King's Gambit 011

<< r e i j i >>


My body was still sore from doing 'that' with Eisuke the whole night. We were both completely intoxicated from the pleasure, we ended up doing it until dawn and before we knew it, the sun was already up in the sky. I couldn't have imagined Eisuke lusting over me as he did last night, he literally devoured me making me cum so much I thought I'd dried out.

But he cummed a lot last night too. I wonder how many condoms we ended up using. Honestly, I'm embarrassed to say it but, my mind went completely blank as he messed me up; I couldn't even remember how many times we did it and the plays I did with Eisuke.

I won't deny it felt so so amazing while it lasted and now that I'm back to my senses, I can't help but hate myself. Both of us being drunk did so much damage to our restraints, it only unleashed our bottled up desires.

If Yuma finds out about this, I'm done for.


"So you and that junior of yours really ended up becoming partners huh?" Haru came back from the kitchen holding a plate of omurice. He placed it over the counter in front of me and I could smell the sweet aroma of egg and ketchup. He remained standing right in front of me behind the counter. "Isn't that great? The boy seems like a good guy plus he's totally your type."

After the sex, Eisuke was actually intending to sleep in my room with me but I insisted he should wash up and sleep in Yuma's room. We don't know what time Yuma will go back from spending the night at Eri's apartment so I'm scared he'll find Eisuke sleeping in my room. And from Yuma's point of view, that'll be really weird.

Eisuke looked annoyed as I pushed him out of my room but he knows exactly why I don't want him to sleep there with me. I immediately fell asleep due to exhaustion and when I woke up it was already past lunchtime and Eisuke was still asleep and Yuma was still not back home.

So the cowardly and embarrassed me ran out from the apartment and hid myself here at Haru's Bar.

"There's nothing great about it! I shouldn't have crossed that freaking line." I took a spoonful of the Omurice. Gosh I'm so hungry.

Haru raised a brow at me, "But you already did anyway. No use mulling over something you already did."

"I'm so stupid. Fuck this loose dick and asshole of mine!"

"Ugh, no thanks Reiji." Haru replied nonchalantly.

"Shut up, Haru!"

"You're so annoying, did you know that?"

I sighed, "I hear that word a lot ever since Eisuke came here, it's starting to lose its meaning…"

It turned silent for a while. I just focused on my meal but when I glanced up at Haru I found him deep in his thoughts. His head tilted slowly to the right when suddenly his eyes widened as if a brilliant idea came upon him.

I kept munching on my food as I waited for him to start speaking and hear about whatever it might be.

"Then…why don't you just hunt for a new partner then end whatever relationship you have with Eisuke-kun? It's not like you have feelings for each other so it should be easy to end it." Haru suggested.

Well, it makes total sense if you think about it. I admit Haru had a point here.

"But my reputation…"

He scowled at me as he leaned over the counter and stared at me at such a short distance. I held my breath. "Dude, at this point, I don't know about that reputation you're talking about."

"Gosh! Why are you so mean to me?!"

Haru pulled himself back, increasing the distance between us, and I finally breathed easily again. "Tell me. You actually liked making out with Eisuke-kun and you're just using that 'He's your best friend's cousin' as an excuse, right??"

Haru doesn't know about my feelings for Yuma. But yet, nobody knows about it either. I've been hiding that disgusting feeling for such a long time and the real reason why I could only have this unfulfilling and foolish relationship with people.

I shrugged, "I'm not gonna lie. It felt amazing doing those things with Eisuke. The guy's really good at it too. But… It was his cousin who told me not to lay my hands on Eisuke. I already failed him when I let my desire win over me. It felt amazing but after all that… there's only guilt and emptiness"

"Well, that's more reason why you have to end it with Eisuke. Besides, you haven't been here for so long, a lot of them were looking for you." Haru gave me a teasing smile, "So think about it carefully."


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN REIJI-SAN? I thought I won't see you here again."

Haru was right. These guys looked really happy to see me here tonight. I've been approached by people — known and unknown to me, ever since the bar opened. After more than a week of not coming here, I met some friends again. Somehow, I'm starting to feel much better than I did earlier.

And honestly, I've been considering Haru's advice from earlier. All I have to do is go back to who I was and what I did before.

"I'm happy I dropped by here tonight." The guy, who's sitting on my left side, said with a really big smile. He's familiar to me but I can't remember his name, maybe I only talked to him once or twice before.

"Are you trying to say, you're only going here 'in my bar' with that intention in mind, Giro-san?!" Haru chimed in as he popped open a cold bottle of beer.

This Giro-san chuckled at Haru's remark and I could clearly hear his deep breathy voice as he laughed. "You're wrong Haru. I came here to see you too."

Haru made a face at him, obviously not believing what he had said, then he looked at me. "Reiji, this guy was always asking for you whenever he's here."

"H-Hey, stop that Haru!" Giro's ears were slowly turning red, "You're making me look desperate in front of Reiji-san."

I smiled at him, "Don't worry, I don't think like that at all, Giro-san."

"I was just teasing him. But Reiji, Giro-san here is a nice guy." Haru winked at me as he placed a couple of bottles of beer in front of me and Giro-san. And then he left to attend to some customers.

I turned to the man sitting beside me to get a good look at him. He ran his hand over the stubbles on his sharp jawline in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. His medium-length black hair seems purposely styled in a tousle and it matched perfectly to his nice chiseled face. He's wearing a casual outfit — a grey long sleeved shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a couple of accessories such as watch and dog tag necklace.

"Um, actually we talked twice on separate occasions a month ago, but I was scared that maybe you don't remember me." He said.

Well… I remember him but not his name.

"Don't worry Giro-san. With your looks, it definitely left a deep impression on me." I smiled at him, the flirty kind.

"I'm glad to hear that." He sipped his beer. "May I ask why you didn't come here for a while?"

"Oh? It's just… work piled up so I had to take care of it." I glanced at Giro-san and he was still staring at me with such bright eyes. This eagerness from him makes me tingly inside. "Let's not talk about boring stuff. So…" I dragged my pointing finger along the back of his hand that was resting over the counter holding his bottle of beer. "Is there any particular reason why you want to see me?"

He shivered from my touch and I couldn't help but smile. He let go of the bottle then gently took my hand instead. His hand was so warm. I could feel that this guy is a good and gentle person just from the way he's holding me, as if I am something fragile. It makes me sad to use this person but as long as he agrees to my conditions then I have no reason to turn him down.

"Actually… Uhm, how do I say this…" He bit his lower lip as he tried to find the right words to say.

"It's fine by me as long as you agree to my conditions, Giro."

His mouth gaped open. "Ah… yeah. I may have already heard about it, Reiji-san. All I have to do is not fall in love with you right?"

I gave his hand a little squeeze. "Could you do that for me?"

"I will. I just want to be in a physical relationship with you, Reiji-san. Please allow me to be your partner."

"Hmmm…" I sipped on my beer. I've had, how many? Five bottles already, but this is the only one that finally hit home."It's settled then."


GIRO-SAN AND I CHATTED FOR ANOTHER HOUR. What I found out about Giro-san is that he's really easy to talk to and he listens well. He has this cool exterior but he has a lot of expressions which is really cute for a guy.

Haru has been eyeing me since he left me and Giro-san, after discreetly bridging for us to start talking. That guy kept giving me meaningful, but also creepy, smiles everytime our eyes met.

I know what's going on in his big head.

I glanced over my watch, not really to check the time, but a subtle gesture that it's time to go.

"Uhm, Reiji-san, it's getting late. I think we should head out now."

Oh, this guy's quick on the uptake too. Not bad...

"Oh, you're right." I rose from my seat before leaning a bit closer to Giro-san, who's about to stand too, and then I whispered, "Don't worry, we still have a long night."

It surprised me when he suddenly grabbed my forearm, pulling me a little bit closer to him, until I could feel his warm breath touch my ear.

"I hope you're prepared, Reiji-san."

For a brief moment, my heart skipped a beat. But then my body shivered as I felt eyes boring a hole into my back and my instincts told me to quickly pull myself back, gaining back a safe distance between me and Giro-san.

"What do you think you're doing, Reiji-senpai?!"

I've never turned behind me this quickly in my life before and all blood drained from my face when I saw Eisuke standing a few feet away with a face contorted by rage.

"What are you doing here, Eisuke?"