Chapter 37: His True Dream

Naruto slowly walked across the streets of Wave country, the poor condition the people were living him didn't have any effect on him anymore. He knew once Gato was taken out, his army would crumble.

The main factor, that was making all the missing ninjas, thugs and some Samurai co-operate was the money, drugs, freedom, and women that Gato was providing. If Gato was taken out, then everything would crumble, as the leadership would be destroyed.

He had noticed some rebels that were trying to free Wave, and he knew once Gato's armies started to weaken, the civilians resistance would get stronger.

But he knew all of this was futile.

Wave was already on the brink of destruction, it had lost all its leadership and financial power, and without help from Fire Country, even if they were able to get their country back, Wave would still be destroyed.

"What will happen to them?" asked Kurama curiously

"It is none of my concern, but I have got word from the Hokage that the Fire Damiyo wants to take over this country," said Naruto honestly

"Son of a bitch, first he helped in destroying this country; and now he wants to rule it?" asked Kurama angrily

"It is selfish, but in the longer run the people of this country will prosper. Fire Country is very rich, and the trade and employment they will provide will get these people's lives back on track," explained Naruto hopefully

He too felt bad for the people of this country, and wanted to help. Before he could think further, he felt someone pulling his leg.

Naruto looked down and saw a little girl with blonde hair was holding his pants, there were dark circles under her eyes and her body was very thin, indicating she had not eaten anything for quite some time.

"Oji-san, can you please give me some food?" asked the little girl innocently

"Captain Naruto... why did you do this?"

A memory of a small blonde girl in Anbu gear flashed in Naruto's mind, he didn't know what was happening to him. Sometimes he would just have a small flashback, but before he could think about her, the memory vanished.

"Damn it, his love for Rei is far greater than we thought...even after Kotoamatsukami, her memory has not completely vanished from his mind," thought Kurama worriedly

Naruto was brought of his thoughts, as the little girl tugged his pant again.

"Oji-san, please..." said the girl with tears in her eyes,

He was currently standing in the small market of wave, well to be precise it sold more weapons than food and water. There were only a handful of stores around, and the food that the civilians were given was of very low quality.

Naruto remembered his childhood, and knew this girl was probably an orphan or her parents were either taken slaves.

"What's your name?" asked Naruto kindly

"Riya..." said the girl with a small smile

Again that name sounded familiar, he had definitely heard it somewhere? Where was it?

"Idiot, the girl's hungry, either get her something or just leave," said Kurama harshly, why did the girl's name have to be the same as her?

"Hai, Hai...don't get so grumpy, stupid fox," said Naruto with a frown

Naruto took the girl in his arms, and walked towards a small store which was selling some soup; his face mask was doing its job in hiding his identity, as no one was recognizing him.

Looking at the happiness in the little girl's eyes, brought a small smile on his lips. He wondered if Kakashi felt the same way, when he took him to Ichiraku's when he was a kid.

"Oji-san...why do you wear a mask?" asked Riya curiously

She looked so innocent that for a moment he truly believed that there was no darkness in this world, he felt a warm sensation in his heart. Is this how a man felt when he had a child?

All of these feelings were new to him, he had sealed away his emotions for a long time. But talking to Riya, he felt happy.

Sure he had just met the girl a few moments ago, but talking with her was really making him feel a little happy. It was really true that children were always a ray of hope no matter how dark or hopeless the circumstances seemed.

"Guess, it gives me something to fight for," thought Naruto warmly

He then realized he had not answered Riya's question, as she was still looking at him with that innocent look in her eyes. She barely was 6 years old, how could someone let such a small child live in these circumstances.

"Well, I am not good looking and besides this mask looks cool on me," said Naruto jovially, he really didn't have much experience with young girls.

Sure he had spent a lot of time with Konohamaru, but girls were a little different. He was thankful to Kakashi for making him read books, as somewhere he had read, that you have to be kind and gentle to young females, and not just say anything that comes in your mind.

"You look cute," said Riya with a small smile

"Huh?" asked a surprised Naruto

"You are good looking Oji-san, and your mask is indeed cool," said Riya happily

Naruto chuckled loudly on hearing that, how long had it been since he had laughed so much?

"You are kind Riya-chan, but can you not call me Oji-san? It makes me feel a little old," said Naruto kindly

Riya also laughed on hearing Naruto's request, somehow this person was making her feel happy.

"Can I call you Nii-chan?" asked Riya hesitantly

"Hai" said Naruto with a small smile

Kurama was really happy on seeing Naruto so relaxed and a little happy near this girl.

"Guess, he has not lost his humanity completely yet. Hang in there, we'll get through this," thought Kurama seriously

But then he noticed something that was suspicious, Naruto was not suppressing all his chakra. What was he up to? Because Kurama sensed two people were closely following him from the shadows.

"No need to panic, I know," said Naruto calmly

Kurama didn't know what his contained was thinking, the boy sure was a mystery. Even when he was with Riya, Kurama had seen Naruto was closely observing the number of enemies around, and what type of weapons were in wave.

Meanwhile Naruto was having similar thoughts, for the past week he had been trying to figure out all the different routes in Wave, along with the number of guards on each passing.

"A combined assault from the ground and sky is the only available option. Gato's headquarters are in District 10, and I bet most of his associates would be in that area. The ground team can secure the perimeter, while the aerial team grabs the targets and make a quick escape; but these rooftops are a major threat," thought Naruto tactically

"What do you think would be the best option?" asked Kurama curiously, Naruto was a skilled Captain and it was his job to make sure to get every information possible along with some solutions.

"I won't lie Kurama, there are going to be a lot of casualties in this raid," said Naruto stoically

"Surely the ninja of your village, are more than capable of defending themselves." said Kurama firmly

"That's not the point, no matter how powerful you are if the enemy has a strategic view point of your position, you are as good as dead. Gato knows an aerial assualt is possible, so he has placed almost 50% of his forces on rooftops, and some of them are skilled archers. We cannot destroy all the houses, as they still have civilians in them. The casualty ratios will be 2:1, the soldiers on the ground will be facing the heat, as they would have to distract the enemy while the aerial team covertly escapes," explained Naruto briefly

"He is truly your son Minato," thought Kurama proudly, as Naruto's analysis was indeed logical.

"So what do you have in mind?" asked Kurama seriously

Naruto watched as Riya drank her soup happily, he had to make sure there are minimum civilian casualties; he couldn't bear the thought of getting young kids like Riya get killed in this Operation.

He looked at the waitresses and signaled her to come towards him.

"How may I help you?" asked a young brown haird girl

"Riya-chan, would you like to eat another bowl?" asked Naruto happily

The girl hugged him tightly, as a few tears slipped from her eyes as Naruto patted her head gently. The waitresses decided to ask Naruto something.

"Excuse me, do you know this girl, I mean I have seen her staying on the streets..." said the waitress hesitantly

"Does it matter? She was hungry, and I wanted to help her. And no, I'm not like those animals,..." said Naruto dangerously

It was true that some thugs did lure young girls like Riya, by offering them food and did things that were unforgivable and inhuman.

"Why are you so generous to her?" asked the waitress curiously, she had not seen a man like Naruto in a long time.

She had observed this young blonde boy since past few days, he would just roam around and sometimes he used to feed young orphan children. From his attire and from the way he walked, she knew he was probably a ninja or a samurai but nobody helped young children like Riya.

"I'm at the end of my is a good thing to be generous," said Naruto calmly

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't-" said the waitress quickly as she realized the situation

"It's no problem Akira-san...I have lived a good life," said Naruto with a smile, as he saw Riya drinking her soup without a care in the world.

He wondered if the children in Konoha and every ninja village were like Riya. If they were, then what was the point of waging wars against each other, and spilling unnecessary blood.

War brought nothing but pain, misery and sorrow; only the dead have ever seen the end of war.

Those who survive are forever entrapped in an endless cycle of guilt or revenge, and it gives birth to broken soldiers like Naruto. He had a dream of stopping such futile wars someday.

"You know my name?" asked Akira in shock,

Naruto just explained to her that he had heard some people call her name, that was why he knew it.

"Riya-chan...It's time for me to go," said Naruto calmly

The little girl stopped eating and now had a sad look on her face, and Akira could feel this girl really did not want to be alone.

"You are leaving me?" asked Riya sadly

"I have some work to do...but I promise I'll meet you again," said Naruto gently and gave Riya a soft kiss on the cheek.

He then got up and signaled Akira to follow him, and when they reached a corner he gave her small pouch. Akira curiously opened it, and was surprised to see a lot of money in it.

"Keep her with you for a while, give her what she wants, those people are out today in search of new young girls. You understand what I'm saying?" asked Naruto sharply

Normally Gato's thugs would leave young girls alone, even a vile man like Gato knew that people would do anything for their children, and had ordered his men not to harm them. But for orphans like Riya, there was no such thing and they were easy prey.

"But-" said Akira in protest, but was cut off when Naruto's cold blue eyes looked at her dangerously.

"That was not a request, keep her safe. And on which date is there a new moon?" asked Naruto sharply

"Friday," said Akira with fear, as she was a little terrified of Naruto.

"Are the docks working on friday?" asked Naruto calmly

Akira was quite surprised with his sudden change in personality. One minute he seems like a kind person, and the other moment he turns into a dangerous man.

"No, navigation becomes difficult, so they have been closed," said Akira slowly

"Perfect, a small team can infiltrate through the docks, there will be no moonlight so they won't be spotted by the guards. While the aerial team secures the prisoners, the ground team will secure the perimeter and take out any resistance; but this would have to be done before sunrise, because the whole damn city will be over them if they are caught. Hiruzen, you better be careful or you are going to have to fill 100 body bags," thought Naruto seriously

Kurama watched in amazement as Naruto devised a brilliant plan, the boy did have the brains to be a captain,

Naruto thanked the waitress and slowly walked out of the stand, he knew he was being followed, and that was what he exactly wanted.

"What are you up to?" asked Kurama curiously, he could never guess what Naruto was planning.

"In order to disrupt an army, you have to wipe out its will cause panic, which leads to mistakes ultimately giving your enemies the vital chance of winning. This is my first move, in three moves Gato and his associates will be mine," said Naruto smartly

"You and your damn mysteries," said Kurama in annoyance,

"That's why you are a Baka," said Naruto jovially

"Why you!" said Kurama angrily, but was cut off as Naruto took a sharp turn in a small alley.

Two figures landed behind Naruto, and Kurama instantly realized they were ninja, and guessing from their chakra; they were high chunin level ninja.

"You come with us now," commanded a short brown haired man, he had a gauntlet on his left arm, which had a chain coming out of it; his face was covered by a red breather.

The other ninja also had similar brown hair, and a gauntlet on his right arm, which surprisingly had a chain coming out of it.

"So, it only took "The Demon Brothers" a week to feel my presence, pathetic" said Naruto in disgust

"Why you-" said Meizu, and ran off to finish this missing ninja.

However Gozu's eyes widened in shock, as he realized who this person was, how could he miss those golden blonde hair!

"MEIZU, STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP" said Gozu loudly in fear

However Meizu was enraged and rushed towards his opponent, how dare this man mocked him and his brother? He wrapped his chain all over his opponent's body, and a evil smile came on his face.


The chains snapped and to Meizu's horror, instead of his opponent being ripped to shreds, it was his own body that got torn to pieces, and he fell dead on the ground. He never even got a chance to scream.

Gozu watched in horror, as his younger brother's blood splashed on his face, his brother was dead in a flash, and he never even saw Naruto move.

"BASTARD!" screamed Gozu in agony, but before he could move he felt a chill run down his spine as a kunai was pointed on his neck.

"Listen to me carefully, go to your boss and tell him I want to fight him; or else I'll kill Haku," said Naruto icily

Gozu's eyes widened on hearing that, he was working for an S-rank missing nin, Zabuza Momichi. Zabuza was the head of Wave's army, and was Gato's personal bodyguard too.

Zabuza was once a part of the fierce Seven Ninja Swordsman of Kiri, his skills in Kenjutsu and Water Ninjutsu were unparalleled. He was also a master in the art of silent killing,

But that man had one weakness, he cared a little about his student Haku, whom he had adopted a few years back.

The fact that Haku was missing since a few days, was the reason Zabuza had ordered him and his now deceased brother Meizu to find her kidnapper, and it seemed Gozu had found a terrifying answer.

"Zabuza won't come..." said Gozu hesitantly, he had a feeling that Zabuza would just discard Haku, the man had told them he was searching for Haku, as she was a useful too to him, nothing more, nothing less.

But now as the enemy had captured her, she was no longer useful.

"Then I'll send her body to you in little pieces, and I will destroy each and every weapons catches, how's that sound. I'll start with the one in District 3, where a lot of expensive swords, drugs, and many more invaluable things are there, Gozu?" asked Naruto with a devious smirk

"You-" said Gozu but was cut off, as Naruto pierced his kunai straight through the left side of his stomach, and he coughed up a lot of blood.

Gozu collapsed on the ground, and tried to stop the blood coming out of his body with the help of his hands.

"Why?" asked Gozu in pain,

"To test the limits of my own abilities...I want to kill everyone who has power, and the "Demon of the Mist" sounds like a good choice. Go, run and tell Zabuza to fight me with the same hatred that I have," said Naruto darkly,

Naruto didn't leak any KI, but Gozu shit his pants when he saw the cold blue eyes of Naruto, he saw his own death in those eyes.

"I have to get out here..." thought Gozu in terror,

"Oh, and do clean that mess over there...I don't like filthy dirt on the ground," said Naruto distastefully, and pointed to Meizu's body pieces that were lying on the ground.

Gozu was indeed fearful, but nobody insulted his brother, and no matter what happened he would not let a monster like Naruto to say such things.

"You can kill me, but remember will die a horrible death, you will die all alone, all your dreams, your hopes will shatter just like Meizu's and every other person you killed. NARUTO HATAKE, YOU WILL DIE IN FRONT OF THE PERSON YOU CARED ABOUT THE MOST" said Gozu angrily

Naruto's eyes widened in shock, as Gozu's words hit deep in his heart; and somewhere his soul knew that was probably the truth.

He slashed his sword clean through Gozu's chest, and the man fell flat on the ground, as a pool of blood surrounded his body, but Gozu was still alive...

"Shut up..." said Naruto slowly

"Naruto..." thought Kurama worriedly

Naruto slowly started walking away, leaving a half alive Gozu, and the dead body of Meizu behind. His mind was still preoccupied with what he had just heard.

"Naruto, why didn't you kill him?" asked Kurama quickly

"He will serve his purpose, and Zabuza will come and then my plan will start," said Naruto firmly

"What is your plan?" asked Kurama curiously

"By eliminating Zabuza and his group, I'll become Gato's personal bodyguard as well as the head of Wave's army, and in this way I can get more intel, that will save lives of many Konoha shinobi," said Naruto stoically

"You are willing to become Gato's personal dog?" asked Kurama angrily, he could not believe that Naruto would be willing to go this far.

Naruto looked at the clear sky, the shiny rays of the sun were hitting his eyes, and for a moment he saw Kurenai's face flash in front of his eyes.

"I still don't get it, why are you sacrificing so much? Why are you enduring so much pain, I know somewhere in your heart, you dislike Konoha a little...even Shin would understand, if you cannot go any further...why?" asked Kurama firmly

"Because I promised her..." said Naruto slowly

"What?" asked Kurama curiously

Naruto closed his eyes, as the defining moment of his life flashed in front of his eyes.

(Flashback: A few months ago)

Two people were currently standing in Konoha's graveyard, where the fallen shinobi were buried. Kurenai was kneeling in front of a grave and had laid flowers on it.

Tears were freely falling from her eyes, and her heart was breaking on reading the name on the grave.

Jushiro Yuhi.

A proud father and a devoted shinobi.

Naruto stood behind Kurenai, and his heart broke when he saw her like this. He didn't have a father, so he couldn't understand her pain, and that was killing him.

He wanted to be there for her, and take away all the pain from her heart; and right now seeing her crying like this was making him feel helpless.

Naruto embraced her from behind, and Kurenai leaned in his arms. She was glad he was by her side, today was her father's death anniversary, and also Naruto's birthday.

But despite that, he had allowed her to grieve, and was by her side.

"Naruto...I miss him so much," said Kurenai sadly

"He will be proud of you..." said Naruto soothingly, somehow being this close to her made him feel her pain.

"I wanted him to see me becoming a shinobi...He had a dream of protecting this village, and I won't let his dream die. I just don't want any more of my friends to die..." said Kurenai in a broken voice

Tears slipped from Naruto's eyes as he remembered all his friends who had died...all of them had died for Konoha, but not anymore.

He slowly got up...and started moving towards the exit, as the pain in his heart was unbearable and he didn't want Kurenai to see him this way.

Naruto heard quick footsteps coming his way, and he heard her voice.

"Where are you going, Naruto?" asked Kurenai gently,

Naruto's hands clenched tightly, and he knew what he had to do, no matter what happened.

"I've made up my mind," said Naruto firmly

"Huh?" said Kurenai in confusion

Naruto turned around and looked her straight in the eye, and she noticed the tears in his eyes,

"I'll become more stronger and change things...I promise you, I won't let anything happen to your matter what hell I have to go through, you won't be crying over any of your friend's or family's graves from now on," said Naruto with determination, and his dark blue eyes showed Kurenai his resolve.

"" said Kurenai in shock, did he love her so much?

(Flashback end)

A lone tear slipped from his eyes, as he remembered Kurenai and the promise which he had made to her. For him, that promise was as important as the one which he had made to Shin.

And he would not break that promise at any cost,

"That is something you cannot understand, Kurama," said Naruto calmly

"What is that I am not understanding?" asked Kurama in confusion

"I am not doing this for Konoha, or my comrades, or in the name of duty. I am doing this for her dream," said Naruto sadly

Kurama got a hint of what Naruto was trying to say, and he somewhat understood Naruto's resolve.

"You are willing to go that far for her, even knowing that she may never know how much pain and suffering you are enduring for her?" asked Kurama in surprise

"Even if it costs me my soul, I don't want to see her crying in front of graves...I don't want any glory, or any type of gratitude, I just don't want to see her cry..." said Naruto in a soft voice

"Is this your dream?" asked Kurama softly

"I don't know if I can create a peaceful world or not...but I want to create a home where Kurenai can live peacefully," said Naruto seriously

"So, you want to bear everything alone on your shoulders?'' asked Kurama flatly

"Hai," said Naruto honestly

"You need to tell her, telling her your truth would ease her mind," said Kurama seriously

"No," said Naruto firmly

"Why don't you understand?" asked Kurama furiously, and thrashed his paws against his cage in frustration.

"You listen to me, I need her to be safe, okay? That's the only thing I need," said Naruto fiercely

"When are you shinobi ever safe?" asked Kurama with a snort

"This is different, Kurama..." said Naruto quietly

"How?" asked Kurama curiously, he just couldn't understand what Naruto was thinking.

"Because of the crap we are in...the shit I am dealing with, we have been on this road before Kurama, with Danzo, now Gato, and Orochimaru...we both know where this ends, one of us will die or worse than that, and I cannot involve her in this mess," said Naruto firmly

"So, you just decided yourself and want to play a hero?" asked Kurama distastefully

"I'm expendable Kurama...Kurenai is not, I cannot sacrifice her," said Naruto fiercely

"Naruto-" said Kurama but was cut off

"You told me that you see a way out for see a light at the end of this ugly ass tunnel, I don't" said Naruto sadly

Kurama's heart broke a little on hearing his partner didn't believe in him.

"But I'll tell you what I do know, I'll die fighting for her...because that's what I have waiting for me, that's all I have waiting for me. I want her to be safe, I want Kurenai to have a life, become a happy person, having her kids, grand kids and living a peaceful, happy life...that is my perfect ending, and this is the only one I will get, so I'll fight till my last breath for that dream," said Naruto stubbornly

Kurama was proud as well as sad at the same time on hearing that, proud of Naruto for loving Kurenai so much...and sad that he was not understanding one important thing.

"Why don't you understand, you are her life," thought Kurama sadly

Both of them hadn't realized that they had been walking for the past 30 minutes, and were now standing in front of the docks.

Naruto took in a deep breath, and got a small smirk on his face.

"So, you came...Zabuza Momichi," said Naruto with a grin

He was right as behind him was standing none other than "The Demon of the Mist", and one of the most dangerous shinobi in the world.

Zabuza had a very well built body, and his bare chest was showing his muscles and the power he possessed, but the most dangerous thing was the large sword strapped on his back.

It was almost as big as Zabuza, and was so sharp that it could cleave many heads in one swipe.

Zabuza's eyes gleamed maniacally as he knew his opponent was strong, and he loved fights; the fact that his enemy had Haku was another factor he wanted to crush Naruto.

He was not an S-rank ninja for nothing.

Zabuza's KI flared in the entire area, and he took out his large sword.

"Let's have a blast...NARUTO HATAKE!"