

Third Person PoV

Mt Everest....

There was a boy around 10 year old currently climbing Mt.Everest..

The boy had white hair with omega mark in his eyes, which he got after getting little bit of power of


He was wearing an blue colored coat with orange, yellow and black with some white gloves. He also has red colored skinny jeans with a brown belt and light brown boots.

This boy was Mandeok Sang who was currently going to defeat the White tiger.

After reaching the top...

" I have come to take revenge on my father, White Tiger " declares Mandeok with a determined look in his face.

" Revenge ? I did not kill your father ! " says the tiger looking at Mandeok...

Mandeok was shocked but did not belive the word of the tiger thinking that it only did this to be alive.

" You think, I will belive you ? " questions Mandeok.

" I am telling the truth, You can even ask the spirit of sword inside you ? " answers White Tiger making Mandeok confused about the spirit part.

" What do you mean by spirit of sword " Mandeok asks in confused tone.

" Don't you know ? Even though you absorbed your sword, I am pretty sure the spirit in your sword still resides within you " answers the White tiger.

Mandeok had hard time believing what White Tiger said afterall White Tiger could be preparing some attacks for distracting or some other shit but Mandeok was still curious.

" How can I meer with the spirit of my sword " asked Mandeok in curious tone which White Tiger replied with

" It's smiple, what did you think when you absorbed your sword ? You have to think the same thing. You just have to concentrate "

" Okay ! But answer me one thing, Why are you helping me ? " asked Mandeok.

" It's simple, I have a dream to see the world beyond these himlayas and after I help you, you have to help me as well " answers White Tiger.

Mandeok didn't know how he had to help the White Tiger but he didn't care about that and wanted to meet the spirit of his sword, So without wasting time he started thinking of meeting spirit of his sword but it didn't work.


Mandeok PoV

' What did I think when I absorbed my sword '

How can I forget ? It's so simple

' I have to become one with the sword '


Third Person PoV

Mandeok started glowing and he became unconcious.

" So, he did it huh but Can he make his spirit agree though" muttered White Tiger and started dragging Mandeok to his cave.


Inside Mandeok

Mandwok was currently in a white room....

" Where am I ? " Mandeok thought..

" You are inside your head master " answered a voice.

Mandeok looked towards the source of the voice and saw a beautiful girl with long white hair and red eyes.

" Master ? What so you mean by that ? " asks Mandeok even though he already suspected who she was.

" I am spirit of your sword " answers the spirit of sword.

" I wanna ask you some questions " says Mandeok.




" So, What White Tiger said was true huh " says Mandwok absorbing all the information given by the spirit of his sword.

" Yes Master "

" Then, What can I call you ? " questions Mandeok.

" You can give me any name you want Master " answers the spirit of sword.

" Are you sure ? Why don't you use your previous names ? "

Spirit of the sword hesitates but answers " I was not given any name Master "

" Okay, then "

Mandeok thinks for a while and says " Yue "

The Spirit jumps at his master and hugs Mandeok.

" Why are you hugging me ? " asks Mandeok unsure of why Yue is hugging him.

" It is bec-because you gave me a name "

" Okay then another question, Are you living being ? "

" Yes, Master ! "

" Can you materalize in real world ? "

" Yes I can "





After a while

Real World

Mandeok wakes up and finds himself in a Ice cave....

He looks at his surroundig and spots the White Tiger.

" White Tiger, It looks like you're telling truth ! "




" So, you're telling me to make you my familar so that you can leave from the himalayas " concludes Mandeok while thinking about it?

" Yes ! "

Mandeok thinks for a while and says " Okay, What should I do ? "

" You have to name me and confirm a pact "

" Okay "

Mandwok thinks for a while before saying " Then I Mandeok Sang, one of the commander of NoX make you my familar and name you Kohaku "

Two magic circle appear below Mandeok and Kohaku and both connects by a line, both of them glow and a mark appears in Mandeok's hand with tiger symbol in it.





AN: Two bonus chapter and now Mandeok and Xiangliu won't be for a while and if you want see Yue's and Kohaku's appearance then there is auxillary volume