"Open your eyes!" A man yelled "You did it before. Now do it again!"
The girl shook her head and was met with another lashing.
"You are an embarrassment! You are so powerful but you say you are blind. Not only that but you refuse to use your powers? How stupid are you?!" The man yelled
This man, a turd in the world, only cared about his reputation. He expects too much from his daughter. She may be the most powerful creature in this and the other world, but come on! Give the poor girl a break!
*Fight back!* I yelled
She shook her head again.
"What are you shaking your head for, huh?!" The man yelled and started punching her.
I should have kept quiet.
Okay. Let me explain. After spending a year with the girl. I have found out that after she drank my memory chip from the river, I must have merged into her brain. We have become one.
In the one year, I realized that this girl could easily take over the entire world if she wanted. She doesn't but still. Pretty cool huh? Actually, not really. She doesn't have any control over her powers and they are too much for her frail mind.
I once asked her why she wouldn't open her eyes and she showed me. With the smallest squint, I could see how overpowering her powers would be for her. She doesn't see the world normally. Instead, it's in a whole other league of its own. The colors are much more vibrant and she could see thousands of miles ahead. But this small glance put her in a coma for a few weeks.
Her eyesight wasn't her only enhancement. Her other senses were off the chart as well. Her hearing was better than any animal and don't get me started on the others. Although, she constantly has mini headaches and has problems silencing distant sounds which often confuse her when she needs to listen to something nearby.
She even told me that she once blew up a mountain on accident after being startled. She wasn't sure what happened but she never used magic after that. I'm sure she has so many more powers that she has hidden. But it's her choice to keep it hidden.
That brings us up to now. This man? The turd? He knows all about her powers and is convinced that she could be a god if she wanted. True but no. He only wants credit for creating such a power. He hits his daughter because he thinks that will bring her powers out. Like some kind of action drama.
After he's convinced that she will not show her power at all, he leaves.
*Julia? Are you okay?* I asked her
She sniffles and wipes away the tears. That was a no, right?
We sit in silence for some time before she gets up and cleans herself off. Her mother has no idea of what's going on in this house and that's how Julia likes it. Her mother was her only comfort. She is scared of how she will react, knowing how broken her daughter was. Although, I have a feeling that her mother knows what's going on but is keeping hush hush on it. I'm not going to tell Julia though.
"You really should tell her" I say
She shakes her head. In the entire year, she has only ever spoken to me once. It was an experience. I'll leave it at that.
Julia and I are both startled by the knock. We sneak into the living room and see her father open the door. Two royal guards stand with very poised looks.
"We are here under the request of the king. You say that your child is a prodigy that could help our kingdom, yes?" One of the guards asked. He had the face of a grown man who had undergone several battles. With a short and styled beard, he rocked a chiseled face with a few scars complete with blue eyes. His blond hair swept to the side and shaved on the other. I'll call you...Thor!
The man next to him was the total opposite. Dark hair shaven on both sides and pulled back in a longish ponytail. He has light blue eyes and a clean shaven face. Not a scratch on him. I'll call you, Loki!
How cute! They match!
Her father started speaking "Ah! Yes yes! One moment please." He turned and yelled "Julia! Come here! Now!"
Julia hesitated for some time before heading over.
Her father wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he presented her to the guards.
"This is my Julia. My daughter. She is more powerful than any being on this planet."
The guards were skeptical but let the man continue.
Julia's father must have seen this as well because he shoved Julia outside and said "Show them"
We stood there for a solid second before trying to go back inside. Her father blocked the entrance and said "Not until you show them your powers"
She shook her head.
The guards were deciding on whether they should stay or not. Honestly, at this point, even I was getting embarrassed.
Julia tried leaving the area but her father pulled her to the ground and lifted his fists. The guards saw how rough he was being and restrained him on the ground. Good job for the guards. Bad timing for the mother.
Her mother had just come back from the back garden to see what all the commotion was. She stood and watched as the guards pushed her husband on the floor. He cried out in exaggerated pain. He fought against the guards and wouldn't let up. They eventually took him with them. Knowing that if they let the man go with the daughter, he would surely hit her.
After they left, all there was left was Julia and her mother. Julia's mother, who was always on her side. Looked at Julia with anger and disgust in her eyes. She blamed Julia for the arrest of her husband. Julia was truly alone in this world now.