
Adam was walking on the street in a hurry , it was morning and he had to work but he was late. Adam being an anime lover began thinking about how to deal with this. One word came to him "Kakashi" while in a certain hidden village a late silver heared shinobi sneezed. Arriving at work he directly walked toward his working spot. nut suddenly the boss called in to his office.

Boss-Adam you got late again ! what is your reason this time ?

Adam- I saw an old woman wanting to cross the street and then i lost track of time on the path of life .(making a well know shinobi sneeze again)

Boss- Bullshit! don't play it kakashi's like ! i had enough you are fired !

Adam then got depressed and left the building walking slowly then suddenly he felt that the sky was getting dark and really though he had lost track of time on the path of life ! he looked at the sky and ..... saw a Tank , a MOTHERFUCKING TANK FALLING ON HIM ! Then everything went back . Adam then woke up in a white room.

Adam- i died at tank-kun's hands then .....

GOD-yes i am sorry i dropped him while i was pkaying with it and it passed through the clouds falling on you . To repair my fault i will let you reincarnate but i am the one choosing as who and which world ! I will give you 5 wishes as compensation. I will ve you anything in the reasonable limits .

Adam- This is a good deal then !

GOD- You will go in Against the Gods as Yun Che ! now make your wishes so i can have fun *cought* my peace of mind back !

Adam- As my first wish i want my appearence to be the same as kakashi as well as having his voice.

As my second wish , i want a overlord system with The Quest And Shop function .

As my third wish, i want to have the complete sky poison pearl instead of having hall of it.

As my fourth wish, i want Only the knowledge and experience about medicine and the sky poison pearl from Yun che as well as Xiao che's memories of his family but not his experience and memories of being bullied.

As my fifth wish, I want jasmine to trust me at first sigh and to be always honest with her feelings and not be a fucking tsundere( Ara Ara you know where this Shameless author is going? )

GOD- This is easy everything is done . now good bye and good luck in your new life !

Adam- Good bye and don't drop Your MOTHERFUCKING UGLY TANK anymore !

Then everything became black in Ad... Yun che's sight . Then, in woke up on a bed in a pale looking youth .