Naruto sat on on the edge of his bed, his feet sticking to the ground while his body remained seated on the soft sheet. If one thing was absolutely noticeable was the fact that he was naked and beside him lay Kurenai. Completely naked as well.
He stared at her, his fingers gently moving through her bare back. She moaned sleepily...
A few moments later she woke up, laid a passionate kiss on his lips and settled for wrapping herself around his chest. He simply laid his chin on her head, kissed her softly and then breathed a contended sigh.
"That was awesome..." said Kurenai happily, he smiled.
"I know. Maybe after this is over, we can do this more often..." suggested Naruto, earning a soft kiss on his chest in return.
"I would like that..." replied Kurenai cheerfully,
They sat there in silence for a few more minutes, until Kurenai looked at his face which seemed to be relaxed yet his eyes showed he was in deep thought.
"Marry me..." said Kurenai suddenly,
Naruto blinked. Then a coy smile arrived on his face...
"Oh, last I remember you didn't seem to share this sentiment when I asked you a few days ago?" asked Naruto bemusedly, she sighed.
"I was tensed at the time. The war had just started and we were being attacked from all sides, and Haku was on the verge of giving birth. I didn't feel that it was the right moment..." explained Kurenai honestly,
"And it is now?" asked Naruto patiently,
"Yes, after the events of these past few days I think I'd rather get married and regret it later, than not and regret it" said Kurenai fiercely,
"Well said, Kurenai. I accept your proposal, this is even better than mine..." said Naruto in a satisfied voice, she smirked.
"Well, I am smarter than you when it comes to dealing with people..." replied Kurenai sarcastically, he simply laughed.
"So, how do you want to do it?" asked Naruto seriously,
"Just the two of us should be enough. We have already signed the legal paperwork in advance, now all that's left is the ceremony..." suggested Kurenai,
"And you sure you don't want anyone else to attend?" asked Naruto seriously,
"We will have a public ceremony after the war. But for now I want this memory to be exclusive just to the two of us, I also brought these..." said Kurenai happily,
She turned towards the other side, exposing her back to him. He sighed contentedly,
"You know, I really like your gorgeous back..." praised Naruto,
Smiling Kurenai turned back towards him, pressing her chest against his own and presenting two rings to him.
"I am pleased that the Kaiser is happy with me..." teased Kurenai, as Naruto stared at the ring he had given her before.
"You kept it?" asked the surprised Kaiser,
"Are you stupid? Why would I discard it?" asked Kurenai irritatedly, a frown arriving on her lips.
"Alright, I apologize for my stupid question. Now do you actually want to complete this holy ritual while being naked?" asked Naruto in surprise, Kurenai shrugged.
"I feel this way we lay our bare hearts to each other. It's kind of romantic to me..." suggested Kurenai, hope shining in her eyes.
"I don't mind. Kurenai Yuhi, in front of the old as well as new gods I hereby take you as my beloved wife. I shall be faithful to you, love you with all my heart and satisfy any needs of yours with all my power..." pledged Naruto,
He gently placed the ring in her hand, her smile widened to the largest he had ever seen on her face alongwith a few tears arriving in her eyes.
"Mein Kaiser, Naruto Uchiha I too take you as my husband from this day forward. I promise to love you, support you in every way possible and remain by your side until the day I die..." promised Kurenai,
She eagerly placed her own chosen platinum ring on his finger which now lay beside a diamond one which he had inherited from his previous marriage to Haku.
Naruto leaned forward and laid a soft, long lasting kiss on her lips. Kurenai felt tears falling from her eyes as the gesture entwined them to each other forever. Despite their struggles, quarrels over the years, their love for each other had never vanished or diminished. And now they were together, which was a dream come true for both of them.
"I love you, Naruto..." said Kurenai tearfully, enwrapping her arms around him bringing him close for a warm hug.
Naruto kissed her cheek and hugged her back, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I love you too, Kurenai..." whispered Naruto in her ear,
Three men stood in front of each other in the command center. Their eyes fixed on the map placed on the table, alongwith a few reports lying nearby them displaying various tactical information and scenarios presented to them by the juniors officers along with the recommendations made by the Reich leadership including the Army Commander.
Shin and Sai studied various points in thorough detail, both of them were actually quite surprised when Naruto appointed them as his tactical advisers despite having more battlefield experience than both of them.
The reason given by the Kaiser for such a move was simply yet effective.
Naruto was a wild boar whose fierce strength always made enemy armies crumble before him. But this time his own forces were outnumbered by twice a large enemy army, and whose commander was Shikamaru Nara. A man whom even the Kaiser considered a tactical genius...
To compensate for this, Shin was given the task of devising tactical formations that would sustain the Reich Army during battle. It was well known to the Kaiser, than in terms of tactical defense Shin always had smart ideas.
While Sai was given the task of finding out points from where the Reich Army could initiate a swift piercing attack, and reached straight for the enemy command. Wiping them out quickly.
"The enemy still has a decisive advantage in this war. Even if we have the most disciplined, advanced army we only have 45,000 soldiers left under our command. While the enemy nearly has 105,000 troops to fight..." said Shin gravely,
"We cannot think of penetrating deep behind their lines due to our fewer numbers. If we do so, the few thousand soldiers that we do manage to send through the enemy army will only be surrounded from all sides. Waiting to be annihilated, at this point the only thing we can afford is a battle of attrition and can hold out against the enemy for 2 days. And that is if all our plans work and our officers don't fall, otherwise..." expressed Sai honestly,
"Both of you are right. I don't plan to recklessly push my soldiers through enemy formations only to be ultimately get surrounded and slaughtered. But at the same time, if I don't make a breakthrough my soldiers will get tired from the constant fighting and will ultimately be overrun. That is why I need your help, Sai..." requested Naruto,
"What do you need from me, Naruto?" asked Sai calmly,
"Since you are an Edo Tensei, I don't have to worry about any mortal harm coming to you. More than that the enemy has very slim chances of stopping you.." suggested Naruto,
"I understand. But I am just one man, Naruto..." pointed Sai,
"What if I give you an unbeatable large force? Could you command them to destroy the enemy front lines, after that I can charge in with our army..." said Naruto seriously,
"That would depend upon the quality of the soldiers you give me, and how many can you spare for the task..." replied Sai frankly,
"Even so, Naruto. We can't afford even a small contingent of forces from any front or risk the collapse of our lines..." warned Shin,
"I don't plan to do that, Shin. I have a reserve force which I haven't revealed to anyone till now..." said Naruto, a cruel smirk arriving on his face.
His friends stared at him in surprise.
"How many?" asked both Root eagerly,
"25,000 soldiers. Led by 400 officers that are as talented as me..." said Naruto frankly,
The Kaiser smiled on seeing the shocked look on his best friend's faces. He saw Shin quickly make the calculations and reveal that with this force their army could manage a breakthrough since their numbers would increase to 70,000 fighters instead of 45,000 which they had right now.
"How in the hell did you even manage to get so many fighters?" asked Shin in a surprised voice,
"Don't worry about that for now. However, there is a catch with this army..." warned Naruto,
"I thought so. Even then, I'll take any help you can provide me with..." insisted Sai,
"Very well. I'll assign the birds of the Black Lancers and my entire crow fleet to you. Combine that with your ink birds should be more than enough to compose a medium sized fleet. Fighters who can attack both from the air and land..." suggested Naruto,
Sai nodded. A creepy smile arriving on his face as he narrowed his eyes dangerously.
"Leave it to you to have an ace up your sleeve no matter the situation. Your tactical brilliance has only progressed over the years..." thought Shin proudly,
"When the enemy numbers have been thinned. I'll lead the rest of the army straight through..." said Naruto seriously,
"You're the Kaiser. You cannot participate directly on the front, what if something happens to you?" suggested Sai worriedly, Naruto shook his head.
"This entire battle is a big gamble. I've committed everything I have, either I'll win or lose. There is no other way or chance of a second battle after this, I am also the strongest fighter. You cannot ignore the strategic advantage I can provide to our forces..." suggested Naruto,
"Even so, it is too dangerous. Not to mention, the real enemy here is the Akatsuki. We need to stop them first..." advised Shin sagely,
"Itachi did give me some useful information about their whereabouts. I've already assigned a small infiltration team led by Anko to find out their exact location. But if my guess is right, then they won't be too far from the battlefield. They're probably waiting for us and the Resistance to destroy each other greatly, then execute their plan flawlessly..." explained Naruto,
"How cruel and disgraceful..." said Shin bitterly,
"It is exactly what I would have done if the situations had been reversed..." commented Naruto,
"Kaiser!" scolded Shin, but Sai raised his hand.
"He's right. The strategy is quite effective, wars are often won on such brilliant tactics. That is why we need Naruto to focus his attention on Akatsuki and the masked man..." advised Sai,
"I will. But first I need to give a considerable advantage to my army or at the very least provide them opportunities to score a victory. Or stall the enemy long enough for me to..." hinted Naruto,
"Neither of us like you taking on the Akatsuki and the masked man alone..." said Shin flatly,
"I'll have Itachi by my side, possibly Kurenai too if all goes according to the plan. The rest of you are needed here to supervise the army battle..." said Naruto strictly,
"I don't trust that man, Naruto. He maybe Sasuke's brother and you may have pardoned him, but it still does not make him a reliable ally. Until recently, he was one of your most dangerous enemies..." warned Shin,
"That is a risk which I shall have to take. Sasuke believed in Itachi, I shall do the same. And that is the end of this topic..." ordered Naruto,
His friends sighed.
"Still did you learn anything about the masked man in particular?" asked Shin curiously,
To their surprise, Naruto lowered his gaze and didn't reply to the question.
"Sai, go to this location. Your army will meet you here, prepare your strategy in the meantime..." instructed Naruto, pointing his finger on the map and diverting the topic.
"As you say, Naruto..." replied Sai hesitantly, still not satisfied with the dismissal of that important question raised by Shin.
''Shin, you shall stay by my side. Together we shall command the Reich forces across the battlefield..." ordered Naruto, getting a nod in return.
"Understood, Naruto..."
"Have you two thought about my offer?" asked Naruto suddenly,
Shin and Sai stared at each other for a few moments, before giving each other nods and looking at the Kaiser.
"If it's doable, then we'd like you to bring us back to life..." said Sai hesitantly, Naruto smirked.
"And what made you change your mind?" asked the Kaiser curiously, his hand resting on his chin.
"We have seen your powers, and a tiny hope has sparked inside of our hearts. We aren't too hopeful, but going back to the afterlife so soon doesn't seem like a good idea..." said Shin sheepishly, his cheeks burning bright red.
"But isn't that morally wrong? You shouldn't bring the dead back to life? Laws of nature must be respected? Blah, blah, blah..." said Naruto cunningly, waving his hand carelessly.
"You're toying with us..." complained Sai,
"Humor me..." replied Naruto with a smirk,
"Yes, we would like to live again Naruto. Both of us, but only if it possible and doesn't harm anyone in any manner..." explained Shin frankly,
"But we still wonder how you'll do it? We also wonder how our forces can win this war?" asked Sai doubtfully, Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It is this reason alone that I am the Kaiser, and not any of the others. I can do it, all of it. The only thing I ask for is your support and faith in me..." requested Naruto,
"You don't have to ask that question, Naruto. We are with you all the way, even if you can't revive us..." promised Shin,
"I'm glad to hear that..." replied Naruto happily,
"Will you revive the others?" asked Sai hesitantly, choosing each word carefully. The Kaiser got a far away look in his eyes.
"Long ago, I swore with the three of them to conquer the universe. That all of us would together change the corrupt world, I was ready to sacrifice myself for those three, no matter when, no matter where. But in the end they were the ones who were sacrificed. I always relied so hard on Sasuke, Gaara and Tsunade; and they even gave up their lives for me..." said Naruto regretfully,
"You miss them..." said Shin compassionately,
"Every moment. I truly believe that I have a right to fulfill the desires of my heart. I'm no saint, and I have no shame in admitting that I am a selfish man. My entire life I have fought to change the world, and I want to live in this changed world with the people I care about. History can judge me anyway they want even the people, I don't care. Even so, I need to think about this matter..." explained Naruto honestly,
"You'd rather fulfill your wishes and regret later, than not fulfill them and regret it even more. Is that right?" asked Sai knowingly,
Naruto smirked and started walking towards the exit of the room, and whispered in a proud voice.
"I am the Kaiser, after all..."
A curt knock was heard on the door of his room. Naruto looked up from his book and gave permission. He didn't bother trying to see who it was, since past few years it had become a normal routine of his life to meet people every now and then. Instead, he expected the person who had came to meet him to explain their issue, and only then would the Kaiser decided whether it was truly a worthy concern or a nonsensical waste of time.
He blinked. There were only two people in the world who could call him that, one of whom was not even old enough to walk. That only meant...
Raising his head, he spotted his eldest child standing in front of him. Barely even reaching the height of the desk on which Naruto placed his book, Rei stood straight. Her eyes looking straight at him.
"What did you say?" asked Naruto,
The little girl hesitated for a moment.
"Father, I need to talk to you..." said Rei seriously, although her nervous gaze was more than enough to show she was still trying to adjust herself to calling him that name.
Naruto smiled inwardly but he didn't show it. If one thing he had learned from his interaction so far was the fact that if he wanted to make progress with her, then he had to allow her to take the first steps and only then reciprocate in return. Any unwarranted advances were always met by harsh reactions...
"You'll make a worthy princess or even a great empress one day..." thought Naruto hopefully,
"Why don't you have a seat first, daughter?" addressed Naruto kindly, she smiled.
The child watched curiously as Naruto clapped his hands, a moment later a servant entered inside and quickly brought a small, comfortable chair and placed it beside the Kaiser on the man's order. Rei saw Naruto gesturing her to take a seat, and she did as asked.
"Now, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? And before you say anything, I'd like to say that you've made me very happy by calling me father..." complimented Naruto,
"I...uh...thanks" replied Rei shyly,
"So..." urged Naruto,
"I heard some rumors..." said Rei cautiously, Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Such as?"
"They're...a...god..." said Rei curiously, and stared in his eyes.
Naruto had to bite his tongue not just to burst out laughing and risk hurting his daughter's feelings, yet he understood one thing.
"Now I know why you called me father. Because if I actually turn out to be a god, then I can smite you to tiny pieces. Quite interesting is the fact that you do not fear facing armed ninjas, yet fear the notion of gods. As far as I know, Root never believed in religion. But rather in Danzoism..." thought Naruto curiously,
"Tell me something Rei, do you believe in gods?" asked Naruto patiently, the child nodded.
"Yes, I believe. I read many stories about Hachimon..." said Rei enthusiastically,
"Did Danzo allow you to do that?" asked Naruto bitterly,
"Yes, Danzo-sama allowed me to read few books if I performed well in training. I worked really hard, even hurt myself but I always enjoyed reading from the books. I don't know why but I feel happy when I read about Hachimon..." said Rei honestly,
Naruto secretly balled his fists, his heart vented out the worst curses on the now deceased Shimura Danzo for doing such a thing to a child. Yet even from this painful revelation Naruto learned an interesting thing. Rei liked reading.
He fetched inside his desk drawers for a few minutes, and took out a book. Presented it to the child...
"Since you like reading so much and are interested in mythology, I have this book. Take it, its yours now..." said Naruto calmly,
Rei looked at the title and smiled widely on reading, "The Old Gods and Era of Hachimon"
"I don't have to give something in return?" asked Rei carefully, after all Danzo had always told her everything came at a price.
"Yes, you don't have to provide something to me. I'm your father, it is your right and my duty to satisfy all your needs. The only thing I ask is that you take care of this book and once you are done with it, you preserve it safely. A wise person never destroys instruments of knowledge, no matter how old they maybe..." advised Naruto sagely,
"I will. But I don't like taking something without giving anything in return...I really want to" insisted Rei, making Naruto smile widely.
"Honorable, a worthy trait. I don't need anything from you...but if you truly want to give me something, then can you try to call me father more often?" asked Naruto hopefully, choosing each word more carefully than ever.
Rei looked thoughtful for a moment, then she gave a nod with a small smile.
"I can do that..." said Rei honestly,
"Good. And now to satisfy your original question, I am not a god, but a man. However..."
Naruto paused. Rei's curiosity peaked as she edged closer.
"There is a belief that my clan descended from Hachimon..." revealed Naruto, Rei's eyes widened.
"That means..." said Rei in shock,
''I don't have any concrete evidence to prove it, but judging from the powerful warriors my family has produced over the thousand years. It is more than likely that the rumor is actually true. Some historians call people like me as demi-gods, part human, part god. But in my eyes, I am just a man. Powerful, yes but only human..." explained Naruto patiently,
"I think I understand, father. Still it is good to hear the truth from you..." said Rei thankfully,
Then she bit her lip, as her eyes landed on the two rings in Naruto's hand.
"" said Rei hesitantly, slight resentment seeping into her voice.
"Yes, I am married to another woman besides your mother..." said Naruto frankly,
"Why?" asked Rei sharply, and then flinched on realizing the tone of her voice. Naruto sighed.
"It's complicated. And you shall understand the reason when you grow up a little more, but I can assure you this that I love your mother as much as I love Haku..." said Naruto fiercely,
"" asked Rei in surprise, Naruto nodded with a smile.
"Yes, that is her. She cares about you too, and you may not know this; but you also have a little brother..." said Naruto happily,
Rei's face lit up. A broad, eager smile arriving on her young face which warmed Naruto's heart.
"Really?" asked Rei happily,
"His name is Yang, you should meet him..." suggested Naruto, she eagerly nodded.
"Haku was nice to me. But what should I call her?" asked Rei curiously,
"I'd suggest mother, but I leave the final decision to you. I'm sure you can make your decisions with careful consideration..." suggested Naruto easily,
"I will call her mother, but I don't want to hurt my mother, Kurenai..." said Rei worriedly, Naruto ruffled her hair.
"You won't. Kurenai understands your feelings, so does Haku. After me, they are the ones who care about you the most..." said Naruto confidently,
Rei nodded.
"" asked Rei worriedly,
"Yes" replied Naruto grimly,
"Can' A Kaiser..." said Rei curiously, Naruto placed a hand over her tiny one.
"I have tried to stop it. Believe me, if there was anything I can do more to stop this bloodshed I would do so. But unfortunately, the enemy is quite determined to destroy my nation and my people. And I can't allow that to happen..." said Naruto seriously,
"I...don' They're...scary..." said Rei hesitantly,
Naruto made a bold move and picked up the child. To his fortune, Rei didn't resist as Naruto placed her carefully on his lap.
"As they should be. War is something every person should try to prevent, but sometimes you have to fight in order to protect what's most important to you. For me, that is my family, friends, my son and my daughter. Even when I don't like War, I have to fight to protect those precious to me. Now tell me Rei, what is precious to you?" asked Naruto patiently,
"My mother, Anko, Hinata-neechan...they have all been so good to me. I want to protect them..." said Rei slowly,
Naruto pursed his lips for a moment. Suppressing the sad feeling in his heart, he steeled his resolve and opened his mouth to speak...
"" said Rei hesitantly,
Naruto's despair vanished instantly on hearing that. Rei leisurely rested her back towards Naruto's chest, much to the father's delight.
"I...don' It makes me" said Rei worriedly,
Naruto placed a tender kiss over her head, suppressing the lone tear that had arose in his eye.
"Then pray that we win this war, daughter..." whispered Naruto, his voice a little choked.
Rei turned around and now looked at him. Her small hand reached up and wiped the single tear that had started to fall from his eye...
"I want to fight beside you. Protect you and mother..." wished Rei,
"You are too young for that. But if you truly want to us help us, then assist the medical ninja in treating the wounded. Get them anything they need, follow their orders, save the lives of our soldiers..." suggested Naruto,
Rei didn't look completely pleased, but accepted the advice regardless by giving a nod.
They were interrupted when Shino knocked and stepped inside the room a moment later. Both men exchanged quick nods, before Shino stepped outside again. Naruto placed Rei back in her seat and slowly stood up.
"I have to attend to other affairs, Rei. You can read the book I gave you here, if you want..." suggested Naruto kindly,
"Good. And I promise I'll protect your mother during battle, and bring her safely back to you. This I pledge both as a Kaiser and your father..." said Naruto seriously, determination shining in his eyes.
Rei smiled brightly.
Naruto gently patted her head and started walking towards the exit, when the next words stopped him...
"I also want my father back..." said Rei gently,
The Kaiser closed his eyes reeling in his emotions, turning around he simply gave Rei a firm nod.
(December 30, Imperial Year 5, 07:00 hours)
Two great armies faced each other.
On one side of the battlefield, stood a small army dressed in the uniform of the Reich. While on the opposite side, the larger Resistance army stood dressed in the uniforms of different former ninja villages and held the flags of their respective nations.
Shikamaru Nara stood on top of a tall constructed tower along with his advisers, his eyes fixed in the far off distance.
Kaiser Naruto Uchiha stood on top of the Uzu Wall, his army standing beneath him and outside the Reich's most powerful wall. All of them stood ready.
Rei and Hinata were seated in the medical camp, their eyes fixed on the television screens which were showing them the entire battlefield.
Commander Kakashi Hatake lead the left wing of the Reich Forces.
Commander Mifune lead the right wing of the Reich Forces.
Commander Yuhi Kurenai lead the middle and the strongest part of the Reich Formation.
Army Commander Shino Aburame remained in command of the Rear Forces, his sharp eyes observing the soldiers under his command.
Shin stepped beside Naruto on the large wall, his eyes seriously observing the vast Resistance army.
"So, the decisive battle arrives..." said Shin, Naruto nodded.
"It seems the enemy has taken sensible formations despite their massive numbers. It can only be achieved by instant and clear communications, only possible with the help of Yamanaka. Huh, Ino you seem to have progressed well over the years. A shame that you and Shikamaru are my enemies..." said Naruto calmly,
The Kaiser then took a deep breath.
"I'd like to announce something to our soldiers..." said Naruto, Shin nodded.
The Kaiser stepped forward as every Reich and Resistance soldier's eyes landed on him. His dark eyes shined brightly as he spoke loudly and clearly.
"Before the battle, I want to say this to you once again. Regardless of what the cowardly ninja villages or former rulers of previous dynasties did in the long as the Uchiha dynasty lives on, the Kaiser will always stand at the head of the Reich Army in all battles..."
"This applies to my son, too.."
"The Kaiser's of the Uchiha dynasty will never hide behind their soldiers, and go to war from afar in a safe and secure court..."
"I pledge to all of you: a coward will never become Kaiser during the Uchiha dynasty!"
The masses exploded!
Each and every soldier of the Reich army cheered. The entire battlefield shook with their bloodthirsty cries, and their national flag was raised again and again.
Soon enough they all started reciting the same slogan...
"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!''
"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!"
"Sieg Kaiser Naruto, Sieg Prince Yang!"
Shin stared in awe as 45,000 soldiers shouted that slogan again and again. All doubts and worries gone from their hearts, only to be replaced by a unending confidence and sense of victory.
All because of one man...
The former Root Anbu saw the pride in the soldier's eyes as they cheered for Naruto...
"How proud. Mein Kaiser always shows his back to his allies, and chest to his opponents..." thought Shin proudly,
Naruto raised his hand high in the air, and then he yelled...