Chapter 89: Invitation to a Requiem

Kakashi flinched as Tsunade slammed her hand bluntly on the table, completely splitting it into two. He could sympathize with the woman, but that didn't mean he agreed with the way she reacted. But then again Tsunade wouldn't be Tsunade, if her temper didn't explode on the unfortunate news which he just brought.

Unfortunate, might be putting it mildly. The news was more like a disaster.

"Recheck it..." said Tsunade sternly, making the interim ruler sigh.

"Already done it twice. The news is authentic..." reported Kakashi patiently, allowing the shock to set in.

Tsunade rubbed her forehead while a tired sigh escaped from her lips. Things had just gone from bad to worse for their government, if news of the Sarutobi fortress falling got out then nothing would stop full panic from spreading across the Reich. There were only so many setbacks the people could take, before their fears took control of them. And when fear takes control, there is chaos and mayhem.

"The enemy commander conveyed this message through our own soldiers who got captured. He released 200 of them and sent them back with this news and as a good gesture of faith..." said Kakashi seriously,

"Then there's no doubt in this claim. Our strongest defense has fallen, who is the enemy commander?'' asked Tsunade frustratedly,

"Aburame Shino..."

Kakashi winced when Tsunade threw a nearby vase straight towards the wall, shattering the poor antique into hundreds of pieces.

"Damn that brat. If only I had known he would be this much trouble..." mused Tsunade bitterly,

"Then, what are your intentions?" asked Kakashi seriously, Tsunade was after all the head of the civilian government. If they were to send their armies to recapture the lost fortress, then he would need the prior approval from the council. And it was something which only Tsunade could grant. The only exception would be an emergency military decision taken by the empress, but he doubted Haku would do that considering the grave situation.

"What are our chances of recapturing that fortress?'' questioned Tsunade frankly,

"Very few. Our armies are stretched as far as possible in order to defend our vast borders. Pulling soldiers away from their posts will only increase the holes and the resistance can open up more war fronts. The situation will only get worse after that..." answered Kakashi,

"Black ops?"

"Not possible either. There are nearly 7,000 resistance fighters in that fortress. The Black Lancers, they are the best the enemy has to offer. Before that they nearly have 4,500 of our soldiers as prisoners. Along with Gaara, any attempt to retake that fortress and they would execute our men. We cannot suffer that many casualties, and Naruto would never forgive us if we let Gaara die..." explained Kakashi briefly,

Tsunade sighed tiredly, every word the copy ninja had said was indeed true. In their current situation, the Reich simply didn't have the strength to mount such a big counteroffensive, the only thing they could do was defend their territory until their leader got back on his feet. That was their only bet for surviving.

And even if they had the means, she would not allow a counteroffensive which would get Gaara killed. He was an important member of their family, the youngest one in fact. The red head was like a little brother to the Kaiser, and heads would roll if anything happened to him.

"You know Shino better than any of us. You were his teacher after all..." said Tsunade flatly, making Kakashi look away.

"He won't attack further, Shino's strength is stealth and deception. He is not a front line fighter, plus the fact that 2 Kages died in his operation would be a severe blow to his reputation. But I believe he deliberately got them killed, he's one devious military officer..." explained Kakashi seriously,

"So you believe his offer for negotiations is genuine? Since the resistance leaders would have his head for so many casualties?" asked Tsunade hesitantly,

"To the other Kages, the loss of 10,000 fighters would be a severe blow. Hero or not, Shino is going to face a trial or an execution. The thing about that boy is that his mind is always focused on the bigger picture. If he believes sacrifices are necessary for long term goals, then he'll make them without flinching at all. Even if it means sacrificing his own life, that kind of person he is..."

"A dangerous element..." warned Tsunade,

"Whatever it maybe, the final decision in this matter will have to be taken by someone else. I'll leave that part to you, I'll go and handle Kurenai..." said Kakashi quickly, and chuckled when Tsunade shot him a mock glare.

"Slacker. Always leaving the difficult task to others, you haven't changed Hatake..." scolded the older Senju, making Kakashi give her his famous eye smile.

"Ma, Ma Tsunade-sama. I just think you being more smart and intelligent can handle the situation better than me..." said Kakashi sheepishly, receiving a grunt in return.


"Well, had to try..."

Haku's eyes were closed, there was no sign of distress, pain or worry on her beautiful face even as Tsunade finished explaining the entire situation to her. Both of their eyes rested on the sleeping form of Naruto. It were times like these that made them understand that this man alone had built the entire kingdom through sheer willpower and determination.

It was as if the Reich's life was connected to that of its leader. Since Naruto was himself in pain and struggling, his kingdom was also suffering from the same condition.

He was the sun that illuminated all their lives, and it was their duty to protect that light.

"I agree to the negotiations..." said Haku calmly, shocking the blonde Senju in front of her.

"Kaiserin..." said Tsunade in disbelief, receiving a gentle smile from the empress in return.

"Don't mistake my intentions, Tsunade. We will make this work in our favor, because we still have a few cards to play. I cannot under any circumstances let Gaara or our captured soldiers die or worse rot in the enemy's prison for years. They are our family, please have faith in me..." requested Haku,

"But the Reich never negotiates with rebels..." argued Tsunade,

"Tell me something, Tsunade. What is the Reich?" questioned Haku patiently,

"It is the greatest kingdom ruled by the greatest ruler this world has ever seen..." answered Tsunade proudly, and frowned when Haku chuckled light heartedly.

"That's one way to put it. May I present another angle, one which the Kaiser believes in..."

"Please do..."

"The people. That's what the Reich is, not the Kaiser, or any of us. Despite everything this kingdom is the hope for a peaceful future where people from different nations, different backgrounds, different beliefs bond together and live as family. To protect this abode is Naruto's wish, and so is mine. To give our children a better future than ours, that is what we should aim for..." explained Haku, a fond smile visible on her face as she caressed her belly.

"The rebels have demanded that Kurenai be released and made a part in these negotiations. They consider her their leader, even Shino...'' said Tsunade hesitantly,

The Senju was quite worried and she was sure it showed on her face. The relationship between Kurenai and Haku had always been tense, the reason being their unending love for the man who was currently asleep. Haku had completely exploded with rage when Naruto was badly wounded, and had allowed the massacre of every resistance fighter that had participated in that assassination attempt.

Since Kurenai and her aides had already been granted asylum by Naruto, the Kaiserin didn't kill them. But in order to vent out of her bitter anger, Haku imprisoned Kurenai in an isolated villa. Never once allowing the former Hokage to visit her lover, Tsunade could only imagine the agony which Haku had deliberately put Kurenai through knowing Naruto was fighting for his life, and any moment could be his last.

"I've been a terrible person these past few months..." said Haku sadly,

"What are you saying, Kaiserin?" asked Tsunade worriedly, this was not something she expected from someone like Haku.

"Humans always pursue things they can't reach. Looking back, I finally understand that Naruto is not mine alone to claim. He is a person who belongs to each and every person of this world, even Yuhi Kurenai..." stated Haku calmly,

"Haku, you..."

"Naruto's a free bird who flies in the sky. That's where he belongs, it is not my right to keep him chained. He has been a perfect husband and life partner to me, he accepted me regardless of my past and my shortcomings. Just like all of us, Kurenai is also an important part of his life. By keeping them apart, I'm denying both of them their rights..."


"Allow Kurenai Yuhi to visit the Kaiser if she wants, I am the empress of this Reich and the wife of the Kaiser. No longer will I feel threatened by her..." said Haku proudly,

With those words the empress went out of the room to prepare for one of the most gruesome negotiations that shall determine the faith of not only the Reich, but the entire world as well.

Tsunade had a fond smile on her lips as she watched the young girl transforming into a powerful leader.

"You truly have become a wonderful woman, Haku..."

Kurenai's lips were trembling as she stepped inside the Kaiser's chambers. Tsunade and Kakashi stood in the room, observing her every room. Even though Kakashi trusted her with Naruto's life, Tsunade didn't. And the former Hokage didn't blame the Senju for her mistrust. She still found it hard to believe that Haku had actually allowed her to visit Naruto, knowing what she felt for the Kaiser. She had to praise the empress for her confidence and trust.

Six months.

That was the entire period of her suffering, each day and night passed as she dreaded about Naruto's health. She could still remember the nightmares she suffered on several occasions. The day of the assassination playing in her heart at every moment, how much he had seeked peace and the resistance had returned the favor by stabbing the Kaiser like cowards.

It took all her willpower to hold the tears welling up in her eyes. Seeing Naruto like this, so fragile. Fighting for dear life, it was something which she never wanted to see. For her, Naruto had always been the strong willed man who faced every challenge head on. Even when they were friends, lovers or enemies she had always admired his will to never give up.

Grasping his hand, she made it touch her cheek and the satisfaction she felt due to his touch was something which could never be described in words.

"You truly seized the entire world, Naruto..." said Kurenai happily,

This time there was no sarcasm or bitterness in her voice. These past few months, she had gained better understanding of the Reich which her lover had formed. Everything which Naruto had explained to her that day, about the government, society, military and so many other affairs was true word for word. He had never lied about anything.

Even if she was under house arrest, she along with Sakura and Anko had applied for citizenship in the Reich. After few discussions with Kakashi who was the acting Kaiser right now, their request was granted and now the three of them were proud citizens of this growing kingdom; and subjects of the man sleeping beside her. They had laid their faiths, their trust, their future to this man.

She still had doubts about Valkyrie's last phase which Naruto had revealed to her that day three years ago. Everything had went exactly the way he had promised her, and when Naruto woke up she was sure that he would make sure the last phase succeeded as well. It would spell the end of the era of ninjas and usher mankind into a new age. A future which man would build with his own intellect and the brain which had made their species the strongest in the world.

Yuhi Kurenai didn't know what the future had in store for her, or how her relationship with Naruto would be from this point. But if one thing was certain, then it would be the fact that she no longer had the will or desire to fight against him. Instead, she wanted to stay by his side forever. Regardless of whether he returned her feelings or not, she would support him and the Reich with whatever little power she had.

Leaning forward she laid a soft peck on his cold lips, hoping to convey the love she felt for him.

"I promise you, Naruto. I will end this futile war which has troubled you so much..." said Kurenai fiercely,

She didn't know if it was intentional or not, but his lips moved a little to form a small smirk. That gesture alone made tears fall from her eyes as she stroked his soft, blonde hair. Leaning closer, she whispered in his ear.

"No matter what happens from now. I want you to know...(sobs)...that...I' (Sobs)" promised Kurenai tearfully,

And then she sat beside him, cradling him in her lap, stroking his face and beautiful blonde hair. Neither Tsunade or Kakashi said a word, the duo couldn't help but watch in silent fashion and acknowledge the fact that despite everything, Kurenai Yuhi truly loved the Kaiser.

And somewhere deep down, the Kaiser felt the same love for this woman.

An eery silence prevailed in the conference room. Members from both sides were sitting at their respective tables, in order to avoid the disastrous outcome which the previous negotiation between the two parties had went; both the Reich and the defectors from the resistance had agreed to avoid personal meetings.

It was quite ironic that the most important meeting between the two great powers of the world would be happening via a video conference. But then again, it was better to be safe then risk another disaster that could erase any hope for peace.

On the Reich side: Haku sat at the center of the table, with Tsunade and Kakashi at her sides. These three would be the decision makers, with Haku being the supreme authority.

On the Resistance side: Shino sat at the center of the table, with Neji at one side and Ayame Ichiraku- the representative of the civilians on the other side.

Surprisingly, on witnessing the Kaiserin taking seat the resistance commander got up from his seat and offered a crisp salute. His soldiers followed suit, while Ayame gave a slight bow. The respectful gesture did surprise the Reich leadership who responded with a courteous nod.

The Resistance surprised their counterparts again when they turned towards Kurenai who was sitting alongside Haku and the others. With great devotion, Shino kneeled and gave a devoted salute to his true leader. The one he respected and followed till this day.

"Shino, there is no need for this..." said Kurenai silently, a part of her was angry because this soldier was responsible for Naruto's current state. But she could not deny the fact that Shino was a soldier who had simply followed orders.

But now that his consciousness was urging him to take the right path, he was willing to take these steps at the risk of his life. It made Kurenai keep her anger in check, as she gave a true smile to Ayame. The girl was the only reason Kurenai had been able to maintain peace with the civilians, even while the ninjas took much of the resources for survival.

"It's been a long time, Kurenai-chan. I'm glad you're fine..." said Ayame happily,

"Likewise. How is Teuchi doing?" asked Kurenai calmly

"He's doing just fine..."

Ayame then turned towards Haku who had a gaze which made the former cook bite her lip. It was still hard for her to believe that this woman was Naruto's wife, because for Ayame and the others who had known Naruto for years they could still see Kurenai as the only one fit to be my Naruto's side.

"Is Naruto alright?" asked Ayame worriedly,

Kakashi quickly leaned forward and whispered this woman's connection to Naruto, and how she along with her father were one of the few who had been kind to Naruto during his early life in Konoha, when everyone else had shunned him.

This brought a contented smile on Haku's lips as she looked at the young woman in a different light. The tension vanished as Haku gave a nod...

"He is recovering. Thank you for everything you did for the Kaiser..." appreciated Haku,

"I'm glad to hear it. Can you tell him that my father misses him. He was our biggest customer after all..." said Ayame light heartedly, making Haku smile further.

"That's just like him. I'll definitely tell him..." promised Haku,

"Thank you, your highness..." replied Ayame gratefully, maybe the Kaiserin was not bad after all.

The relaxed atmosphere didn't last when Shino tapped on his table and a picture of a slightly injured but alive Gaara appeared on a side screen. The Reich Commander had a calm expression on his face as he sat beside several of his captured soldiers in a huge cell.

Haku's steel, cold gaze returned and even Kurenai tensed. It was a well known fact that the empress was a kind hearted person who looked after everyone, but if you pissed her off then even Kami couldn't save you. She had to hand it to Shino, the boy never flinched even when the empress along with her aides gave murderous glares to the Resistance Commander.

"In the name of one's nation and for their leaders, soldiers like us have fought this unending war for the past three years. I won't say whether we or you are right or not. What I do know is that this has to end now, if only for the sake of the millions of innocent lives whom we've dragged into this conflict..." began Shino,

Haku chose to remain silent, listening to what the man had to say. It took great restraint on her part to not just lash out at the person responsible for sending her husband to an almost certain death. Since her feelings could prevent her from listening to the other party, she gestured to Kurenai who would be acting as not only her representative but also as a negotiator for the resistance.

It was quite ironic, that Yuhi Kurenai would be the one whose actions this day would determine the fate of their world.

The former Hokage studied the sheet of paper placed before them stating the demands made by the Resistance defectors and their leader. At the same time, Shino was reading the response sent by the empress herself.

Kurenai took a deep breath and looked her former subordinate straight in the eye.

"Shino, under no circumstances can the Reich allow the formation of an independent, neutral nation. Not only will it be a rival to the Reich, but it won't even survive since your former leaders and comrades would simply not allow it. Your nation will get attacked by both powers and the war will only intensify. This is my personal view, one which I share with the empress. Do you understand?" asked Kurenai seriously, showing her leadership skills impressing the empress as well.

The Resistance Commander remained silent for a few minutes, mulling over the advice given by the leader he respected the most. A tired sigh escaped from his lips, as he simply couldn't deny the harsh logic and truth in Kurenai's words.

"I understand. It is simply not feasible in this era..." said Shino crudely,

"Then before we move forward, I want to confirm some facts. Are the Kazekage and Mizukage truly dead? And how many casualties did both sides suffer?'' questioned Kurenai,

"Yes, the 2 Kages achieved martyrdom in the operation along with 10,000 other resistance warriors. The Reich casualties number around 5,000 soldiers..." answered Shino,

Relief and sadness coursed through the empress's face. The former being for the fact that 2 of the most important enemy leaders were dead, dealing a crushing blow to the enemy. And the latter being for the sacrifice of so many of their soldiers, Haku was grateful that Gaara was an intelligent commander who didn't let the rest of his soldiers die for the sake of his own pride. In face of an overwhelming enemy with no chance of victory, the former Jinchuuriki had made the correct decision for saving the lives of his men.

"Gaara, you knew that the resistance simply couldn't kill your men. For you are too valuable to us..." thought Kakashi,

"Now it's upto us to get our comrades back..." thought Tsunade,

"Respected Kaiserin, I would then like to propose a surrender. But first answer a question of mine..." said Shino seriously,

"What is it?" asked Haku crisply,

"What determines the right to govern the world?" questioned Shino,

"Pride and honor are necessary for people to govern others..." answered Haku confidently, receiving a rare smile from the Aburame.

"Very well answered, But I have a different answer...'' replied the Aburame, making Haku and the others narrow their eyes.

"We would like to hear it, Rebel commander..." ordered the Kaiserin, and tensed when a cold look arrived in the man's eyes.

"It is the preparedness to destroy..."

"Destroy?" asked Tsunade curiously,

"The will to destroy the world and ourselves..."

The Reich delegation tensed when they saw pure anger arriving in the empress's eyes. Her fists were clenched shut, and if looks could kill then Shino would be a burning corpse right now.

"As it stands, you have lost the Sarutobi Fortress. It gives the resistance an opportunity to strike deep in your homeland, your armies are stretched thin. Morale is low, your strongest fighter and supreme leader is incapacitated. If an invasion was to occur right now, you will lose half of your kingdom. Your defeat is imminent..." said Shino smartly,

The smirk disappeared from his lips when Haku got a predatory look in her eyes, even Neji who had been a silent spectator till now felt an uneasy sensation in his gut.

"You overestimate yourself, worm..." said Haku furiously,

"What?" asked Shino hesitantly,

The Empress flicked her hands as a small side screen appeared, and the scene which was visible froze the blood of every Resistance representative. Neji had his mouth open in shock, and a bead of sweat was visible on Shino's forehead.

And looking into Haku's dark eyes made them realize that Naruto was the kind one among the couple. Before this woman became the empress, she was the leader of the Reich army and one of the most hardcore ninjas under Naruto's command.

And now looking at her actions, it was proved that as long as either the Kaiser or the Kaiserin lived, the Reich was safe.

"This is-" said Kurenai in horror,

For there in front of their eyes were the smoldering ruins of the largest supply base of the Resistance. Thousands of weapons, piles of food, water, ammunition, medical aid. Basically the entire lifeline that allowed the resistance fighters to wage war.

All of it gone.

If that was not enough, the 450 corpses of the resistance soldiers who were tasked with defending the supply base was another severe blow.

Uchiha Sasuke stood in between this entire massacre, surrounded by the fiercest fighters of the Reich he could be seen giving a cold glare to the entire destruction he had inflicted.

Haku drummed her fingers over the table as she saw the nervousness and anxiety creeping into the enemy leader's faces.

"You've guessed it right. Your largest supply base is gone, my armies have cut off your route of escape. You can Rot in that fortress and die without supplies, I won't even have to capture that fortress again. You may have 7,000 strong fighters but you don't have enough resources to launch an invasion. And without reinforcements or aid, we will bleed you dry..." threatened Haku, malice and hatred clearly visible in her eyes.

Kurenai could see the change in Shino's demeanor, the confidence he had was now shattering. And then something which she had feared happened...

"If you attack us, I will eliminate all of your captured soldiers..." threatened the cornered commander,

The atmosphere exploded when the pregnant Kaiserin got up and banged her fist on the table. Her aides followed suit, pure anger visible in their eyes.

"So, will you reconsider?' asked Shino seriously, trying to take advantage.


The Resistance delegation was left speechless on receiving the flat denial from the empress. The sheer fury and murderous look in her eyes made many of the soldiers take a step back.

"Not now, not ever. Do you hear me? We will not be bow down to terrorism. The Reich will never negotiate with terrorists like you..." promised Haku fiercely,

"Then you leave us no choice..." said Shino flatly, as Haku pointed a finger straight towards him.

The next words escaping from the furious Kaiserin's words would forever be remembered in history, the ones which shocked and terrified each and every person who had participated in this negotiation.

"I will use every cannon, every bomb, every soldier, every weapon I have down to my own eyeteeth to end you. I swear it, I AM COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!" yelled Haku,

To be Continued...