Chapter 69: Homeland

(3 Months Later)

Tsuande watched in surprise as hundreds of people dressed in prisoner garbs ran out of the dark corridors, their eyes heavy with tears as they ran to meet another group which was also coming out from a dark tunnel.

Men, women, children all with happy smiles on their faces. Their previously dead eyes now sparkling with renewed vigor...

In a far away corner, stood a blonde boy dressed in his Kage uniform. He was wearing his regular Reich clothes with the swastika symbol, with a dark blue jacket hugging his shoulder. His face covered by a red scarf, although the look in his pleased eyes was enough to show that he was smiling.

The prisoners had tears in their eyes as they bowed before him, as he simply gave them a nod.

As she stepped beside him, he saw him smiling as parents hugged their children, wives kissing their husbands, friends smiling on seeing each other again.

On another side of the base, a firing squad was executing a group of scientists and guards. The soldiers were merciless as they tossed the dead bodies aside in a burning pit where several hundred more were burning.

Rapists, Torturers, Orochimaru's lackeys, and so many more who were previously plaguing the Sound Country.

"Within days of his ascension to the throne, The Nidaime Otokage has registered his name in the annals of history for he has destroyed the culture of Otogakure..." said Tsunade, her eyes shifting towards the young leader who smirked on her words.

"This is only the beginning, I will create more rivers of blood...enough to erase the tragedy of the Uchiha clan" promised Naruto, as she smiled.

"You sure you don't want these prisoners in your quest? Orochimaru did give them good abilities by experimenting on them..." suggested Tsunade, receiving a sharp look in return.

"It's not just us who have suffered in this world...but them too. They deserve peace afters years of torture, and I will make sure they get it. I already have a large army and more are joining me every day..." said Naruto, a certain amount of pride visible in his voice.

She gently rubbed his cheek affectionately, and was glad when he didn't back away from the contact. The past few weeks had certainly increased their trust in each other, and now that she looked back joining him on this revolution was the best decision of her life.

"Haku should be finished with the executions..." said Naruto, as a frown came on her face.

"I know those people you killed were worse than scum, but you could have used them as slaves. You know, subdue them with your genjutsu..." suggested Tsunade, but he shook his head.

"I can cast that jutsu once a week, and it takes a lot of chakra. Kotoamatsukami is no joke, it has helped me subdue many warriors for my army. But those scum don't deserve it, not after what they did to the people of this country. They had to face punishment for their crimes..." explained Naruto, getting a nod in return.

"Huh, now you're sounding like a Kage..." joked Tsunade,

"Well, I am a Kage..." said Naruto, judging from the pride in the boy's eyes he was happy with his job.

A better one than his predecessor. When they first seized the reins of Sound nation, it was a mess. The people were living under a tyrannical rule, the entire nation was a big research factory with the citizens being used as test subjects, and to fuel Orochimaru's war machine.

The Oto ninja exploited the civilians in every aspect. Women were raped, children were beaten for no apparent reason, men were turned to slaves or experimental test subjects. There was lack of basic amenities across the entire nation, people fought daily for survival even as the merchants and some noble family's exploited them; in return for Orochimaru's protection.

The entire country had been turned into a massive ghetto which was more like a prisoner's camp...

But as a wise man said long ago, where there is darkness there also appears light.

It was the ninja world and its policy of the 'strong suppressing the weak' that made these people's lives miserable, and from the same world their savior was born.

For Konoha and Fire Nation, Naruto Uchiha was a traitor, murderer, criminal, and one of the lowest human beings to be born in their world.

On the other hand, for the people of Otogakure the boy was Kami (God) reincarnated.

They didn't know who he was as he had kept his identity secret, and made sure that his rise to the throne didn't get noticed by any other villages especially his former home. The power of Kotoamatsukami had certainly helped in keeping all their activities a secret...

Some even called Otogakure the new version of Amegakure, completely cut off from the world yet developing day by day on its own.

The Nidaime...

That name had became quite popular amongst the masses, and they were blindly loyal to their new leader without any genjutsu forcing them.


Freeing Slaves...

Ridding the Nation from Criminals, Extortionists, and every other scum.

Development of Basic Amenities like Homes, Electricity, Water Supply, Food, Trade, Schools for Children.

Assigning jobs to people thereby providing them an opportunity to earn their livelihoods, directly leading to development of a growing economy.

Recruiting the young and patriotic in their army, the SS guard had nearly received 4000 applications in the past 2 months.

This was just the tip of the iceberg of the miracles which the Nidaime had performed for the downtrodden people of Otogakure. Of course, she had helped him along with many others in making these changes. But it was Naruto's desire to help his new people that was the reason for their success...

3 months ago she would not have believed that one man could change anything, only to be proven terribly wrong.

Uchiha Naruto

"The Man of Miracles" had in her opinion created an ideal nation which was far just and better than the power hungry ninja villages, and it was only growing more stronger and powerful with every passing day. Luck had also favored her adopted son, Orochimaru had tormented these people for years and Naruto's simple act of kindness had made them his loyal subjects.

Ready to do anything for their eccentric leader. The boy had certainly become a target for hordes of fangirls, and many young men, boys saw him as an idol.

"Naruto, Yuuya has requested funds for development in the western regions..." informed Tsunade, receiving a nod from him.


"From where do you get so much money?" asked Tsunade, her suspicion was getting worse with every passing day.

To make so many developments an unlimited supply of money and resources were required, and Naruto had miraculously been successful in this task. Sure he had told her that he had hypnotized many wealthy merchants from Fire nation, but it would still not be enough for supporting such a starved economy.

He definitely had an extremely powerful supporter who had an endless supply of money and resources, someone who was not visible but was definitely playing this game from the shadows.

Noticing her glare at him for the secret, Naruto simply stepped forward as his people stared at him...

"For long, the ninja world has suppressed our hopes and dreams. But it ends now..." declared Naruto, his eyes burning with determination.

The people roared with slogans of victory and praised their new leader, their applause deafening the executions that were carried in a corner.

"We must throw away our past conflicts and work together for a better world. It is with this intention that I declare the formation of the First Reich (Empire)..." said Naruto, his thunderous voice surprising the thousands standing before him.

For a few moments, the stunned people were speechless. Tsunade even wondered if Naruto would have to use his genjutsu, but was relieved when another greater round of applause echoed through the palace.

"Our War will be the decisive struggle to change this evil, corrupt world. We will defeat the war mongering five great nations, this tainted world will be destroyed with our crusade and created anew afterwards. The fatherland will be the dream for which we shall strive for..." encouraged Naruto,

Tsunade simply gawked as the once hopeless people got stars in their eyes, Orochimaru had hijacked their lives with fake promises and tormented them. But Naruto had given them everything they ever desired, and now he was giving them a dream to fight for.

A Future...

The boy raised his sword and pointed it towards the now burning emblems of the five great ninja villages and their nations...



"There is nothing to fear, the future rests with my name!" finished Naruto,

By the time he was finished the crowd was burning with a new sense of determination, ambition, and she was definitely surprised when they faithfully kneeled before him.

"All hail Naruto!"

"All hail Naruto!"

"All hail Naruto!"

Tsunade felt a cold, shiver run down her spine when an evil smile appeared on Naruto's face as he basked in the new glory.

The First Emperor was Born...

An hour later, he returned back to his chambers. There was not anything special in it, just a bed, a bathroom, a cupboard, and a mirror. Hardly a luxurious choice for the leader of a nation, soon to be an empire.

Yet he preferred the simple things more...

"Quite a speech there, you'll make a good emperor..." said a new voice,

Turning around he was not even surprised when he found Tobi sitting on his window, the masked man's sharingan gleamed in the dark night. The Akatsuki member was after all an important member of his army.

"I need more funds..." said Naruto, his voice lacking any discomfort at all.

"For the war effort?" asked Tobi, but frowned when the boy shook his head.

An exasperated sigh escaped from the Uchiha's lips as he hopped from the window and stepped inside the room. Walking forward he stood in front of the boy and looked him straight in the eye.

"You need to prioritize, the army development should come first. Civilians can wait..." advised Tobi, disappointment evident in his eyes and voice.

"The people need something to fight for, making fake promises won't do it. What I've done for the past 3 months has nearly tripled the applications for the army, people love my soldiers. They support them, no army can win a single victory if it is not backed by its people..." said Naruto flatly,

"Spoken like a true Kage..." joked Tobi, as Naruto scoffed.

"I won't let this nation or the empire we are about to build be a copy of the ninja world, it will be better..." said Naruto seriously, as Tobi arched an eyebrow.

"You do remember the empire is just a front, our real aim-"

"I'm aware of that. But the empire will be our legacy to the world when we finish Valkyrie, a system that shall help maintain order and continue the peace for which we are fighting so hard" explained Naruto, making Tobi sigh.

"You're an idealist, but whatever. Just send me the list, I'll make sure you get what you want..." answered Tobi, getting a thankful nod in return.

"Where do you even get this much money and resources? What are you a thief?" asked Naruto bemusedly, as a chuckle escaped from the older Uchiha's mouth.

"I'm a banker with a wide range of investments, I have deep pockets. If you want I can suggest you a few investment options..." suggested Tobi lightheartedly, as Naruto snorted.

"Thanks, but no thanks" replied the younger Uchiha flatly,

"How goes the invasion preparations?" asked Tobi curiously, as a cruel smile came on Naruto's lips.

"Quite good, actually. The army is almost ready, and the morale is high. We still require 2 more weeks to sort out the logistical issues..." explained Naruto,

"You're still set on going with the twin strike plan?" questioned Tobi, and saw Naruto's gaze hardening.

"Yes, we'll hit the enemy where they think they're safe. I'll handle Konoha, you take care of Suna. The Kazekage would be attending the Chunin exams that started recently. Suna's armies plan to launch their strike during the finals..." said Naruto, a smirk adoring his lips.

"The Sand Village would be weak since most of its fighters would be participating in the invasion. It'll be an easy task for me to take over the village..." said Tobi happily,

"Do you need support? I can send half of my SS guard if you want..." offered Naruto, but Tobi rebuffed him.

"It's not necessary. I'm more than enough for the task, fine I'll take Zetsu with me..." said Tobi in a childish voice, making Naruto roll his eyes.

"Zetsu? Really?"

"What, my partner's hungry..."

Naruto simply smacked his forehead on his partner's antics, he did not trust the man yet. But Tobi was definitely a funny guy, and sometimes Naruto did enjoy his company. Being around so many females could make a man go crazy at times, and Tobi was the relief.

"I'll let Konoha's and Suna's armies fight each other, when they're tired I'll make a clean sweep with my army. The Kazekage still believes Otogakure will support him in this invasion, I'll make sure this is his last mistake..." said Naruto darkly,

"You're a scary general, you know that?" joked Tobi, as Naruto shrugged.

"Sticks and Stones, Tobi..."

"Seriously, I wouldn't want you as my opponent. Konoha made a big mistake by making you an enemy..." said Tobi frankly, as Naruto's eyes became sad.

"I really wish things hadn't gone the way they have..." replied Naruto, regret visible in his voice.

"Will you be able to face your old comrades? The entire village is made up of old faces and people whom you know, are you really ready, Naruto?" asked Tobi seriously,


Tobi was not satisfied with the answer, but refrained from pushing further. Konoha was a sensitive subject, and he'll let the boy deal with it on his own terms. There could only be so much pushing possible with a person like Naruto, and Tobi knew it.

"I've got some bad news..." said Tobi hesitantly,

"Aren't there always?" asked Naruto sarcastically, making his partner chuckle.

"Orochimaru is still staying underground. I've got Zetsu working overtime to find that Sannin, but he has simply vanished. You sure you didn't kill him during your battle?"

"I expected this from him, he suffered quite grave wounds during our battle. He would need a new body if he ever wants to fight me again, and that takes time. He is waiting for his chance to strike, he is the only one who knows my secret but I can't divide my resources in going after one ninja. We're already stretched thin..." explained Naruto,

"Point Taken, Hiruzen has also invited Princess Kallen for the finals..."

As soon as Tobi said that, he saw Naruto's sharingan coming to life. The look in the boy's eyes screamed pure murder...

"She'll be attending it with her entire royal guard, thought you should know. Take out 3 enemies in one strike..." suggested Tobi, as Naruto took a deep breath.

"I see..." replied Naruto curtly,

Sensing the tense mood, Tobi decided to change the subject before things got awkward between them.

"You did good by recruiting Tsunade for our cause, you will need her help against Jiraiya. Don't underestimate the Toad Sage, Naruto..." warned Tobi,

He saw the tension arriving back on Naruto's face as his thoughts drifted towards that man, Jiraiya was said to be the strongest ninja of their world right now. His power surpassed the Kages, not to forget Hiruzen would also be his opponent.

While he did have a powerful army, except for Tsunade and Haku he lacked powerful warriors who could go up against those two deadly ninja.

"Don't worry, I have two more allies who'll help in this task. I'll take care of it.." promised Naruto, his thoughts shifting towards Gaara and Sasuke.

"I'll take your word for it. Well, I've gotta go...see you later" said Tobi cheerfully,

And just like that the man jumped out of the room's window and in a blink of an eye, the Uchiha vanished into the darkness of the night. Naruto merely shook his head and crashed on his bed.

Being a Kage was so damn tiresome.

(Next Morning)


A pillow was thrown towards the howler monkey's face by a sleepy blonde, she ducked and stomped towards her leader. Why the fuck did she always receive the most crappy jobs?

The blonde sleeping in front of her was a Kage, and yet he acted like a normal teenager like her.

She raised her leg to kick him in the ass, but then got another bright idea.

Naruto didn't know why his hand was touching something extremely soft, just like a woman's breasts?

"The fuck..." said Naruto in shock, as he shot up from his bed.

Only to come face to face with a grinning Tayuya, he was about to blast out at her until he realized his hand was still on her chest. A smirk visible on the punk red head's face...

"Trying to take advantage of me, your highness?" asked Tayuya mischievously, as Naruto's face blushed different colors of red.

Quickly removing his hand from the sensitive spot, he regained his composure. He would be damned if he let her saw him getting so flustered, he had seen Tsunade's mounds and it didn't bother him. But this girl got on his nerves, in a friendly way.

Kotoamatsukami had merely made her his comrade, letting her forget her previously loyalty to Orochimaru. But the jutsu didn't suppress her personality or personal memories, only the parts about him. Sometimes he wished he had done something about that.

She kind of reminded him of Anko, less the foul mouth.


Tayuya's face flushed red in anger when he flicked her forehead, a mischievous smile on his face. That bastard...

"Your girlfriend wants to see you, damn the ice bitch for ordering me..." said Tayuya irritatedly, muttering the last part barely above a whisper.

"Oh, Tayu-chan? I'm hurt, I thought you were into me?" mocked Naruto, feigning a hurt look in his eyes.

''Shut up!" screeched Tayuya, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink. Damn, his well toned shirtless chest that was in front of her.

Naruto merely leaned towards her ear, and whispered in a husky tone.

"Wanna have a fling?" asked Naruto mischievously,


A smack impacted with his head, and in a flash the flustered red head quickly exited from his room. Nobody can win against the Nidaime...

Shaking his head, he merely sighed on her antics. It made his extremely hectic life more fun, in fact he had became quite good friends with the Sound Four. Guren trusted him immensely, and was a loyal soldier just like the other elite officers who were now a part of the SS guard.

Although, he got quite annoyed when they always teased him with Haku already complicating his strange relationship with the Yuki clan member.

Haku was no better either, she didn't make any direct advances on him. But her attitude and constant teasing made it extremely hard for him to be loyal to his one true love, just thinking about Kurenai made him sad.

The judgement day was approaching fast, and he would have to ask her that deadly question.

A part of him wanted her by his side, while another didn't. His heart was torn with different opinions, and only after Kurenai's answer his agony could end. But before that, he had someone else to aid.

Karin got a small smile on her face when she felt a familiar chakra signature approaching towards her. She had the ability to read people's emotions and their inner power by sensing their chakra, and the person coming towards her had a mixture of both good and bad chakra's.

On the surface, it was so warm like the sunlight which enlightened the entire world through its power. While burning itself in fire the entire time...

And deep beneath was a sea of hatred, pain, and regret.

It was hard for her to accept that at a mere age of 15- Naruto Uchiha had ascended to the prestigious position of a Kage, and if the rumors was true soon to be a emperor. She was one of the few shinobi from Orochimaru's forces who joined him willingly. Sure, she liked Orochimaru in the beginning as he offered an orphan like her a home.

But the things that pedophile did to her still sent shivers down her spine.

The red head winced when she saw the bite marks on her body, evidence of the experiments done on her. Never had she thought that being an Uzumaki could actually be a curse in this world...

During Orochimaru's reign, she had seen how everyone viewed her as a freak. Nobody considered her a human, she still regretted torturing the prisoners on the Sannin's orders. But there was no other way for her to survive, her only wish now was to get her revenge against Orochimaru for everything he put her through.

She could still not believe she had found a lost member of her clan in Naruto, although the boy was oblivious to her true lineage. Plus, those sexy sharingan eyes...

She had nearly wet herself when she got a glimpse of those dazzling eyes and that handsome face. The cold look which he had given her while scanning through her past records made her blush different shades of red. She was definitely into bad boys, and Naruto Uchiha was a prime candidate of her affections.

The fact that he had pardoned her crimes was another reason as to why she liked him. He even permitted her to help in taking revenge against Orochimaru...

Looking at the vial in her hand brought a cruel smile on her face, oh the look on Orochimaru's face would be priceless when his most prized possession was stolen from him.

"Karin, have you finished it?" asked Naruto calmly, snapping her out of her daze.

Naruto merely rolled his eyes when she blushed on seeing his face, only now did he realize how annoyed Sasuke would have felt in the academy when those fangirls bugged him everyday. Karin was a perfect fangirl, unfortunately of him for reasons unknown to him. And ones he didn't even want to know...

On seeing her past actions with Orochimaru, he wanted nothing more than to send her to the gallows. And only her skills in a certain lost art, and the special powers in her body saved her life from him. The powers which he needed for Valkyrie...

As such he inherited the misfortune of tolerating her.

"Hai, Naruto-kun. See I told you I can do anything for you..." said Karin flirtatiously, giving him a small wink.

"Are you sure? It's very important that this works, or else I'll put your head on a spike..." lied Naruto coldly, as she adjusted her glasses.

"Trust me it'll work, Nidaime. I was the one who helped him develop this in the first place..." boasted Karin,

The very next second she wished she hadn't said that, as Naruto's cold eyes glared daggers at her. If looks could kill Karin would have been blasted to oblivion, the pressure leaking from his body made the floors crack.

She collapsed on her knees and her body started trembling in fear, fortunately he stopped himself from going all out.

"Karin, you're an asset nothing more. I've accepted you into my army and spared your life, don't test the limits of my mercy..." warned Naruto,

"Hai, Nidaime" replied Karin quickly, as he walked out of the room.

Although he completely missed the stars in her eyes as he watched his ass, while muttering a perfect "10/10"

Haku adjusted her long dark hair that were falling over her eyes. Wild winds floated her Reich uniform as her eyes marveled at the scenery in front of her. It was so beautiful...

Everywhere there were deep forests surrounding the small civilization, 4 large human faces were carved upon a mountain.

The village beneath her so full of life and was stacked with all luxurious facilities which she had never even seen in Kiri due to the civil war. There were hot springs, lavish restaurants, tall buildings, beautiful homes, and a large tower in the center of the village with the 'Fire' emblem on it.

Konoha was truly worth of the title of the "Most Beautiful Village"

"Huh? It hasn't changed a bit..." said Naruto bemusedly,

It had been almost a year since he fled from this place, he had left vowing to protect it till his last breath. And now his back to destroy it...oh the irony!

Destiny was a cruel bitch!

"Kami, there are thousands of ninja here. I can hardly see any weakness in this village's armed forces..." said Haku worriedly, and saw a cruel smirk arriving on Naruto's lips.

"Everything has a weakness, Konoha's weakness is my existence..."

His sharp red eyes spotted several familiar faces as a faint smile arrived on his lips...

"It's time for one last reunion..."