Naruto walked through the dark cave which was inside of the Jubi's body. He had already left everyone outside, even his immortal friend Shin and Sai. If this was a trick then he alone should be the one to bear the consequences. The politician in him was yelling curses at him, since as a Kaiser he should not take such a foolish risk. That is...
Stepping inside the Motherfucking Ten Tails!
"Even for you, this is a whole new level of crazy, dobe!"
He smirked on thinking about the exact same remark which Sasuke would have bestowed upon him, had be been alive. This was precisely the reason, that defying all logic and sense of security he had stepped forward to deal with an entity that far surpassed humanity.
Not that he had any other choice.
A large part of his army was wiped out, the remaining were badly injured, or tired or had no will left to fight. Sure they would support him if he fought, but only to die quickly. With the Resistance gone, he needed people to survive and further escalating this war with the Jubi would bring nothing but death and destruction.
If peace could be brokered to save everyone, then he would be willing to go to any lengths for that.
Despite the soldiers in his army being former ninjas and samurai's from different villages, and were at some point forced to join him; over the years he had genuinely come to care about them and their families. It maybe a little hypocritical, but he was doing what he felt was right.
Humanity was simply too divided to make choices for itself without starting another series of wars. That was why he was brought forward to make it for them...
Or this could just be his ego consoling him for forcefully taking control over the entire world.
"This place is messing with my head..." thought Naruto suddenly,
"If you want to kill me, then do so in battle and with your own hands. Not in this cowardly way..." barked Naruto furiously,
An amused laughter echoed through the darkness, stunning Naruto. A small twist of fingers was heard, as the surroundings changed.
The Kaiser found himself suddenly standing in a large hall, and after a thorough look he saw it was a royal court. There were pictures of various humans posted on the gigantic walls, a small portion of rays of sunlight seeped through the glass design at the top. Everywhere he saw lavish carpets, comfortable seats for the ruler's advisers.
The most surprising thing was that the entire place was empty, except for man standing near the throne. His back turned against Naruto, facing off into the magnificent portrait of something which Naruto couldn't understand.
The picture was mostly black in color, small various colored dots were circling around a large yellow colored object in a ringed pattern.
The Kaiser's gaze then specfically shifted towards the man, who was possibly the mysterious leader whom the Zetsu's were loyal to.
When he turned to face Naruto, the Kaiser took several steps back. A mortified look arriving on his face, even as the King gave him a comforting yet amused smile.
"What is this?" hissed Naruto furiously,
"The Truth..." replied the man,
He had lush dark blonde hair that reached up to his neck, stark blue eyes, a light stubble around his chin which was carefully toned, he was fair and extremely handsome. His gaze while showing curiosity also displayed an endless sea of knowledge which could only be gained from a very long existence. He was tall, and had broad shoulders.
Currently wearing a pure white colored cloak over a hidden pair of royal blue colored robes, this man stared at Naruto patiently.
"I don't understand..." said Naruto, a little fear and anxiety visible in his voice.
For there in front of him stood an exact replica of himself, perhaps in his 30's and looking much wiser and knowledgeable.
Even if this was possible, how did this make sense?
"Ah, humans. Always afraid of the dark, things they can't understand. No matter how much they age or civilizations progress, this fact remains constant..." said the man bemusedly,
"What are you?" asked Naruto cautiously, the man raised his arms showing he meant no harm.
"I am Hachimon..."
"Bullshit. Hachimon was a god, you're..." said Naruto haphazardly, not finding any words to express his feelings to this clone of him.
"That I look like you? Except that I am much cooler and more handsome?" asked the man knowingly,
The supposed King laughed on Naruto's remark in a fatherly manner. Still he gave Naruto a disarming smile and decided to make some things clear.
"For starters, I'll clear out a few misconceptions. Yes, I am Hachimon..." said the man seriously,
"'re...a..." said Naruto in awe,
"No, I am not a God. In my existence of thousands of years, I have never seen such an entity. Nor have any of my predecessors, though the belief that gods exist still runs rampant among humanity no matter the civilization..." said Hachimon curiously,
"What? But the Uchiha Tablet said..." argued Naruto, Hachimon kindly shook his head.
"Zetsu's were the ones who wrote them. It goes to show how future can be changed by the ones who write history, the reason I have asked you to come here..." said Hachimon patiently,
Naruto had to take a nearby seat in order to prevent himself from collapsing. The revelation destroying a large part of not only the human history but also a part of his beliefs. To his surprise, Hachimon offered him a glass of water out of nowhere.
The Kaiser didn't know whether it was real or not, or whether it was poisoned. But why would this man poison him when the Jubi was more than enough to kill the entire human race?
So taking a risk, Naruto drank the water. Surprisingly, he felt all his fatigue and injuries vanish instantly.
"You were eventually going to die due to your injuries and releasing the Kyuubi. I have stopped that..." said Hachimon kindly,
"Why? I don't understand. Why save me? Why even call me to talk when you can just kill us all?" asked Naruto curiously,
"That was my original plan actually. Make humanity suffer for its crime of stealing a power which it didn't deserve. I waited for this moment for thousands of years, to be reborn and make mankind pay. If our talks fail, then rest assured that I will very nearly bring mankind to its extinction. Or even go further and wipe them out from the face of the universe..." said Hachimon calmly, yet his voice was ice cold and gaze unwavering.
Naruto gulped. This man was certainly not joking around, and the stakes just went off the roof.
"What am I?" asked Naruto hesitantly,
"What do you think?" countered Hachimon,
Naruto remained silent his eyes staring across the various pictures of other humans. Males and Females...
"You're an avatar, Naruto. Transmigration, if you are feeling spiritualistic. The Prophet or Satan if you want to be religious..." suggested Hachimon,
"So I am not human..." said Naruto disappointedly,
"Actually, you are. I am me, and you are you. We are different, so were the others whom you are looking at in the pictures..." advised Hachimon,
"Were they just like me?" asked Naruto curiously,
"Yes, they were also like you. Humans who changed the course of history, for better or worse. At some point of time, I was one too..." said Hachimon nostalgically,
"But human life was created by you, our civilizations started with you..." protested Naruto, as Hachimon pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I told the idiot Zetsu's not to idolize me like that. I'll have to teach them a lesson..." muttered Hachimon,
"You there?" asked Naruto
"Yes, I am. Let me make it extremely clear, that neither am I a God, or humanity begin with my age or I created it. That is all a bullshit propaganda written by Zetsu's, and foolish humanity easily accepted this farce over the course of time..." said Hachimon irritatedly,
"Why would they do that?" asked Naruto in a betrayed voice, his entire life he had admired Hachimon for this? This LIE?
"Maybe they were bored. I don't know for sure what goes through their stupid brains..." said Hachimon irritatedly,
"They serve you..." scolded Naruto, Hachimon sighed.
"I know. But they have their own free will..." countered the older man,
"So what are you?" asked Naruto flatly,
"I am an Intelligence. A persona derived from a man who was once called Hachimon. I am an image of his personality, memories, thoughts, and values..." replied Hachimon or the Intelligence honestly.
"Where is the original?" asked Naruto
"Dead. My creator was killed in the battle with his sons, and in order to bring order back into the disturbed world he created me and placed me inside the Jubi. I was given a goal, and my creator made Zetsu's to help me achieve those targets..." explained Hachimon,
"What was that goal?"
"Near Extinction of the Human Race. Especially of all those who possessed chakra in their bodies, and teaching mankind a lesson..." answered Hachimon bluntly,
"You would wipe out the entire human race?" asked Naruto in horror,
''I have observed humanity for a long time, through parts of my existence within the Biju's and recently the statue you call Gedo Mazo. What a stupid name..." said Hachimon distastefully,
"Like someone just farted after eating too much?" asked Naruto lightly,
"Yes'' replied Hachimon, a small smile arriving on his previously stern face.
"And I have received only disappointments. Despite stealing an undeserved gift, humanity instead of using it for their development used it to wipe out each other out to the level of extinction. Over these thousands of years, there were many such times when a catastrophe like that almost happened due to constant warfare. Fortunately, for you fools Zetsu always remained in the shadows taking necessary steps to ensure not only my revival, but also making sure that humanity lived to suffer on the Judgement Day..." explained Hachimon briefly,
"That is twisted..." said Naruto flatly,
"So is the human race. You are no exception to that, Mein Kaiser..." mocked Hachimon,
"And neither are you, dolt. You were made from a human, you're not even real or alive. Humanity is flawed, corrupt, selfish...but it is also helpful, kind, and full of love. For every bad action there are a hundred good ones, life cannot be measured in light or dark for there also exists shades of grey..." explained Naruto passionately,
Hachimon nodded, much to the Kaiser's surprise.
"Your actions have taught me that, Naruto Uchiha. You have opened up new possibilities for me..." said Hachimon truthfully, Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Your revolution has united the world, albeit forcefully. Not that Hachimon took any other way, in a way he was much like you..." said the intelligence,
"How old is human civilization? What is our history? From where did we come? Is there truly a God behind our creation?" asked Naruto curiously, each question followed by another.
Hachimon massaged his forehead.
"That is a task which humanity has to complete themselves, if they ever manage to take some time off from destroying themselves first. Regardless, I do not have those answers which you seek, Naruto Uchiha. Because I do not know them myself..." said Hachimon frankly,
"You mean wars like this happened even before your time?" asked Naruto in shock, Hachimon chuckled bemusedly.
"You're cute, Kaiser. Wars have happened since the moment man learned how to fight or defend himself, we are after all animals. Aggression, Violence, Dominance, Cunning are all present in each of us and much more. I remember the civilization before us, the Hespadians they were called. Stupid fools were blindly religious, nearly started a holocaust over whose gods was the one true god. Before them were the Illahis, racist fools who killed each other on the basis of the color of their skin and dominance..." explained Hachimon bitterly,
Naruto could only listen in fascination as a small part of human history was being revealed to him; making him the first person from his era to find out the actual truth from someone who had knowledge of those eras. There was so much to learn and explore, and given a chance humanity could do so if there was someone to guide them properly on that path.
"Was Hachimon a part of one of these civilizations?"
"Yes, he belonged from the Testas. That civilization was actually one of the peaceful ones in history, but the planet went through great changes and disastrous calamities occurred over the centuries. Due to such circumstances and lack of resources, and due to entire humanity being divided into various religions and nations there was always chaos leading to war. Hachimon hailed from one of the smallest nations, losing many loved ones to such wars. His Unfilled heart also yearned for peace and change..." explained the Intelligence, showing few images of the original man and his sufferings.
Naruto could greatly sympathize with what the man went through, since his own situation was also a similar one.
"He destroyed all religions, all nations and united mankind under one banner. The Free Race..." said the intelligence brightly,
"How?" asked Naruto
"Hachimon had wiped out all troublemakers, warriors who could oppose such a world for selfish reasons. You could say entire humanity became one large clan, one family. With Hachimon as its head, although he was not an emperor like you, nor a democratic leader or something else. Resources were divided equally, the earth had stabilized again and there was plenty for everyone. Hachimon only advised when people asked him to, and strongly advocated for Research in all areas. Because if Scarcity was the mother of invention, then he wanted it to be the God of Humanity. That was the only way to stop world wars from breaking out frequently, although small conflicts happened from time to time. Only to be quickly put down by him and his supporters..." explained Hachimon's replica briefly,
"So where did chakra came into the picture?" asked Naruto
"It was already present in the atmosphere of the planet. We just didn't know it or had a way to harness its power. Of course, there is a saying that Curiosity Killed the Cat..." said Hachimon, with a chuckle.
"I know..." replied Naruto with a smile,
"Human heart desires power, conflict despite having peace. The people who endure war preserve peace passionately, but the next generations who have lived through few era's of peace do not value it. They itch for a fight, to assert dominance or fulfill their wicked hearts. That starts war..." said Hachimon sadly,
"So few among his people started learning this power?" asked Naruto knowingly,
"Yes. Since it was a free world and Hachimon was not aware completely, the people continued harassing the power slowly. Small wars and conflicts started breaking out often and got more bloodier. Hachimon realized what was happening, killed all those who had accessed that power and stored it away. Already seen how destructive it was for humans..." said the intelligence,
"But he got affected by that in turn?" asked Naruto hesitantly,
"Yes. In order to save others from their madness, he sealed the power away. But in doing so, he got that power. Since he was the only one with the knowledge and strength, the people who loved him slowly started to distance themselves from him out of fear or ignorance. Hachimon didn't try to stop it, since he considered that he was cursed and could corrupt others with the power he had. The power made him immortal or atleast live for a few centuries, and he isolated himself from the world. Becoming a Sage, he dedicated his life to protecting that tree in which he had stored all that lethal energy that could destroy mankind..."
"What a miserable existence..." said Naruto sadly,
"Yes, the loneliness was terrible for him. An unending suffering for him, all his friends and loved ones passing away while he lived. But his will to protect humanity remained firm, so he stood guard over that power for centuries. In the meantime, the people of the world had turned him into a God. He became a religion, the messiah, and everything else that Hachimon hated. The very thing Hachimon had fought to prevent started happening, and people fought over religion. The only stark difference was that it was in his name now..." explained the Intelligence painfully,
"He must have been heart-broken..." said Naruto with a deep sigh.
"He was. And that was when he made his biggest mistake..." hinted the Intelligence,
"Hachimon let Kaguya in his heart. To find solace for his broken soul after centuries of suffering..." suggested Naruto, getting a nod from the Intelligence.
"The Rest of the History you know..."
Naruto took a deep breath, several things becoming clear for him to comprehend.
"I want to achieve peace for everyone..." said Naruto honestly, the Intelligence smiled.
"And what is peace, Naruto?" asked his the replica kindly,
"A time when the world is connected to each other, different cultures accept each other, where people think hard before harming another person, and much more. It is what I truly desire with all my heart..." said Naruto sincerely,
"That is because you have seen war, suffering, misery, pain, loss. It is this reason that makes you understand how important it is for you to protect that peace, but nothing is eternal. Living being dies, eras change, species undergo developments..."
"But our world has been at war for thousands of years. We must have peace, or what did my friends die for?" asked Naruto in an anguished voice,
"Those sacrifices which humanity underwent for thousands of years due to war, will maybe allow it to remain at peace for a few centuries. Then the cycle shall start again, and heroes must rise again to save the day. These people in the pictures were just like you, Kaiser you are not the first hero of humanity and neither will you be the last..." explained Hachimon patiently,
"So you're saying that in order to enjoy peace we must pay for it through blood?" asked Naruto hesitantly, not liking the truth in those words.
"Yes, nothing in this world is free. Even in order to live, your body works rigorously every day, every moment. That is the law of nature, the Eternal Peace which humans read in fairy tales is not possible. War is bad, but it also develops the species furthers. Humanity learns from that experiences and evolves a little with every civilization. And I'll impart one important secret to you today, one that shall remain constant till the end of time..." suggested Hachimon, his voice barely above a whisper.
Naruto keenly listened.
"All of this has happened before, all of this shall happen again..."
The Kaiser's eyes widened on hearing those words, but a few moments later he smiled. Many things becoming even more clear to him...
"So what happens now?" asked Naruto calmly,
"That is not upto me. I'm afraid, I cannot come to a conclusion regarding what to do with your race. What I do know is that through your actions you have showed me that humanity is not completely lost, there is still hope. So I want you to choose..." said Hachimon seriously,
Naruto stared in surprise as two bright beams of light were born inside the court. One Red, One Blue...
"I am informed that you intend to destroy chakra from the world and free humanity. That is not entirely possible, because energy can never be destroyed like that. What you can do is seal it away, wipe out all trace of it from the world..." suggested Hachimon, pointing towards the red beam of light.
"Or you can take a different path. Instead of wiping out chakra, you can use the Jubi to teach humanity. Guide your race, stop any future troublemakers. The Ten Tails is not just a symbol of power, it contains an endless sea of knowledge about humanity's past, the previous civilizations and much more..." continued Hachimon, pointing towards the blue colored beam of light.
"What's the catch? Nothing in this world is free, certainly not the power to change the world..." said Naruto frankly, making the replica wince.
It took a deep breath before looking the Kaiser straight in the eye.
"If you choose to destroy chakra, then you will wipe out humanity to near extinction since majority of your race are now completely entwined with this power and their bodies won't survive the sudden shock. Only people like Rock Lee would live..." said the Intelligence seriously,
"Even my family and friends, my children?" asked Naruto in horror,
"You are the most powerful human in this world today, even your predecessors who saved the world pale in comparison to your power. With your life force and powerful blood you can save a selected few with little loss to your body and mortality. But the rest shall die..." said Hachimon frankly,
"I can't do that. I have no right to do such evil..." replied Naruto passionately, and saw his replica look at him with a smile that was both proud and sad.
"Then you already know what you have to do, if you choose this path..." suggested Hachimon,
"My reanimated friends and my daughter, will they be brought back?" asked Naruto desperately,
''They can be now with the Rinnegan. But once you take away chakra the new energy that pumps their dead bodies back to life shall vanish, and they will die. More so, all the people you enslaved with your genjutsu shall be freed since the power that maintains it will be gone; it could effectively destroy the Reich if things are not controlled. That is the price which you shall have to suffer if you choose to destroy this power..."
Naruto's clenched fists started spilling blood, he felt his heart crumble to pieces. The goal which he had fought for his entire time would come at such a devastating cost?
The mere thought of losing the three of them again? To fail in keeping his promise?
To Endanger the Reich's entire Existence?
At the same time, he also couldn't ignore his responsibility towards the ultimate goal that was necessary to save humanity.
For the first time in his life, Naruto desperately wished to have died years ago. To not be the one to make this choice, to crush his own heart with his bare hands?
"I..." said Naruto, nearly on the verge of tears.
"You can choose the other option if you want. Through the Jubi's power and the Rinnegan, you can bring all the dead back to life. You can change the destiny of mankind, increase their growth by thousands of years. But if you fail, then humanity shall be destroyed since it won't be able to control their desires or handle this power. If that happens, then the Jubi will have no choice but to revert to its original plan and end your race..." explained Hachimon briefly,
"Are there no other paths?" asked Naruto in a broken voice,
"Afraid not. You must make a choice between upholding your morals or let go of them. Between being selfish towards your own personal interests or looking after the fate of entire mankind. If you can't make a choice, then I will be forced to act according to my original programming and destroy mankind..." said Hachimon honestly,
The Intelligence started walking towards the two beams and took position between them, its hands spread in each direction as it spoke clearly.
"What shall it be, Mein Kaiser?"