Unbearable rage erupted inside his heart, he was severely weak and this anger had made his vision even more hazy. He could barely make out his surroundings- pain, anger, sadness overloaded his heart. He could not even think straight...
All he could see was Kurenai dying on the ground, and a man holding a blood stained sword...
He could hear faint cries of the Kyuubi calling out to him, but they were nothing more than silent echoes. He was going mad...
Really mad...
Violent earthquakes shook the entire island, the building on which they were standing started cracking violently as 3 tails of Kyuubi chakra erupted behind him. His Mangekyo sharingan was sporting a blood crazy look...
"I'm gonna kill you..." promised Naruto, as his fingernails grew wider and longer turning into claws.
The demon masked Uchiha narrowed his eyes dangerously when the 4th tail emerged behind Naruto, and as it lashed with its breatheren 3 full buildings got destroyed in a flash.
"He truly is a powerhouse..." thought the Uchiha quickly,
He swiftly raised his hands and twisted his fingers making a snapping noise, immediately Naruto was surrounded by several shinobi dressed in shady uniforms.
Time seemed to slow down, his body felt extremely heavy. It was as if his hands and legs were suddenly wrapped in lead, even the Kyuubi chakra was not helping in increasing his power. In front of him, he saw the Uchiha standing there but the distance seemed like a mile.
"Let's have a dance..." said the Uchiha calmly,
He signaled his henchmen and they wordlessly leapt towards Naruto who had his bowed down, just when the enemies zeroed in on him a soul terrifying roar was blasted from his mouth that sent everyone tumbling hundreds of feet away.
The Uchiha in front of him merely raised an eyebrow while sticking to the roof with the help of his chakra, alas his men were not so lucky and were sent crashing in different parts of the island.
He flicked his hands and another 50 men dressed in the same shady uniform rose from beneath the roof, as an angry snarled escaped from Naruto's mouth.
Naruto madly launched himself at the new enemies, ripping them apart with his bare hands sending flesh and gore spiraling everywhere. Within minutes, the zombie like soldiers were murdered and he glared at the Uchiha in front of him.
"That would be enough for now, Captain Naruto Uchiha..." said the man calmly,
"Just shut up and die..." said Naruto angrily, and ran towards the man.
To his surprise the same strange effect happened, he was charging towards the man at monstrous speed and yet he kept getting further away from his target. The Uchiha was merely standing in his spot, and yet...
A cold gust of wind flew past him, unleashing a torrent of blood as a sword had slashed clean across his chest.
Turning around he saw the man was now standing behind his back, holding the blood stained sword that now had his blood. He never even saw the guy move...
Before the Kyuubi chakra could start healing the grave wound, the man gave a crushing kick breaking Naruto's ankle making him collapse flat on the floor.
With blinding speed, he slapped a seal on Naruto's forehead and within seconds the Kyuubi chakra receded back inside the boy's body leaving him completely exhausted.
"There's no need for unnecessary violence. I'm more interested in talking with you..." said the man calmly, as Naruto spit at his demon mask.
"You...hurt...Kurenai-chan..." groaned Naruto murderously, his glare would have terrified a grown up elephant but the man in front of him simply smiled.
It was as if he was dealing with a child...
"Did I?"
He flicked his finger again, and Naruto saw Kurenai's dead body disappearing in front of him. Instead he found her unconscious form resting idly in a corner of the roof, her body spotted minor injuries but she was still breathing. Shocked, he looked towards the mysterious person who merely gave him a knowing look...
"Now can we talk? Your girlfriend's safe for now so you can relax..." comforted the man,
"Who are you?" asked Naruto hesitantly,
"Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have mattered. But since it's you, I'll make an exception. Call me Tobi..."
"Tobi? What's an Uchiha doing here? Itachi killed everyone except Sasuke..." said Naruto confusedly, as Tobi glanced at the sky.
"Oh, I wonder about that...we live in a world of lies and deception. I thought you would understand this after everything you went through in Root..." said Tobi suggestively, as Naruto's eyes widened.
There were not more than a handful of people who knew about his true identity, and most of them were dead...
"Who are you? I'm a rogue ninja, not some fake ass captain..." pretended Naruto, as the man laughed.
It was not mocking in nature, instead it was more like his answer amused Tobi. He merely shook his head as he helped Naruto get back on his feet...
"I know everything about you, Naruto. I've watched you for years..." confessed Tobi, as Naruto narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"Is that so?" asked Naruto sharply,
"You don't believe me? Well, let me prove a few things. You're from the 11th division of Anbu forces, joined root at 8, made captain by 10. Danzo made you kill a guy called Shin as a part of your final test, Shin was your best friend and hero. You slaughtered Root forces along with Sai, unfortunately your last friend was killed in action. Should I go further or this much classified stuff is enough to prove my claim?" asked Tobi seriously, and saw Naruto's fists clenching.
He raised a finger towards the boy as a warning sign...
"You're in no shape to fight against me, Naruto. Unless you heal the virus inside your body first, the chances of your winning against me are quite few. Consider my advice, at least for her sake..." said Tobi patiently, and pointed his finger towards the sleeping Kurenai.
Naruto flinched when he understood the situation, even now he could feel the power radiating from Tobi. It was almost equal or even greater than his own...
Protecting Kurenai and dealing with Tobi would be a losing battle, not to forget how many other minions he could have hiding near them. Strangely, he could not feel any ninja signatures, but that did not made him feel safe.
"What do you want from me?Why did you attack us?" asked Naruto seriously,
"You think this was an attack? (sigh) This was merely an assessment, and both of you fared quite well. If this was a real battle, then things would have turned out quite differently. Believe it or not, I'm an ally not an enemy..." said Tobi frankly, as Naruto scoffed.
"You expect me to believe that?" asked Naruto sarcastically,
"Absolutely not, but by now you would have realized I could have killed her if I wanted. Alas, my intention is not to harm her...although she is a threat to my plans" said Tobi bluntly,
"I don't understand..." said Naruto flatly,
"I share the same goal as you, although I don't pronounce it by the name of Valkyrie..." said Tobi calmly, and smiled when Naruto went stiff.
The Anbu captain simply gazed at the man in front of him, Naruto's dark eyes boring into the mysterious person's very soul.
"There are secrets which you don't know about, Naruto. Just like you, I was once a soldier of Konoha and a former Root operative..." confessed Tobi, as Naruto's eyes went wide in shock.
"I killed everyone, there's no way he could be..." thought Naruto in denial, and Tobi saw the disbelief evident in the boy's eyes.
"You have it all figured out, don't you? Itachi thinks he killed my entire clan, you think you killed everyone in Root. But, both of you are wrong...the fact that I am here is a proof of it" said Tobi seriously,
"There's no such thing as Root..." lied Naruto, his years of training as a captain kicking him.
"You're a true Anbu, denial is the best form of deception. We could spend days arguing our points and we would be at a stalemate, the thing I'm interested is the revolution you and Sasuke Uchiha are about to start. I want to be a part of it..." suggested Tobi,
"And why the hell should I even trust anything you say?" asked Naruto sarcastically,
"Frankly, you need my help. You cannot fight against the entire world on your own, you'll need a massive army even to challenge Konoha..." explained Tobi,
Naruto simply chose to remain silent, and observed the man in front of him.
"I know you don't truly intend to destroy the village, the reason I wish to join you is because you fight for a cause and not just for vengeance. Your true goal would relieve this corrupt ninja world from all its problems, there could truly be peace..." said Tobi hopefully,
"And why would you want that?" asked Naruto curiously,
"My clan was slaughtered for a temporary peace, and the sad part is I supported the village in the eradication of the Uchiha clan. The problem lied not with the clan or the village, it was directly connected to this chaotic world. I was too young to understand that, but now I do..." stated Tobi remorsefully,
"Wait, you supported the decision to exterminate your own clan?" asked Naruto in shock, and saw Tobi's fists clenching tightly.
"A mistake that will haunt me forever, at least the children didn't deserve to die. You hate what Root did to children, and now that I look back in the name of protecting Konoha several innocent Uchiha children were murdered in cold blood, despite not having anything to do with the civil war..." said Tobi sadly,
"I was supposed to die years ago, and yet I survived. Perhaps this is my curse for the sins I committed, but I want to make things right before I die. Valkyrie can bring true peace, but I need you for it..." said Tobi frankly,
"Me?" asked Naruto curiously, he had heard Sasuke saying the same thing.
"Only a person having both Uchiha and Senju blood can accomplish Valkyrie, I'm incomplete and so is Sasuke. You're the only one who can bring change, but for that you'll have to make sacrifices. Hard choices..." advised Tobi sagely, his voice displaying years of maturity.
Naruto hesitantly glanced towards Kurenai, as the hidden meaning behind Tobi's words only highlighted the concern that plagued his heart.
"The reason I attacked you was to show the kind of life you would drag Kurenai in when you start Valkyrie. The entire world will turn against you, they will curse you, hunt you down until they kill you or you defeat them. Regardless of how powerful you are, Kurenai would always be in danger. And deep down you know this too..." explained Tobi patiently, as Naruto's fists clenched tightly.
Tobi glanced at the boy sympathetically, the pain was clearly visible in his dark eyes as he glanced at the most precious person in his life.
"A person who can't sacrifice something can't hope for bringing any change, either for himself or the world. You can take the easy way out, go back to the village. Forget everything that happened and live happily with Kurenai. But it would make the death of your comrades meaningless, the cycle of chaos and hatred will continue to plague this world...
...or do the right thing. Accept the role which destiny has chosen for you, and use your powers to guide the world towards true peace. A path of pain, suffering, isolation. Perhaps Kurenai will side with you if you request her, but would that be the correct choice? She loves you more than anything and will side with you but at the same time she would have to betray her village, her friends, her ideals, turn her back on everything she stood for all her life. Everything depends on your choices..." explained Tobi seriously,
Looking into Naruto's eyes showed him that he knew this, and was struggling desperately between his mind and heart. He patted the motionless boy on his back, before turning around and started to walk away...
Tobi stepped towards the edge of the roof and casted one last glance towards the boy...
"Kurenai won't remember anything about this little encounter, I've made sure of that. It would be nice if you refrain from mentioning any of this to her..." warned Tobi,
"Hmm..." was Naruto's only reply,
"We'll meet again someday..."
Before Naruto could blink, the strange man vanished in the wind.
Naruto's lonely eyes looked at the bright moon in the sky, the cool breeze slowly floating his silky hair in the air.
The past few weeks had been quite harsh for a giant nine tailed fox. Losing his best friend had hit him hard, every moment reminded him of the grave mistake he committed. Watching Naruto walk alone pained him, he could see everything yet could do nothing to help the boy.
Naruto's control over him prevented Kurama from beginning a conversation, but he knew the boy was still listening.
At least he hoped so...
He was definitely surprised when he saw the same boy standing in front of his cage. Last time, his eyes had anger and hurt due to the betrayal.
But now...
"Kyuubi, hope you're doing well?" asked Naruto calmly, although Kurama didn't miss the subtle jab.
"How rare, you're worried about me?" retorted the fox sarcastically, as Naruto got a faint smile on his lips.
"Well, you're my power battery. Gotta make sure you're upto the task..." replied Naruto coolly, as Kurama's eyebrows twitched.
"Sneaky brat..."
Naruto merely shook his head as he started walking around the sewer, as Kurama's eyes continued to follow his every movement.
"You're really going forward with it, aren't you?" asked Kurama calmly
"And Kurenai?" questioned Kurama seriously, as Naruto stopped walking.
"I...haven't made a decision regarding her..." confessed Naruto, even he didn't know why he was saying all of this to someone who had already betrayed him once.
"Do you hate me, Naruto?"
Naruto's dark black eyes continued staring into the giant fox's eyes, as he took a few steps forward towards the cage.
"I won't forgive that betrayal, perhaps forever..." declared Naruto without any hesitation,
Kurama's heart shattered to a million more pieces on hearing those painful words, but he still looked in the eyes of his former best friend.
"Yet...I need to find the answers to my own life." answered Naruto frankly, as Kurama lowered his gaze towards the ground.
"My existence in your life has always brought misery. If only I was not sealed into you then none of this would have happened..." said Kurama sadly, but was surprised when Naruto shook his head.
"My life was never normal due to you, and yet it was due to your powers that I was able to do the things I wanted to do. You just helped me take the first steps, after that everything I did lies on my own shoulders..." said Naruto honestly, as Kurama looked at him in shock.
The fox looked at him and found Naruto giving him a faint smile, the moment didn't last long as Naruto turned around and disappeared from the sewer.
"Take care, Kyuubi..."
Kurama remained frozen in his spot, his mind was getting overloaded with so many thoughts and emotions. What did Naruto mean? What was that smile? What did his last words signify for their broken friendship?
He didn't have the answers to any of those questions, and yet one fact was proved to him tonight.
Naruto Uchiha was truly a nice person...
Kurenai slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was being tucked in a bed, with warm covers protecting her entire body. She sneaked underneath and saw herself wearing a soft silky red nightie. The material was thin and the whole thing looked a little bit small on her but that only served to show more of her body as her two nipples were clearly visible underneath the fabric.
Her cheeks flushed...
She tried to remember the past few hours and was overjoyed on remembering her dinner date with Naruto, everything had went so well until she drank a little too much. Talk about embarrassing...
She couldn't even imagine how disappointed Naruto would be with her for ruining their perfect day. Her eyes shifted around and saw it was still dark, and only the faint moonlight illuminated the room.
Outside in the balcony, Naruto was standing calmly. He was wearing nothing but his boxers, exposing his well toned body to the cold breeze. Her blush became even brighter on seeing that, as her mind raced through what could have happened...
"He wouldn't try to take advantage like that, not that I mind..." thought Kurenai mischievously,
Her smile faltered a little when he turned around, and then she saw the depressed look in his eyes. There was definitely something which was troubling him, she had noticed it several times. But he never talked about it, even when she insisted on explaining the problem to her.
It was as if he was fighting a battle with himself, where his mind and heart were telling him different things.
She wanted to help him, so badly. It was strange even for her, to get so attached to a man. After her father, there were hardly any males she ever got close too or developed such a connection. Which was what made this relationship too special for her...
He was everything to her, and there was hardly anything that she wouldn't do for him.
At the same time, she always felt a hidden wall that existed between them. A barrier which she was not able to cross, and it made her anxious everyday. For years, it had made her feel incomplete.
Naruto always seemed distant, even when they were too close to each other there were several things which he couldn't share with her. It made her extremely sad as she was able to share all her pains with him, and he always helped her overcome them. And yet she couldn't do the same for him...
The villagers always felt that Naruto was a insignificant pest that was a curse on their lives, but she knew there was something special about him. Just looking at him made her believe he would one day do something which would change the entire world.
She was not blind either, there was a lot of anger and resentment in his heart. And if the memories of his past which she had accidentally seen were true, then he had a good reason for hating Konoha and the ninja world. He was also getting quite aggressive, more radical. She had seen it with her eyes...
Kurenai quickly slept back when he started walking back towards the bed, her eyes were closed yet she felt him getting inside the bed. She subtly inched closer and placed her head on top of his warm chest, and her legs entwined themselves with his legs. She heard him smile faintly, as he put his arm around her waist and snuggled her closer to him, happily offering the warmth radiating from his body.
After a few moments, she heard his breath slowing down and slowly opened her eyes. His eyes were closed and his handsome face glowed brightly in the moonlight, a loose strand of his golden hair was falling over his eyes which she gently tucked behind with her delicate finger.
A new burning sensation erupted across her entire body setting it on fire, her breathing became a little heavier and for once she followed her heart without hesitation.
Naruto slowly started to wake up, he could feel the warmth pressed up against his lips and a soft gentle feeling on his lips. As he opened his eyes fully, he saw Kurenai on top of him eye's closed and kissing him softly. Fully awake from his short nap, Naruto returned the loving gesture and began kissing back. Kurenai continued the kiss for a few more seconds before she stopped and pulled herself a little back, allowing him to see her.
She silenced him by placing her finger over his lips, and for the first time he got a good look in her eyes. Her breathing was heavy, and there was something in her eyes which he rarely saw: Lust.
"Just..." said Kurenai hesitantly, not finding the proper words or feeling too embarrassed by her own behavior.
His simple answer and that faint smile flooded her with relief, the nervousness in her heart vanished as she gave him one of her most beautiful smiles.
"Thank you Naruto-kun" replied Kurenai happily,
She once again laid herself on top of him and kissed him again, this time opening her mouth and slipping her tongue into his mouth. As the kiss grew intensity so too did their desire. Hands roaming and tongues gently caressing each other; Naruto and Kurenai simply let their passions take control over them.
He brought his hands up to her chest and gently cupped Kurenai's breasts, squeezing and massaging them. Kurenai moaned into his mouth as she felt him touch her. Guiding his hands she let him slide them under her nightie and onto her hardness down below as he gently rubbed her nipples. Their kiss grew wetter as Kurenai used her mouth more and began to rub her whole body up and down on top of him.
Finally wanting more Kurenai broke off the kiss and stood up a bit of saliva still on her lips as she licked it off. Reaching down she grabbed the hem of her nightie and pulled it off her revealing a small red thong and her pair of remarkable breasts to her lover.
"Come here Naruto-kun..." said Kurenai lustfully, wagging her finger mischievously towards him.
She grabbed her tits and pushed them up as Naruto quickly nodded before pulling off his own shirt and sat up to capture one of her erect nipples in his mouth.
"Oh Kami!That's...it!(pant)Keep...going!" Kurenai cried softly,
Naruto used his mouth to pull and tug at her nipples sending waves of pleasure down her spine. Kurenai wrapped her arms around him as he went to work on her chest. Naruto was in heaven, he had in his arms the most beautiful woman he had ever known and just being near her, like this made him forget every single problem that plagued his miserable life.
Kurenai felt him grow a little more down there and decided it was time, reaching below she grabbed him through his shorts.
"I thinks it's time to move on to something...a little more fun, Naruto-kun" whispered Kurenai lustfully,
Her each and every word made him more and more hard, and he pulled away running his teeth across her nipple sending another wave of pleasure through her body. Sitting back Kurenai moved her hands down to her side and pulled off her thong and threw it behind leaving her completely naked. Naruto followed suit and took of his boxers.
"Lay down, Naruto-kun..." requested Kurenai politely,
She gently pushed him back on the soft bed, turning around she turned to face his large cock. She quickly moved one of her legs up exposing her womanhood to his face, which he quickly touched with his lips sending tingling sensations across her body. In return, she quickly took his shaft into her mouth.
"Oh!Kure-chan!That...feels...good!" moaned Naruto,
His breathing hitched as he felt her hot mouth take his shaft completely inside. Getting a good suck she took it out of her mouth, and turned towards him with a pleading look in her eyes.
"Make me feel good too, Naruto-kun?" asked Kurenai sweetly, as he gave her a kind smile in return.
Despite the atmosphere riddled with their lust, there was a feeling of warmth that made both of them feel comfortable and loved.
She ran the tip of her tongue up and down his length, while Naruto looked forward and rested his head on the inside of her thigh looking directly at her core. Wanting to give her the same pleasure, he moved his face right into her and in one quick motion slipped his tongue deep into her embrace.
"FUCK!" screamed Kurenai,
He smiled mischievously and quickly set about sucking, licking and exploring her every nook and cranny. Her smell intoxicated him as his mind was lost in a sea of lust. He buried his face into her cleanly shaved pussy. Getting overwhelmed with pleasure, Kurenai moved her hand up to grab his cock as she bent in more and took one of his balls into her mouth gently sucking on it.
"Mmmm!" moaned Naruto,
The vibration released from his mouth sent waves of pleasure into her pussy. Kurenai was close, having spent the last few months devoid of any physical pleasures had really done a number on her down there, and she wanted some of Naruto's cum fast. Wasting no time she once again took him into her mouth and let inch after inch into her throat running her tongue along his length and sucking as she did so.
Naruto felt her get more an more aggressive almost crushing his face into her pussy desperate for release. The pleasure built and soon it came to both of them. Kurenai felt the first load enter her mouth as she felt herself explode down below almost crushing Naruto's head between her thighs.
"AHHHHHHH!Naruto!' screamed Kurenai loudly, as load after load hit her face.
Naruto would have cried out in pleasure too, but Kurenai had drenched him more than ever before as the liquid burst forward out of her in gush of her delicious nectar.
Both of them moved away from each other, breathing hard their chests moving up and down as they came down from their orgasms. Kurenai's legs seemed to lose all their strength as she tried to sit up. She still managed to do so and moved over and laid herself next to her lover. She took him into her arms and they held each other as the aftermath of their orgasms wore down.
"Naruto..." said Kurenai gently,
He opened his eyes and looked at her, as she stared at his dark eyes with her red ones. Finding no more words, Kurenai simply moved in and kissed him once again. Their kiss was slow and tender as they both shared their pent up feelings through this one gentle act alone. Kurenai moved him on top of her and delicately spread her legs apart signalling him as to what she wanted.
Naruto smiled and placed his length at her entrance and pushed in slowly relishing the feel of her hot warm pussy enveloping his cock. He slowly pushed in until he could feel her soft skin hitting against his own.
"Oh yes! Naruto...that...feels...so...good" moaned Kurenai, her breathing became heavier.
"This is amazing, Kureani-chan!You're so fucking tight!" said Naruto lustfully,
He stayed there a while enjoying the sensation of being one with his girlfriend, words couldn't describe how much he had missed this. Between his mission, he had almost forgotten how much he enjoyed being this close to her.
Slowly getting into rhythm he began to slowly pull out and push back in to her pussy as it molded to fit him snugly each and every time he moved within her. Kurenai closed her eyes and leaned back into the cool bed sheets as her long, dark hair formed a black silly halo around her head. Naruto looked down at her and then at the juncture where they were connected. Seeing his length enter her again and again, sliding in and out of that wonderful place as her lower lips swallowed him so lovingly, it almost made him go mad with joy.
"Mmm..." moaned Kurenai.
She brought her legs around his waist holding him closer to her. Naruto was close, he could simply feel it. He placed his hands on either side of her and began panting hard as he continued pumping into her.
"Kurenai-chan, I'm...I'm" cried Naruto harshly,
Kurenai opened her eyes and looked up at Naruto as she felt herself come closer as well.
"Ah!Naruto...I...please...keep...going!" begged Kurenai, her cries of pleasure getting louder and louder.
Naruto sped up his speed, almost slamming into her as the wet sounds of their union filled their dark little room. Using all his strength, he thrust into her one last time as the last of his control disappeared and he gave into the pleasure that had been building up.
"Ohhh!YES!" Kurenai yelled, her legs wrapping around him trying to bring him as close to her as possible as they both came.
Naruto lay there contently in Kurenai's embrace as they came off their high, the only sounds in the room were the quite rhythmic breathing of the two lovers. They simply laid there looking into each other's eyes when suddenly Kurenai got a mischievous look in her eyes.
"What is it?" asked Naruto innocently,
Kurenai smiled and reached over, grasping his cock in her soft hands.
"Let me make you feel good, Naruto-kun" said Kurenai happily, and moved lower on the bed.
"Ohh!" Naruto moaned as Kurenai took him into her mouth.
"You like that, don't you?" asked Kurenai purposefully, making lewd slurping noises as he blushed horribly on seeing this side of her.
"Ye...yes, please keep going..." said Naruto gently, as she smirked.
He felt himself getting closer to cumming once again, as Kurenai continued to run her tongue all over his cock trying to get at the sweet nectar she was craving quite badly. He started breathing hard as she went all out, and started using both her hands along with her mouth over his cock making him cum on the spot.
"Kurenai!" exclaimed Naruto, and came.
Kurenai easily took load after load of cum in her mouth, using her tongue to savor it to the fullest. She then suddenly sat up, her butt resting on her feet. Slowly she swallowed his cum delighting in its taste and texture as it slid softly down her throat. As she finished, she looked down at a stunned Naruto.
"Did you like that?" asked Kurenai victoriously, a smirk etched across her lips.
"Yes, your amazing Kurenai-chan" said Naruto gratefully, making her smile.
She placed her hand on his cheek and decided to ask something which was making her feel quite embarrassed.
"Can you fulfill a wish of mine?" asked Kurenai hesitantly.
She smiled and moved to where the pillows were, and looked him in the eye.
"All right, I want you to make me feel good here too..." said Kurenai gently, making him raise one of his eyebrows in surprise.
"You sure?" asked Naruto
"Yes, I am..." replied Kurenai confidently,
She put two pillows on top of each other and laid down on top of them making her butt stand up in the air. Reaching behind she grasped her ass cheeks and showed Naruto her ass.
"I want you to fuck me here Naruto...use your cock and put it inside her" said Kurenai lustfully,
"Anko said it would be fun, and I want to try it. Please..." requested Kurenai, and wagged her puppy dog eyes at him.
He was stunned, but approached her after a few seconds of recovery. If she wanted this so bad, then he would gladly do it for her. Moving in, his hand inched closer to her ass and he inserted one of his fingers inside as she did the same with her own finger.
"OH!Yes just...like that!" she cried, the mere touch sending tinkling sensations in her gut.
He explored the uncharted territory with his fingers, as she allowed him to fully explore it with his fingers. After a few minutes, he moved his large cock to her ass and looked at her.
"Just be gentle..." said Kurenai meekly, nervousness evident in her eyes but he gave her a reassuring nod which calmed her a bit.
He surprisingly pushed one of his fingers inside her pussy and collected more of her cum before putting it on her anus as a lubricant, and used his other free hand to massage her tits as she moaned in pleasure. As she relaxed into the bed, he positioned his cock near her anus and pushed in with one swift motion.
"Fuck!" cried Kurenai in pleasure and a little pain, her hands tightly grasping the bed sheets.
Naruto shuddered as her anal ring closed around him, securing him inside her. Pushing in Naruto was in awe of the tightness of her ass. It was hotter and tighter than her pussy and if Kurenai really liked doing this then he was going to make sure his girlfriend enjoyed it fully. He set his hands on her ass and began to fuck her hard.
"NARUTO!YESSSS!FUCK ME HARD!" yelled Kurenai, into the bed as he really got into it.
Quickly putting a hand to hr pussy, she started fingering herself furiously as she took inch after inch of Naruto's hard length into her rear.
"Kurenai-chan!You're so tight!" he cried, as he continued thrusting into her.
The sounds of wet flesh slapping against each other sounded in the room as Naruto and Kurenai continued on and on. As her fingers still furiously worked on her pussy, Kurenai's eyes widened as she felt Naruto explode deep inside her ass. Feeling his hot seed inside her ass she buckled, her toes curling as she came hard.
"OHHH!FUCK! YES!" she creamed, once more as her own orgasm hit and she came, squirting out her cum onto the pillows and bed sheets.
"KURENAI!" Naruto exclaimed, as he fired strand after strand of his cum into her ass.
Finally exhausted after the day's events, Naruto collapsed onto Kurenai's back his cock still deep inside her ass. They stayed like that for awhile, too tired and satisfied to do much else.
After a few minutes of relaxation, Kurenai snuggled into her handsome boyfriend's chest as they settled in for the night. When Naruto had finally pulled out of her ass she leaked some of it out and onto the bed. They had been forced to throw off the sheets from the bed so they didn't sleep on a wet spot.
Kurenai simply pressed her cheek against his chest and snuggled under the light bed cover. The pleasurable phantom feeling in her ass still lingered there as she pressed her nude body to her lover.
"Naruto..." she whispered softly, as the rays of the moonlight shown into the small bedroom.
''Yes?" asked Naruto, holding her close to him.
"I love you..." whispered Kurenai lovingly, before drifting off to sleep.
"Those who can't sacrifice something, can never hope to bring change either for themself or the world"
He stared at her sleeping form even as Tobi's words came flooding in his heart.
'I love you too, Kurenai..." said Naruto sadly, as he laid a tender kiss on her forehead.
Two people stood on top of a tall mountain cliff, their eyes calmly observing Saizkuma islands even as their dark cloaks with red clouds on it flowed freely in the air.
"So, how did it go?" asked one of them in a hoarse voice, his body barely visible in the dark night.
"I sense something big happening very soon..." said his partner calmly, the man's face covered by a demon mask.
"Oh, this isn't like you S-"
"I told you not to call me by that name anymore..." snapped the demon mask wearing man, his bright red Mangekyo glaring daggers at his partner.
"Fine, fine. You think he will agree to join our cause?" asked his partner seriously,
"More like we'll be joining his cause. We need him for our plan, after all..." replied the older Uchiha calmly,
"And you're comfortable with it, Tobi?" asked the partner curiously, as the man smirked.
"Yes, it's time for the rise of the Akatsuki..."