Chapter 93: Revenge of the Shinobi

"We've got invaders in Ward 24!"

"District Mao has been rocked by multiple explosions!"

"Enemy forces fighting across the entire Capital!"

"Civilian and Military Casualties rising!"

The highest military leaders of the Reich and heads of government could only grimly listen to the deteriorating reports. Their grave eyes fixed on their Kaiser who was standing near the window, observing his burning capital. There was a sheet of paper in his hand, an emergency message from the frontier.

"So it begins..." stated Naruto,

He could see the fear, anxiousness, anger, pain in the eyes of his people. The news were indeed grave, even he couldn't deny that. Before he could even implement his plans for victory, his enemies had united and had striked at his nation.

"Your highness, the Kaiserin has gone into labor..."

Everyone was surprised on hearing the news, and saw a bittersweet smile arriving on the Kaiser's face. For Tsunade and Kakashi, it was an extremely emotional sight when an already armed Naruto went towards a stand. Placing his hand on the hook, the Kaiser took his coat having the swastika mark on the front and the symbol of eagle on its back.

"Mein Kaiser, what are you doing?" asked Kakashi worriedly, as Naruto turned around to face them.

"I'm doing what every Kaiser must do in the event of an attack on his nation..." answered Naruto,


"Don't compare this event to the one in the past. The stakes are too high this time, it's not just the fate of one village but that of entire humanity itself. The future of our race, the Rise and Fall of our Reich is at stake now..." declared Naruto,

Placing his traditional face mask, the young leader looked like an exact copy of his father which only served to increase the worries of Kakashi and Tsunade.

Sasuke stepped beside his best friend, as both of them observed the raging capital together. Fully armed and eyes shining with ambition, they looked ahead.

"This is it..." said Sasuke seriously,

"Well, my brother this will be the last battle that we share..." said Naruto with a smile, receiving a smirk from his friend.

"We have fought our entire lives. Either against each other, or together against the entire world. Nothing would please be more but to rest this sword of mine..." proclaimed Sasuke, his hand tightening over his weapon.

"The preparations that I ordered?" asked Naruto

"Done. Are you sure you want to commit everything?" questioned Sasuke flatly,

"Yes. Hold the front-lines until I arrive. Can you do that?"

Looking straight into each other's eyes, the two boys who were brothers in all but by parentage made silent promises. This was the moment for which they had fought till now, everything had been for this day.

"They won't get through us, Kaiser. I promise you that..." said Sasuke confidently, getting a nod in return.

"Good. Follow the plan, avoid combat and sending our troops into battle unless I command. We have not just made those countermeasures for a fancy show, we will show those rebels just who they are up against..." pledged Naruto, and was surprised when Sasuke bit his lip.

"I have two requests which I want you to grant..." requested Sasuke, no dancing around the subject was the way the Reich Army Commander worked.


"Sakura's pregnant..."

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise on hearing that, this was certainly not what he had expected. But then again, Sasuke was not one to share too much of his personal life. But if Sasuke was acting this serious, then the news must be true.

"I would say congratulations, but now's not the time. Let me guess, you don't want me to place her directly in the heat of the battle..." suggested Naruto


"Then I'll make sure she takes command over the medical stations. Treat our war wounded, she's the best medic we have after Tsunade. I can't let her talents go to waste at such a crucial time. Do you understand?"

"I do. And I have one more request. Since your own son will be born tonight, I am hereby forfeiting the Uchiha name..." declared Sasuke,

He was not surprised on seeing the brief shock in the Kaiser's eyes, and he quickly raised his hand before his friend could protest any further.

"I represent the violent past of the Uchiha's. With your dynasty, they will get a good name in history. Besides there can't be two important people bearing the same surname, it'll only confuse the citizens and put their loyalties in jeopardy. I want to start a new fresh family that is devoid of the dark past of the Uchiha clan..." explained Sasuke honestly,

"Sasuke, are you really sure about this?" asked Naruto in a concerned voice,

"I've made my decision..." replied Sasuke flatly, making Naruto sigh. If his friend was this determined, then who was he to deny Sasuke his right?

"Very well. I grant both requests of yours. Anything else, brother?" asked Naruto calmly,

Sasuke remained silent for a moment as he observed the vast empire which he had built with the help of his best friend. Looking back now, he could finally see that he lived a life without regrets.

"If I don't make it back, I want you to look after my fami-"

"Silence. I, Kaiser Naruto Uchiha command you to fight and survive. Wars are not won by dying in battle, they are won by making the other son of bitch die..." scolded Naruto,

Sasuke saw a strange fire burning in his friend's eyes. It brought a relaxed smile on his face as he gave an affirmative nod. As long as they had the Kaiser, they could win. Even in these grim conditions, Naruto believed that not only could their Reich survive but it could emerge victorious. And as a faithful comrade, he would believe in his leader.

When Naruto turned around he was further surprised by the arrival of two more members of his vast family in the room.

"Hinata, Hanare...why are you dressed in combat gears? Didn't you want to quit the ninja life?" asked Naruto in surprise,

Both women smiled as Hanare stepped beside a grinning Kakashi, and Hinata stepped beside Sasuke.

"A warrior always returns home one day..." said Hinata, giving the Kaiser a small wink.

"For us, this family has always been our home. No matter what, we want to fight beside our loved ones..." said Hanare happily, grasping her husband's hand.

Before the touched Kaiser could say something, firm footsteps were heard in the corridor and moments later a few more people entered into the war room. The Kaiser gave a firm nod when Guren leading the Sound Four gave him a crisp salute and took their positions beside the others.

What surprised the blonde leader was the last person to arrive who was now kneeling before him...

"Anko..." said Naruto, and saw the pain in her eyes.

"I've always not made the right decisions in my life. And despite everything you've done a lot for me, Naruto. I still don't believe in this system of the Reich, but I believe in you. All my life you were like a little brother to me, yes I was pissed at you when you betrayed the village. But I want to fight for you in this hour of need. I want to repay you back for all the love, mercy you have shown towards me. Let me fight beside your side..." requested Anko sincerely,

Naruto looked into her eyes for a few moments, then at Kakashi who smiled and gave a nod. Grabbing her shoulders, he made the woman get back on her feet. Then in a move which surprised every person in the room, the Kaiser wrapped Anko in a warm hug as a small tear slipped from his eye.

"Welcome back, sister..." said Naruto happily, making Anko tear up and smirk at the same time.

"You owe me dango for this, Naruto..." teased Anko, as Naruto chuckled.

"Sure, I do..."

Just as their conversation came to an end, the large screen in the room came alive with the face of Shino Aburame appearing before the Kaiser. The former Resistance Commander gave a crisp salute to the Reich leader, making Naruto chuckle.

"It seems you're a damn lucky man, Shino..." said Naruto

"Well, fate seems to have other plans for me. It simply doesn't allow me to die a honorable death..." replied Shino, as the Kaiser sighed.

"So, what are you going to do now? You did send me the warning regarding the invading army, does that mean you are ready to serve me?" asked Naruto seriously,

"Tell me something, Kaiser. Will you pardon me if I defend the Reich in this crucial hour?" demanded Shino,

All eyes turned towards Naruto who simply got a smirk on his face. Taking a deep breath, he looked his friend straight in the eye.

"If your actions are worthy in saving the life of my subjects. Then I will pardon you of all your crimes, give you a position in my army..." offered Naruto,

"Then I am at your command, Mein Kaiser..." said Shino devotedly, and bowed before his new leader.

"Take command of the Black Lancers. Observe each movement of the enemy, and report it to headquarters. My officers will be arriving very soon to take command, you will follow their orders. And Shino, I know that you're not an idiot. So I suggest you remain true to your word, or else I will kill all your men and make you watch..." threatened Naruto,

"You have my word, Kaiser. Both as a friend and soldier. You can count on me..."

"We'll see..."

With that Naruto ended the connection and was not at all surprised on seeing the concerned looks he received from his comrades. Sasuke was nearly on the verge of blasting out at him, and with good reason.

"I know what you guys are thinking. But we need every armed fighter we can get, and he's a skilled officer. That doesn't meant that I trust him..." explained Naruto,

"What are your orders?" asked Kakashi seriously,

"Sasuke, Gaara..."

Both warriors stepped forward on hearing the command of their leader, and bowed before the Kaiser.

"Go the frontlines, take command of our army. Sasuke, I am placing Shino under your leadership. Keep an eye on him..." ordered Naruto,

"Yes, Kaiser" replied both men in unison,

"Tsunade Senju..."

"Yes, your majesty..." said Tsunade sincerely, bowing before the boy whom she loved as her own son.

"Take command over the frontline medical units. Sakura Haruno will remain in the rear and lead the medical stations. Save as many as you can, reduce the sufferings of those you can't save, and kill anyone who gets in your way..." said Naruto fiercely,

"It shall be done, Kaiser..." replied Tsunade with equal ferociousness

"Hatake Kakashi..."

The copy ninja stepped forward and quickly bowed before the Kaiser, his heartbeat increased when Naruto looked at him critically.

"Your a veteran warrior. And I trust your instincts, I am appointing you the Supreme Commander of all our forces. You will stay in the rear, and guide Sasuke, Gaara along with Shino. Maintain communications and order among our forces, and try to avoid engaing the enemy until I arrive. Can you do that for me?" asked Naruto seriously,

"I will do my best, Kaiser..." promised Kakashi, getting a nod in return.

"Guren, I want you to take control of the Reich forces inside the capital and repel the invaders. Don't disappoint me..." commanded Naruto,

"Yes, sir. They will all be dead before sunrise tomorrow..." pledged the crystal style user,

"Tayuya, Jirobu, Sakon, Ukon, Kidomaru..." said Naruto quickly, as the ninjas who had been his royal guards for the past four years kneeled before him.

"Evacuate Subjects Zero and Alpha to the secured locations. Take the entire Royal Guard with you..." said Naruto gravely,

"But Mein Kaiser, wouldn't that leave you defenseless?" asked Tayuya worriedly,

"I can take care of myself. Now, carry out my orders..." commanded Naruto strictly, his voice rising a little higher striking the point home.

Not wanting to face the full wrath of the Kaiser, the members of the Sound Fair quickly nodded. Only the four of them, the Kaiser and Sasuke Uchiha knew how important those subjects were. Under no circumstances could they be allowed to fall under any enemy hands.

It would be a mess which the Reich simply didn't have the resources to fight against.

"Hanare, take control over the civilian government. Pacify the people, maintain order with the help of the minsters and local police. Shelter the refugees, take them to safe bunkers. Protect the women, children, and old people at all costs. Get the able bodied men to keep watch 24/7..." instructed Naruto,

"I will not fail you, Kaiser..." promised Hanare, getting a nod from Kakashi too.

The officers got quite concerned when the Kaiser coughed up a bit, but he simply waved off their concerns with a smile. Finally, he turned towards Hinata and Anko who also followed the tradition of kneeling before him.

"I want you two to be on my personal guard. Along with a few other soldiers, we'll give directions to the others and clear out this capital from enemy troops. After that we will head towards the frontlines. Understood?" asked Naruto seriously,


Everyone was surprised when Naruto unlocked a sealed box and took out his most powerful weapon. Strapping the infamous "Ryujin Jakka" on his waist, the Kaiser started walking forward as strange marks appeared on his wrists, one which Kakashi and Tsunade instantly recognized.

"Impossible..." said both veterans in unison,

They were not allowed to explain why they said that when servants entered into the room, and offered one last drink to each and every member in the room. Naruto took the lead by raising his glass, with the others following suit.


An exhausted Kurenai had just finished transferring the Kaiserin to the hospital, where the surgery to bring the young prince into their world had instantly began. She had seen how much pain and distress Haku was in, and wanted to stay by the woman's side. But the doctors had flatly refused to entertain any intruders and risk their work. Even the Kaiser would not be allowed to attend.

This was after all the first royal child and the heir to the Reich throne, they were taking every precaution as humanely possible.

And to add further to their worries, the Reich had just been attacked both from inside and outside. She wondered what Naruto was doing right now...

Her question was answered quite soon when she found him nervously sitting in the empty corridor. Hinata and Anko, along with several other soldiers were standing at the exits preventing anyone from disturbing their leader.

On seeing her walking towards him, the nervous Kaiser quickly got up and approached towards her.

"How is she?" asked Naruto worriedly,

"She's as fine as any woman undergoing labor could be. We're doing everything we can..." assured Kurenai,


She placed a firm hand on his shoulder and wrapped him in a warm hug. He quickly buried himself into her arms, even as he tried to hide the tension and worry he felt both for his family and the Reich in this moment.

"I am heading out soon enough..." said Naruto seriously, stopping her breath abruptly.

Quickly breaking the hug, she looked at his face worriedly. Even a civilian could foresee how dangerous things were out there, and despite her opposition to this decision she knew he would not stop. He was not the kind of leader who abandoned his people in the face of disaster.

"I will join you as soon as possible. But first, I need to make sure the Kaiserin and the prince get to safety..." said Kurenai, making him smile.

"Thank you for everything, Kurenai..." said Naruto mysteriously,

Before she could ask why he was saying that, he quickly kneeled in front of her. Without a word, he took her hand in his. Their eyes connected, and she gasped in shock when he took out a ring from his pocket.

"Despite what I told the others, the situation is quite grim out there. I have to be strong and show a positive side to them, but it is possible that I may not return..." said Naruto hesitantly,

"No" replied Kurenai stubbornly,

"Yuhi Kurenai, would you marry me?" asked Naruto sincerely, one look in his eyes could show how nervous he was.

She kneeled along side him and took his face in her hands, planting a deep kiss on his lips. Afterwards she hesitantly took the ring in her hand; but made no effort in putting it on, surprising the Kaiser.

"I will hold this for you. Marry me and be a father to our child when you return..." said Kurenai proudly, and deep down he fell in deeper love with this woman on hearing her accept Haku and his son, as her own as well.

"Try to-" argued Naruto, but she raised her hand while shaking her head in denial.

"This ring will be our promise. I've lost you too many times, and I can't go through that again. No matter what, you must survive. Not just for me, or Haku, or our son, but for all our comrades, all the soldiers and citizens, this Reich. For their sake, you must live..." explained Kurenai, as he smiled.

"Yeah..." said Naruto hesitantly, and blinked when she grabbed him by his collar.

There was a dangerous fire in her eyes, daring him to say something that would inflict her wrath on him. Never in their entire lives had he seen something like this in her beautiful ruby colored eyes.

"All of us have placed our lives, our faiths, our futures to you. Be worthy of that trust, Naruto..." scolded Kurenai, as his eyes widened in shock.

"I will..." said Naruto quickly,

When her eyes moistened he quickly claimed her lips and initiated a passionate kiss. His arms encircled around her waist, savoring this moment for all eternity. Despite everything that had happened, both of them were here together in this moment. And that was all that mattered to him...

"I love you, Kurenai..." said Naruto happily, as he placed his forehead against her.

"I love you too, Naruto..."

An eery silence engulfed in the entire corridor, it was exactly 10:30 on the clock placed on the wall. And every person standing nearby had their eyes wide in shock when the cry of an infant was heard.

Haku was hanging between exhaustion and shock, her eyes were overflowing with tears as the sweet, soft cry of an infant continuously reached her ears. She was sweating heavily and her breathing was heavy, but she felt more happier in this moment than she had been in her entire life.

Not a few seconds later, the door to the operation theater was blown apart much to the horror of the doctors and nurses. Sakura who had just finished delivering the baby, angrily walked forward and gave a harsh bonk on an extremely nervous Kaiser's head who had barged inside scaring everyone.

Haku laughed on seeing the funny scene as Sakura gave a few more bops to her friend, and even scolded him for barging in so recklessly. Fortunately, Kurenai quickly entered inside and saved the cornered Kaiser.

With Sakura out of the way, Naruto instantly rushed towards her side and kneeled near her.

The once strong Kaiser was nearly on the verge of breaking down with the amount of tears, fear and worry in his eyes. His hands trembled as he touched Haku's cheeks to feel that she was indeed real, and the cry of an infant in another corner of the room was not just a dream.

"" asked Naruto nervously, as Haku barely managed to stifle her giggles.

"You look like you just delivered a child instead of me..." teased Haku, as he took her face in his hands and kissed her.

"Don't scare me like this again, okay?" ordered Naruto, making her smile.

They smiled and contently stared into each other's eyes. She could see he was fully dressed for battle, and the only reason he had stayed behind for this long was for her and their child's sake. Her fears increased as she tried to imagine the mayhem that awaited him, but he grasped her hand tightly.

"It'll be alright. I promise...." said Naruto seriously, no hesitation or doubts were now present in his heart thanks to Kurenai.

They were interrupted when that crying sound increased and was now nearing towards them. Blinking in surprise, Naruto got up and turned around only to freeze in his spot when he saw Kurenai carrying a small bundle in her arms. Sakura was also beside her, as both ladies gave bright smiles to Haku.

Nervously taking a step forward, he tried to take a peak of his own son only to see Kurenai glare at him. He didn't falter despite his trembling legs, and forcefully tried again only to be stopped when Sakura placed her hand firmly on his face almost smashing his nose and blocking his vision.

"Stop being a baby, Naruto. There's one in the room already..." scolded Sakura,

"It's courtesy to allow the mother the first look of the child..." chided Kurenai, as the Kaiser huffed.

With his patience already on the bring of extinction, he again sneaked a peak and saw Haku coddling that bundle to her chest and laying a soft kiss inside. Before he lost it, Kurenai and Sakura quickly got out of the way allowing him to get the first glimpse of his son which made him gulp in shock.

Haku, Kurenai and Sakura keenly observed as Naruto came forward and curiously looked at the babbling infant. Unlike popular expectations, the young price had dark black hair like his mother, he was extremely fair and had almost similar facial patterns and eyes like his father. Despite the wrapped cloth the baby boy was in, he did seem healthy but looked a little uncomfortable in his mother's arms.

Then in a move which surprised all the females, Naruto simply poked his finger on the infant's forehead. Much to their surprise, the boy stopped crying instantly. Opening his dark eyes as fully as he could, the baby tried to wriggle his small arms towards his father but was failing miserably.

"He's so tiny..." said Naruto innocently, eliciting smiles from the women in the room.

"Is this the first time you are seeing a just-born infant?" asked Sakura kindly, as Naruto poked his son again on the forehead making the baby smile.


Haku was actually quite surprised as the little baby's attempts to get out of her arms increased. Tracing his target, she smiled on seeing how anxious their son was to go towards his father. Naruto looked in her eyes, and when she nodded he carefully took the boy in his arms.

There was a strange milky look in Naruto's eyes, as he touched his son's cheeks. Unfortunately, his son took the Kaiser's thumb in his mouth instantly.

"I finally understand what you mean, father. Maybe being a dad won't be so bad after all..." thought Naruto happily,

As if understanding his thoughts, the tiny baby boy smiled innocently and right there the child had gained the Kaiser's affection forever. Naruto couldn't explain it, before coming inside he had an entire sea full of doubts, misgivings about his ability to be a father. Whether he would be a good one or bad one? Sometimes he actually wished to escape, but not anymore.

All his logical powers went straight out of the window, he couldn't understand what changed in these few moments. This strange, warm feeling inside his heart when he looked at this child made him so happy. If all the pain he had suffered over the years was to lead him to this point, and meet this child then he didn't regret it one bit.

"Naruto..." said Kurenai gently, breaking the Kaiser out of his emotional trance.

Blinking he looked up to see the smiling faces of Kurenai, Sakura and a very relieved Haku all of whom were affectionately staring at him.

"Did you say something?" asked Naruto curiously, all the while keeping his eyes on his smiling son.

"Haku asked do you have name decided for the prince?" repeated Sakura,

They saw the Kaiser lovingly staring at his son for a few moments, before looking back towards them with a sheepish smile on his face. He had even reverted to his traditional habit of scratching the back of his head showing how nervous he was, while firmly holding the infant with his other arm protectively.


All three women blinked in surprise on listening to the simple name. They had expected something big or grand, but one look in the Kaiser's eyes was enough to show why the child was given that name.

"The light..." deciphered Haku,

"The sun..." thought Sakura happily,

"The fire..." thought Kurenai proudly,

The child was a symbol of the Kaiser's simplicity, his hope for the future, and the unending light which he wanted to shine over the Reich through their children for whose sake they had sacrificed everything and fought so hard.

"Yang Uchiha..." said Naruto happily,

Naruto was surprised when the entire room erupted into applause as everyone kneeled before him and his son, Haku sat straight in her bed and gave a respectful salute making the others follow her lead quickly.

"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!" cheered Haku,

"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!" cheered Kurenai happily,

"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!" repeated Sakura,

One after another each and every person joined the celebration. It went to show even in the midst of darkness, there existed light. Now that the Reich was facing its darkest hour, Kami had gracefully delivered light into their lives instilling hope and the desire to survive in their hearts.

On seeing so much respect, recognition, love for him and his son made the Kaiser tear up. He felt happier than ever as he affectionately cradled his son in his arms, receiving a bright smile in return. The boy was definitely living up to his name after all.

"Your father loves you very much..." whispered Naruto secretly, and gave a thankful nod to everyone.

Naruto was just wiping away the happy tears from his eyes as he finished saying goodbye to his wife and son. Despite his desire to stay with them, there was still a war on and his people needed him. Now more than ever...

Coming out of the operation theater, Kurenai had tightly grasped his hand offering support and a bright smile.

"You did good today..." congratulated Kurenai,

"I don't know why, but I love that child. How can I feel such an emotion when I've known him for just an hour?" asked Naruto curiously, receiving a knowing smile in return.

"One day you'll understand. You chose a good name..." said Kurenai happily,

They looked into each other's eyes and saw the satisfaction among each other. However, their moment was broken when a frightened Anko ran towards them and quickly kneeled before the Kaiser.

"Kaiser, Area 20..." said Anko nervously,

"What happened?" asked Naruto quickly,

"There are strange monsters attacking our people. The soldiers have been wiped out, reinforcements will take time to reach that area. By that time..." informed Anko gravely,

Kurenai saw a menacing look arriving in Naruto's gaze, and felt his hand tightening in her grasp.

"Order Hinata to prepare our squad. We will personally eliminate those freaks..." commanded Naruto,

"Yes, sir" replied Anko, and giving a quick smile to Kurenai she dashed away to accomplish her orders.

Naruto turned towards his soon to be wife, as she gave him an understanding nod. No words were said, but they understood each other's feelings perfectly.

"I'll get Haku and Yang to safety. Then I'm coming to help you, hang on till then..." said Kurenai seriously, leaving no doubts for any protests.

He merely smirked and started walking away.

"Who do you think I am?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes in suspicion, whether his eyes were deceiving him or a strange phenomenon had occurred in the sky. Despite the darkness of the night, the smoke that had been produced due to the destruction across the capital had accumulated in the sky. With the light of the moon shining on it, they were illuminating the light of a nearly perfect rainbow mass.

"Hey, what's that?" asked one of his soldiers,

"Well, it seems like a rainbow. But it's unusual seeing it at a time like this..." said another officer,

Apart from Hinata and Anko who were guarding his flanks, there were nearly 200 other capable soldiers marching together with him. While they were being cautious, the atmosphere was a little relaxed since they had the strong Kaiser with them.

"It is so beautiful..." said Hinata innocently,

"You still like rainbows, gaki?" teased Anko, making Hinata blush.

"Hm, but this one falls among the most beautiful ones I've ever seen in my life..." said Hinata honestly, but frowned when Naruto had a sharp look in his eyes.

"While it is beautiful and a symbol of the nature's pride. Rainbows are also referred as a symbol for snakes..." said Naruto gravely,

Anko sensed the hidden command the Kaiser had just given her, the years of training as a veteran ninja kicked in and she yelled at the top of her voice.


Fortunately, the Reich soldiers were much more disciplined than their Resistance counterparts and were more prone to obey orders the moment they were issued. Quickly raising their shields, they covered each other just in time as a hail of kunai and shuriken rained down on them.

"Hakkesho Kaiten!" yelled Hinata, deflecting a vast number of projectiles.

The Kaiser merely stood in his spot, and an invisible wind deflected every weapon that would have killed him quickly. He narrowed his eyes dangerously, when his eyes spotted something hideous.

Entire streets covered in blood, the dead bodies of deceased Reich soldiers and civilians lying everywhere. Almost everyone had their guts ripped apart, these people were not killed but eaten alive. Many of his own younger soldiers puked on seeing the gruesome scene, even Hinata couldn't help it.

A few moments later, growls were heard as several monstrous, dark eyes opened in the dark alleys. Anko armed herself, as several monsters arrived and surrounded them from all sides.

Except for being extremely ugly and having hideous human bodies, they all had one thing in common.

"The Hidden Cursed Seals..." said Anko angrily,

Her breath stopped when all of them charged towards her leader and soldiers, but before she or her men could move they saw Naruto's eyes closing and eyebrows twitching. Furious the Kaiser raised his right arm and twisted his fingers.

"Disappear, trash!"


To every Reich soldier's surprise, razor sharp blades of winds sliced apart every cursed seal warrior into tiny pieces of meat. None of them either had the time to scream or have their eyes go wide in horror. They simply vanished from this planet in a flash. Looking towards Naruto's cold, neutral face Anko was shocked to see no change despite killing nearly 100 men in a flash.

"The Kaiser's in a really bad mood..." whispered Hinata worriedly,

"Anko..." said Naruto suddenly,

"Yes, Kaiser..."

"It seems today is the day you shall have your revenge..."

Anko Mitarashi froze. A cold chill passed across her entire body on hearing those words, as if to prove the Kaiser's claim true a familiar, evil laugh echoed across the area as the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

"It's you..." said Anko bitterly,

"It's been a long time, Anko..."

A wickedly smiling Orochimaru appeared in front of them, rising from the ground itself like a zombie. His menacing dark, yellow snake like eyes made many of the Reich soldiers take a step back. Brave or not, even they knew their abilities paled in comparison to the freak in front of them.

"So the Snake finally returns..." remarked Naruto, gaining a disturbing chuckle in return.

"I apologize for my delay, Mein Kaiser. I simply didn't want to disappoint you when we meet again..." mocked Orochimaru, making many of the prideful Reich soldiers growl. Naruto quickly raised his hand halting his men from doing anything reckless.

"Oh, so you have an entire army of puppets now. You seem to have taken after me..." teased Orochimaru,

"Is that why you got your ass kicked last time despite having an army of puppets? Despite being the famous Snake Sannin?" mocked Naruto, and smirked when Orochimaru narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"I underestimated you before, Naruto..." admitted Orochimaru, as Naruto raised one of his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, and what makes you think your chances are better this time?" asked Naruto curiously, and frowned on seeing the predator like looking appearing in that snake's eyes.

"I don't make the same mistakes again. I've come prepared this time..." promised Orochimaru,

"You stayed underground for four years. Why even bother coming up? Are you trying to aide the Resistance?" asked Naruto curiously, but Orochimaru shook his finger as if advising a child.

"Oh, those fools are the biggest pawns in this game. As for why I'm here, I want to teach a brat like you a lesson. People like you are a bane to science and development of humanity. You're an obstacle to the path of complete knowledge..." said Orochimaru gleefully, as Anko grit her teeth unable to believe that this freak was once her mentor.

"Oh, and does that involve experimenting brutally on humans? Killing them? Enslaving them?" asked Naruto sarcastically, but Orochimaru waved his hand.

"Semantics. But enough of this debate, after eliminating you I will rule over this established nation. I'll put all your resources to good use..." declared Orochimaru wickedly,

"What makes you think that we'll allow that to happen? As long as we have the Kaiser with us, you or your lackeys can't do shit, Snaky..." said Anko victoriously, receiving cheers from several of her soldiers.

"Naruto-kun is stronger than you, Orochimaru..." said Hinata seriously, receiving a creepy smile in return.

"I don't doubt that at all. He's a super-weapon made of the best raw materials, even the entire might of the ninja world couldn't defeat him. You wanna know, why? Dear Hinata-chan..." said Orochimaru creepily,

The Hyuga heir didn't respond but felt an uneasy feeling in her gut, when the mad scientist spread his arms widely.

"It's because those fools searched for the Kaiser's weakness among the living. When his true vulnerable point lies among the dead..." hinted Orochimaru, and smirked on receiving that magnificent reaction from the brave Kaiser.

Anko frowned when Naruto's fists clenched, and he shuddered for a moment. Orochimaru got a crazy look in his eyes, when he clasped his hands together and five coffins rose from the ground.

"I spent the last four years preparing for this. Your Kaiser is a strong warrior, but he has a weakness against certain people. The ones who he got killed..." said Orochimaru wickedly,

"The ones whom he couldn't save..." accused Orochimaru,

"The ones whose deaths he still holds himself responsible for..." finished Orochimaru,

Hinata and several Reich soldiers gasped in shock when the Kaiser stumbled backwards, a terrified look appeared in his once defiant eyes as he the door to the coffins dropped open.

Anko shivered in fear when the first two people stepped outside. A few of the Reich soldiers who were former Konoha shinobi took a few steps back when the tall figures of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju appeared before them. Both great warriors seemed to be curiously observing the small army in front of them, and most importantly the blonde boy who looked like an important leader.

But Naruto's gaze was not fixed on them, and rather on the last three coffins whose occupants slowly stepped outside instantly stopping Naruto's heart.

The first two of them recognized him instantly and gave him happy smiles, which had their surprise hidden in them on seeing his new look.

"It's been a while, Naru..." said Shin,

"You've gotten so old, Naruto..." teased Sai, and frowned on seeing how terrified Naruto was.

Orochimaru almost felt himself orgasm as the last person stepped outside the coffin. Despite being the smallest and most innocent among the warriors, the person had the most devastating affect on the mighty Kaiser as he collapsed on his knees. His entire body trembled, even as tears fell from his eyes.

"Yes! That's the look, fear, despair, face your darkest past! Repent for your crimes, MEIN KAISER!" yelled Orochimaru madly,

The youngest person blinked a few times trying to recognize the trembling man. Memories of that night instantly kicked in, resulting in raising of an arm...

"Captain Naruto?"

Naruto's heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces on hearing that voice. The one he heard every night, the one he longed to hear and the one whom he missed the most. Oblivious to the panic among his comrades, or to the curious looks from the Hokages, or the surprised expression of his best friends he said the name of the person for whom Valkyrie had started, for whose death the entire shinobi world had burned, villages and nations had been destroyed. And the reason behind the rise of the Reich and his elevation as the Kaiser of humanity.
