King's Gambit Prologue

[ this extra chapter happened during chapter 2 of Stalemate,

when Eisuke left school early to fetch his cousin from the airport.

[ *senpai- is a term used to call a senior (in school/work)] ]


<< e i s u k e >>

I ALREADY LOST COUNT HOW MANY TIMES I'VE GLANCED OVER THE LARGE WALL CLOCK HANGING ON THE WHITE WALL. It's been 40 past 5 in the afternoon and I could hear the monsters in my stomach growling for their meal. My cousin, Yuma's flight was supposed to arrive at around 3 o'clock and yet here I am still waiting for him to show up. I regret not eating before going here at the airport. I was just so excited to see Yuma again.

Watching the people with different faces of tiredness, exhaustion, and— most of the time mixed with- happiness passing in front of me while dragging their suitcases kept me a bit entertained.

For the nth time, my eyes flew to the direction of the clock like it's starting to become a habit, an involuntary movement. Maybe my source of entertainment was no longer working.

'Damn! I skipped class to come here and yet his arrival was delayed?'

I can't help but worry—and feel a bit guilty—for leaving the work on our presentation to Youjin alone. But then suddenly, my phone rings.

"Eisuke! Where are you? We're finally here!"

My excitement came rushing back when I heard Yuma's voice. It sounded so deep yet really cheerful.

"Ah! I'm here at the waiting area."

Suddenly, I froze when I realized… 'Wait? Did he just said 'We'?'


My question was instantly answered when I turned to the direction of the voice that called my name. I immediately saw Yuma's smiling face and beside him was a really familiar face. I know my expression turned sour as soon as I saw him but it only made that person smile as if satisfied by my greeting.

"Hi Eisuke." Yuma greeted, his smile never left his face.

"You never said that you're returning with someone?" The annoyance in my tone and expression can never be concealed as long as this person is concerned.

That just made him chuckle. "Hi Eisuke. It's been a while and yet you didn't change a bit."

"Ah, same goes to you. Your face is still really annoying." I retorted.

"Thanks." He continued laughing as he wiped the corner of his eye.

"Didn't I tell you I'm going back with Reiji?"


Its Yuma's turn to laugh, "I thought I already told you..."

I sneered at him. "Whatever. Let's just go to the car, I'm hungry. Auntie cooked all your favorite foods." I helped Yuma with his handbag.

"Really?!" The tiredness reflecting from his eyes immediately vanished then it lit up in anticipation. "Reiji, come eat with us first. Mom cooked for us."

"Yeah. I also miss Auntie's cooking."



It's beyond my understanding that even after 5 years, Reiji-senpai is still this annoying. Maybe it just caught me off-guard seeing him again. All along I thought, it's just Yuma whom I'm going to fetch from the airport. Although I am aware that Yuma and Reiji-senpai went to the same university it didn't crossed my mind that they're going back together. But silly me the chance that they're 'not' going back together was so slim because these two were tied to the hip since childhood.

Yuma is my cousin in my father's side of the family and Reiji-senpai is his best friend. As far as I know, they've been friends since elementary although I just met them when I lived with Yuma's family when I was in Junior High. They're both two years older that's why when me and Youjin were in our freshman year in Highschool, Yuma and Reiji-senpai were in their senior year. Even though we just spent a year together in Highschool my annoyance for him was beyond hundred percent.

"So, Eisuke, how's Youjin? Don't tell me you're still classmates?" Reiji-senpai said from the back.

I glanced up at the rear view mirror for a second then rolled my eyes away. "Yeah. We're still in the same class. Don't even think about meeting him."

"Why not? It's been so long since we last saw each other. Isn't it just normal that I invite him out, right Yuma?"

A scoff escaped Yuma's mouth, "Stop it Reiji. Don't try to involve me there. I don't want Eisuke to hate me too."

"Eh? Don't tell me, You and Youjin are still together?"

"What do you mean 'were still together'? We're just friends. Don't lump us together with someone like you who just entertain whoever."

He dramatically nudged his chest as if it's hurting, "Aww… the way Eisuke talks to me hurts you know? We haven't saw each other for a long time and yet there's not even an 'I miss you Reiji-senpai'?

I clicked my tongue as my last string of patience snapped, "Who the heck missed you?"

Even before, Yuma has been enjoying our banters. He knew that I'm annoyed with his bestfriend and yet he's still letting him irritate me this much. His mouth curved in a big smile, with his front teeth showing, "Stop pretending Reiji, aren't you the one who really missed Eisuke?"

His face quickly turned bright red, "Hey, Yuma!"

What's he talking about? I was curious for a split second but I stopped myself from asking because I felt like I wouldn't like the answer.

Yuma turned towards me. "You know Eisuke, Reiji missed his banters with you. He has no one to talk like this with him back there."


IT WAS SUDDENLY DECIDED THAT REIJI-SENPAI AND I WERE GOING TO STAY OVER NIGHT IN YUMA'S HOUSE. If I'm going to choose, I'd rather go back to my apartment after dinner but Auntie, Yuma's mom, liked me to spend the night here and I have no confidence to reject her. She used to take care of me during my Highschool days, even until now, that's why I'm really grateful to her.

The dinner tonight was filled with laughter and conversations full of interest between Yuma, Auntie, Uncle and Reiji-senpai. I was silently eating my meal thinking about how long am I going to see that guy and cursing myself. I was so excited to see Yuma but that annoying guy destroyed my happiness.

"...suke... Eisuke?"

Auntie's voice pulled me out from my thoughts. "Yes, Auntie?"

"I said, you'll have your internship soon right?"

"Ah, it's next year..."

She rubbed her chin. "Well, I think its fine, right Yuma?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Our senior's company is still small but I'm sure Eisuke will learn a lot there.

"Wait. Wait. What are you guys talking about?" They all turned to look at me in unison. It was so obvious that my head was somewhere other than here.

"Eisuke, why don't you have your internship in our company?" Reiji-senpai took the honor of giving me the answer with a big smile plastered on his face. As if everything was already decided.

I looked at him with contempt. "If I'm going to see you there every day, then by all means no. Please, spare me."

"Eisuke?!" Auntie and Uncle yelled.

Yuma's laughter quickly replaced the foreboding awkwardness. I almost heaved a sigh of relief and thank him. "Well, it's not really our company. It's our senior's. Somehow, Reiji and I helped him when he was just planning on making his own company. And now we're also working there."

Yuma leaned in, his eyes glistening, and continued. "OG Design is the company's name. Basically, it's a graphic design company that offers a wide variety of services like logo design, packaging design, brochures, posters, anything a business and even an individual person needs as long as graphics design is concerned. I'm sure you'll enjoy there Eisuke."

If it's Yuma, it's hard to turn him down. "Hmm... let me think about it."


I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, OR HOW IT HAPPENED, BUT SOMEHOW, I ENDED UP IN YUMA'S ROOM DRINKING WITH HIM AND REIJI-SENPAI. We're currently on our third bottle and those two were really having fun talking about lots of stuffs – their highschool memories and their college life—as if they're not always together. I join in their conversation every once in a while but every time I always end up sneering at Reiji-senpai.

Reiji-senpai doesn't seemed like he's good with alcohol but he's enjoying it. After two bottles of beer, his cheeks flushed pink right away which brought color to his naturally pale face. His eyes curved into little crescents as his thin peach-colored lips arched in a broad smile.

As if in a slow motion, he turned to look at me, his cheerful eyes changed into a piercing stare.

"Eisuke, have your internship with us, 'kay?"

king's gambit prologue // end