Chapter 58: The Beginning of the End

Kurenai apprehensively looked in his shocked blue eyes, as he simply stared at her. A series of emotions ranging from confusion to shock were passing through his heart, until a few seconds later his years of training as an Anbu kicked in and he easily schooled his features, and now retained a stoic expression on his face.

Gently placing the two children in his arms on the ground, he gave them a small apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, you two...I have some work to do" apologized the blonde, but only gained two mischievous smirks in return.

"We'll only go if you promise to bring us chocolate later..." said Ria smartly, and smirked when even Ken wholeheartedly agreed.

He merely sighed while gently ruffling their hair, and gave a satisfied nod.

"Fine, but do take a bath. You stink..." teased Naruto, and smiled when they pouted on the light remark.

"Meanie..." said Ria cutely,

"Not fair..." muttered Ken, but quickly ran away with his foster sister when Naruto gave him a pointed look.

As soon as the young children were out of sight, his cold, stoic gaze now shifted towards the beautiful woman standing before him. Lazily tucking his hands inside the pockets of his pants, he casually walked towards her.

Kurenai anticipatedly waited as he came near her, and gave her a firm glance...

"Follow me..."

That was all he said before walking ahead of her, she tried to ask something but he never stopped which in turn forced her to fall in line and follow his lead.

Out of all possible outcomes, this was perhaps the least expected way in which she expected he would greet her. It was as if he wasn't happy at all on seeing her; his cold, calculative footsteps and cold demeanor further fueling her doubts. But she refrained from making any more assumptions, as her previous ones regarding him and Haku being together were wrong.

After silently following his lead for a few minutes, she found herself standing in front of a small lake. He had his back turned towards her as he calmly looked at the serene water in front of them, while his attention was still fixed on her.

"Why are you here?" asked Naruto seriously, his stern tone devoid of any feelings.


Before she could even say something in her defense, his sharp glare silenced her immediately. It still surprised her that despite being younger among them, his eyes were far more fierce and threatening when he wanted to intimidate someone. Unfortunately that poor soul happened to be her right now...

"Are you trying to break my cover? You of all people should know how dangerous this mission is..." scolded Naruto harshly,

"That was never my intention..." confessed Kurenai rapidly, desperately hoping he would not resent her.

Yes, her actions were quite dangerous and could put him in trouble. But she just couldn't stay away from him, not after learning the truth which Kakashi had told her.

Even now looking at him, she could feel a strange feeling. He seemed different, his voice lacked the guilt which he seemed to have during their encounter in Wave. This Naruto was more confident, respected himself a lot more and was quite dedicated towards his mission. Just like a true ninja...

He sighed tiredly while gently massaging his temple with the help of his right hand. After taking a deep breath, he turned towards her and this time flashed her a welcoming smile.

"Regardless, it's good to see you..." said Naruto with a warm smile,

He moved forward to touch her, but just when his hand was about to reach her he suddenly stopped. Memories of their encounter in Wave came flooding back in his mind, and he clearly remembered that she had not forgiven him. That didn't bode well for their relationship, and since it was still uncertain as to where they stood he prevented himself from doing anything that would displease her.

Much to his surprise, she snaked her arms around his chest before pulling him into a tight, warm hug. He was hesitant at first, but after a few seconds of contemplation and seeing her lack of objection he slowly raised his own arms and gently embraced her.

Kurenai was extremely relieved with his action, at the same time she couldn't help but see that he was a little taller now and had a short beard on his fair face.

At the same time, this warm feeling only reminded Naruto of how much he had sacrificed for Konoha. To think, they had grown so apart that he found himself hesitating in giving her a mere hug. The woman in his arms was the only reason he was still willing to fight, to endure the injustice being done to him. His only dream...

Was to create a gentle world for Kurenai.

A place where she could live her life peacefully, and for that he would go to any extent, cross every boundary.

"I missed you, Naruto..." said Kurenai happily, bringing a smile on his face.

"The feeling's mutual..." replied Naruto frankly, making her chuckle.

After enjoying in the sweet embrace for a few minutes, eventually Naruto broke the hug and was now looking in her eyes. A short strand of her hair got in the way, but was gently removed by him. She also seemed to register his new appearance, searching for any signs of illness which Haku had mentioned but surprisingly he seemed quite healthy, meaning the problem was definitely inside his body.

She went forward to claim his lips, but a firm finger was planted between them as Naruto stared in her curious eyes...

"Where do we stand, Kurenai?" asked Naruto in a straight forward manner, getting straight to the point.

"Is it really important right now-"

"To me it is..." was his sharp reply, making her sigh tiredly.

Resting her head on his broad chest, she happily nuzzled into the warmth of his skin and she was grateful that he was giving her time to answer the question, while gently caressing her back.

"I've thought a lot about everything that's happened between us, the mess that you have gotten yourself involved in and the things you've done as well..." started Kurenai quite seriously,

"And what do you feel now?" asked Naruto patiently, even if his heart was beating faster with every second.

She chuckled mirthlessly as she tried to say her final answer, it had taken a lot of time and courage on her part but she was finally ready to say this.

"I forgive you..."

Those simple words which were barely more than a whisper removed a huge burden off Naruto's heart. After all, it was one thing to forgive yourself for the shit you've done but to be forgiven by the person you've hurt was a whole different and much more important matter.

And now that his sins were forgiven, he could finally put his past behind and walked towards a different future.

"That's my answer, now you tell me where do we stand? Should we continue where we left off or..." suggested Kurenai hesitantly,

She was unnerved when he broke the hug again and walked a few steps away from her. Judging from the painful expression on his face, made her heart sink further in the sea of darkness.

"We can't. It's over..." said Naruto bitterly, trying his hardest to sound uncaring and cold.

Looking into her shocked eyes and the pain that came in them was destroying his heart, but this had to be done. It was for her bright future, and for that he was willing to do the right thing.


Her simple questioned combined with the tears falling emerging in her eyes did little to change the cold stare he was giving her.

"I don't care about the past, I love you Naruto...and I want to be by your side no matter what" pleaded Kurenai, as her entire body started shaking.

"You're annoying..." said Naruto coldly, making her take a step back in shock.

Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to say something, but only small gasps escaped from her suddenly choked throat. A mocking smile came on his lips as he looked at her bemusedly.

"(sobs)" asked Kurenai in a heartbroken tone,

"Just what you heard. I have no interest in carrying on that relationship anymore...this is my answer" said Naruto frankly, as she came forward and grabbed his collar roughly.

"Is it because of Haku? Or do you love someone else?" asked Kurenai desperately, hoping to dear god that this was just a bad dream from which she was supposed to wake up.

"Hn, that's none of your business. Though I can't deny that I'm attracted to Haku..." said Naruto lecherously, even as her sharp fingers teared apart his collars.

"You're...joking..." replied Kurenai disbelievingly, as one flick of his hands made her loose the grip she had maintained on his collars.

Turning around he simply started walking away from her, even as she tried to outstretch one of her hands to grab him until...

"Think what you want, I merely consider you a friend now. Thank you for everything, but it's over...Kurenai" said Naruto harshly,

He remained firm even when he heard her collapsing on her knees, as the sounds of her sobs slowly started to increase. Even then he didn't back down and maintained his composure.

"You're...lying..." said a tearful Kurenai, as he glanced at her sympathetically.

"Please don't make this more harder, Kurenai. You're a shinobi so act like one. Whatever we had is gone, and the bitter truth is that I don't love you anymore...I'm sorry" said Naruto gently, while using all his force to suppress the passionate Biju inside his body that was trying very hard to form a connection.

Her tearful ruby eyes looked in his own for any sign of lies, dearly hoping that all of this was just a bad joke or a horrible dream. But after moments of looking into those cold blue eyes, made her realize that all of this was true.

That Naruto had finally given up on her...

"" said Kurenai sadly, unable to bear the crucifying pain that was arising in her chest.

Her heart was going through a series of fluctuating emotions, most of which were quite painful. She couldn't think properly, couldn't speak, couldn't look in his cold eyes anymore...she needed to get away or she might just die from heartbreak.

The memories of their past, the love which they had was bombarding her mind; while her eyes were still showing her that all of that was really over. The man she loved was no longer hers anymore...

Closing her tearful eyes, she made a hand seal and started shunshining away. And just before she vanished she saw a regretful look appear in his eyes and he said something that shocked her to the core.

"Kurenai, you must live on..."

As Naruto walked into the secluded corners of his personal room, he angrily slammed his fist against the strong walls making a large crack. A few drops of blood escaped from his injured hand, but that pain was nothing in comparison to the pain he was feeling inside his heart.

Just for doing the right thing, for making the most painful decision of his life.

He didn't have any strength left in him, his will power disappeared and the stubborn, furious Biju inside of him lashed out.

"What the hell was that, Naruto?" asked Kurama angrily, as the boy wiped the blood from his hand.

"The right thing..." answered Naruto,

"You moron, she said that she forgave you...Kurenai was willing to forget everything and be by your side-" yelled the fox, but was silenced when Naruto simply looked at him sadly.

"It was that very reason that this had to be done. I can't drag her into any further mess..." clarified Naruto,

"She loves you, and still you-" said Kurama disappointedly,

"Think what you want, because you can only see the rosy picture. Do you know how much she has been scorned due to her relationship with me? The people of Konoha took out all their anger on her, she received the same treatment which I got all these years until she was made Captain of the new force..." said Naruto sadly,

"How do you know this?" asked Kurama silently,

"I asked Hiruzen to regularly brief me about her. And what I learned broke my heart, many of her friends and colleagues deserted her. Bitch, Whore, Slut- these were the derogatory remarks which she suffered daily. She was isolated, bullied and so much more...all because she loved me" said Naruto remorsefully, as a small tear slipped from his eye.

"But she still loved you, or do you not love her anymore?" asked Kurama a little less aggressively,

"The people's scorning has decreased ever since her successful campaign as Captain during the Wave Invasion. She is slowly regaining the lost respect and is getting accepted back into the society. Kurenai is gaining her life back as a proud kunoichi of Konoha, and I would be damned if I condemn her to a life of suffering...

...I'm not like my parents. Call me selfish, but it is for her own good...for her to have a bright future" explained Naruto painfully,

"You really love her...don't you?" asked Kurama silently,

"She means everything to me, Kurenai is my greatest strength and my biggest weakness. She is the reason for my desire to keep on fighting, but I can't put her through the same suffering which I endured my entire life. Besides, are you forgetting that we are now in the final phase of this operation..." said Naruto seriously, as Kurama's eyes widened on remembering something.

"So, that's why..." thought Kurama in shock,

"Are you planning to kill him during your meeting tomorrow?" asked Kurama worriedly,

"I wish I can, but in my current state I cannot take that risk. He is a Sannin, until I have my eye surgery and operation to heal my would be suicide to even lift a finger on Orochimaru. This meeting could also be a trap with the intention of capturing me, tomorrow could very well be my last day.." said Naruto calmly,

"Is that why you said her to live on? Be a little optimistic, boy..." encouraged Kurama in vain, as a remorseful smile came on the young boy's face.

"Face reality, Kurama. Even if I survive tomorrow, I will be entering the enemy's den to fulfill the last part of this operation. And if I somehow survive miraculously, what's to stop Konoha from putting me in the ground. It can very will be a clean up action to finish off loose ends..." stated Naruto darkly, shocking the Biju.

"Impossible, they won't do're a soldier-"

"An expendable asset, that's what I am. Ninjas have been sacrificed for much less in the past, my own experience in Root should make you understand how dark this world is. And if by Kami's grace and unbelievable luck, I am accepted back into the village and the truth of this operation is revealed...

...I doubt the foolish people would trust me. They'll find a new reason to blame me, to hate me. Since I am a Jinchuuriki and powerful than almost all the ninjas and civilians in Konoha, they can't harm me as I'll simply crush them in retaliation. So in order to get back at me, they'll try to hurt/abuse the people closest to me and the very first one would be..." suggested Naruto

"Kurenai Yuhi..."

"Precisely, the closer she is to me- the more she puts herself in danger from both enemies within and outside the village. You heard her, Kurama? If I had not done this, then I doubt she would even hesitate in defecting from Konoha just to be with me. Despite the sins of Konoha, she is still loyal to the village. It would break her heart, but she would do it for me...

...please understand, I didn't betray her...I can never do something like that when I've loved her all my life. If I'm supposed to walk this dark path and meet my inevitable end, then the very least I can do is save her from any more pain. Yes, it will be hard for her now; but with time she would move on and find happiness" explained Naruto in resignation, while walking towards his wardrobe.

Watching the selfless boy putting on his clothes for the meeting made the fox extremely sad. The way Naruto had explained the situation with Kurenai, had made Kurama accept his judgement. If Orochimaru or the enemies within the village knew that she was here, then it would be a disaster for everyone.

But still...

"Kurama, you're the only one that I have left. My friend, my comrade, my brother...will you stay by my side till the end?" asked Naruto weakly, his tired voice showing the sadness in his heart as tears freely flowed from his eyes.

The Biju had never seen his partner so devastated ever since Sai's death, the grief that was flowing through his heart even made the fox sad. In this moment, the boy needed him more than ever.

At the same time, Kurama was also being burdened by a lie which he had told Naruto. A sin which the Biju had committed himself...

"Naruto, I need to tell-"

"Kurama, please..." begged Naruto desperately, his weak voice losing strength with every passing moment.

Kurama tried to say something, but Naruto neither had the strength or heart to face such a truth right now. His heart seemed to be overflown by grief, right now his emotions were not in control and he could go berserk if such a treachery was made known to him right now.

Maybe, Kabuto was bluffing about Rei's part. Itachi had told him that every loose end had been tied up and there were only a selected few people who knew about the cover up operation, and all of them were Hiruzen's most trusted veteran Anbu's.

So, there was no way Orochimaru could know the truth.

All of this could merely be a trap to lure Naruto out, bringing his dead mother back to life may seem like an unbelievable gift...but knowing that you have a daughter, would tempt any noble man to find her.

"Yes, I will be by your side..." promised Kurama faithfully, bringing a very faint smile on the sad boy's face.

"Thank you..."

"Naruto, you can run away. Leave all this mess behind and start a new life somewhere, you don't have to suffer anymore.." said Kurama helplessly, as the boy wiped off his tears and gave a thankful nod.


"Naruto, isn't this enough? You've done well so far, but don't be so selfless; think about your happiness for is not a crime, you know" suggested the friendly fox, trying to persuade his friend.

"Too many of my friends have died to get me to this point. They're a part of me, for their sake I will end the hatred in this world. With the power I possess, I will change this fucked up world...till the very end, I will keep on fighting to create a gentle world where Kurenai can live happily. Where my friends and family can be at peace...

...a world where No Shin's, Sai's, Naruto's share the same fate as mine. A world where children like Ria can go to school instead of training to kill people, that is my dream" promised Naruto with determination burning in his eyes,

"The one who shall change this world shall be this child..."

Kurama still remembered Minato's words to Kushina, before the damned Hokage sealed him into this boy. In the end, it was turning out exactly like Minato predicted. His son could very well be the one who would change the broken ninja world.

Looking into the boy's eyes left little doubt in the fox's mind about his intentions. For better or worse, Naruto was really going to change the world.

The fact that he possessed an enormous power within him, and an even stronger will to endure so much pain and hatred; while still moving forward towards his goal. A person willing to sacrifice everything dear to him, for his precious people to be safe and happy while never caring for his own happiness...

How could a human be so selfless?

Never in his entire existence had he seen such a human, just what was Naruto?

(Next Day)

Kurenai depressingly sat on the bed of her room, her eyes had turned red from the tears she had shed. Her mind and heart were still trying to accept the shock which Naruto had given her...

To sever all ties with her, what was he thinking?

She knew Naruto was many things, but he was never an arrogant dick. There had to be some ulterior motive behind his actions...

"Kurenai, you must live on..."

She could have hated him, cursed him, only if she had not heard him say those words while she was half way through her shunshin. The devastated look in his eyes portrayed an entirely different story than the one he had told her.

Did he somehow find out about the treatment given to her by the people of Konoha?

That could be a very grave reason for making him do this. For a logical person like Naruto, her safety and happiness would always come before his own happiness. But there was no way he could have known that, he was out in the field totally cut off from Konoha...

Unless, he had eyes inside the village.


The old Hokage must have been keeping Naruto informed about the status of his loved ones, that could be the only possible way for Naruto to have known this secret.

Or all of this could be a mere speculation of her naive heart, maybe he had really fallen in love with Haku or someone else? Maybe Haku had lied about their relationship, if that was the case then the girl was an even bigger liar than Naruto.

There had to be a reason for all of this...

And she had to tell him about Rei, even if he didn't love her she would tell him the truth. He deserved that much from her, and she was going to do it.

With those thoughts in mind she got up from her bed and ran out of the room.

(1 Hour Later)

Kurenai quickly arrived at the orphanage that was located on the outskirts, secluded from the rest of the world. It had been a long journey and she had gotten here as fast as she could. Naruto was a liar, she was sure of it by now.

To think he still cared so much about her well being; made him love the blonde even more than before.

She saw Haku playing with some of the orphans and went straight towards her...

"Where is he?" demanded Kurenai instantly, surprising the young girl.

Haku looked at her curiously, but looking at the urgency in the older woman's eyes showed that something was wrong.

"Akira-san, you just missed him. He went on some new mission..." said Haku casually,

"Where?" asked Kurenai worriedly, but was disappointed when the girl shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, he never tells anyone where he's going. But I'm sure he'll be back in a few hours..." suggested Haku confidently,

"Damn it..."

(Hiraken Bridge)

Wild gusts of wind freely flew across the vast forests, while 2 people could be seen standing on the small bridge. One of them had silky black hair that reached up to his waist, while his predator like golden eyes were strong enough to make even the strongest warriors fear for their lives.

Dressed in plain gray garbs and black pant, he was wearing a purple rope belt which was tied in a large knot behind his back and blue tomoe-shaped earrings.

A creepy smile could be seen on his pale face, as he looked at the young blonde boy before him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto-kun"