Chapter 9

Xiao Ninger asked, "Nie Li, do you know the Daoyin technique?"

"I am sorry, I have only theoretical knowledge, I know how to perform it but have never tried and I don't think it would be appropriate either.." Nie Li shook his head and continued, "...the Daoyin technique requires direct contact with the bruised area. It wouldn't seem appropriate if I were to be the one doing it."

She lowered her head and looked visibly upset. Nie Li sighed and decided to help her out, since he has already done this much, "I think if I put my mind to it, I can perfect Daoyin technique in a week. So if you don't mind the delay and procedure I can help"

Xiao Ninger looked ecstatic as she said, " It's fine, you are treating me. I would be in your great debt if you can help me."

In front of Nie Li, Xiao Ning'er dropped the cold guard she had up against him.

"Uh..." Nie Li went silent for a moment. "Okay then, I'll help you with the Daoyin technique to treat your illness once I have mastered it but it won't be free, I would charge five thousand DSC per session. For now eat those herbs and you will be fine."

"En," replied Xiao Ning'er, nodding in silence.

Nei Li took out an empty parchment and pen from nowhere suddenly and started to scribble down on it. After a few moments he passed it on to Xiao Ninger, "This is a medical brew, use this procedure strictly and rub the product directly on the bruised area. It can substitute for Daoyin technique, although the efficiency will be lowered by 40% and it's very expensive, its good enough for relive. After a week, meet me here I will use Daoyin technique to take care of remaining problem."

This potion is a mixture that A. I. Chip came up with, The mechanism of Daoyin technique is to use adequate Yang energy, at a precise control to repulse out excessive Yin.

This medicine can use the herbal property to substitute it. The only drawbacks are, it's ingredients are expensive and the effects are not as good as the technique itself. It will leave some residual energy, which is why Nie Li need to use the technique himself.

"Thank you," Xiao Ning'er whispered as she hold the parchment close to herself.

With a stern face, he said, "Rest well for the next few days. This should help to alleviate the pain. I'll give you a massage later, give it a little time and the roots of the illness will be removed. Before reaching bronze rank, don't train your soul force at night. Absorbing too much moonlight essence, if you are unable to harmonize with it, would cause serious consequences!"

"En," Xiao Ning'er nodded her head. She no longer dared to practice, anyhow. If it wasn't for Nie Li, she can imagine how terrible the situation would've been in the future. All of her efforts and hard work would've been in vain.

Seeing this Nie Li stood up and spread his right hand in front of her, "It's time for payment!."


She couldn't tell what her feelings were. Xiao Ning'er nodded and took off her ring offering it to him, before saying, "Nie Li, Please accept this. you've helped me. If there's anything you need my help with in the future, I will spare no effort to help you!"

Seeing Xiao Ning'er's serious expression, Nie Li smiled. He took her ring and transferred all the DSC from her ring into his inventory and gave it back to her. "I took my fees, you need to pay more for my medical services later on. You don't need to feel indebted towards me because you are not. And I will gladly look for you if I need anything. "

Before she could say anything, Nie Li turned around and left, his shadow slowly disappeared into the forest.

"Nie Li, what kind of person are you, actually?" Xiao Ning'er muttered, watching Nie Li from the back. When she could no longer see him, she turned around and walk towards the exit of the training ground.


'Ahh, My Inventory is completely full! I desperately want to increase my cultivation now. On the bright side, I have made a fortune today.' Nie Li thought.

This transaction was a great equalizer that created an anchor for their friendship without any excessive feelings of debt. Although Nei li think she is quite pretty for her age, He has no interest towards her and he doesn't really care much for beauty. What kind of beauty has he not seen while travelling all around the globe. Even though he admits that women here are more gorgeous.

Obviously if he see a beautiful girl he likes it, he definitely appreciate beauty, but to him it's not the 'End all be all'.

All he wants in life is a person who can understand him and make him feel complete. Beauty could be a factor but not a cause for him.

"As Kripal use to say 'Less have died for domain than for women'." Nie Li laughed remembering his past friend