Chapter 86: Home Part 2

Kushina couldn't help but stare at the nearly identical two men sitting beside her. Both of them were so alike not just in looks, but in thinking too. There was an aura around Naruto which she could feel yet couldn't understand, but Minato could. The former Hokage knew exactly the kind of person their son was, and for the first time in her existence the red head Uzumaki found her lack of intellect a hindrance.

"We've probably bored you with all the complicated stuff. Sorry about that, mom..." said Naruto awkwardly, saying the last word quite hesitantly.

Kushina blinked in surprise when Naruto easily picked up her discomfort, looking towards Minato she received a teasing smile from her husband clearly stating "He takes after me'' which earned him a pointed stare from her as she rolled her eyes.

"You're not getting any of this ass tonight, mister"

Both parents were again surprised when Naruto made a disapproving snort, which quickly snapped the couple out of their little contest.

"You know if you two wanna get a room, just let me know..." advised Naruto sarcastically, and smirked when his mother's cheeks matched the color of her hair.

"" asked Minato sheepishly, only for Naruto to roll his eyes.

"Duh, I'm married too..."

His sarcastic answer elicited deep blushes from his parents, and for the first time he noticed how young they were. Neither of them appeared to be older than 23 or 24 years at most. A deep pain coursed through his heart as he realized how much of life he had missed. There were very few moments in his life that could be considered as living, while the rest were a part of endless fighting whether on the battlefield or somewhere else.

He could only try to imagine the pain he must have put Haku and Kurenai through, if only...

"I mean I was married..." corrected Naruto, his voice as silent as a whisper as he was reminded of the harsh reality that awaited in front of him.

"Do you want it to continue?" asked Kushina suddenly, making her son glare at her.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, mother..."

"She's not joking, Naruto. Given a chance, would you like to find out what it's like to live a peaceful life with family? It maybe brief but you can cherish every moment of it..." suggested Minato, and this time Naruto's gaze softened.

"What are you saying, father?" asked Naruto tiredly,

"What you heard, son. Give us an answer first..." stated Kushina, as Naruto looked at the peaceful place he was in. His parents were good people and he actually wouldn't mind staying with them and wait for Haku and everyone else or...

"I honestly don't know..." answered Naruto sincerely, making his parents smile.

"Then answer when you are certain. Till then let's go for a walk..." suggested Minato, earning a return smile from his son.

"I would like that..."

Kurenai Yuhi was breathing harshly, her lungs had suddenly stopped working, eyes had stopped flickering, a permanent horrified expression was etched on her beautiful face even as her cheeks were being moistened by the stream of tears still falling from her eyes.

Her lips parted several times trying to form words but could only utter incomprehensible sounds...

The people beside her seemed equally terrified as all of them currently stood inside a meteor sized crater. Down in the bottomless pit lay more than 100 bodies of Anbu ninjas. Mangled, broken corpses that were too far damaged to even be recognized. A river of blood was flowing in the pit drenching all the departed souls in it, pounds of flesh and guts were spread everywhere. Scattered limbs which included several pair of eyes, noses, hands, legs and many more gruesome body parts were lying all around.

It was hell reincarnated.

Her legs lost all strength when her gaze caught sight of something that made her entire body go numb.

"KURENAI!" yelled Sakura

But it was too late since the Hokage had tumbled and was rolling down the slope into the pool of flesh, bodies, guts and blood. There were moments when she tried to get back on her feet only to propel herself forward into that mess. The Sound Four and Sakura quickly followed after her, albeit more cautiously.

With a rough crash Kurenai sprawled into that mess, her entire body getting drenched in the spilled blood. But she didn't care, with sloppy steps which resulted into a few more crashes she ran in a specific direction.

The tears falling from her eyes were now covered with blood making her look even more heartbroken and terrified, which was exactly the state of her heart.

Even among the sea of bodies, all of which belonged to her own men the only one she cared about was the one lying in a far away corner. A person born in bloodshed and one who was probably gonna die in it too. No, he couldn't die.

She jumped towards his side, crashing violently in the bloody ground. The sight that awaited her made her want to die right there...

Naruto lay motionless on the ground, or what was left of him anyway. His arms and legs were barely hanging to his body with a few strings of flesh, his chest had a deep hole in it. His face was completely smeared in blood, and his eyes were half open.

She couldn't move, her trembling hands couldn't even touch the love of her life. Sakura quickly came beside them and the medic instantly put her fingers over the motionless emperor's neck...

"Sakura, please..." pleaded Kurenai, her voice completely begging which only made the pink haired girl tear up.

"It's over..."

Even the members of the Sound Four alongwith Guren collapsed on their knees on seeing their leader like this. and that was when the entire sky rumbled. The sound of an awakening monster echoed across the entire valley.

Looking up all of them were shocked and terrified when a gigantic dragon crackling with electricity was forming in the sky. And it was glaring down right at them...


"Ajisukitahakone (Dragon of Thunder)"

No sooner had Tayuya warned the group did the dragon charge from the sky, the movement was so fast that before any of them could even move the beast was right in front of their eyes. Their lives flashed before them knowing that none of them were going to survive this attack, and it was to their utter shock that instead of hitting them...

...the dragon hit the emperor.


Kurenai and all the people around her were sent sailing away due to violent shock-wave, when she groggily regained her bearings her eyes observed how Naruto's body had become extremely tanned and his tattered clothes were on fire which was quickly extinguished by Guren.

A shadow was approaching towards them through the smoke, in a flash the person was before them and he had roughly grabbed Sakura by the collar.

"Stop him!'' commanded Guren,

Without any hesitation the captain jumped to protect the people whom their noble emperor had granted asylum, if even one of them died then it would be an insult to Naruto's sacrifice and she couldn't let that happen. It was only when she cleared through the smoke and reached her attacker who was holding Sakura by her collar, did the blood in Guren's veins freeze.

"Out of my way, weakling!"

Kurenai froze when a solid kick impacted with Guren sending her sailing away several meters where she crashed badly creating a small crater. The kunoichi coughed blood and went unconscious.

The Sound Four took a protective formation around Kurenai and their emperor, determined to protect them to the best of their abilities. However one glimpse at the attacker and the murderous look in his eyes had them falling straight on their knees and out of the way.

Sakura was roughly shoved down towards Naruto's heavily injured body, as an extremely livid Sasuke Uchiha stepped out of the shadows. His entire body and his sword were covered in flesh, and his gaze demanded blood of anyone who opposed him this instant.

Without another word, he raised his sword which chirped with electricity and wordlessly plunged it straight into the hole in Naruto's chest.

"WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?" yelled Kurenai furiously, and took a step back in shock and surprise.

Shock due to the death glare Sasuke gave her, and surprise as Naruto's entire body twitched violently and the emperor coughed up blood. There was a shocked gasp from Sakura as she stared at the slight movement in her former teammate's chest.

"We are the REICH!" answered Sasuke, as he removed the sword from his friend's chest.

Sheating his sword he turned towards the equally shocked Sound Four who had the sense to kneel before their army commander. While Naruto was respected across the entire empire, Sasuke Uchiha was feared as the one man whom even the strongest warriors wouldn't want to make an enemy of. The word mercy didn't exist in the boy's dictionary, and after what he did to the emperor right now proved the fact.

"Get his highness to the medical center. I've already informed Tsunade about the emergency, and remember if he dies on the way I'll have all your heads!" promised Sasuke, his Mangekyo promising the worst torture to his own men and to Kurenai.


Sasuke saw the pitiful state his best friend was in, and it took all his self restraint not to cut of the Hokage's head right there.


Kurenai blinked on hearing that confusing word, and frowned when Sasuke pointed the tip of his blood stained sword on her chin.

"Where are those cowards?" asked Sasuke furiously,

"What are planning to do, Sasuke?" asked Kurenai seriously, but the answer was clear.

"As soon as I learn where those rats are hiding. I'm gonna march the entire army I have, and then I'm going to murder every man, woman, child of your resistance. I'll butcher them till the last man, I'll give them a glorious massacre..." promised Sasuke, and judging from the mad look in the Reich army commander's eyes he meant every word he said.

He was not going to spare even innocent children if it meant avenging what the resistance did to his beloved emperor and brother.

The Sound Four had already evacuated the barely breathing Naruto who was being healed by Sakura continuously. Guren still lay unconscious from the kick she got from Sasuke, and the Reich Army Commander didn't seem the least worried about his injured subordinate.

"You can't do that. Not now..." said Kurenai firmly, standing her ground even when the tip of Sasuke's sword edged deeper into her chin breaking blood.

"Don't test me. You're not fit to wear the uniform of a Hokage. What kind of leader are you if your own people don't listen to you?" spat Sasuke,


"Ninjas are soldiers. They obey commands or you make them obey, if they do neither you slice their heads off. You can't do anyone of those things...''

"You're right. I'm not fit to be a Hokage, but neither are you fit to be an army commander..." retorted Kurenai fiercely,

"What was that?" demanded Sasuke,

"All you care about is revenge, and I'm not here to judge. The emperor is badly injured, there is chaos in your empire right now. What your people need is reassurance. The empress can't do that right now, Tsunade will be occupied with Naruto. Who does that leave in charge? Do your people want revenge right now or need to feel safe?" countered Kurenai, and was relieved when Sasuke's fists clenched but his anger reduced.


"Are right. Sasuke you're not the emperor and neither is the Reich and its armies your personal property. They belong to Naruto, and when he wakes up he'll decide what to do with the both of us. So you can either stand the fuck down or kill me and go forward with your revenge. In the end you will have to face Naruto when he wakes up, so what will it be?" asked Kurenai flatly,

Kurenai silently smirked when Sasuke lowered his sword, taking a few deep breaths the boy took steps away from her and started walking towards Guren. Grabbing the injured captain over his shoulders, he turned towards Kurenai.

"This is not over, not by a long shot. There will be consequences sooner or later..." pledged Sasuke, as Kurenai looked at the ground.

"I know..."

Both of them looked into each other's eyes, and for the first time she saw Sasuke's gaze softening as a worried look came in his eyes.

"Nobody gets to kill Naruto but me..."

The small family were now currently resting in a beautiful garden. Minato and Kushina were content in sitting beneath the shade of a nearby tree, patiently observing their only son shining in the sunlight. Naruto's gaze was fixed over the peaceful sky, and the glow on his face was a proof of his position as a Kaiser (Emperor)

"Naruto, can I ask you something?" asked Minato hesitantly, as his son's eyes shifted towards him.


"What do you think will happen to your empire? You were the force that had united the entire world, brought so many people together. Did you appoint a successor?" asked Minato seriously, while Kushina keenly observed the discomfort in Naruto's eyes.

"I always knew my line would end with me, that maybe I won't be leaving an heir for the Reich's throne. If Haku wants, then I have named her as the Kaiserine (Empress). She is a strong woman and a capable leader, in case she doesn't want to rule then I've already made Kakashi accept the role of the Nidaime Kaiser" explained Naruto,

"Kakashi? A Kaiser?" asked Kushina in surprise,

"He may not look like it, but he will be a great ruler in peaceful times. Whatever the case maybe, the Uchiha line shall end with me..." said Naruto sadly,

"What about Sasuke?" questioned the mother,

"Sasuke is many things, but he is not fit to be a Kaiser. I'm lucky because Sasuke knows and accepts this fact, he'll stay loyal to the Reich as its greatest protector. And if Sakura is not able to convince him to marry, then I guess he will be the last Uchiha..." said Naruto light heartedly, making Kushina smirk.

"That boy's just like his father, a complete nutcase..." joked Kushina,

"Look who's talking..." teased Minato, earning a light bop on his head from his beautiful smile.

When their little banter was over, they saw Naruto smiling at them and in him they saw themselves combined. Being the married couple, they easily spotted the pain and guilt in their son's eyes.

"You miss your wife..." said Kushina knowingly,

"And feel guilty because of the way things ended with Kurenai. You never stopped loving her, did you son?" said Minato understandingly, making Naruto look away because of the disapproval that would surely arrive in his mother's eyes.

"I let both of them down. I have never betrayed either of them and loved them with everything in my heart. I know what you want to say mother, but I'll always love both of them equally. And if that makes me a sinner, then I am one..." declared Naruto boldly, and was surprised when Kushina came forward only to ruffle his hair.

"I lost the right to judge you a long time ago, sochi. I know you're an honorable man and I'll accept whatever choices you have made..." pacified Kushina,

"It's quite strange, you're a far better leader than me yet you're a novice when it comes to relationships..." teased Minato, and blanched when he saw a conspiring look arriving in his son's eyes.

"Is he always this annoying?" asked Naruto jokingly, making Kushina share the smirk. Her son had managed to gain her mischievous nature after all.

"All the time..."

Minato rubbed his head nursing two large bumps courtesy of the grinning mother and son duo who were smiling at him victoriously.

"Damn traitors..."

"Serves you right, Minato..." said Kushina happily,

"I just hope I didn't make too many mistakes while forming the Reich and its government..." said Naruto worriedly, and saw Kushina raising her hand. She was so childish...

"I've already seen imperialism when I was alive in the form of the Damiyo and their government. You're a Kaiser, yet yours is so much different a government..." asked Kushina confusedly,

"It's because he's an anomaly..." concluded Minato, earning a smile from Naruto.

They were surprised when Naruto made a few hand seals and a large diagram appeared in their dimension. Looking closer the former Hokage and his wife were surprised to see it was the social, political and military structure of the Reich.

"From the chaotic history of humanity, I learned a few things. One of the most important ones is the fundamental principle that 'Power Corrupts'. Even the noblest leaders have been victim of this evil, and the systems established with good intentions falling prey to this disaster. Whether it is imperialism, democracy, or communism each has a fault of its own. None of them are perfect, no matter what the subjects of each of these systems believe..." explained Naruto briefly,

"So what is your Reich, sochi? Imperialism? Democracy? Communism?" asked Kushina curiously, quite interested in her rising interest in politics.

"All three of them..." answered Minato, as he finished analyzing the diagram in front of him. Looking into the young Kaiser's eyes he was not disappointed to see that his answer was indeed correct.

"Giving absolute power to a single man, single government, or single military is a disaster waiting to happen. Humanity is flawed so it is not wrong to assume that there will be rotten apples in each institution that we form. They maybe in the form of corrupt politicians, greedy and war mongering soldiers, or an incompetent ruler. One of my main objectives while forming the Reich was to protect my people from these evils to the best of my ability..." suggested Naruto,

"You really don't trust your successors and future generations of your Reich..." said Kushina in shock,

"I'm not naive, mother. One day the empire which I have formed will collapse and a new system shall take its place, it's one of the basic conditions for advancement of humanity. What I hope is that this system works long enough to transform humanity from its complete blood thirsty nature to a more sobered one. Wars will always happen, but the scales will change. Instead of making humans revert to the barbarism of the past, I want them to explore the future. If our species work together, then there is no doubt in my mind that we possess the capability to capture the entire universe..." confessed the young Kaiser,


"It's just as you've understood. I've tried to take the best of each system while leaving their drawbacks..." said Naruto sheepishly,

"I'd like to learn about this in detail. It's probably the most interesting concept I've ever seen..." requested Minato, honestly quite impressed with his son's ideas. The Hokage had a rough idea as to what Naruto had achieved, but he wanted his son and Kushina as well to realize this.

Naruto looked a little embarrassed, clearly not comfortable with praising his own accomplishments. But then again, the eager look in his mother's eyes made him crumble.

"I've built the Reich on three important parts which are: The Kaiser, The Government (Quorum) and the Military. Each party is an important part of the empire without which either one couldn't function. Since in the past the Damiyo's often didn't understand the problems faced by commoners, I've decreed the government and the advisers of the Kaiser be elected not by the ruler but by the people themselves. In this way I give the people certain freedom to choose their own future by electing leaders from amongst themselves. In this way either the Kaiser or the military can't exploit the people for any reasons...

At the same time, the Kaiser is the supreme authority in the Reich. He commands the military and is responsible for national security as well as maintaing the peace. He rules over the people with the help of the government. In case either the Kaiser or the government are not fit for their tasks, then either party can pass a motion of 'No confidence' with concrete proof. In case of political conflict between either party, the people will decide who is right and fit to rule them. Merit is the only basis for success within the Reich...

The Military is completely separate from the other two. The Kaiser commands it but they cannot go to war on their own before taking into confidence the government and the people. In event of a coup by the military against the Kaiser or the government, the leader of the people are ordered to eliminate the top generals ending the coup." explained Naruto in detail,

Kushina was left speechless with the explanation provided to her, she still couldn't understand the complex diagram in front of her but Naruto's theory was simple. He had really thought quite a lot about the future, a trait of a great ruler.

"Division of power alongwith delegation of authority and responsibility to each party. An effective way..." said Minato proudly,

"Each successive Kaiser and government have to prove themselves to the people or risk being sacked. Even if my dynasty had continued, these same principles would remain. I admit, my plan is not without flaws but I've tried my best. The social structure is devoid of any nobles, and is instead divided into the capital class and working class. It is the duty of the Kaiser to maintain balance between these two parties, while the government makes sure the resources of the empire are used for the greater good. Nation, Society, Countrymen, Principles: all of these are first and foremost responsibility of each and every person in the Reich. Whether they are Kaiser or a common man, it doesn't matter. Together we shall rise, and together we shall fall..." proclaimed Naruto,

Naruto was relieved when he received proud smiles from his parents, signifying their acceptance of his actions. Maybe he was an idealist, but if they could accept the system he had formed then perhaps one day humanity would accept it too.

"There is something you forgot to take into calculation. A threat that can destroy the empire along with humanity..." warned Minato,

"Your father's right. The reason we were forced to seal the Kyuubi into you was none other than the Akatsuki..." said Kushina bitterly, as memories of that night came flooding back in her heart.

Naruto took a step back on hearing this truth, he could now understand the uneasy feeling he got whenever Zetsu was around or the dark look in Tobi's eyes.

"What happened that night?" asked Naruto hesitantly, dreading the answer would shake his world.

"Every man has to face his past someday and bear the consequences of his actions. Naruto, you and I are the descendants of a tainted line. That unfortunate night was the moment where I had to face the consequences of my own actions..." confessed Minato, as Naruto observed the sad looks in his parent's eyes.

"What are you saying?"

"Nearly eighteen years ago, the night when I was giving birth to you Konoha was attacked by a masked man. He was the leader of the Akatsuki, an Uchiha..." said Kushina bitterly,

"Tobi..." said Naruto in shock, his hatred for the man sky rocketing in a single second. That man was responsible for everything he had been through? Tobi was the reason behind his parent's demise?

The young Kaiser was confused when Minato shook his head in negative, further complicating the matter.

"The man who attacked Konoha and Kushina that night was using the alias of Tobi, but in truth he was Obito Uchiha. A student of mine who was said to have been killed in the Third Great Ninja War..." said Minato disappointedly, and flinched when Naruto glared at him.

"Your student? Are you telling me a ninja younger than you defeated the Yellow Flash and nearly destroyed Konoha?" asked Naruto in disbelief,

"He had the Mangekyo, Naruto. Combine that with the power of the Kyuubi, you have a fearsome war machine. Further, he managed to separate me from the village allowing the Nine Tails to run amok. Fortunately, I had already secured your and Kushina's life before getting trapped..."

"Why did he do it?'' asked Naruto sadly, there was no use getting frustrated over something that had already happened a long time ago.

"Because I couldn't protect Rin, who was another student of mine. Kakashi might have told you about his deceased teammates, all three of them were my students. In a way it was my failures that lead to all of this..." said Minato sadly,

"So they were that Obito and Rin?" asked Naruto in surprise,

"Hai. Obito loved Rin and when she died, he fell to the Curse of Hatred rampant among the Uchiha. Obito lost faith, just like you. He blamed your father for not protecting Rin, when the truth was that she died in the war just like any other ninja. But just as you blamed the ninja world for Rei's death, Obito blamed the ninja world for Rin's death. However, instead of taking a constructive and progressive approach like you did, Obito tried to destroy everything..." explained Kushina briefly.

Naruto grasped his forehead, the revelations inciting a deep pain across his mind. To think, that everything had happened due to...

"You're wrong, Naruto. The Tobi you know is not Obito Uchiha..." said Kushina honestly, as she realized the look in her son's eyes.

"What?" asked Naruto in shock,

"It's true. Because I killed Obito with my own hands eighteen years ago..." revealed Minato,

The ground beneath the Kaiser's feet broke apart, his face lost all color, his entire body trembled, as his eyes remained wide open in shock. If Obito Uchiha had been killed...

"Who are you, Tobi?"