Chapter 42: Battle of Wave

"Captain Naruto...why?"

A young blonde little girl in Anbu uniform looked at him the dark corridors of the base, he stood there all alone. Hands drenched with blood, everywhere around them were dead bodies and time had just frozen for him.

"You betrayed all of killed all your comrades. You killed me!" said the blonde girl accusingly,

Naruto looked at the girl for a moment...who was she? He slowly went towards her...and his hands slowly tried to lift up the girl's face so that he could get a good look at her.

As far as the young captain remembered he had never seen this girl...just who was this kid, looking at her made him feel as if he knew her perfectly...and yet he didn't know her.

It was so he just decided to ask the girl.

"Who" asked Naruto curiously,

He gently lifted the girl's face...and what he saw terrified his soul to the core.

The girl's eyes were destroyed and blood was all over her face...and there was a demonic smile on her face!



He suddenly woke up with a terrified expression on his face...his entire body was covered in sweat and his eyes showed how terrible the memory was.

It had happened again...everyday he would get flashbacks of this blonde little girl...just who the hell was she!

"Looks like your plan is failing Itachi...his memories are coming back, even after Kotoamatsukami he couldn't forget her completely. It's as if his soul is trying to make him remember...while his mind is resisting it. If this continues it won't be long before he remembers her completely...and if that happens there won't be any place in this world where both of us could hide" thought Kurama darkly, had he made a mistake in following Itachi?

"Kurama...was there a little girl in Root forces? Everyday this dream keeps haunting me..." said Naruto seriously, and the Biju suddenly felt cornered.

"I don't know was madness back then, Root Anbu were trying to kill you...and you were killing them. I can't remember...maybe it's just an illusion" said Kurama carefully...sooner or later he knew this was going to cost him a lot.

But the Biju knew he had no choice...if he told Naruto the truth...then he didn't know what would happen. The boy had just realized his mistakes...and was trying to trust other people and if he found that his friend had betrayed him...then he wouldn't trust anyone again.

"I'll let him meet Kurenai first...if things go well, then I'll try to tell her about Rei as gently as possible. I've made a terrible mistake" thought Kurama regretfully,

After that whatever path he chooses...Kurama would have to accept it, as the Biju was also responsible for this. He just hoped Naruto doesn't make the world pay for his pain.

"Maybe...I'll go check on the prisoner. I'll release her today," said Naruto with a tired sigh, and got up from his bed.

He put on a small t-shirt and a pair of shorts...and went towards the bathroom to wipe his face. Now he could finally look himself in the mirror...he had been freed from his burden and no words could describe how grateful he was to Shin.

Ever since he killed Zabuza and Raiga he had became Gato's personal bodyguard...and the head of Wave's milita. However he still had kept Zabuza's ally...a girl named Haku as prisoner.

"Why did you wait for so long?" asked Kurama curiously,

"Tonight Konoha's forces are going to invade Wave...and I want Haku to get Riya out of here. It will be my job to make sure Gato doesn't I won't be able to protect the girl...and I promised Zabuza...I wouldn't kill her, until she tries to kill me." explained Naruto briefly,

"What if she tries to kill you?" asked Kurama flatly, making Naruto rub his temple.

"Then I'll put her down...everyone deserves a second chance, and after seeing the girl's memory I know she is just another victim of the shinobi world. I cannot make her pay for Zabuza's mistakes" said Naruto slowly...and he opened the door of the small room where the prisoner was.

A young girl was currently tied to a wall with seals on her entire body that were preventing her from moving...and suppressing her chakra. She was wearing a pink Kimino and her silky black hair were reaching up to her back...her face was the epitome of feminine beauty...but one look in her eyes could show anyone the girl had lost the will to live.

"Are you here to kill me?" asked Haku was as if she was ready for this.


"Then you must be here to rape me" said Haku flatly...and she saw the young boy approaching her and prepared herself.

Naruto sat down in front of her...and removed some of the seals allowing the girl to move a little...and he was proved right when the girl didn't attack him..but just stayed still.

"I'm not here to kill or rape you...I am a criminal and have done many bad things...but I'm not an animal and have not lost my humanity." said Naruto gently,

"Say's the one who killed Zabuza-sama!" accused Haku angrily...and he closed his eyes accepting the blame.

"Yes...I did kill him for my own purposes...he died as a shinobi fighting till the end. Everyone of us fights for something...he fought till his last breath for you!" said Naruto shockingly and Haku's eyes widened on hearing that.

"You're...lying.." said the girl in disbelief...Zabuza-sama had said she was just a tool!

"He fought to protect you till the end...and almost killed me. Even if we were enemies...I understood him, the more we fought the more I realized he was not fighting for Gato...but was fighting to save you." said Naruto with a small smile...he was finally able to forgive himself because of Shin...and he wanted to help people redeem themselves.

"I was just a tool for him...don't lie to me!" said Haku angrily,

"The crimes Zabuza did are unforgivable...and the same applies to me. We were both used by the shinobi world...but the difference is we both fought to protect what was precious to us," said Naruto simply...and Haku saw the boy meant what he said.

Was this really the boy...who killed 300 of his comrades? Was he really a criminal as people assumed he was...

"Zabuza and I both lost sight of ourselves...and kept on lying to ourselves. In his case, he kept on imitating that he didn't care about you...but it was the opposite. You have to accept who you are before it's too late...and I believe that there is still time for you to realize who you are" said Naruto seriously...and started walking towards the door.

"I don't have anything left to live...I even tormented innocent people of wave for Zabuza-sama" said Haku shamefully,

"Then change your destiny with your power...make sure Zabuza's sacrifice was not in vain. You can hate me forever...but if you make the people of wave your precious people and fight to give them a better future...then I don't mind bearing your hatred" said Naruto with a small smile,

A few tears came in the girl's eyes as she realized how much she meant to Zabuza...and she was precious to him too. Her heart felt free as the man she loved as a father gave his life in trying to give her a better future. Zabuza died as a good man...instead of a blood thirsty swordsmen.

"Thank you Zabuza-sama...I will keep on living for you...and make amendments for my mistakes" thought Haku firmly,

Seeing the smile on Haku's face made Naruto feel happier...this world was not as cruel as it looked.

"I can't change the past...but I can definitely change the future Kurenai..." said Naruto silently...and walked out of the door.

Kurenai stood in front of her first response team...this was her first time leading such a big group of shinobi and she wanted to do the right thing.

She had 60 shinobi under her command...and more than half of them were genin, there were a few chunin like Izumo, Kotetsu...and jounins like Aoba, Anko, Gai, Hana Inuzuka, Genma, Asuma, Kakashi and herself.

She could see Naruto's friends were a little nervous as this was their first mission...well except for Sasuke and Sakura,

Both the kids had been through hell once...and Sasuke had reverted back to his old self and hardly talked to anyone. He had became so cold that people liked to stay away from him...even Sakura didn't talk with him much.

Talking about the pink haired girl...she looked a lot stronger than before. From the small build up of her muscles and the rashes on her was a clear indication she had been training hard for the past few days.

Shikamaru looked as lazy as ever...but she could see he was being cautious. Ino was trying to act tough for Chouji but was failing miserably.

Hinata seemed to be a little more prepared than before...maybe it was due to the fact that Neji was beside her along with Ko and a few other Hyuga branch family members.

The other members of Team Gai...were Lee and Tenten, one of whom was shouting loudly about "flames of youth" in Sakura's ears...and she chuckled a little when a small tick mark formed on the girl's forehead.


Kakashi's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she took a deep breath...she had to explain the plan.

"Listen up...tonight at 22:00 hours, we will be moving in. Our intel shows Gato and his associates are located in District 10...somewhere in these buildings" said Kurenai seriously and pointed the targets on the map that was lying on the ground.

"Do we know their exact locations Captain?" asked Shino flatly, and she was quite surprised that the Aburame was here...well, he was a little weird but among all his teammates he was the most Hana was continuously trying to shut Kiba up.

"We don't know Shino...the intel we received may not be correct. Gato is in this building and our prime objective is to capture him...we'll capture the rest too" assured Kurenai firmly,

"So...we are going in blind" said Aoba seriously,

"Yes...we currently have two hawks with us. soon as we get Gato, you get on the bird with that scum and get out of there fast!" ordered Kurenai

"Got it...but what about the other Hawk?" asked Genma curiously,

"I'll provide air support and help the ground teams in escaping...when shit hits the fan," said Sakura firmly, and the Jounins looked at her seriously.

"Gaki...our first mission was against bandits, this time we are up against shinobi. They won't be easy to will be in a lot of danger," said Anko worriedly,

"I know the risks...but somebody has to do it. You taught me the mission is more important...and I want to do the right thing," said Sakura willingly, and Anko gave the girl a firm nod.

"Alright the rest of us...will be divided into small teams. Anko will be the leader of Sqaud 1, Gai you will take squad 2...Aoba you take over squad 3, Hana you take over squad 4. All of you will make a perimeter around the target buildings and keep the enemy forces at bay...while I, Kakashi, and Asuma will infiltrate the respective target buildings and capture the targets. We will seal them in scrolls so we won't have to drag their asses back to where you fight, there are innocents in each others back, and you will make it back alive" said Kurenai briefly,

"What about casualties?" asked Shikamaru tactfully...

"Damn you is not the time for talking about such things. You will not leave any injured comrade I clear?" asked Kurenai flatly,

"Hai" said Shikamaru quickly, as he didn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

"Any more questions?" asked Kurenai strictly...but no one answered, so she just walked away leaving them to prepare for the mission.

Kakashi looked at the direction in which wave was located...tonight was going to be one of the most difficult missions these young genin would undertake...if only they had Naruto with them...then their morale would have been boosted.

"It'll be alright..." said Anko affectionately and slipped her hand with his own...and a small smile came on the copy ninja's face.

"What would I do without you?" asked Kakashi with a small chuckle...

"You'll just spend your entire life reading porn...that's what!" said Anko irritatingly, and Kakashi averted his eyes from her.

"I'm sorry...for not being there for you. I-" said Kakashi regretfully...but was silenced when Anko grasped his hand firmly.

Kakashi looked at his girlfriend...and soon to be wife and was quite surprised when instead of seeing anger on her face...he saw a look of understanding.

"There is no need to needed some time alone, and I accept that. When Orochimaru betrayed me...I cut all contacts with people...and what you are feeling right now is completely understandable to me," assured Anko calmly...and for once Kakashi was astonished by the level of understanding Anko had of people...and more importantly of him.

"Anko...thanks," said Kakashi gratefully...and gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

"It's going to cost you more than one simple kiss...for leaving me alone all this time," said Anko seductively...and a perverted smile came on Kakashi's face.

"On that we can agree.."

Ino, Chouji and Shikamaru were currently sitting under the shade of a tree...and they were a little tensed. Well to be fair, Shikamaru was taking a nap as usual...while Ino and Chouji were currently having a small chat.

"Are there really many missing ninja and samurai in wave?" asked Chouji worriedly,

"Come on...Chouji, we have our sensei's with us. And you have trained so hard during these past few days...I'm sure we will accomplish this mission successfully," said Ino reassuringly,

"You should never underestimate the enemy...Ino-san," said Shino darkly, and a loud "eep" was heard from Ino as she jumped a few meters away on finding the Aburame standing right behind her...and she hadn't even realized it.

"Shino...don't scare me like that!" berated Ino angirly...but the Aburame didn't give her any answer.

The small group were soon joined by Kiba and Hinata...and a small "Tch" was heard from Shikamaru as Akamaru started licking him.

"Oi...Oi...Chouji, don't be so scared. We can kick those enemies back to hell..." said Kiba proudly...and Chouji gave a weak nod.

"Still it's going to be very dangerous out there...everyone, don't let your guard down anytime. Shino is right we must be cautious of the enemy.." said Shikamaru seriously,

"We...will Shikamaru-kun. All of us have gotten stronger..." said Hinata shyly...

"Says the one who fainted on her first always you are pathetic Hyuga, you're all talk...I wouldn't be so confident if a weakling like you is watching my back..." said a voice irritatingly,

Everyone was quite surprised when they saw Sasuke standing on top of the tree...and the look he was giving Hinata was of pure hatred.

"Oi...teme, don't insult my teammate!" said Kiba angrily,

" would be wise if you kept your thoughts to yourself. Hinata may not be as cold as you...but she is a comrade and we believe in her." said Shino flatly,

"Comrades?...Hn, there is no such thing as comrades. When you're out there, it's a fight to kill or be killed. You guys have not seen anything...but it will be interesting when the reality of this world hits you!" said Sasuke arrogantly...and walked away.

Everyone was quite stunned after hearing that...Hinata was already on the verge of tears, while the others were trying to contemplate the meaning behind Sasuke's words.

"Troublesome...that guy," said Shikamaru in an annoyed tone,

"Shikamaru...what if Sasuke is right?" asked Ino nervously...and the Nara just shot her an annoyed glare.

"I don't care if he is right or not...he has no right to insult her like this" said Kiba angrily...and was just about to go towards the Uchiha when a voice stopped him.

"It's no use talking to him...Kiba," said a voice sadly, and this time the Rookies were again surprised when Sakura was sitting on the branch of a tree...and none of them had realized she had been present from the start.

"What do you mean?" asked Kiba in an annoyed voice...and the young Haruno jumped on the ground.

"It's exactly as I said...Sasuke has changed. Ever since Naruto defected from Konoha...he has lost faith in everything. Naruto was the only person who understood him...and now he is gone too, just like his older brother Itachi...all of you should know what that means," said Sakura seriously,

"He's more unstable than before..." said Shino flatly...and Sakura gave a tired sigh.

"You could say that...but still it would be good if you guys remained cautious out there. If not for Anko, Kurenai and Naruto's and Sasuke wouldn't have made it past the first mission. It's dark out we'll have to watch each other's backs...and don't hesitate. Ino...Hinata, I know you guys are good kunoichi...and want to protect your kill whoever tries to harm your team," said Sakura as gently as possible,

Ino couldn't believe what she just heard...was this the same Sakura that used to get bullied during her childhood...or the one who was her number one competitor for Sasuke's affection.

"She's so that I think about it, every member of Team 7 have changed a lot after he left..." thought Ino sadly,

"I just...want to protect everyone..." said a tearful Hinata,

" you believe in our abilities?" asked Shikamaru straight forwardly...but one look in the young girl's eyes gave him the answer.

"I don't know...whether to trust in my own abilities or the choices of the comrades I one knows how it will turn out," said Sakura coldly...and walked away from the group.

Watching Sakura leave...made the other Rookies question their own beliefs...were they really true shinobi?

Naruto watched the vast ocean the surrounded was so peaceful out here, no politics, no missions, the calm breeze that was flowing all around him made him feel better.

"Nono was right...I'm going to retire from Anbu after this mission. I'll try to start a new life.." said Naruto hopefully,

"Ne...Naruto, can I ask you something?" asked Kurama hesitantly...this had to be done.

"What's it Kurama? Ask freely..." said Naruto freely, as another cool breeze brought a smile on his face.

"What do you feel about this world? Do you think that the current system of shinobi is right?'' asked Kurama seriously...and this time Naruto thought about the question a little suspiciously...what was his friend up to?

"I won't lie this world is dark, corrupt...people betray each other for power, money and many other things...and there is a lot of hatred in this world," said Naruto truthfully,

"I see..." said Kurama disappointingly,

"But there are more good things in this world...where there is darkness there is light, where there is hatred there is love. When people betray you there are also those who help life is a prime example of both the light and dark sides of this world" said Naruto with a small smile,

" believe in the same thing if you lost someone close to you Shin and Sai? I don't know what goes on in your mind...even if I'm sealed in you...I don't know what path you will take," said Kurama honestly

"He's hiding something..." thought Naruto sharply...but decided to keep quiet for now.

"It will be painful...but I'm not going to give up. Everyone believes in me...and if I lose someone very close to me and if I'm unable to live without them...then I'll find a way to bring them back...that's a promise. There is enough pain and sadness in this world...I don't want to cause any more suffering," said Naruto seriously...and Kurama's eyes widened on hearing that.

"" said Kurama proudly...and his partner just gave him a nod.

Silence followed for a few more minutes as Naruto just observed the calm blue ocean in front of him...while Kurama contemplated the answer he received from his container until...

"What are you hiding?" asked Naruto dangerously...and the Biju suddenly felt cornered.

"There is nothing to hide...I just wanted to know how you feel," said Kurama evasively, but the answer was not satisfactory for his friend as his glare just intensified.

"Don't lie to me...not you. We've been through hell together...there should be no secrets between us," said Naruto seriously...and Kurama felt a little ashamed on hearing that.

Could he let such secrets continue any longer...even after knowing Naruto's thoughts about the world. He even said he would bring his precious people back...and if it was someone like Rei then he doubted anything could stop Naruto. Hell...he might just become another Rikudo Sennin if it meant bringing his daughter back...

The question was...what choice was Kurama supposed to make now?

Believe in Itachi...and prevent another Madara from being born...or believe in Naruto to choose the right path?

"I can't lie anymore...I'm not like Danzo, neither am I Kami...and I don't have any right to choose how he lives his life. I'll let him decide his own path..." thought Kurama firmly...and prepared himself to reveal the dark truth that he had been hiding from Naruto.

He knew by doing this...there was a chance that his friendship with Naruto would be destroyed and he was putting the world at risk...but he would rather let this cruel world burn rather than betray the person who understood him the most after the Rikudo Sennin.

"Naruto...I need to tell you somet-"


A little blonde girl came running and knocked Naruto flat on the ground...and a small smile came on Naruto's face as he saw the vibrant smile on Riya's face.

"It's good to see you...Riya-chan," said Naruto affectionately...and another person stepped in the room.

"I brought her here as you asked...she seems to like you," said Haku calmly...there was no bitterness in her voice but there was no sympathy either. It was never easy to forgive a person who killed someone close to you...even if the battle was fair.

"Where were you Nii-chan...I waited for you so long," said Riya with a small pout...and Naruto just ruffled her blonde hair gently.

"Well...I did have to make some arrangements for you. Haku-san and you are going somewhere else...there are other kids like you there. You'll get food, water, there is a lovely lady called Nono there who'll look after you and teach you." said Naruto cheerfully...and the happiness in the girl's eyes increased.

"Does he really care about her...or is there a motive behind this too?" thought Haku skeptically...she was still wary of trusting this man, but she did care about the little girl as she was innocent and had nothing do with their world.

"You'll be coming with us right?" asked Riya innocently...and Naruto looked at her lovingly.

"I have some work to do...but I'll promise we will meet each other very soon, imouto" said Naruto firmly...and the girl brought her little pinky finger in front of him.

"Pinky promise?" asked Rei seriously...

"Huh?" asked a confused Naruto...what did that mean? And why was she holding her finger in front of him. Staying in Root for so many years had deprived him of the understanding of how kids feel...he was never a kid and had to mature faster than anyone...and even if he shared a close bond with Konohamaru, he still didn't know how to behave with young girls like Riya.

He was quite surprised when Haku came forward...and grasped his small finger firmly and entwined her with Riya's very own.

"It's a promise..." said Haku lovingly...and Riya hugged both of them happily,

Naruto hugged Riya back...and a small tear slipped from his eyes. He had not felt so much better in days...was this how a man felt when he had a daughter?


He didn't know what he was thinking...but looking at Riya made him remember the little girl in Root Anbu uniform...was his dream a real truth? Did a girl called...Rei really exist?

"I'll go pack a few more of my toys that Haku-nee-chan brought me..." said Riya cheerfully...and quickly went to get her toys.

"You're not a criminal...are you?" asked Haku gently...and Naruto was a little surprised on hearing that,

"What makes you think that? I'm a killer...don't be delusional," said Naruto defiantly...but the raven haired girl saw through his mask.

"A killer...or a criminal won't save a girl like Riya. A criminal or a murderer won't have the same love in his eyes...that a father has for his daughter. I can see who you really are...Naruto Hatake," said Haku with a small smirk, making Naruto leave a tired sigh.

"Just get the girl to the orphanage...I've already talked with Nono, both of you are welcome there. If you want she is willing to offer you a place can help the orphan kids there...because you know what it's like to be alone," said Naruto suggestively...and Haku thought about the offer.

"Maybe I can look after the kids there...this way I can spend some time alone...and can also look after Riya," thought Haku carefully...she just needed some time away from Wave country...and staying with young kids and helping them was a thousand times better than seeing criminals roaming freely in Wave.

"I'll get the girl to the orphanage safely...and maybe." said Haku hesitantly and Naruto nodded as he understood what she was trying to say,

He looked at the setting sun in the sky...and he used his sensor skills. He could feel the numerous missing ninjas chakra in Wave...and he increased the radius and was now trying to feel any chakra signatures outside Wave.

"They must be here by now..." thought Naruto seriously,

And there they were...he could feel 60 signatures hiding in the small forest. He could feel a very familiar chakra which was a little similar to his own.





"Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, seems everyone has arrived."

He had not expected the Hokage to send so many genin considering their opponents were missing ninjas...but since most of Konoha's forces had been sent to the front, Hiruzen must have had no choice but to send them.

His eyes widened in shock...when he felt that chakra...standing away from the others. What the hell was she doing here!

He could never forget this chakra...nor the person to whom it belonged to. There must be a specific reason she was here...he just hoped his crow had told her the truth.

A part of his heart was forcing him to meet her immediately...but the rational part of his mind was telling him to control himself and not blow his cover in front of the other Konoha shinobi.

"Why did you spare me? I want to know the truth...Zabuza-sama is dead and no one will notice if you break the promise. Why?" asked Haku curiously,

"It's because you remind me of my older self..." said Naruto truthfully,

"What do you mean?" asked Haku with a frown, how were both of them similar?

"You dedicated your entire life to Zabuza and in this you lost sight of yourself...and my path was a little similar. I couldn't even understand the person I loved the most...but I want to change that. After my battle with Zabuza...I was reminded of who I truly was...and I believe I can walk a different path than what I had thought before...I'll make my own ninja way," said Naruto confidently...and his hands clenched tightly.

A small smile came on Haku's face and she stepped forward and was now standing beside Naruto...and looking at the calm ocean of Wave made her feel relaxed.

"You're right"

It was pitch black...the sky was dark as there was no moon to enlighten it.

The citizens of Wave were sleeping peacefully unaware of the ninjas that were going to attack their country in a matter of a few minutes.

Kurenai and her group of shinobi were stealthily approaching the docks of Wave country. Genma and Sakura were flying high in the air waiting for the signal to attack.

The docks approached near and she raised her hand and all of her soldiers stopped running and waited patiently. Eyes sharp, breaths fast...hands on their weapons ready to kill the enemy.

The Rookies watched closely as Kurenai pointed her finger forward. Hinata was quite surprised when Tokumo Hyuga, a member of her clan stepped forward and was now beside Kurenai.

She saw him performing the hand seal and the next instant his byakugan activated. It was known to all members of the Hyuga clan that Tokuma had the best eyes in their entire clan...and the Hokage had assigned him to the strike team, but she believed it was her father who had put him on this mission so that he could protect her.

"Captain...the docks are clear. There are 10 guards outside the docks but judging from the level of chakra, they are low chunin level ninja" said Tokuma accurately,

"What about the rooftops...from the reports we have, it was mentioned that there were many enemy ninja on the rooftops?" asked Kurenai strictly and Tokuma diverted his eyes to the designated areas.

"Yes...there are many ninja up there. Most of them are awake and alert...going in there now would blow our cover," said Tokuma flatly,

Kurenai gave the man a thankful nod and he went back with his squad.

"Kiba...what do you think will happen now?" asked a nervous Ino, her heartbeat was increasing every minute. There were enemy ninja out there...and none of them had ever been in combat.

"We're going to kick their asses!" said Kiba boastfully, and the next instant Hana gave him a hard bop on his head.

"Foolish little mut...keep your mouth shut!" said Hana irritatingly...and Kiba growled in return,

"Fine fine..." said Kiba quickly when Hana put a kunai on his neck...why was her brother so childish? They were on a real mission right now...looking at the faces of the other gennin made her sigh tiredly. Things were going to get real ugly.

All of them were broken out of their thoughts when Kurenai started speaking on a small device.

"Genma, Sakura both of you move forward. Your primary targets are the shinobi on the rooftops. Genma use your shurikenjutsu, Sakura use your as quite as possible. I'll be following with the others as soon as you strike," ordered Kurenai firmly,

"Hai...Captain Kurenai," said Sakura and Genma in unison,

As soon as the order was given Kakashi immediately stepped forward and looked at Kurenai firmly.

"Kurenai...going in there blind is suicide. Even if Genma and Sakura take out a few, we would still be outnumbered. The enemy has the strategic advantage here...please reconsider," requested Kakashi urgently,

"I'm well aware of that...that is why I want all of you to wait here for 1 minute. I'll go ahead and perform a new technique that I have will put the enemy forces in disarray and then you charge with the rest of the force," said Kurenai smartly,

"I understand...but I think you should take a few men with you. You're the leader...and taking such risks- said Kakashi seriously but was cut off when Kurenai glared at him.

"Kakashi...I know what I am doing. I've trained day and night for this...and you're forgetting that I am the best genjustsu specialist of Konoha. Stealth is my weapon.." explained Kurenai briefly...and Kakashi nooded a bit reluctantly.

Everyone saw the two birds on which Sakura and Genma were etching closer to their targets...and the next instant Kurenai performed a few hand seals and disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Everyone...stand fast, we'll be moving in 1 minute," ordered Kakashi quickly

Slowly all the ninjas armed themselves...and waited for the battle to begin. Kakashi saw the fearful looks on the genin's face...and memories of his first mission came flooding in his mind. These kids were young...and this was their first battle.

He stepped forward and looked at Sasuke, Kiba, Ino, Shino and the rest of the rookies.

"All of you are very brave, you have trained for this day. I don't care what differences you had in the past with each other...but from here on out, you all are comrades. We are up against a tough enemy...and I want each of you to watch each other's backs. Is that clear?" asked Kakashi gently, and he received hesitant nods from the nervous genin.

"Kakashi-sensei..." said Hinata and Chouji nervously, and the veteran ninja put a gentle hand on both of their heads.

"Don't worry Hinata, Chouji...I swear to all of you that I won't let any of you die. I won't leave you behind...and that's a promise," said Kakashi with an eye smile and a small tear slipped from the eyes of the young genin.

A small smile came on Anko's face as she saw Kakashi giving the young genin strength...this was the man she loved, despite all his flaws Kakashi was a good person.

"It's time.." said Aoba seriously

Kurenai stealthily hid behind a small boat in the docks...her murderous red eyes were fixed on the 10 lazy chunin that were guarding the entrance of the docks.

"Let's do this.." said Kurenai confidently

She quickly performed a set of hand seals and molded her chakra swiftly.

"Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death)"

The next moment the chunin guards were shocked when giant trees erupted beside them and in a flash the branches of the trees entangled themselves around their entire bodies.

The helpless missing ninjas tried to break out...they even tried to scream, but their mouths were blocked...and in a matter of 2 minutes all of them lay dead on the floor...their bodies cold as ice but there was a terrified expression on their faces.

Kurenai quickly stepped past those bodies...her genjutsu was a success as her enemies had been killed without any sound.

She was quite surprised when she saw three ninjas on the house nearby...and they were trying to see what had happened. But it was very dark so they were having difficulties which gave her the chance to quickly take out 3 shuriken which she launched quickly at them.


The weapons hit the ninjas right in the head...and they fell dead on the rooftop.

"It seems your training of shurikenjutsu was indeed helpful.." thought Kurenai proudly...and jumped on the rooftop.

She quickly had to hide herself as she spotted numerous ninjas on nearby rooftops and some even on the streets patrolling the entire area. She took a deep breath in order to stabilize her chakra...if this technique worked then her soldiers could quickly curb stomp the front lines of the enemy.

Kurenai knew she had to say something to increase the morale of the young genin in her squad...but the fact was she was not Naruto. She wanted the young genin to become ninja in their own way...instead of giving them false hopes, she wanted them to see their world with their own eyes.

And after tonight, she was sure the Rookies were going to change...for better or worse, she didn't know.

She gathered a large amount of her chakra...and performed a set of hand seals quickly. She had developed a lot of genjutsu in order to prepare herself to face Naruto...and combine that with her increased physical strength and talent in Taijutsu, she was sure he was in for a tough fight.

And these ninjas were no match for a skilled ninja like her...who relied purely on stealth instead of flashy jutsu.

"Higai Moso NO Jutsu (Paranoia Technique)"

She watched victoriously as her genjutsu started affecting the missing ninjas in the entire area. Some of them were swaying heavily, while others were behaving as if they had lost their minds.

"Kurenai...we are in position, Orders?" asked Genma quickly, and a devious look came on her face.

"Kill them all..."

Kakashi saw many arrows and shuriken falling from the sky with the help of his sharingan...and this was the signal he was waiting for.

"Let's go.." said the veteran sharingan warrior quickly, and the entire force divided into small groups which headed in different directions of wave country.

The ninjas advanced quickly and entered Wave country to destroy their enemies...

On a high rooftop a young boy observed the nearby surroundings with a calculative gaze. He could feel the numerous chakra signatures infiltrating Wave...and he knew the battle had begun right on time.

His dark blue eyes were looking in the direction where he felt the chakra he was looking for...and it was approaching his position slowly.

"Stealthy as have not changed, Kurenai" thought Naruto with a small smirk,

"What are you going to do?" asked Kurama seriously, he would tell Naruto the truth after his meeting with Kurenai.

"It's time I stopped running and faced my past. But before that..." said Naruto murderously as his eyes shifted to a nearby buliding where Gato was sleeping peacefully.

(With Squad 1: Anko's Squad)

Anko and her small group of ninjas were running straight through the western district with the objective of securing the area. She looked at her squad and was mostly satisfied.

Sasuke was prepared, and she doubted anything was going to stop this boy...his experience in the past mission was helping him a lot.

Behind the Uchiha was Izumo and the young chunin was fairly comfortable as he had been on such missions before and the same could be said for the 4 Hyugas in the rear...even the shy Hinata seemed a little confident that before.

Maybe it was due to the fact that her brother Neji was beside her.

"Take them out..." said Anko quickly as she saw a group of 30 shinobi charging right at her.

The next second Sasuke jumped high in the air, and Anko saw a shuriken in his hand and she immediately realized what he was up to.

"Shadow Shuriken No Jutsu"

The next instant numerous shuriken were fired straight at the approaching missing ninjas...but it seemed they were prepared for it as a few of them had already performed a set of hand seals.

"Doton Doryuuheki (Earth Release: Mud Wall Jutsu)"

All the shuriken were effortlessly blocked by the large earth wall that rose in front of the missing ninjas.

"Everyone...fight carefully. These are not bandits or thugs, they are ninjas," warned Anko loudly

The next instant many enemy ninja jumped over their earthen wall and fired a lot of their kunai, shuriken straight at them.


The young Hyuga stepped quickly in front of his squad and the rest his comrades watched in shock as he performed his jutsu.

"Hakkeshō Kaiten"

Hinata and the rest of the Hyuga were quite astonished when the young branch member deflected each and every projectile aimed at his rotating quickly.

" are so strong," thought Hinata in awe,

"Hinata...don't let your guard down!" said Neji loudly as a ninja shunshined right beside her.


Neji was quite surprised when he saw the missing ninja falling dead on the ground with a kunai lodged straight in his head...and it was fired by Sasuke.


This was the only reply he got from Sasuke before the young Uchiha charged forward along with the rest of the Hyuga...despite his uncaring and cold nature, the Uchiha had protected his sister and that shocked Neji.

(With Squad 2: Gai's Squad)

"Dainamikku Entorī (Dynamic Entry)

A loud crushing noise was heard as Guy gave a devastating kick to a shinobi that sent him crashing on a nearby wall.

"Dainamikku Entorī (Dynamic Entry)"

Gai was quite surprised when the enemy beside him received the same devastating kick and was taken down instantly. His eyes beamed with pride when he saw his favorite student beside him.

"YOSH! Well done, Lee...let's show them the power of youth!" said Guy enthusiastically,

Lee was wearing a green spandex and had the same hair style as his sensei, it was as if he was a mini guy. The young genin gave Guy a vibrant smile in return.

"Hai, sensei...let's show them the power of youth. I'll take out each and every one of them...if I'm not able to do that, then I'll run all around Wave 5 times!" said Lee cheerfully, and a few tears came in the Jounin's eyes.





"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!" screamed Tenten angrily and she fired another round of her kunai at the enemies,

The rest of their squad also started engaging the enemy forces...she was grateful that Sakura and Genma were already eliminating the ninjas on the rooftops and were making their way to Gato's headquarters.

"Come on...Tenten show your youth to your youthful opponents," said Lee cheerfully,


This was the only thing that crossed across Tenten's mind as she looked at her teammate and sensei's antics...even during battle.

(With Squad 3: Aoba's Squad)

Aoba blocked a swipe of his opponent's kunai...and kicked him hard in the face, while launching a kunai straight in the enemy's face that killed him instantly.


He was quite shocked when a large number of shinobi started approaching his squad from all sides.

"Troublesome...we need to fall back," said Shikamaru urgently as he blocked a kunai aimed at Chouji,

"We need to get out of here...they'll kill us all," said a fearful Chouji as he dodged another punch from his opponent...and gave him a sharp kick in return.

The Akimichi boy felt really horrible when he saw the number of dead bodies around him. Everywhere around him was blood, and the terrifying screams was making him shiver in fear.

"Shikamaru...LEFT SIDE!" yelled Ino loudly,

The Nara boy ducked instantly as a hail of kunai passed just an inch above his head...if not for Ino's warning he would have been dead.



Shikamaru and Ino's eyes widened in horror when they saw Chouji and Ikumi falling flat on the ground with numerous kunai impaled across their entire bodies.


The young genin rushed towards their fallen comrades quickly. Tears were already dropping from Ino's eyes as she saw blood flowing from Chouji's bodies. He was hit really bad...a kunai in the chest, one in the stomach..and a few on his hands and legs.

Shikamaru was in a state of shock on seeing his best friend lying there on the floor...time had just stopped for him. His mind was being flooded by all the time he spent with Chouji...and now,

"What's their status?" asked Aoba loudly, as he killed another with his kunai cutting across the enemy's throat.

The next instant Kotetsu who was fighting nearby jumped towards the two fallen genin...he put his finger straight on the necks of Chouji and Ikumo.

"WHAT'S THEIR STATUS!" yelled Aoba angrily, as he did not receive any answer.

"They're down..."

(With Squad 4: Hana's Squad)

Hana blocked a punch from her opponent, and in twist broke his entire arm followed by a kick to his groin. The missing ninja dropped on his knees and screamed in pain and she grabbed his neck and in a flash twisted it entirely with the man's body falling on the ground.

Her gaze softened a little when she saw how terrified Kiba was...despite his loud and brash attitude he was still a young kid. A kid who was struggling to survive.

"Hijutsu: Mushidama"

Shino launched a group of bugs at the nearby enemies which instantly started to drain their chakra.



Kiba just froze in his place as he saw bodies upon bodies falling in front of him...blood was being spilled everywhere and he just didn't know what to do.

Shino tapped Kiba lightly on his shoulder...and the shocked Inuzuka looked at his teammate with a terrified expression on his face.

"Kiba...get yourself together. We need to support the squad. Don't freak out now!" said Shino hastily and went ahead to support Hana.


Akamaru's bark brought him out of shock...and he looked at his partner, and the dog was giving him an encouraging look. Kiba saw how Hana and Shino were fighting...he also noticed the slight blood dropping from Hana's hands as she was injured.

Something in him changed as he saw the injury on his sister's body...his blood boiled when he saw a group of ninja on the rooftops who were aiming to kill Hana and his squad.



The Inuzuka and his partner quickly jumped in the air...and the enemies on the roof were quite surprised when a small tornado approached them.

"Gatsuga (Fang Over Fang)"

Hana was shocked when the entire rooftop of the building in front of her was destroyed...but the shock on her face soon turned into a proud smile, when she saw Kiba and Akamaru emerging from the debris...and her brother gave her a cocky smile.

"Moron..." said Hana gently...and wiped a small tear that had came in her eye.


Hana's eyes widened in horror when she heard Shino's scream...and she was mortified when she saw a exploding tag glowing on Kiba's roof.


(With the Aerial Team: Sakura and Genma)

Sakura fired another round of her exploding arrows and watched in satisfaction as they blew apart a squad of enemy ninja trying to attack Gai's squad.

She fired another hail of her kunai and was just a diversionary tactic, and she was proved right again as the enemy started deflecting the projectiles and in doing so left themselves open for attacks.

They next instant Sqaud 2 jumped on them and tore them to pieces.

"Sakura...I am going to support Squad 3(Aoba's Squad). They are in deep shit...if things get worse, I'll get the squad out of there. You stay here and help Gai's squad in advancing!" yelled Genma urgently,

'Hai...sensei. I'll keep them safe," said Sakura promisingly...and Genma gave the young girl a thumbs up.

"Good luck...kid," said Genma gently...and started moving with his bird to Aoba's location.

Sakura gave the elite jounin a small nod before firing another one of her arrows straight across an enemy's head. She was quite surprised when a small group of enemy ninja were trying to approach Gai's squad from behind.

"I won't let you..." said Sakura murderously, and prepared another bunch of arrows.


Sakura's eyes widened in horror when she saw Genma's bird being struck by a lightning jutsu...and it started falling straight towards the ground.

"Captain Kurenai...Genma's down!" said Sakura urgently on her device

No response

"Captain.!" said Sakura quickly...but it seemed the device was not working at her height.

She saw Genma crashing on the ground...and from the looks of it, many shinobi were heading towards his position.

It all came down to her now...what choice was she supposed to make? She looked at Gai's squad who were quickly moving towards Gato's headquarters from the east side.

If she covered Gai's squad...then Genma would die, and if she went to save Genma...Squad 2 would be left open for attacks.


(With Kurenai)

The young captain quickly sliced her sword across an enemy's throat as his blood spilled across her face...but she didn't stop as she caught an enemy's kunai with her bare hands and in one quick motion struck her sword right in his gut.

She had already reached Gato's headquarters while wiping out every enemy that came in her was her job to capture that scum, while Kakashi and Asuma rounded up the rest of the targets.

The squads were advancing quickly...she knew some of her men would have died by now, but this was the harsh truth which they faced everyday.

But everything would be worth it...when they got the scum called "Gato!"


She ducked quickly as two ninja tried to swipe her head with their swords...however they were both shocked when she grabbed their legs and flipped them high in the air.

The next instant their heads rolled down on the floor...and she wiped the blood that was on her sword.

"Just a little longer...he should be up there!" thought Kurenai seriously,

Two ninjas appeared in front of her and performed a set of hand seals quickly...and she realized those hand seals quickly.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)"

A large fireball engulfed Kurenai in its fire and a victorious smile spread on her opponent's faces.

"Got the bitch...Retsu!" said one of the ninja with a smirk,


Both the ninja's breath got caught in their throats when a cold metal was pointed at their necks from behind...and they were shocked further when the saw the Kurenai in front of them dispersing into petals.


This was their last thought before Kurenai sliced their necks as a pool of blood sprayed in the room.

"Everyone underestimates Genjutsu...a pity!'' said Kurenai coldly,

She started running across the stairs quickly...the top floor was close and she knew Gato would be there. Sakura and Genma had already cut off Gato's escape the only safe place for that little shit would be this building.

But something seemed strange...the building seemed empty, she had expected a few more of Gato's men trying to defend him.

As soon as she stepped on the next floor she was quite surprised when numerous bodies were lying in front of her...she bent a little and checked the blood on the floor.

It was not thick...usually after a certain hours of death, the blood freezes and becomes thick. So it only meant one thing...

''They have been killed recently...but who?" said Kurenai suspiciously,

She knew no person of her team was here...they were all fighting someplace else. Gato's headquarters was the toughest enemy stronghold and she had ordered them to support her while she cleared it out.

But during her entire assault, she had faced only a handful of enemies...and her instincts were telling her that something was wrong.

She looked around but nobody was there...there was no noise or even any movement, and this creeped her out. It was as if she was in a horror house...and was being closely watched.

"I need to get moving..." said Kurenai firmly, and started climbing the last stairs to reach Gato's office.

She grasped her sword firmly as she Gato's office in front of her now...along with the two dead bodies lying near the door.

She silently and carefully started walking towards the door...this was it, her target would be right across this door. The question was...

Was Gato alive or dead?

If alive, then why was he not running? And if not...then who killed him?

So many questions were racing across her mind...and a small bead of sweat rolled across her face and she took a deep breath, as her hand reached the knob of the office's door.


In one quick motion she opened the door and brought her sword forward in order to block the attack that she was expecting...but she was proved wrong yet again.

The entire room was dark...and she could not even see her own hands in such darkness. She took a step forward...eyes sharp, and her hands placed firmly on her sword...but nothing happened.

She was quite surprised when her leg struck something and when she looked down...she saw two bodies on the floor. She bent down a little and her guess was these were Gato's personal bodyguards.

But where was Gato?

She carefully got up...and went forward, and as she etched further she could hazily see a person tied to a small chair. She already had a wild guess but decided to confirm her suspicions.

The young captain stepped forward and turned the chair...and her suspicions were proved right when she saw who the man was.

It was GATO.

She quickly checked his pulse and was relived on seeing that the little bastard was alive...but was knocked unconscious. This raised another question in her mind.

"Who did all this?" asked Kurenai sharply,

Her eyes widened in horror when a dark pair of red eyes activated in the right corner of the room...and when she looked closely a shiver ran across her entire body.

"Those eyes..." thought a horrified Kurenai, as right now she was staring at a very familiar three tomoe sharingan.

The sound of light footsteps were heard in the room as the person slowly came forward...and her worst fears came true when she saw his face.

"It's been a long time, Kurenai"