Chapter 91: The Final Proposal

Kurenai bit her lip nervously, currently standing at the doorstep of the Kaiser's quarters she felt great sympathy for the man sleeping in the bed. There were neat piles of checked reports lying on a nearby desk, an empty bottle of whiskey, an ashtray which was completely full. And judging from the dark lines beneath Naruto's eyes, and how carelessly he was sprawled across the bed was a clear indicator as to what had happened.

Looking towards Kidomaru, who was standing guard outside the door she only received a disappointed look.

"If he keeps working like this, he'll use up his entire life in just a few years..." said Kurenai worriedly,

"I don't know for sure, but I think the Kaiser holds himself guilty for not being able to help us for a while. He's a person who always leads from the front, he never asks his subjects to do anything which he himself would never do. It's the reason why the people love him so much, but at this rate..." said Kidomaru hesitantly,

"How long was he working?" asked Kurenai, already knowing the answer the royal guard was going to give.

"All night. Kurenai-sama, is it really necessary for you to wake him up right now? He needs rest..." suggested the soldier,

"I understand. But I'm simply following the order the Kaiser himself gave me. The Kaiserin is in the hospital with Tsunade by her side, and Kakashi is busy with his own work, Sasuke is working with the army. That only leaves me and Naruto to represent the Reich in the negotiations with the rebels. I don't like this either, but I'll only increase his guilt if I don't remind him of the negotiations which start in just one hour from now..." explained Kurenai regretfully,

Kidomaru closed his eyes in defeat and gave a slight bow. Getting out of the way, he allowed her to enter the quarters and closed the door behind her.

Walking forward she came beside Naruto and sat inches away from him. She could see the fatigue had not left from his still recovering body, it would take a few more days before his body could function at full capacity after months of lying inactive in a hospital bed. Strongest warrior or not, Naruto was in the end still human and bound by the limitations of the human body.

Observing closely, she noticed for the first time the minute signs that had previously evaded her. Despite his outward appearances and unending determination, Naruto had steadily lost considerable weight over the years. A few invisible strands of his bright blonde hair had slowly started to turn white, there were the concrete signs of the appearances of lines under his eyes. The occasional cough escaping from his mouth didn't leave any doubts about his internal health.

The Reich had now entered the 4th year of its rule.

Almost the entire humanity united under one banner, it was a phenomenon never seen except during the reign of the Hachimon. Just this fact was enough to show the accomplishment this nearly 20 year old young boy had achieved.

For one to get stronger, the other must be weakened.

It was one of the most well known universal laws. The Reich itself developed on the ashes of the dying ninja world.

But the same applied to Naruto as well.

The more the Reich grew strong, the weaker Naruto became. It was as if this kingdom was sucking every ounce of Naruto's energy, lifetime and will.

Kurenai was sure that Naruto knew it, but he never complained and never let even the ones close to him realize that as the years passed; slowly but surely the Kaiser was crumbling. She doubted even Haku had an idea as to how grave the situation was, and the blame lied fairly in the confident way in which Naruto carried himself. Kurenai herself wouldn't have noticed these glaring facts, if she had not seen him in such a state.

Unlike the impotent rulers, Kages, Damiyo's of the past era; Naruto was hell bent on giving his people a bright future. And for that he was sacrificing every bit of his own life.

Her finger automatically caressed his gentle face, running through his smooth hair. He sighed contently, clearly welcoming the affectionate gesture. She didn't know what or rather whom he was dreaming about right now, but she wanted to believe that he needed her just as much as he needed his wife.

Since his pillow had been tossed aside in his twisting during sleep, she gently lifted his head and placed it in her lap. Running her fingers through his hair, she laid a soft kiss on his forehead even as a silent tear escaped from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto..." said Kurenai sadly, nearly on the brink of tears.

Before the Reich, Haku, Operation Ghost, Team 7 it had been just the two of them. If there was one thing which had remained constant in her life was the unending love she had for the man sleeping in her lap. She could care less if he was the Kaiser or not, or if the ninja world burned to the ground.

As the years passed, she slowly realized what was the most important thing in life.

From the very beginning of their lives, ninjas are made to believe that living and dying for their villages is the greatest honor any warrior could achieve. Above friends, family, above values, about humanity itself lied the oath every ninja made. Even if their nations were oppressors, their leaders corrupt, murderers, war mongering fools, revenge seeking idiots, it didn't grant a shinobi the right to stage a revolt.

For they had taken an oath.

And then there are rebels like Naruto, brave-hearts who fight against the unjust system. Trying to change the world so that others don't suffer the misery which they had to go through, completely in violation to the oath taken as a ninja people like him fight for friends, family, and humanity. They don't mind being called traitors as long as they get to fight for that one thing which kept them human.

"You've been fighting against the entire world, carrying the entire burden of saving humanity on your young shoulders. And I..." said Kurenai hesitantly,

If only she had not been blinded by patriotism, if only she could have looked beyond her oath to see how fucked up their world was. But then things wouldn't have turned out the way they had now.

"Both of us have lost the things most important to us..."

Kurenai was terrified when he said those words, looking down she saw that he was now awake and was looking at her sympathetically. The look in his eyes was the same one which she had right now.

Realizing the position they were in, she quickly tried to move but he stopped her with his firm grip on her hand. Nervous, she looked away only to hear him render comforting words.

"Don't be afraid, Kurenai..." said Naruto patiently,

"How do you deal with it all? The loss? The pain? I feel my heart crushing around my chest, this agony is unbearable..." replied Kurenai miserably,

His own eyes became moist on seeing her in so much pain. Why could life never be simple and easy? Why did they have to turn out this way?

"It really hurts when the person you love is lost or worse when they are with someone else. Both of us made choices, which while saved the people around us...but left us incomplete. You don't have to completely blame yourself, I should have tried hard. I should have pushed you more until you saw reason, don't ever think that a single day passes in my life when I don't curse myself.

I fought fiercely for everything else, but when it came to the most important part of my life I didn't try hard enough. You were so blinded by your patriotism towards the village, while I was blinded with my desire to protect your right to make choices, even if it meant the wrong ones. We both are equally responsible..." confessed Naruto,

For the first time in years, Kurenai wept openly for losing the only man she had ever loved. The one whom she still loved, and always will till the end.

And he was right beside her, with his strong arms wrapped around her fragile self. Each of them taking comfort from the other and sharing the pain which only they could understand. Life was not a fairy tale or a dream movie, things never turn out the way people want always. And nobody in the universe understood this better than Kurenai and Naruto.

Whether it was sorrow, joy, happiness or regret...they always had each other. Even while being separated, even when being enemies, even when hating the sheer guts of each other they loved each other. It was in violation of all laws of universe, both of them were sheer contradictions of each other. And there was only one phenomenon which could describe them...


She had her arms wrapped around his neck tightly, sobbing heavily by burying her head in his shoulder. The strong Kaiser himself was crying, unable to control his pain. Love could make even the strongest men vulnerable, and Naruto Uchiha was no exception. He wanted this moment to last, to truly feel alive in her arms.

Soon reality would strike and this dream would end, their familiar masks would arrive again.

He'll be the strong Kaiser, faithful husband, loving father, fierce warrior.

While she'll be a noble leader, strong diplomat and a caring woman.

"I love you, Naruto. No matter what happens, I'll always love you..."

His heart shattered on hearing those magical words from her again, after all he loved her dearly. Each day without her seemed incomplete, she always opposed him but he loved it. It showed him that there was someone equally stubborn as him, one who wouldn't bow down to him easily. A person who was equally strong in her beliefs.

"People say that I conquered the world, that I got everything I desired. If only they knew that I lost everything in the process: My parents, my childhood, my youth, my dear Jiji, my best friends, my daughter, and most of all...You"

Kurenai looked up and saw the things Naruto truly desired. His entire fight had always been for this...Family.

And then she saw his mask taking charge, trying to shore up his vulnerabilities. Everything he had mentioned was gone from his life, but he still had a responsibility to all those who were still alive. To each person who had supported him, to his wife, to his unborn son. But that didn't mean...

Looking her straight in the eye, he came forward and left a soft kiss on her lips. It was just a moment, but it conveyed everything he felt for her.

"I will always love you, Yuhi Kurenai..." confessed Naruto,

She felt happy and sad on hearing those words, and for a moment she saw how difficult this was for him.

"I love my wife too, Kurenai. If not for her, I would have died long ago. She saved me, filled the emptiness in my heart. And for that I'll forever be grateful to her, in a way she's as much precious to me as you are. And I won't abandon her, regardless of what I feel for you. I will be a good husband, a good father, that's all there is left for me..." explained Naruto seriously,

She could clearly see each word he said was equally painful for him, just as listening to them was equally hard for her.

"I understand. It's just..." said Kurenai, getting a nod in return.

"I know..."

Kurenai got back on her feet and wiped her tears away, he did the same as both of them prepared for the long day ahead of them. The fights to come again and again, looking into each other's eyes they silently conveyed their desire to remain by each other's sides, no matter what.

Wordlessly, the Kaiser walked towards the window and saw heavy rains falling from the sky. Stretching his hand outside, he allowed the cold water droplets to hit his skin.

"You need to be more careful about your health, Naruto..." advised Kurenai, making him smile.

"No need to worry about me. Save your worries for Haku and the people of this Reich, they are the important ones who shall lead this world to its bright future..." replied Naruto, as she took an aggressive step forward.

"The same can be said of you. Everyone respects and admires you, for them you are the future..." said Kurenai persistently, and saw him strangely looking at the sky.

"I am just a pillar that supports the dream of peace. That's all I am, Kurenai..." confessed Naruto,

For a moment he saw the smiling faces of Shin, Sai, Rei, his Root comrades, his parents in the sky.

"In the past, I hated this world which always kept fighting and crying. I was so sick of it, that I wanted to destroy it. Just goes to show, how naive I was..." said Naruto jokingly,


"But now I want to save it. It's what I want with all my heart..."

He smiled on seeing the hesitancy in her eyes on hearing his last statement. After all his final aim was in complete contrast with that statement, one which could destroy the entire world.

"Rest assured, Kurenai. I have finally found a way to complete Valkyrie without killing humanity in the process..." assured Naruto,

The shock and surprise on her face was expected. She looked into his eyes in order to search for any doubts, but he never flinched. He simply stared...

"You did?" asked Kurenai in surprise,

"What kind of strongest warrior would I be if I can't find a solution to a problem as grave as that..." chided Naruto, making her blush sheepishly.

"So, humanity won't be killed?"


For the first time this morning, she smiled. Those little doubts she had were now finally vanishing, but when she tried to look into his eyes again; he turned around and started walking away.

"I'll get ready. Wait for me outside..." instructed the Kaiser,

"Yes, your majesty..."

Kurenai obeyed the given order, but she also wondered at the same time as to why Naruto quickly ended the conversation after giving her such good news. Guess, she could add that to another one of his mysteries.

Naruto had a neutral expression on his face much to the surprise of Kurenai as the face of Aburame Shino appeared on the screen. Even the Resistance Commander seemed shocked to see the Kaiser himself awake and sitting confidently in his chair. The Aburame couldn't help but flinch when the Kaiser's full gaze landed on him.

"It's been a while, Aburame..." said Naruto icily, his tone was not reprimanding but bitter enough to convey his feelings towards this man who was a once a dear friend to him.

"Kaiser Naruto, it's a surprise to see you in good health again. Nonetheless we appreciate you agreeing for these negotiations..." said Shino diplomatically,

Even Neji could see how nervous his leader was. They had already seen how angry Haku was at them, and the man sitting in front of them right now was the person whom they had almost killed a few months ago.

Fortunately, the situation relaxed a bit when Naruto greeted Ayame affectionately. That seemed to ease the Kaiser's negative feelings a bit. But it didn't last when he returned his attention back to Shino. Beside him, Kurenai chose to remain silent and let the Kaiser take the lead.

"Let's cut the crap, Shino. Why the hell should I even consider giving you asylum along with your people, when months ago you deliberately stabbed me in the back and almost assassinated me?" asked Naruto directly, making everyone flinch.

"There is no defensive argument I can say which can justify what we did. We simply followed the orders of our superiors, as to why you should forgive us: It is for peace. You have to make a decision, Kaiser. The Resistance leadership has been informed about our betrayal and they are on their way to murder us all..." confessed Shino, shocking Kurenai.

"How the hell did they came to know that? Didn't you cut off all communications with them?" asked Kurenai irritatedly, and saw the anger in Shino's eyes.

"We were betrayed by one of our own. A ninja who didn't agree with surrendering to the Kaiser whom he considered a murderer..." admitted Shino,

"Who?" asked Naruto,

"Konohamaru Sarutobi..."

To everyone's surprise, the Kaiser erupted into a mad fit of laughter. The action appalled the people around him, this was certainly not the kind of response they expected from someone like Naruto. After all, in the past he and that young Sarutobi had been quite close.

"Kaiser Naruto, Konohamaru hates you from the bottom of his heart. He won't stop until he kills you..." warned Neji, as a cruel smile came on Naruto's face.

"It's karmic justice that back stabbers like you got betrayed by one of your own in the end. And as far as that boy goes, if he wants to kill me then let him try. If he succeeds then good for him, if he fails then I'll send him to join his extinct clan. He's old enough to make choices, I was of the same age as him when I decided to destroy the ninja villages. In the larger scheme of things, he's insignificant to me..." explained Naruto, much to Ayame's horror,

"Do you really mean that, Naruto?" asked Ayame worriedly,

"Yes. I didn't become the Kaiser by just being soft hearted, but I do understand the devastating impact it will have on the resistance if you guys surrender with millions of civilians fleeing, taking with them a large chunk of supplies and precious manpower. But I want three things in return from you..." said Naruto flatly, raising the numbered fingers.

Kurenai saw the resigned look in Shino's eyes, and judging from the cunning look Naruto was giving left no doubt in her heart as to what the Kaiser wanted to do. Naruto could be really ruthless when he was forced to be, and the Resistance only had themselves to blame for this debacle.

"Name your terms..." said Shino

"First: I want every civilian to surrender to my rule. I will cast my genjutsu on them to make them loyal to this Reich and to me...

Second: I want critical information about every Resistance base, battle plans, troop strength, secret weapons, weakness. Apart from that, I want the entire Black Lancers force to swear their loyalty to me, just as your civilians.

Third: And most of all, I want your head Aburame Shino..." explained Naruto cruelly,

Pin drop silence prevailed in the room, as each and every member from both parties could only stare in horror. To their extreme surprise, neither Naruto or Shino seemed too much affected from their reactions. It was as if they knew this was going to happen.

"Conditions Accepted. But only if you fulfill one condition of mine, you can even consider it as a last wish of a dying man..." said Shino tiredly,

"SHINO!" protested Neji and Ayame, and were about to get up from their chairs only to be stopped by their calm leader.

Naruto didn't show it, but he was rather surprised with the easy acceptance he received from his former friend. While it was true that logic had always been the decisive factor by which Shino lived his life, but this action was performed as if...

"So you knew whomever you sided with; your death would be certain. You may have not always made the right choices, but I can see that you truly care about your people. I cannot forgive you for what you did to me, but I can atleast agree to your last wish..." thought Naruto briefly,

"Very well, Commander..." answered Naruto, showing respect to his enemy for the first time.

A resigned smile came on Shino's face, and for a moment he looked towards a still shocked Kurenai. Then without blinking he looked the Kaiser straight in the eye...

"Marry Kurenai Yuhi..."

Time seemed to have stopped for the young Kaiser, his stoic expression had vanished on hearing that condition. His fists clenched tightly drawing blood, his eyes glared daggers at the silent Aburame who only gave him a neutral look.

"So, this was your final card..." thought Naruto bitterly,

Kurenai broke the silence by banging her fist on the table, making Neji and Ayame flinch. The Former Hokage seemed even more enraged and was currently glaring daggers at the ever silent Aburame.

"Do you even know what you are demanding from the Kaiser? He's married for Kami's sake, and soon to be a father..." argued Kurenai violently, and flinched on seeing the nervous look in Naruto's eyes.

The Kaiser was definitely shaken by this demand. By making such demand and agreeing to the Kaiser's conditions, Shino had delivered an important victory to the Reich but it came with a cost. A heavy one at that...

"Don't be so unreasonable, Kurenai. There are still a lot of misconceptions among our people about the Kaiser, the only reason they are even daring for this surrender is because you are in the Reich. Our people trust you only, the civilians and soldiers both have not forgotten how the Kaiser acted against Princess Karen and her clan..." explained Ayame sympathetically,

Kurenai flinched on remembering that event. She still felt cold shivers on remembering the way Naruto had acted towards the former Fire Damiyo. It was one of the cruelest acts Naruto had ever committed against anyone, not even Danzo's death could match with the way he ended Karen's life.

Right from executing every member of Karen's clan. Men, women, children, even infants were not spared.

Finally after a gruesome fight, when the Resistance failed in keeping the Fire Damiyo safe; the Kaiser cornered the woman. Not only did he defeat her, he humiliated her.

Starting from making her walk naked across her own lands, to whip-lashing her publicly, revealing every atrocity done by her towards her former subjects he let the people get a little revenge every now and then. This was apart from the torture the princess suffered in confinement, the Kaiser personally led the charge many times.

And only after two years, when Kallen's soul itself broke and she begged for death, did he decide to end her miserable existence. Even the poor woman's death was not quick, it began by chopping off her limbs one at a time. And when there was nothing left to cut, he burned her with Amaterasu in public.

Kurenai shivered on remembering those horrible memories. Looking into Naruto's cold eyes, she could clearly see he didn't regret what he did to that woman to this day.

It was not as if the Princess was a saint, she was also another monster who ruled with a strong hand. It was only later did Kurenai discover that Kallen was responsible for the death of several of Naruto's Root comrades, many of them young children. They were ruthlessly butchered so that Danzo and Karen could start a war against the Land of Woods a few years ago. And this was among the known facts, only Kami knew how much more atrocities did the student-master duo committed.

And Naruto never forgot, after eliminating Danzo and the village. He diverted all his resources to bring Karen to her end. It was the worst witch hunt Kurenai had ever seen.

It had planted an unending fear in the people of the elemental nations. Thousands of noble families surrendered their wealth and themselves to the Reich, fearing the same treatment could be inflicted on them if they opposed the Kaiser. It was a bluff, since Naruto had a personal vendetta against Karen which made him act that way. But in the end it only served to benefit him.

Even Naruto himself could see the logic in Shino's words, the civilians of the Resistance had only offered this surrender because they trusted that Kurenai would keep them safe. That she would be the wall that would safeguard them against any revenge act by the Kaiser, his subordinates or even the common Reich citizens.

"I am already the Chief of Internal Affairs. I won't let any harm fall on the surrendering civilians or soldiers, I promise you this..." pledged Kurenai, trying to change their minds.

"While I appreciate the Kaiser for trusting you this much. You are still new at this job, and even if the Kaiser and his army do not discriminate our people. The citizens of the Reich who are currently bitter with the failed assassination attempt and this unending war, would only harm our people. While you do have power, its limited Kurenai. But if you are the wife of the Kaiser, you can easily protect our people. Please look at this reasonably..." explained Neji patiently,

"Political marriages are not uncommon in the history of humanity. We are talking about the future of millions of people, and that of the Reich as well. If you reject this chance for peace, the war will continue. The Kages would execute me, and the civilians alongwith my men would have no other choice but to participate in this futile conflict. An invasion against the Reich will happen with Sarutobi Fortress being used as the base..." explained Shino gravely,

Looking Naruto straight in the eye, he decided to say his last words to the conflicted leader.

"For humans, there is an appropriate life and an appropriate death. It's not as if I don't understand the emotional burden we are putting on you, but we as leaders need to think about our people. If my death can satisfy the anger held by your people and you yourself, then can't you make this little sacrifice Naruto? Let Neji lead the Black Lancers after my death, the men respect him and they will obey all commands. I refuse to die by execution, instead I will confront the incoming Resistance army with the few soldiers who wish to follow me to the end. Do I have your permission, Mein Kaiser?" asked Shino sympathetically,

For the first time Naruto's gaze softened, looking into his friend's eye he could clearly see Shino was going to do what he said. He had shared his childhood with this boy, were good friends during their brief period at the academy.

"Shino, I..." said Naruto hesitantly,

"You have my word that nobody will know about this condition between us. My death will be due to my decision to allow my soldiers and civilians time to escape to the Reich, while I hold off the Resistance Army. This way my people won't hate you, and I can go out to fulfill my last duties. For whatever it's worth, I'm truly sorry for things ending this way. If I were ever to be reborn a human again, I would like to serve you Kaiser. Just not in this life..." stated Shino sadly,

Kurenai who was still unable to accept the drastic change, could only stare as Shino got up from his seat and offered a crisp salute to the Kaiser. Naruto himself got up from his chair and returned the gesture with the same dedication.

"Please don't hold my subordinates guilty for my actions. And good luck for the future, my friend..." said Shino honestly,

"I, Kaiser Naruto Uchiha, pledge to give my best efforts in making the Kaiserin and my people understand the situation. Apart from that, I promise to protect all your people and give them a better life regardless of our shared past enmity. As for you, Aburame Shino..." said Naruto firmly,

"Yes, your majesty..."

"I confer the Root Cross on you for the actions you performed for your people's future and for peace. The Reich will always remember you as a worthy enemy, your name will not be forgotten..." promised Naruto, surprising his friend.

For the first time, the ever calm Aburame was stunned. It was a known fact that history would be written by the Reich, only those delusional could not see that. By giving him one of the highest military medals, Naruto had saved his honor and prevented him from being remembered as a mere rebel, or a traitor of the Resistance. Aburame Shino would be known as a capable general and be an example for the next generations.

"Even in the end, you thought of me as a friend..." thought Shino happily,

"Thank you for everything, Naruto..." said Shino gratefully, and gave one last salute.

The screen went blank as the Resistance ended the video conference. A faint tear slipped from Naruto's eyes, he had performed his duty as a Kaiser. Aburame Shino was a very controversial figure who simply couldn't be accepted into the Reich. And he doubted Shino wanted that at all, but still one more of his friends was going away.

"Naruto, I will personally persuade the Resistance to rethink again. I won't let this happen..." promised Kurenai, but he raised his hand silencing her.

"Kurenai, please leave me alone for a while. I need time..." requested the Kaiser,


She stopped from saying anymore when she saw the grief in his eyes. Not only was he forced to command one of his friends to die, but now he would have to confront Haku and explain the situation. The Resistance had put Naruto in an extremely tight spot...

If he refused to marry her, the war will intensify. All military plans which Naruto had made would crumble, since Sarutobi Fortress provided an easy backdoor for invasion into the heart of the Reich. The loss to life and property would be immense. And since the Reich had less soldiers, its losses would be grave.

More than that, could the Kaiser really let thousands of families be destroyed for a personal problem?

Only time would tell, what his decision would be?

And what it would mean for everyone and the world...

To be continued...