"Why do you think I would change it?" Nie Li asked, looking at Ye Ziyun, with an amused expression.
"Eh" Ye Ziyun was caught off guard and stared at Nie Li as she asked, "You can't change it?"
Then Ye Ziyun thought, obviously he can't, this is such a difficult and complex problem how can it be solved so easily by someone of her generation.
But she still hold some expectations before, knowing full well of his ability to understand high level inscriptions pattern and even modify it, but maybe he got lucky before. She felt a little disappointed after his previous answer.
"Well technically, I can but, that doesn't mean I will."Nie Li answered as he smiled, Finally it's time to ask for what he wants, "You see it's a complex work, you don't really expect me to do it for free do you?"
"O-Of course not! " Ye Ziyun blushed as she understood. She is so shamelessly using Nie Li to solve her problem while offering no remuneration. Although Nie Li is a library clerk, his job is only to guide people not actually solve their problem and even that is just a formality. People should be willing to pay if they want to make use of his immense knowledge.
"What do you want?" Ye Ziyun asked immediately after she composed herself. Nobody can blame her really, since usually a guy would love to help her and jump at any chance to talk to her but Nie Li seems to be unaffected and unfazed.
"Do you know that Chen Linjian of the Divine Family is recruiting people to go to a ruin exploration. Can you somehow find out about this?"
Nie Li knew that this pretty little girl, Ye Ziyun is someone of an extremely noble birth. Probably from one of the major families. His best bet is that she is from Snow Wind Family. For her it should not be too difficult to find out about this.
"This?" Ye Ziyun looked to be in a difficult position, she didn't answer immediately instead she fall into contemplation but after thinking it through for a moment she answered, "Actually he invited me to join as well, although I don't really know everything I do know a little about it. By any chance, are you interested in going with us? I can make arrangements for you to join us, someone of your talent and knowledge will be a great addition and I am sure Chen Linjian would happily agree."
Ye Ziyun was sure that Chen Linjian would not mind an extra person especially if she insists, rather If Nie Li proves to be useful he would jump at a chance to accept him in his circle.
"Thats very generous of you, I will think about it later. Can you tell me a little about this exploration, what is this about and which era ruins it is actually?" Nie Li asked interested in knowing. He didn't immediately jumped at the chance to join since he knows that he could expect little to no help if things go south.
"Sure, This ruins is the Ancient Orchid City Ruins and it's belongs to the era between the later period of Sacred Empire to the Age of Darkness's period. From what I know Chen Linjian have a piece of Ancient Orchid City Ruins' map, however it is incomplete....."
Ye Ziyun began to explain about the situation to Nie Li, If it was someone else she would most definitely not agree to share such information but she really believed that someone like Nie Li would be a great addition to the group so, she explained it all to him. All about their group, where are they setting off from, their route and the destination. It's not a very secret destination either since people have explored it beforehand. After Nie Li got enough information he finally declined to participate in the end.
'I will think about this later. Although I have decided to befriend prestigious people. The way this Chen Linjian conducts his business, he would most definitely ask me to be his lackey. I don't know how he will react exactly at my refusal.' Nie Li thought to himself to make a decision later, the meeting for group before setting off is 3 days later.
"Do you have a pen? " Nie Li asked.
"Yes!" Ye Ziyun's right hand moved, retrieving a silver horn pen from her interspatial ring made from the horns of a horned sheep.
As Nie Li took the silver horn pen from Ye Ziyun's hand, making sure to not touch her. He doesn't know how will a 'princess' react if a 'lowly' Noble touches her.
Although from what he saw so far, she seems like not a bad kid. Maybe a little too self-centered but then again why shouldn't she be like that, anyways Nie Li doesn't want to touch her because it's kinda inappropriate.
Nie Li took the pen and his expression morphed into a serious one, his eyes flashed with a azure glit and he drew a few simple strokes on the white paper, and an inscription pattern more complete than <
Nie Li ended up drawing such complex inscription patterns with just a few random looking strokes, such frightening ability made her gasp in amazement. This adjusted <
"This is the modified and stabilized <
Nie Li could easily make it a silver rank inscription but he decided not to, this is more than enough to pay her for the information and also establish a form of acquaintanceship.
Ye Ziyun's gaze fell onto this <
The way that Nie Li solved this problem. She had seen this kind of inscription pattern before but the application is so ingenious, What Nie Li did is, much more difficult than it looked. He took an incomplete inscription and make it stable and better, not with advanced inscription but with easy and basic inscription. His understanding of the fundamentals is so ridiculous that he has entirely changed It's view. It's not the tool he used that matters, but the way he used them. it is simply amazing.
In hands of a true experts even a chopstick can clash with a sword.
"This Inscription Pattern is made with 36 foundation patterns in it's structure" Nie Li explained, "This is a stable structure, the previous structure wasn't stable!"
Ye Ziyun let out an 'eh' full of doubts. She didn't ask any further, only keeping the inscription pattern altered by Nie Li, preparing to get people to make this into a scroll to test it out to see if it was as Nie Li said, a bronze rank inscription pattern.
She then sought further guidance about some problems she had with Snow Wind inscription patterns as well as cultivation techniques. Nie Li's answers were calm and smooth. He didn't answer much more splendidly as he could because he saw how conveniently the 'princess' again forgot about law of equivalent exchange.
'Can't be helped, It's not like she is doing this on purpose either.' Nie Li thought, as he continued to answer her doubts.
He decided to do her this favor, but he is sure to get the benefits back in the future with intrest.
Under Nie Li's tutoring, Ye Ziyun eased her doubts about Nie Li, admiring him even more. How much time would a person need to spend in order to have profound knowledge like Nie Li?
"Classmate Nie Li, thanks a lot for your answers. If you ever need any help in the future please come to me and do reconsider about joining us to the exploration and if you do, inform me." Before leaving, Ye Ziyun smiled graceful as pearl, beautiful and refined.
That bright smile caused Nie Li to be little effected and he smiled back. Ye Ziyun left waving her hand.
Nie Li's mood suddenly became sour as he noticed an unexpected and annoying guest. He stood up and decided to leave quietly without any extra drama.
Just when Nie Li was preparing to leave, a hand emerge from the side, grabbing onto Nie Li's collar.
"You," Nie Li's eyes landed on the person and his blue eyes turning exceedingly cold. This person was Shen Yue.
Shen Yue's right hand grabbed onto Nie Li's collar as he stared fiercely at Nie Li "What did Ye Ziyun talk to you about?"