The Hulk attacked Thanos as he believed that he should be able to overpower Thanos with his strength, but things didn't go as he planned as Thanos knocked the Hulk down after three punches, and he didn't even use the Power Stone to overpower the Hulk! That was just how powerful Thanos really was!
Everyone was discouraged after Thanos demonstrated his power by taking down the Hulk himself! Everyone realised that they wouldn't be able to overpower Thanos at this rate! But they also knew that they didn't have any other choice here! They ought to fight Thanos and stop him from getting all the Infinity Stones!
Loki, who already knew how strong the Hulk was, felt extremely displeased by the situation as he was afraid that Thanos would attack him and kill him after his failed attempt at collecting the Infinity Stones in the past! Loki immediately voiced his concern and told Steve to retreat, but Steve ignored Loki and chose to stand against Thanos himself!
The battle continued!
Tony, Rhodey, and Sam were constantly pestering Thanos with their ranged weapon from the air, but none of their attacks worked against Thanos, so they stopped attacking and asserted the situation. Tony noticed some blue light-like barrier surrounding Thanos like a thin fabric. He immediately knew that it was the power of the Space Stone, and none of Tony's attack could even make a dent in this barrier!
At the same moment, Carol rushed toward Thanos and grabbed the Infinity Stones in Thanos' hand to make sure that he wouldn't use any power of the Infinity Stones anymore, but Thanos wouldn't let Carol do whatever she pleased. He punched Carol using his free hand! But even if Thanos' attack were strong enough to knock the Hulk down, Carol wouldn't relent as she knew that she couldn't fail here!
"Stubborn little girl!" Thanos said as he smiled and punched Carol in the face hard enough to knock her down! Thanos shook his head as everyone should realise that Thanos was strong, even without the Infinity Gauntlet!
Even so, Carol still refused to let go! Even though she felt like her head was hit by a spaceship, she wouldn't let Thanos have his way! At the same time, Thanos raised his hand once again to attack Carol! He knew that he could kill Carol easily, and he wouldn't mind doing it by brute force like this!
But Thanos' attack never landed as another person joined the fray. Stephen stood up limply and began drawing a circle with one hand and created a portal on the top of Thanos' head! Spiderman immediately used the portal and jumped on top of Thanos' head, binding Thanos' hand with his super sticky Spider webbings before tugging Thanos' with everything he got, stopping Thanos from attacking Carol again.
Spiderman immediately activated the suit's specialty as it was a special design by Tony Stark himself! 4 iron legs popped out of the back of the suit and planted itself to the ground, further elevating Spiderman's strength!
But Spiderman wasn't the only one who came to rescue Carol as Star Lord also jumped out of the portal and shocked Thanos with his Electromagnetic resonance device! The electricity from Peter Quill's device worked like a barrier that constantly shocked anything it came into contact with it, and Thanos was struggling to break free!
Steve took this as his chance as he immediately stepped forward and hit Thanos' leg with his shield, forcing Thanos to kneel down on the ground! Still, Thanos wouldn't go down without a fight! He forced himself to stand up despite the constant pressure from the heroes!
Knowing that the power to immobilize Thanos wasn't enough, T'challa and Black Widow immediately rushed over to help the Avengers! At the same time, Tony also flew toward Carol in order to help her take out the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos!
With the effort from both Carol and Tony, the Infinity Gauntlet started to loosen up from Thanos' hand. But before they could pull the gauntlet out of Thanos' hand, Spiderman's web finally gave up and ripped out to shred as Thanos finally freed his right hand!
Spiderman was sent flying as the accumulated force from keeping Thanos' hand away was suddenly let loose! Thanos immediately smashed the Electromagnetic device that Peter Quill used to restrain himself and immediately punched Carol in the face! He then grabbed Tony's head and tried to pop it like a balloon!
It was fortunate that Tony's Mark 50 armour was made with nanotechnology, so it couldn't be easily crushed by strength alone! But nevertheless, Tony couldn't do anything at the moment as the sensor in his helmet wasn't functioning very well.
Steve tried to push Thanos to the ground once again, but without Carol, his effort was futile!
Finally, Thanos had enough! He roared, and a purple streak of energy burst from the Infinity Gauntlet, blowing everyone away from Thanos! Even Sam and Rhodey, who were observing the fight from afar, were also dragged into this Purple explosion and dropped hard to the ground!
The force that pulled everyone was such a strong force. Some of the Avengers were relieved that they had strong armour to protect them from Thanos' attack! Thanos then saw Drax rushing towards him and unleashed a shockwave made from the Power Stone to kill Drax immediately! Rocket was startled as he was in the line of fire as Drax was too close to him!
In this desperate situation, Groot jumped in and threw Rocket and Drax away to save them! Before Thanos' attack hit, branches grew rapidly, protecting his real body from the impact of Thanos' attack!
Still, Thanos was using a powerful attack with Power Stone energy! Even Ronan, who wasn't as powerful as Thanos, could push Xandar to a total war mode! No one in the universe would say the Power Stone was not a powerful destruction artifact!
Groot received the impact head-on and immediately blew up like a firework!
"Groot!" Rocket shouted as he stretched out his hand in despair! But no matter how hard he tried to imagine Groot standing where he was last time, he couldn't unsee the destruction of Groot!
Meanwhile, Thanos focused his attention on Tony Stark! "You are a respectable man, Tony Stark! But after I successfully wiped out half of the universe, I do hope you survived." Thanos indifferently said as he stretched his hand to blast Tony with his Infinity Gauntlet. But at that exact moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew past Thanos, and as he opened his eyes again, Tony was nowhere in his field of sight!
Thanos immediately looked around and noticed that none of the Avengers was there anymore!