day. Nono had started working on the procedure to form an artificial cornea to stop his blindness, but it was going to take time.

But the worst was his disease, it was getting worse with each passing day, violent coughing of blood, severe headaches and body pain were the primary symptoms.

Nono had strictly warned him not to use the Mangekyo anymore, or get in big fights, or else he would just shorten up his life. She wanted him to just recover, but that was not possible, this was the last night because tomorrow he would set out with Itachi to finish his mission.

He didn't know what to think of Itachi, for a man who killed his own family, Itachi was very calm and, there was no signs of regret on his face. Either he was very good at emotions, or there were no emotions left in him.

Naruto wondered had Itachi cried when he killed his parents? Had he felt the same despair that he was feeling?

"I am grateful my parents are not alive, at least they don't have to see what I have turned into," thought Naruto regretfully,

"How are you feeling?" asked Kurama slowly

He had started to talk with his partner again, talking with the beast helped ease his pain. Kurama understood him more than anyone, Naruto was grateful for having such a friend.

"I'm alive, if that's what you are asking," said Naruto calmly

"How long are you going to stay like this? You need to let go," advised Kurama strictly

"It doesn't matter, we will be going out tomorrow, and complete the mission," said Naruto nonchalantly

Kurama then decided to ask something that was bugging him since many days.

"What about the genjutsu that you casted on Kurenai?" asked Kurama seriously

He did not receive any answer from Naruto, as he just looked at the sky with a lost look in his eyes.

"I have removed the genjutsu," said Naruto calmly, after a few minutes

"What?" asked Kurama in shock, he didn't understand how could he do that?

"You heard me, I have removed the genjutsu that I casted on her," said Naruto again

"How is this possible? You have never met her since that night when you casted the genjutsu?" asked Kurama curiously

"Have you forgotten what the Mangekyo Sharingan can do?" asked Naruto stoically

Kurama then wondered what Naruto meant, but after a few moments he realized what Naruto was trying to say as he remembered what had happened when he had attacked Konoha.

"I can command anyone with my Mangekyo to do what I like, it is not necessary that every time I have to be around that person. Their mind belongs to me, no matter where I am, I can release the genjutsu if I don't want it any longer," explained Naruto seriously

"So, she will not kill you?" asked Kurama quickly

"The genjutsu ordered her to kill me, now that she has regained her consciousness, she will have to decide what path she chooses," said Naruto sadly

"And what path do you mean?" asked Kurama sternly

"Either she will hate me forever and will try to kill me, Kurenai despite everything is a loyal shinobi of Konoha, she hates traitors and each person that wants to harm the village and the people she loves. In a way, her love for Konoha is greater than my hatred for Danzo," said Naruto simply

"Does she love the village that much?" asked Kurama in shock

"Yes, her father died to protect the village; she inherited his will of fire and has sworn to defend the village until her last breath. And now I am enemy of Konoha, so the choice is obvious," said Naruto seriously

"But she loves you, and will try to get you back," argued Kurama in protest,

"Do you have any idea what I have done? I have broken her trust, she gave me everything, and now I have spitted on her love with my actions. No matter what righteous reasons I give, I have broken her heart," said Naruto angrily

"Naruto...if she chooses to hate you, and comes to kill you; what will you do?" asked Kurama worriedly

Naruto closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He had thought about this, he knew her better than anyone; and he loved her the most in the world. Naruto couldn't imagine, how much pain she was in right now.

How were the villagers treating her?

Her pain was no less than his, and he was the source of her agony. Hiruzen must have sent Rei to her, and Naruto knew his daughter would ease Kurenai's pain a little, as a child always brings light in a person's life.

That was his plan from the start, Rei would find a good mother in Kurenai, while Kurenai would find someone whom she could love again, and someone who would never break her trust.

And even if he died during the mission, his death would only affect their lives for sometime; and after that they could live in peace.

That was the deal he had made with Hiruzen, in exchange for sacrificing himself, he had warned the Hokage that nothing should happen to either of the girls.

Kurenai and Rei were the only hope that he had, they were his salvation and the only good thing he had done in his life.

He would sacrifice anything to give them a safe and happy future. For their tomorrow he would happily give his today, no matter how much they may hate him.

"I'll bear the burden of her hatred and die by her hands," said Naruto seriously

"You can't be serious! What about Rei?" asked Kurama angrily

"I have done all I could do give her a good life, she would be better of not knowing me and what I did, I was prepared for this Kurama, if they forgive me and give me a chance which is highly unlikely, then I would do everything possible to gain their love back. But if they hate me, then I will repay them with my life for all the pain and misery I caused them, that's all there is to it," said Naruto firmly

Kurama was just about to persuade Naruto, when someone else came by and sat beside Naruto.

"What are you doing here, Itachi?" asked Naruto seriously

The older Uchiha looked at Naruto calmly, and then again started looking back at their reflection in the water.

"How did you get the Mangekyo?" asked Itachi seriously

Naruto gave a suspicious look to his partner, but if he had to work with this man, it was time he started trusting him a little.

"The way that is written on the Uchiha Tablet," said Naruto seriously

Itachi's eyebrows raised for a second, and he looked at Naruto in surprise; how did he know about the tablet?

"Sasuke..." said Itachi calmly, as he realized his little brother must have told Naruto about it.

Both the men just sat there calmly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere until Naruto decided to ask something.

" you have any regrets for your actions?" asked Naruto quietly

Itachi gave a tired sigh, he didn't have any grudge against Naruto. He had seen the boy for the past few days, he was broken and really needed someone who could guide him.

Otherwise it would just be a matter of time before he broke.

"Kaa-san...what should I do?" thought Itachi tiredly,

Naruto was the son of his mother's best friend, in a way they were family by blood too as Naruto was an Uchiha. Itachi wondered what would his mother do, if she was in this position.

"No, I have no regrets," said Itachi stoically

This surprised Naruto a little, just how cold was this man?

"Before we embark on the mission, I want to make one thing clear. You will not torture Sasuke any more," said Naruto fiercely

Itachi looked at Naruto curiously, just how close was Naruto to his little brother...

"What is he to you?" asked Itachi curiously

"He is like a brother to me, and I have tried to ease his mind off revenge for years. Don't make things worse," said Naruto seriously

Itachi just got a small smirk on his face, he was really happy to hear that Sasuke atleast had someone who cared for him, and looked after him in his place.

"How is he?" asked Itachi slowly

"Most of the times he is a stuck up emo prick, but he is a nice guy if you get to know the real Sasuke, he cares for his comrades and wants to rebuild the Uchiha clan," said Naruto truthfully,

"I understand," said Itachi with a little bit of gratitude in his voice,

He then decided to ask Naruto something, it had been years since he had talked with anyone freely. And talking with Naruto was making him feel good, the fact that Sasuke was living a good life was a great relief for him. Maybe his brother would follow the right path, and bring the Uchiha back.

How wrong he was...

"Do you have someone that is important to you?" asked Itachi silently,

"Yes, I have," said Naruto with a small smile,

Silence again followed between both the Anbu captains, until Itachi spoke,

"It's been 7 years, you start to forget...the things you should remember," said Itachi sadly

Naruto remembered the good times he spent with the Rookies, the academy, Kurenai and his dates with her. It seemed like a century, and with each passing day he felt that those events never happened; while Itachi thought about his good time with Sasuke and his mother.

"And you can't stop remembering the things you should forget..." said Itachi in a whisper

Naruto's heart broke a little, faces of Sai, Shin, and many of his friends who were now dead flashed in front of his eyes. He could never forget them, no matter how far he ran, these faces always came in front of his eyes. The moment of their death was forever burned in his brain.

For Itachi, he could not forget the moment, when he killed his parents; it was the most painful thing he had to do.

Itachi slowly got up and was now standing firmly, his black cloak was flying freely in the air along with his ponytail; he took out his black wolf mask and looked at it with a small smile on his face.

"We always had the power, but not anymore. All we have is each other," said Naruto firmly, as he got up and looked at the lake in front of them.

He also took out his new falcon Anbu mask that Nono had created for him, since his old one was destroyed during the mission.

"We are Anbu, fighting for something...for which we will never be remembered," said Itachi firmly

Naruto nodded indicating he understood his point, as they would never get any praise or glory for their sacrifices; their names would vanish with the passage of time.

"Ninja stand against their enemies, but Anbu haunt them." said Naruto seriously and put on his Falcon Anbu mask.

He was ready, he was a ninja, he would fight for his country till his last breath no matter what happened. He would bear Kurenai's hatred and will try to ease her pain as much as he could.

"Listen to me matter what pain we have to face, we will fight till our last breath, and no matter what obstacles we may run into, never abandon your will, and fight by my side as a shinobi of Konoha," ordered Itachi seriously

Naruto just looked at Itachi in wonder, he really was impressed with Itachi's words...maybe having a Captain like Itachi would make the mission successful.

Meanwhile Itachi was facing a great emotional turmoil, the thing he was about to do was unforgivable; but he had to do it. He had been ordered, and he knew what he was doing was the right thing.

He would not let another Madara be born, and destroy Konoha.

"I cannot let you fall into hatred...Forgive me," thought Itachi sadly

Itachi then turned around, and Naruto's eyes widened in shock as Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan activated in his left eye.
