A Surprise Visit

"We went to the movies.

Miss you,


Her eyes were fixed on the smiling faces in the picture. Annabeth had a beautiful smile and flushed face, indicating how she might've been against the idea of clicking the picture like that with Percy. He was the one with an amusing smile and his hands on her waist, standing close to each other.

Y/N wondered about who clicked the picture. Probably a stranger ofcourse. This was the only picture Annabeth sent her of them together, and all the other ones were of her alone.

But this was the only picture she looked more than once every other day. She knew she shouldn't and that it was a stupid idea to sulk over something like this when so many days has passed. After their little fight, she didn't have the chance to talk to Percy much. It was awkward but she felt this distance was good for her. Her papa did tell her that she has her whole life ahead and she knew what he meant by it. She just hoped that she would move on before they met again.

"Did that boy come again?" someone asked.

Y/N's school had a fest and they just finished participating in the event. She was sitting in the corner wearing black jeans, black crop top, black jacket with their school logo in the back. She brushed back her hair and looked at the girl standing in front of her.

"What boy?" Y/N asked and locked her phone. She blushed and cleared her throat.

"That boy with dimples?" they asked, in a teasing manner.

Oh yeah, Harris. Y/N thought it was just a casual conversation between them but oneday walking out of her school, she saw the boy waiting for her outside the gates. Her stepfather wasn't so welcoming considering this was the first boy she actually introduced to him personally. He just noticed Alex a few times around her so he wasn't suspicious. But he became friendlier after some time when Harris started hanging out more.

He mainly visited her during her school fests when she had to perform with a band somewhere. Always somewhere in the crowd and after she's done he would always wait for her outside the green room - something that the girls were quick to notice. If it weren't for him, these same girls would've ignored her like they usually did.

Y/N was just curious why they were suddenly so interested. It was either because they like him or they need a new gossip to talk about, ofcourse.

"Uh yeah, he's not coming today," Y/N said and they giggled. She quickly started packing up her bag, in the hope to get out of the room fast.

"Did you guys break up or something?"

"We're just friends and honestly it's none of your business girlie," Y/N said and got up. She wasn't sure but recently she had a dream of Harris running and fighting with something in the camp. She woke up sweating and wasn't sure if it was right. Asking Annabeth, she wanted to be sure that it wasn't just because they were meeting too often with each other. But she didn't get the chance yet. Y/N wanted to go back home and send her an email about it.

"Think he got bored of you," the girl laughed and turned to her friends, muttering something about her appearance again. "It was a surprise that he chose her in the first place. Seriously, a girl like her?" One of them said and they started giggling again.

The lights in the room started flickering. She was starting to get angry at them.

"Oh yeah," Y/N turned towards them and said, "He chose the lead singer. How is that a surprise?" Y/N chuckled and stared at them a bit longer, who were looking at her a bit nervously when one of the bulbs in the room burst off, followed by one of the girls getting a nose bleed. This seemed to wake her up from the deep hatred that was slowly filling her mind. The girls freaked out and started to look for some tissues around the green room.

Her emotions affected others at times when it's intense, so she always needed to have it under control.

She wondered how it would've affected her friends for the feelings she had for Percy. And how. Would it be like they would start liking everything they looked at? Y/N sighed and walked out of the greenroom.

Outside her friend was waiting.

No, it wasn't Harris. It was Annabeth.

Y/N stood dumbfounded, unable to process it that she herself came to her, and watch her perform? "Huh?" she said in confusion.

"How's it going nightingale?"


The girls talked sitting outside the school. Annabeth being the experience one knew something was off in the camp. She's had dreams just like Y/N did, and got attacked by monsters a few times.

"I knew something was wrong but I didn't get any message from Chiron," Y/N said frowning.

"Look, I would be more than glad to have fun but right now we need to get Percy. He's not that far from here right?"

"I've to inform dad first, or else they'll be worried. And it's not that far from here, maybe just two hours I guess? I don't know, but you should."

Annabeth blushed and stuttered, "W-What do you mean? I never visited his home."

Y/N chuckled, "I'm just saying. Monsters gonna be up our ass now that we are closer to him right? So we can't really crash the night in my home. Sorry-"

"No, you're absolutely right," Annabeth said and bit her lips, thinking.

"Wait maybe I can call my dad for some help. He'll know for sure where we can spend the night," Y/N said, "Let's find a phone booth first."

They called her father and informed them about the situation. Using mobile phones was already dangerous so she advised her father to meet at a cafe near the school, to give her the necessary money required for the night.

Her father arrived as soon as he could after hearing her. He was wearing his office outfit and sweating. He had his briefcase clutched tight.

"Dad!" Y/N shouted from the corner table they sat at, and her father rushed to her with a worried face. He hugged her, protectively.

"Uh did you have anything for dinner? I brought-" her dad looked like he was struggling to form words. Y/N sat him down and offered some water.

"We are okay," Y/N reassured him, "but we need to leave and stay somewhere...where the monsters won't be able to smell us."

"It's New York. There's a lot of places like that. Let me book you guys a room in a hotel. But it's going to be a bit shady area," he said, "I hope you both are going to be fine with that. Because we don't have a lot of options."

"Yeah we are gonna be fine," Y/N smiled, "I promise."