Chapter 4 " Prelude"

After a week of stands, events, exhibitions and workshops there was a certain frenzy in the air, because, finally, the big day, the one that all the students were waiting for, comes: the final show organized by the fine art faculty was about to begin. Both backstage and outside the energy was almost tangible.

Many students were already all crowded in front of the stage, shuddering, the buzz was getting louder and louder up behind the stage, and everyone, including Reve, couldn't wait to get started.

Tip had made an appointment with Hy at the parking, when he saw him arrive with Lan he motioned for him to join him

"Hello bro, how are you!? Hi Lan ... " "Hi, all right thanks and you? "Hy replied "I can't wait for you to start, Ipno told me it's really a bomb this year. They really got to go big! " "Well ... then let's go because I see that there are already a lot of people!!! "Hy said, starting "Babe ..."Lan intervened" first let's take a look at the stands ... you promised me remember! " reiterated dragging him in the opposite direction from the stage.

Completely at the mercy of Lan, Hy and Tip can't do anything else but follow her as she passes from one stand to another.

When they arrive in the food's area, Lan sings with heart-shaped eyes on the only green-white-red stand, and with a watering mouth he points to a pot full of steaming pasta.

"You don't want to take that shit right !?" "Yes, why? You know that I'm crazy for Italian cuisine! So YESSS I want this! " "But ... " "No "but" I just want it! " "Ok "said Hy resigned "Give me a portion please ... are you happy now? "

Asked Lan while he gave her the box "YESSS of course… thanks darling " exclaimed with unusual rush

In the backstage there is a lot of excitement, everyone has arrived very early, there are so many things to do, and there's no time to waste because the show must start at the set time and above all it must go smoothly!

The area dedicated to make-up and hair is particularly crowded with a multitude of make-up artists who help the models get ready for the show

"Where's Li? It's not like you at makeup. " "No, I thought she was still changing! " you can hear screaming "Calm down, you two there she is, she playing with her phone!"

Some performance stress goes up…

The same situation in front, in the area dedicated to the musicians, the members of the band, while they are tuning the instruments, try to relax a bit, in vain since they have spotted how many crowds had already crowded in front of the park.

The only one who seems calm and peaceful is Reve, who, after tuning the violin, sits on a chair and, to concentrate better, puts on headphones to listen to some music. Ipno arrives with a case of water, and hardly manages to get backstage, because Reve's fan club had crowded into the entrance and was trying in every way to attract his attention.

"Look at your fanclub ... aren't you going to say hello?" says to Reve as he gives him a bottle of water "I don't think it's the right moment now ... I'm concentrating ... and then, even if I have time, I really don't want to ... I honestly can't understand them, you know?" "Dude I'll tell you why! You're a very cool guy and if it wasn't that you're a man I'd like to fuck you too, believe me!" "How stupid are you ..." Reve murmured smiling. "Look at your cell phone ringing! You have by chance gone deaf! " says to Ipno, interrupting his friend's monologue "I have to change the ringtone ... this is not good, I never hear it ... Hello? Ah hello Tip you arrived ... what? I can't hear you! Where are you? Ah ok I'll come and pick you up, you can't go from there ... soon ...Tip has arrived with his friends, I'll go get them ... see you later" Ipno said running away.

Ipno arrives at the barriers, but can't see Tip, Reve's fan club won't let him, so he calls him

"Where are you? I am here at the entrance, but I can't see you? ... Ah, now I see you! Come make your way as far as you can! Hey you let them pass! Be good up! " "There is a lot of people!" Tip says to Ipno when they finally manage to get to the entrance "Well well" replies Ipno "Come on ... this way ... passing this way you come out right in front of the stage ... so you are in the very front row !!!" "Thank you so much bro! I couldn't have hoped for better !!! "