Chapter 12

Seeing how furious Shen Xiu was, Nie Li calmly said, "The books exists or not is not a question to be discussed but rather one to be investigated! Don't you think so, Teacher Shen Xiu?"

"Book of Divine Lightning Fire? ?Oh I remembered, I think I've borrowed such a book from the library!" a commoner student suddenly said in a frightened voice. He borrowed one of these books, the name looked very domineering. However, the content inside the Book of Divine Lightning Fire was too profound.

He couldn't understand any of it so, he had reluctantly stop reading them too. He forgot to return the books back after he looked in it.

The voice of this commoner student caused Shen Xiu's face to darken. This commoner student flipped the Books open. The books are a copied version, not the original copy. Divine Lightning Fire was written with words that belonged to the language of Snow Wind Empire. The first volume was translated but not the other volumes. The language written in the Snow Wind Empire's age is very obscure Ordinary people couldn't understand it.

Never expecting that these book actually existed, even Vice-Principal Ye Sheng and Lu Ye looked at each other with surprise. Although they are the Vice-Principal and professor of Holy Orchid Institute, the amount of books in the library easily numbered hundred thousands and 90% of them were left behind from the ancient times.

Even they couldn't say the names of every single book. There are also many books that even they couldn't translate.

With the help of A.I.Chip, Nie Li has been able to decode and understand almost all of the content in the library and gained proficiency in these languages. All the database is stored in the Chip so he will never forgot their content.

Even the grey robe elder sitting beside Ye Sheng and Lu Ye had his face coloured with surprise. Although he knew about the other two, only by names. Even he has never read the Book of Divine Lightning Fire before.

"Ye Sheng, send someone to the library to retrieve these Books!" the grey robed elder ordered.

"Yes!" Ye Sheng looked at Lu Ye beside him. Lu Ye dared not to neglect and quickly bolted away.

Every student in the class focused their eyes on the Books that the commoner student was holding. Both Ye Ziyun and Shen Yue were also very surprised. Being a member of the three major families, they also read a lot of books, but they didn't know that such books existed.

Within Glory City, there are three types of inscription patterns that are more complete which are the Snow Wind, Sacred Flame, and War Prime. Almost everyone practices these three types of inscription patterns. Since Lightning Fire inscription patterns have been long lost during the Age of Darkness, there were only a few books, such as the Book of Divine Lightning Fire, lying around.

All of these were untranslated, so they were shelved. Occasionally, there would be some students borrowing them, but after realising that they couldn't understand the content, they would immediately put them back.

Lu Qigong Book of Heavenly Burst and Mighty Scarlett Flames are actually 50-60% translated into common language in the library itself but its contents are at a very high level. They don't have inscription pattern but the study and ingenious ways of using them, along with intensive study of reason and meaning behind Patterns.

If Nie li actually able to prove that his words are not gibberish and there is merit in them, then a new branch for inscription pattern could be rejuvenated.

"Let me see, Book of Divine Lightning Fire volume seven."

The commoner student immediately began rummaging through the book. This Book of Divine Lightning Fire was several hundred pages thick. Inside, the book was filled with illustrations, text, and Lightning Fire inscription pattern diagrams. There was no translation for it after the first volume. The complex, ancient words caused many people to have a headache just by looking at it. After turning to volume seven, the commoner student realized that this volume alone had hundreds of inscription patterns.

Everyone in the class was getting impatient. When is the search going to end?

Shen Xiu's face frosted coldly and said, "You probably found this book in some corner of the library and don't even know what was written in it. Yet, you say that you can create a inscription pattern at this level! Arrogant child! If you can't find the inscription pattern, I'll go have you suspended!"

Nie Li remained stoic and said, "Teacher Shen Xiu, I never said I could create it, I just merely pointed out the possibility of improvement. Any Inscription Master who has gained proficiency in the art could easily check if my words are arrogant or ingenious!"

Nie Li looked at the commoner student. Even he was shocked that all one of three books names that he took were actually present in the class. From the start, Nie Li had no intrest in proving anyone wrong, such an endeavor is thankless and stupid. He just wanted to simply project his image as a smart person who can understand high level content.

Sighing at the drama that is unfolding, he said, "Flip thirty pages backwards from volume seven. The sixth diagram in page thirty."

Seeing Nie Li's face full of confidence, Shen Xiu's heart sank.

Nie Li smiled, although there is a possibility that one may be able to point out the origin of fraud in Scarlet Sunburst inscription pattern. He has already twisted their thinking, At this moment they are considering construction of a mighty inscription pattern based on Scarlet Sunburst inscription pattern not the origination of the pattern itself.

'But I am sure someone will find about the fraud in the future, one way or the other but why should I care.'