Chapter 26

"So, do you mind telling us why we're going to meet the king?" Xavier asked

"I'm actually not sure myself. When I mentioned that I would be in his kingdom for a while, he told me to come directly to his castle after we were done" the king replied

We had been traveling for a few hours. On the way there, we passed by a few towns. All of which were filled with people in the streets and buildings stacked upon each other.

The weird thing was that they were spread out evenly from each other with plenty of room in between.

Ezra also noticed this.

"Why doesn't the king build houses in these fields or grow crops?"

"Because it's the same as the field we were just at" the king said "Zax told me he brought all kinds of magicians to fix the problem but none were successful."

This doesn't make any sense. Even if the amount of gamma rays in the air was normal in these parts of the world, it doesn't make sense for it to be in a perfect pattern. Nothing in nature is so cut straight and perfect.

"Do you think that's the reason we're being called in?" Leo asked


The king smirked and said "Don't worry! The Pink Berets are on the job!"


"Why did you even pick that name?" Leah asked

"Because it's so cute! And you guys are not!" He laughed

We all glared at him.

A few towns later and we could see the castle in the distance. It looked exactly the same as the one in Sekael; only this one didn't have a forest surrounding it.

The carriage stops right in front of the castle gates where a few guards stop us. One of the guards comes up to us and asks us who we were.

The king smiled and said "I'm here to see my younger brother"

The guards let us pass.

"Did you really need to expose yourself like that?" Ezra asked "We don't know if these people will be so welcoming to us since we're…"


"Well, yeah"

The king waved us off and told us not to worry.

After the carriage drops us off in front of the castle doors, a man walks out.

He had pitch black hair with dark blue eyes. He looked similar to the king and Leo so it was safe to assume that this was the king of Razael, King Zaxary.

His regal looking clothes also gave it away. His clothes looked the same as Cam's except that while Cam's were a light green with green trims, Zax's were black with gold trims.

"Hello little brother!" Cam yelled out

Zax glared at him and turned back inside.

"Don't be like that! I'm just having fun!" Cam yelled and ran after him.

The rest of us walked peacefully inside.

The outside may have been the exact same as the other castle but the inside was the complete opposite.

There were portraits of people inside and statues all around. The colors even clashed with each other. In other words, it was really ugly. I'm so glad I ended up in Sekael.

"How much do you want to bet that this has something to do with the crops" Xavier whispered

"Stop making stupid bets" Ezra said

We walked into the throne room where Zax and Cam were talking. They turned when they saw us.

"Good news!" Cam said "This meeting has nothing to do with the crops!"

"You owe me" Ezra whispered to Xavier

Xavier grumbled but handed him some gold coins.

"Then what is it about?" Leo asked

"In conjunction with the gamma rays in the fields, there is a black liquid in the water that has been killing off all animals and making the water undrinkable."