Chapter 53: Gaara


In a dark corner of a secret base a person was attentively operating on a body on his table. He was a tall man with extremely pale skin and waist length black hair, but the most intimidating thing about him were his slit golden eyes that could generate fear in even the strongest warriors.

It was fair to say that Orochimaru was perhaps one of the most dangerous criminals of the ninja world.

A former Sannin and a ninja of Konohagakure.

Infamously knows through the titles of "Butcher" and "Mad Scientist"

And titles well deserved, in fact. The attainment of knowledge requires sacrifice and dedication, it requires a will to cross boundaries which humans often confine themselves into. And he was happily breaking all the boundaries in order to become that supreme being.

That thought alone sent tickling sensations across his body, making him chuckle lightly.

"I see, you're still busy with your experiments..." said Kabuto slyly, making his mentor smile.

"How was your meeting with Uzumaki Naruto?" asked Orochimaru curiously, and watched as Kabuto adjusted his glasses. He always wondered why his student had the strange habit of adjusting his glasses before starting a conversation, then again Kabuto was a weird genius.

Talented boy, but indeed weird.

"So far, the reports about him seem accurate. He has indeed betrayed Konoha, and is strong enough to dispose all my test subjects like they were flies. He is extremely strong, even without his Biju's powers..." was Kabuto's swift and honest reply,

"Interesting, very interesting..."

"Orochimaru-sama, I still doubt his intentions. The Hokage has indeed sent hunter ninja and Anbu squads after Naruto, but I sense a conspiracy here...all of this seems very easy" suggested Kabuto, but Orochimaru shook his head.

"You're right and wrong at the same time..." said Orochimaru mysteriously, and chuckled when a frown came on Kabuto's face.

"What do you mean?"

"I have seen from time to time, that rebellion is in mankind's nature..." said Orochimaru confidently,


"Before the shinobi and ninja village system existed, there was the Clan Wars Era. It was an era of constant warfare and yet humanity was surviving and constantly developing. You might even say people were happy in that system, except for a few..." said Orochimaru seriously,

"You mean Hashirama Senju, the founder of Konoha and the Shinobi world?" asked Kabuto smartly, getting a nod from his mentor.

"Accurate, there will always be people who can never fit into the system. No matter how hard they try, they are either unfit to live in the system or the system rejects them itself. And those selected few humans always become the ones who change the world, for better or for worse..." said Orochimaru confidently,

"And where does Naruto fit into this?" questioned Kabuto curiously,

"He doesn't fit at all, he's an outcast who was rejected from the system. It was not his fault, yet his own people threw him away but he still tried to adjust himself in the system until now..."

"And what about Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Opposite but yet the same, he was accepted into the system but is unable to adjust himself in it. If he ever realized the injustice done to his clan, and to his best friend...he will become quite a threat. These two along with a few others are prime examples of how unbalanced and hypocritical the ninja world is. It speaks of peace yet starts wars, it promotes equality yet discriminates at the same time, preaches love yet plants hatred inside people's heart by making them fight for power, vengeance, grudges. In a way, the ninja world is perhaps the most flawed system ever created in human history..." explained Orochimaru briefly

Kabuto was quite surprised by the depth of his mentor's knowledge, not only did Orochimaru understand science but he understood the world itself. Guess, he was a Sannin in every aspect...

"And you plan to use these two?" asked Kabuto knowingly, but frowned when Orochimaru shook his head again.

"I have no interest in the petty affairs of the ninja world, although I do have a grudge against Konoha. That village rejected the knowledge which I accumulated through years of sacrifice by saying I broke human morals and emotions. I have never seen such hypocrites in my entire life, those fools can gladly suppress and destroy other people of the world for their comfort and yet speak of peace. That's why it has to be destroyed for attainment of knowledge, besides it would be fun watching those hypocritic fools die painfully. Maybe some of them can become useful samples..." mused Orochimaru, and Kabuto smirked on seeing the excitement in the man's eyes.

"So, you have no interest in Sasuke-kun's powers?" asked Kabuto,

"I never said that, Kabuto. Although, Naruto is a totally different case...he is free to take his revenge as long as he doesn't get in my way. I actually find the boy very interesting, despite the odds against him he became this powerful and fighting against the entire Fire nation all alone..." stated Orochimaru in an impressed voice,

"Do you really think Naruto will join us?" questioned Kabuto doubtfully, as Orochimaru wiped a small blood stain from his coat.

"Hiruzen not only dug his own grave but also that of the ninja world when he decided to hide the mysterious existence and death of Naruto's clone daughter. Being the emotional human, the betrayal Naruto will feel will be much more in comparison to the treatment Konoha gave him all these years. Rei was the closest thing to what Naruto could call a family, and to realize Konoha and the ninja world even took that away from him, and even went as far as to eliminate all trace of her existence would be the ultimate betrayal. With the power of Kyuubi and his thirst for vengeance against the ninja world, Naruto can very well become the destroyer of the ninja world...

"All it takes to start a giant fire is a mere spark. And all it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man, and Naruto Uzumaki is that person..."


Looking into Gaara's blood thirsty eyes brought a smile on Naruto's face, which completely surprised his partner.

"Naruto, you're smiling? He wants to kill you, moron!' scolded Kurama, but the mysterious smile still remained on Naruto's face.

"While you are seeing hatred in this Jinchuuriki's eyes, I can only see pain. If the Biju were mistreated by humans, then the Jinchuuriki received far worse treatment. Being considered as weapons of mass destruction, to be used and thrown aside on the village's whims. If not for Kakashi, I would have turned out like him or worse joined Danzo's revolt. The longer I live in this ninja world, the more atrocities I and people of my kind suffer...what was our crime? You asked me why I never talk about my parents?"


"Not only did they give me a life of pain, but left me all alone. And for what? Protecting Konoha? The very village spat on me, and what right did they even have to make me a Jinchuuriki? I was a human being and not some property which they could freely use for their own ambitions. People of this world have forgotten the meaning of being human, they think all of them are Kami (God). If they can judge and discriminate people like me, then why can't I do the same? I don't hate my parents, but I don't like them either. As for this boy, I understand his pain and that's why I will not kill him even if he is Konoha's enemy." explained Naruto seriously,

"Then why are you even protecting Konoha?" questioned Kurama, and frowned when Naruto became extremely silent.


"Answer me, Naruto"

"I'm just tired of this ninja world, the only reason I'm still fighting for Konoha is due to the few people in the village who showed me kindness and love. And as far as the village is concerned, let's just say they are receiving my allegiance only due to Shin and Sai. But then again, it's not enough...and I might just retire from this ninja life after this mission" said Naruto honestly,

"I understand" said Kurama nervously, and Naruto sensed the hesitation in his partner's voice.

"Are you hiding something from me, Kurama?" asked Naruto sharply, and his suspicions were proved correct when he saw a flicker of panic cross through Kurama's eyes, but it quickly disappeared as the Biju schooled his features.

"No, and I think you need to concentrate on your opponent. The Kazekage and Suna ninja would be alerted soon..." warned Kurama, and sighed in relief when Naruto gave a nod.

Unknown to the Biju, Naruto had completely understood his partner's intention of diverting the question. He had noticed Kurama's strange behavior during the past few days, and his years of training as an Anbu Captain suggested only one thing.

Kurama was lying to him.

And he had to know why...

"Alright, Kurama. I see your point..." said Naruto slyly, pretending to be unaware of his partner's deceitful actions.

Activating his Mangekyo, Naruto put his finger on his communication device. He needed time to subdue his opponent, and it could only be achieved through this way...

"Clone Teams, change of plans. Shift to Condition Scarecrow...NOW!"

(With Clones)

As soon as the command was received the first shadow Clone edged closer to the entrance gate of a nearby restaurant. He also sensed his clone brothers moving into similar important targets, while one clone stationed himself inside a weapons cache center of Suna.

"Clone 1, in position inside the weapons depot!''

"Clone 2, in position near the communications station!"

"Clone 3, in position near the hospital!"

"Clone 4, in position near a large restaurant!"

All the clones passed on their status updates to their maker, as the communication devices on their ears blinked again.

"Initiate Code R, minimize civilian casualties..." said Naruto coldly,

And the next second, 4 giant explosions rocked the entire village of Sunagakure.

(With Naruto)

The Anbu captain observed closely as 4 giant explosions occurred simultaneously across the entire village. The very next second loud sirens started ringing, and hundreds of chakra signatures started rushing towards the site of explosions, along with a Kage level ninja's chakra signature.

"That will keep the Kazekage and his forces occupied, now I only need to stop this guy before he transforms into his full Biju state. If he can even do that..." thought Naruto analytically,

His assumptions were proved correct when Gaara jumped towards him, the boy did not care about the explosions inside his own village.

Rather he seemed more interested in killing Naruto.

"Very well..." said Naruto calmly, and focused his eyes on Gaara.

The Ichibi Jinchuuriki was rather surprised, when Naruto easily side stepped the incoming punch aimed at him. Before Gaara could counterattack, a solid kick to his back sent him sailing away.

Not wasting any time, Naruto took out 4 hidden seals from his pants and threw them in different directions.

"What are those things?" questioned Kurama curiously,

"Silencer seals. It will prevent any ninja from sensing our chakra's, or even any type of sound. It will buy me some time to subdue him..." explained Naruto quickly, while looking at a furious Gaara.

"But you said that you didn't have many weapons?" asked Kurama suspiciously, and got a bad feeling when a mischievous smirk came on Naruto's face.

"There are certain places in my uniform where I can easily hide some surprises..." suggested Naruto, and laughed when Kurama face faulted on understanding the hidden meaning behind those words.

"Too much information..." retorted Kurama in an irritated tone, adding further amusement to his smirking partner.

Naruto made the first move, within a blink of an eye the blonde disappeared and reappeared right in front of the Suna Genin and delivered a super charged punch to his face, sending the red headed boy flying backwards.

"Fast!" was all Kurama could think, his surprise didn't end there as Naruto appeared on Gaara's right side, while he was still in mid-air, and sent his crashing opponent through a nearby wall with powerful kick.

As Gaara was smashed through the wall, Naruto reappeared behind Gaara in mid-air, and once again hit him with another powerful kick, that sent the boy flying in the opposite direction.

"H-H-How is this possible? Gaara is actually being overpowered!" thought Shukaku in shock. "This boy is overpowering Gaara's defense with pure speed...damn you, Kurama. Let's take it up a knotch"

"What's wrong Gaara? Had enough already, because I'm only getting warmed up" Naruto taunted, as he landed on a rooftop directly in front of Gaara. Who was slowly getting back up on his feet and glaring angrily at Naruto.

"Get up!" the blonde scolded. "You want my blood, then fucking fight for it"

"Whose side are you actually on?" yelled Kurama angrily, making Naruto smack his own forehead.

"Damn him, my sand can barely protect me from his attacks" Gaara thought angrily as his sand slowly reformed itself.

He was surprised when Naruto created a shadow clone which soon transformed itself into a long, sharp sword. Quickly landing back on the ground, Naruto tightly gripped his sword and pointed it straight at Gaara.

Not willing to let Naruto hammer away at his defense with his super speed. Gaara quickly opened his mouth and fired a massive blast of Wind at Naruto.

Sensing the danger, Naruto quickly drew his sword and channeled wind chakra through the weapon...

"Surasshu-fū (Wind Slash)"

The attack cut right through Gaara's Wind attack, causing it to dissipate, and fly straight towards Gaara.

But before the fast moving attack could hit the Suna boy, Gaara jumped into the air, causing the Wind blade to slice right through a nearby house shattering its wall to pieces.

After avoiding the attack, Gaara then extended his demonic sand arm forward at Naruto in an attempt to grab him.

Seeing this, Naruto immediately re-sheathed his sword and side-stepped Gaara's arm and grabbed hold of it with both his arms and used all his strength to swing the Suna jinchūriki around and into a nearby dustbin.

After slamming Gaara into the dustbin, Naruto then formed a single hand-seal in quick succession...

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)"

Several Naruto's were instantly formed which went straight towards the recovering Gaara, as a small dust cloud formed around the Suna genin.

As the clones leapt forward and flew towards the large dust cloud that formed around Gaara, after he was slammed into the dustbin. They suddenly heard Gaara yell from within the dust cloud.

"Fūton: Mugen Sajin Daitoppa (Wind Style: Infinite Sand Cloud Great Breakthrough)"

After which a massive blast of Sand and Wind erupted, blowing away the dust cloud and destroying the clones in one single strike.

Once all the shadow clones were destroyed Gaara jumped on top of a nearby wall and shifted his murderous gaze towards the original Naruto. The young genin swung his arms and fired dozens of Sand shaped Shurikens straight towards his opponent.

"Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken)"

Acting fast Naruto quickly re-drew his sword again...

"Hien no Jutsu (Flying Swallow technique)"

The weapon got covered with Wind Chakra as Naruto used it destroy the Sand Shuriken as they were about to hit him.

When all the Sand Shuriken were dealt with, Naruto then jumped towards Gaara, who unleashed yet another massive blast of Wind from his mouth and fired it at his opponent.

Reacting on his instincts, Naruto used his wind chakra laced sword to cut through the Wind attack again, and sliced through the large wall on which Gaara was standing, causing him to fall to the ground.

Danger bells rang in Naruto's mind, as he saw a large sand tail forming behind Gaara. He quickly threw the 3 shuriken he had towards the boy, but the attacks were easily evaded by the smirking Jinchuuriki.

Seeing Gaara evade his attack, Naruto then quickly created another clone of himself and used it to throw himself at Gaara. The Suna genin tried to attack Naruto, but thanks to his sharingan Naruto was able to evade the strikes and reached behind Gaara. The piercing sound Naruto's sword slash echoed through the street, which severed Gaara's tail from him, causing it to revert into Sand and fall to the ground.

After cutting Gaara's tail off, Naruto then quickly propelled himself off the side of a nearby wall and delivered a powerful spinning kick into Gaara's back, damaging his jinchūriki form again and smashing him through two small houses.

"GAH" cried Gaara in pain as he was sent sailing across several walls of the houses.

Naruto was quite intrigued when he didn't see any people in the houses, focusing his chakra he realized all of them were hiding in the basements.

"So, this is not the first time this Jinchuuriki has gone on a rampage..." thought Naruto seriously,

Naruto saw a badly injured Gaara slowly getting back on to his feet, his jinchuuriki form was already in a sorry state and the boy was struggling to reform it due to all the damage he took. Had the sand not absorbed the majority of Naruto's attack, Gaara was certain his body would be in shambles.

Just as his jinchuuriki form got reformed, he sensed Naruto's presence above him,

"Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Wild Water Wave)"

When Gaara looked up, he saw Naruto spewing out a large stream of Water at him.

At the same time a second Naruto appeared on Gaara's left and fired several large blasts of Water at him from his mouth.

When the attacks hit, Gaara was able to withstand them thanks to the sand that covered his body. But when the attacks ended, the Suna Genin could not help but wonder what his opponent was up to. Since Water attacks of those levels would not hurt him in his current form, the most they could do was wet his sand.

He of course soon got his answer when a third Naruto appeared in front of him and hit him right in the stomach with a chakra enhanced punch. But the big difference in this punch was the effect it had, where it not only sent Gaara flying through three giant walls this time. But it also destroyed most of the sand around his body and crippled him.

"Fuck!" cried Gaara in pain from the devastating punch.

"What's going on? What's happening? How did he break through my sand so easily? Why didn't it absorb the force of the punch?" thought Gaara in panic, just what kind of ninja was this blonde boy.

"Your sand is fast and strong, especially when it is compressed. But that's only when it's dry, when its wet, it's no better than mud." explained Naruto briefly, shocking Gaara completely.

"Impossible, He actually found a way to defeat Gaara's sand defense and make it worthless" thought a stunned Shukaku,

"Take that, you stupid raccoon!" yelled Kurama proudly,

"Now I'm going to end this!" Naruto said and he started to form a long series of various hand-seals, which Kurama recognized easily.

The Biju sensed Naruto gathering a large amount of moisture from the air. The attack won't be at its full destructive capacity due to the limited amount of water in the desert like atmosphere, but the Biju was confident Naruto could make do with the resources available to him.

He was proven correct when Naruto finished the hand seals, and looked straight at Gaara.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)"

A dangerous Dragon made out of Water formed around him and then headed straight for the injured Gaara.

Not finished, Naruto quickly performed another set of hand seals and directed his fingers straight towards the charging water dragon.

"Raisuiryūdan (Lightning Water Dragon Bullet)"

Gaara's eyes widened in terror, when the dragon was completely electrified with lightning and was just about to crush him. The helpless boy tried to move from his position, but could only limp a few steps thanks to his injuries.

Turning around he could only watch in horror as the massive Lightning enhanced Water Dragon flew towards him at immense speed, and struck him with tremendous force. That sent him sailing through the walls of several houses and crashing into the ground with incredible force, causing a large explosion that covered much of the ground bellow in dust.

Kurama was quite impressed with the battle, it was one of those times when he was reminded of the fact that despite being 15 years old, Naruto was one of the most powerful ninjas of the shinobi world.

The Biju was intrigued when Naruto walked towards the injured Gaara who was lying on the ground, despite not being severely injured the boy had indeed lost the fight due to sand getting all wet and electrified.

It was quite ironic, Gaara's greatest strength had became his biggest weakness...

"What are you going to do?" questioned Kurama, as Naruto stepped beside Gaara.

"A little housecleaning..." replied Naruto calmly, and glared his Mangekyo straight at Gaara.

The Suna genin was quite mesmerized by those red eyes, but was surprised when he found himself standing in a dark landscape. He looked around and saw Naruto standing beside him, although the boy's eyes were not fixed on Gaara.

But on a certain giant Raccoon...

Slowly stepping forward, Naruto's mysterious dark red eyes passively looked at the Biju standing in front of him.

"Hello, Shukaku..."