Yun che- Now is not it time for the sealing ? me and my wives can't wait to see it ! We are excited to see what a demon look like !
Thirty minutes later they were before the sword sealing the demon in an array ! They began the ceremony but suddenly the supposed demon began using a succion like technique ! yun che then, caught both his wives and entered the demon sealing array !
Yun canghai - Now boy tell me who you are now ! or i will will you and both your woman !
Yun che- Have you seen this before ?
Yun canghai- This is the mirror of samsars the treasure of the yun clan ! it is supposed to be with my son and daughter ! what is your name boy ?
Yun che- Yun che and my adopted grandfather told me my parent left this on my neck before to leave toward their home to heal since they were both heavily injured !
Yun canghai- Then , this mean you are my grandson !! we will do the profound blood test ! if it work then you will see if i am your blood related grandpa !
Yun canghai - you really are my grandson !!!!!!! i will help you awaken your profound handle then sacrifice my self so i can send you and my grand-daughters out ! at least you will live well !
Yun-che wait grandpa ! my profound is already awakened and there is no need to die ! i got a pill that will remove the seal without hurting your heart ! then we will just have to go hide when outside ! But it is likely that there is a spy at home since if not they could not have tracked you and my parents !
Yun Canghai- Show me your profound handle ! a pill that will remove the seal ? a spy, it is most likely that there is ! I will get my revenge on the mighty sword region '! What a golden profound handle ? this mean you will reach the divine realm !!!
Yun che- Fucking sacred ground i shoud have killed ling kun earlier when i had the occasion !!!! well i will swallow something usefull for me and we will go out of here !
Yun che then swallowed the darkness seed ! He then was immunised to all element but earth ! he had reached the Emperor profound layer 5 as well !
Yun che- Alright grandpa take this pill ! we will fly straight to floating cloud city after ! with these invisibility pill hehehehe
Then the four of them destroyed the ground then , took an invisibility pill and flew straight to floating cloud city ! they arrived after 4 hours ! They entered Xiao lie's house and sat down waiting for him to come back which happened after 2 hours !
Yun che- Grandpa xiao ! i found my real blood ! i just rescued my blood relathed grandpa ! ho grandpa yun which realm have you reached in your cultivation ?
Canghai- I was at Sovereign profound layer 7 but not i am only at Emperor profound layer 10 ! i should recover my power in about 1 month .
Xiao lie- what knterezt me Yun che is who is the red heared woman with you and lingxi ? and what realm have you all reached since i can't sense it ?
Yun che- this grandpa lie ... she is my second wife jasmine and she was in the realm ofgods before being injured and forced to run in the small realm here ! She was in soul form when i met her but i collected everything i made a body for her ! now she is with me as a wife and willkill whoever hurt here when i go to the god realm ! As for which realm we are hehehe I am at emperor profound layer 5 and My wives are both at emperor profound layer 2 !
[Host completed a hidden quest ! rescue grandpa ! reward : Earth seed , Portail toward the demon illusion realm , 4 Emperor advancing pill .]
Yun che- well now i will absorb another thing fast before anymore question hehe
Yun che then took out the earth seed and began absorbing it making him reach Emperor profound layer 10.
[Host completed an hidden quest, reach peak emperor profound ! reward : Emperor advancing pill x10]
Yun che- Now jasmine i am immunised to every element and can use all of them !!!!
Jasmine- What so it was those thing you were absorbing when you were making us wait through our journey ?
Yun che- yep and i am half step tyrant now ! girls you both absorb these pills it will help you reach the same realm as me grandpa lie you can speak while they both cultivate .
Xiao lie- I am proud you are strong now ! and you found your real blood related family ! take care of lingxi when you all ascend !
Yun che- Don't worry grandpa i will not forget you all and as soon as i can i will come back visit you all from time to time ! even if i found my blood , you still protected me and made me the man i am today !
Canghai- Old xiao lie i thank you from the bottom of my heart as well as both his parents ! without you he may have had died !
Yun che- Grandpa yun as soon as my wives finish to cultivate we will go to the illusion demon realm i know how to go there ! grandpa lie i would be more secure of you would go there live with my blood related parents as well ! since every people will track me as soon as they know i am the one who liberated yun canghai ! And they are people from a sacred ground so please come with us ! the xiao clan did not give you anything and they always disrespected you and bullied me !
Xiao lie- alright i will go pack my things then ....
Then Once xiao lie had packed his things and they were only waiting now for both wives to wake up so they can go in the Illusion demon real. ! Both wives then woke up at Emperor profound layer 10 ! yun che began preparing everything !
Cliffhanger no jutsu !
(N/A by the way no chapter on february 21 since a bit lazy today )