Chapter 51: I am Free

Itachi was a little intrigued when he found his partner sitting on a tree top, his eyes shifted towards the dark sky waiting to be illuminated by the sun which was about to arise in a few minutes. In the few weeks that he had known Naruto, the boy usually didn't get up so early...and this intrigued Itachi.

Which even for him was a rare thing...

As the man slowly started to climb the tall tree, he wondered just how much interest he was regaining in life and the world. A month ago, he was a shell.

A body without a soul waiting to be freed by Sasuke, and atone for his sins. And he still wanted to atone for them, but something was changing inside of him...

He was still willing to die by his little brother's hands, yet at the same time his heart was urging him to look at life from a different perspective. To see the world from the eyes of just Itachi- a young simple boy, and not an Anbu captain, an Uchiha, or anything like that.

And for the first time in his long miserable life, it made him happy...and it all happened due to the young boy who changed Itachi's entire life.

"Naruto..." said Itachi in a very hushed voice, as he reached the top of the tree and slowly sat beside the boy.

And surprisingly, Naruto had a peaceful smile on his face...a very beautiful smile.

"Shh...just look. Feel it, Itachi..." replied Naruto in a very peaceful voice,

"Feel what?" asked Itachi curiously, as Naruto pointed his finger at the far end of the sky where the sun slowly stared to rise.

Before Itachi could ask another question, a wild cool breeze flew past him sending sparkling sensations across his entire body. Minute tremors passed through the lake making the water move slowly, and the sky that was dark before slowly started to become bright as the magnificent sun slowly started to rise up in the sky.

"It's beautiful..." said an amazed Itachi, and Naruto chuckled when he saw a small smile on the Uchiha's face.

"Maybe life is not so dark as we imagine it to be, Itachi..." said Naruto in a very happy tone, and slowly inhaled the fresh air which nature was showering over him as a nectar, which was slowly rejuvenating his dull life.

"What do you mean?" asked Itachi curiously, even he was a little pleased on seeing the improvement in Naruto's morale.

Maybe the arrival of the Senju woman had sparked some hope in the boy...or maybe Naruto had finally found his peace, or something else? Whatever it was, Naruto looked to be very happy and hopeful in a very long time...

"We spend our entire lives not saying the things we wanna say. Things which should say, always hiding behind signals, perceptions and all such things. You once asked me what I wanted to do if I survived this mission?" asked Naruto quietly,


"I've done some terrible things in life, things which I'm not proud of. But I also did things that protected people, I can't change my past and the actions that I have performed. All my life, I lived by the Anbu code and put the village above everything else, even above my family. I don't know if it was right or wrong, I don't know how this world would change after all this, the only thing I know...and the only thing I am gonna do is tell Kakashi, Anko, Sasuke, Sakura, Konohamuru, Emiko, Nono, Tsunade, Hiruzen, my Rookie classmates...and Kurenai in plain and simple words, that I love all of them very much. And I will dedicate my entire life to love and protect them...and atone for my sins in this way. This is what I want if I survive this mission..." explained Naruto proudly, as the rays of the morning sun hit the boy's face and showed Itachi the feelings in his eyes.

"Is this your final choice?" asked Itachi curiously, only to receive a bright smile from Naruto.

"I'm going to take Nono's advice and retire from Anbu, I have lived in the shadows for too long. I want to go back to my family, go back to my matter what darkness awaits me, I am going back to my family" said Naruto in a very happy voice,

"So, have you forgiven yourself for the things that happened in your past?" asked Itachi in a very straight forward manner, as he too wanted to know the answer which might change his outlook towards life.

"No, I can't forgive myself ever. My best friends Shin and Sai are still dead, the blood of innocents is still on my hands and there is nothing I can say that can justify it. But I'm tired, Itachi...tired of this life, all these lies that I've said to my family. But not anymore, if I survive this mission I will live my life on own terms as Naruto Hatake, the person who I was before all this shit happened" explained Naruto

He was surprised when Itachi averted his eyes from him, and became silent for the next few minutes. Though Naruto knew what his partner was going through, because Itachi was the only person in the world who had been through that hellish life.

"I'm happy for you...Naruto" congratulated Itachi, and offered his hand to Naruto which the boy shook happily.

"It's never too late Itachi...maybe you should do the same thing with Sasuke. It will give him peace, it'll give you peace in a lifetime of war..." advised Naruto, and he didn't back down when Itachi glared at him.

"Hokage-sama has ordered you to go to Suna, find out what's happening there and report back to me..." said Itachi quickly, making Naruto laugh as the boy could clearly see how insecure Itachi was about his actions with Sasuke.

"I'll do that...but think about what I said" requested Naruto,

"And what will happen if I do that? Huh?" asked Itachi in an angry voice,

"It's the right thing to do..."

"It's easy for you to say, you can still go back. But what about me? What grand prize do I get if I do this?" asked Itachi in a frustrated voice,

"You got what you asked for, brother. No paradise, no hell...just more of the same. I can still pull a few strings and give you a life with Sasuke if you want..." said Naruto honestly, and the shocked look on Itachi's face was priceless.

"Naruto, you-"

Naruto slowly stood up and put on his face mask, and casted a small glance towards his confused partner who was remorsefully avoiding eye contact and just staring at the lake.

"I mean it, Itachi. What would you rather have...Peace or Freedom?" asked Naruto sagely,

Itachi hesitantly looked up to answer the question, but alas Naruto was gone making a tired sigh escape from Itachi's lips.

"Well, you really suck at goodbye's, you know that?"


Hinata Hyuga aimlessly walked through the streets of Konoha, she idly wondered how things were finally settling down in her troubled village. Things had been quite messy in the last few months, the man she loved had been named a traitor and murderer...and only Kami knew where he was now.

Her classmate and good friend, Chouji was buried in the ground.

Sakura was moving on with her life and was busy training under Shizune Kato. While Anko and Kurenai were looking after the task force with Kakashi and Gai assisting them sometimes.

The rest of the rookies were just trying to overcome their grief of losing a good friend, this was the first time they were going through such a thing. Particularly Shikamaru and Ino.

Sasuke was reverting back to his old self, and was becoming a big a-

Before she could finish her thoughts she was suddenly pulled inside a nearby alley. Her Byakugan instantly activated as she looked at her assailant...

"What the...Sasuke?" asked Hinata in shock,

But the poor girl was shocked when she saw the state the boy was in. His eye lids were completely dark showing he had cried or didn't sleep for a few days, his clothes were shaggy and his hair were a mess.


"What happened to you?" asked Hinata worriedly, even if the boy was a jackass he was still a person.

"I'm sorry..."

Danger bells ran in Hinata's heart when Sasuke collapsed on his knees and tears freely slipped from his eyes. Acting on her female instincts, she rushed towards the boy and enveloped him in a warm hug.

"Shh, it's going to be alright..." comforted Hinata, and gently rubbed the boy's back.

"I killed them...


As soon as those words left Sasuke's mouth he came face to face with a shocked Hinata who had a clear look of disbelief on her face.

"I fucked up and got Tokuma Hyuga and Shinji Hyuga killed. It was madness back there, and I tried to fire an explosive tag towards the enemy forces...but it slipped from my hands..." said Sasuke in a regretful voice,

"Oh Kami..." replied Hinata in shock,

"I was scared, it was madness and I just jumped away while they got caught in the explosion. The blast was at point blank range which destroyed them completely, they died because of me..." said Sasuke sadly,

"Why are you telling me this? Why did you lie to everyone?" asked Hinata in harsh tone,

"I didn't know what to do, they would have locked me in a cell for this. Naruto was the only one I trusted and relied on, but he's gone and I'm all alone now...Hinata, I didn't want to kill them, I didn't..." said Sasuke regretfully, as more tears slipped from his eyes.

Hinata couldn't understand how to interpret the situation, on one hand she felt extremely sorry for Sasuke. If this was the truth, then he was not a murderer like she thought, he was just a scared boy. Wave mission was a madness, a horror story for new genin like them. They lost Chouji there...Sakura barely made it back, Shino got fucked up badly.

And Sasuke, he was just a broken boy who lost his best friend a few weeks ago.

"I am sorry for being rude to you, before. I just didn't know what to do, I didn't kill your family members Hinata...I just-"

Before Sasuke could further testify he was silenced when Hinata enwrapped him in a warm, tight hug...


"I'm glad you told me the truth..." said Hinata sadly, as Sasuke returned the hug.

"I can't lie anymore, Hinata. You can report this to the Hokage-" replied Sasuke but she cut him off by tightening the embrace.

"It won't do any good, you didn't kill them. But I doubt that the Hokage would see it that way, I just don't want to see one of my friends getting hurt anymore..." explained Hinata patiently,

"You forgive me?" asked Sasuke hesitantly,

"Hai, I'm your friend, Sasuke. You don't have to bear everything all alone..." comforted Hinata,

"Why are you doing this?" asked Sasuke sadly,

"You trusted me enough to tell the truth, and I believe you are innocent and it was just an accident which no one else needs to know. Besides this is what Naruto would have done..." said Hinata happily, and embraced Sasuke tightly.

But the poor girl was unaware of the devious look that appeared on the boy's face as he returned the hug, his Mangekyo quickly came to life and an evil smile appeared on his face.

"I thought it was impossible for one person to change the world, it was unrealistic. But now, I see the truth of this evil world. My hands are already stained with blood, before creation there must be destruction. Before peace there must be war, and if my soul stands in the way...I'll just toss it aside" thought Sasuke darkly,

His eyes shifted towards the girl in his arms, she was just going to be another one of his pawns in his holy war. And he had to admit, he was enjoying this...

"Naruto, I finally realized the reality of this evil world. That's why I'm going to purify it...and if you too fight against me, I'll welcome you with open arms. After all, we are brothers"



In the middle of the chaotic desert, a young boy could be seen. His dark red eyes were attentively observing the large walls that were in front of him, the weather was extremely hot and the continuous sand waves were annoying as hell.

However it didn't stop him, after all he had a job to do...

Naruto slowly lifted up his hood as his blonde hair freely flowed in the air and he just looked at the vast village of Sunagakure...

He knew his mission had to be accomplished within 3 days, as he had to meet Orochimaru at the end of the week. His mind could still remember everything that Kabuto had said that day, about how Orochimaru could bring his mother back and his daughter?

He didn't know what the truth was, but it would be a disaster if he trusted those monsters. Orochimaru was a murderer, liar, and a monster who betrayed his own people, his teacher, and his countrymen. He could not be trusted...

"I'm sorry, Kurama..."

"It's never too late, I'm glad you saw reason..." said the Biju in relief,

"I was troubled that day, I was not thinking straight..." replied Naruto in a guilty voice,

"It's okay, it happens. Just focus on finishing this mission and getting back to Kurenai. Okay?" asked Kurama patiently,


"You are a good person, Naruto" complimented Kurama, bringing a smile on Naruto's face.

"And you are a good friend on whom I can depend. Kurama, from now I'll be honest with everyone and will not tell any lies. You'll do the same for me, won't you?" asked Naruto curiously,

He didn't know what those simple words meant to Kurama. The Biju felt extremely guilty, here was the man who trusted him immensely. How could he just say to Naruto, that he had betrayed him?

No, he couldn't do that. Naruto was finally moving on in his life, towards a better future with Kurenai. If he told him the truth about Rei, about what he and Itachi had done on Hiruzen's orders...then everything would fall apart.

He couldn't watch Naruto suffering from that feeling again, but at the same time he knew he couldn't hide the truth forever...

"I'll tell you everything after Operation Ghost, and once you return to Konoha with Kurenai. I'll tell you everything, no matter how much you may hate me after that..." thought Kurama seriously,


The Biju gave a false smile to Naruto, he had to bear this sin a little longer...

"Yeah, no more secrets..."