The Golden Nori - Go

Captain Blomar was very satisfied with how things went. He got a location out of old ghosty, he didn't have to pay anything for it, and his crew did get some nice quality rock climbing exercise. All in all he was very successful. He spent about two seconds contemplating what kind of excruciating experience Mr Boyuku must be going through right now, but quickly absolved himself of any feelings of guilt, and got on with the more important parts of life. Namely, getting back down this stupid mountain and having a nice cool beer back at the ship, before he would spend an afternoon, gleefully, imagining what cruel little torture tools his crew could come up with for the impending reckoning with the NoobMaster.

Strictly speaking, creativity wasn't exactly his crews strong point, but in this case there was a rather high likelihood of Bonnet and Rackham coming through with some amazing ideas, given Rackham's personal interest in the matter.

The duo had leisurely spent their time, waiting for team mountain expedition to find their way back down, by playing an absolutely massive game of GO, using the two mining drones to create the largest playing field this game has ever seen. Bonnet was currently in the lead. His tokens were placed by using the drones overclocked cutting lasers to automatically engrave and irradiate his own portrait deep into the soil, preserving it for generations to come. Rackham on the other hand couldn't be bothered with such intricacies and opted for a more visually reduced, but equally clear, style of token, by simply blasting man-sized holes where ever he wanted to place a token. And, much to the detriment of what little wildlife in this exceptionally clean and weirdly healthy part of Haradhere existed, they have had quite a bit of time on their hands. No native frogs died unnatural deaths this time though. Small as their population was, the frog people had quickly learned that Bipedals, contrary to the Blob society, were quite lethal to frog livelihood. They could only assume the reasons as to why this was the case, but were rather far from the truth as they lacked the required frame of reference. To them, the rampaging Mining drones represented doom. What exactly they should make of the unfolding scene of drilling, bombing and radioactive greenery, they didn't know. It needs to be said that generally speaking any 'less' evolved species tends to, on average, be far more intelligent on an individual basis when compared to the same species but in a more civilized context. For clarification, take for example the chimpanzee, a distant relative of the bipedal hazard that is currently plaguing the frog population in question. A chimpanzee has to compete in a hostile environment for food, shelter and whatever other needs it needs covered. If it wants to find something suitable to eat, it needs to locate it first, find a way to actually eat it, confirm that it is indeed edible and has no detrimental long term effects (or find a way to off set this), make sure the food is free and safe for the taking and not already claimed by a competitor or worse, a predator, obstruct its competitors from discovering its source to maintain its advantage, figure out when to best harvest the source and when to let it continue growing, manage its timetable with all the other food sources, balance its nutrition and on and on. And if it misjudges any of these carefully analysed tasks in their importance, the consequences can range from a bad case of diarrhoea to instant death. Meanwhile, all its further evolved but rather simple cousin has to do to cover its bases is to open a fridge and pick whatever it likes best. It stands to reason that the chimpanzee has, by nature of the challenges presented to it, a much higher need for intelligent behaviour in the form of planning and knowledge of its surroundings and therefore is, on an individual average, far more intelligent than its more evolved cousin.

The same theory stood true in case of the frogs. The though process and discussion regarding this new threat to their environment went like this;