

July 2nd, 6:23 a.m

"Is he up yet? We have an urgent matter to attend to" I rolled over, realizing the quilt was off of me. "Hey! What the hell?"

"Hello, I'm Cinna, and I will be your clothing director, or whatever. Come On, get up. I have to get you out of these scraps."

I stretched and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom "There's no time for that. Pee later"

"what do you mean pee later? It's 6 in the morning."

"6:23 to be exact, Harry" I turned around and followed Cinna to the kitchen. "do you not eat boy, you look like you're about to starve to death at any second"


"don't answer that... here" he placed a cereal bar in my hand "eat please, you need all your strength today. It will be stressful."

I bit the cereal bar with caution. "Not bad,'



Cinna had dressed me in some nice clothes. It wasn't a speck of dirt on them anywhere. "Where's Louis?"

"he's already dressed and ready to go. He, on the other hand, didn't take 4 hours to get ready."

"that was your fault." I argued, "you wanted me on quote ' to make a good impression' so I let you groom me."

"Uh-huh, he's right out here."

Cinna opened up the door, my house door, and revealed a plane- no car with Louis leaning on it. "Louis. Hi," He looked up and addressed me with a head nod." Harry, how are you?"

"Hmm.. tired."

"Same, let's just get this over with"

"Come on boys. In here, come on."

Louis and I got into the car and sat beside each other, while Cinna was in the Front. And a guy named Mitch was in the passenger seat

"Sup, I'm Mitch"



We were at the Dome and came face to face with a woman with hella makeup on. "Hi," She said excitedly. " I'm Effie" I will be the announcer, and that other good stuff, okay?

"alright. where do we-"

'we go this way." mitch intervened.

Mitch guided us through a couple of doors until we saw a lot of people. "Alright, make friends." He walked off to a nearby corner and sat down.

"These people are out to kill us, so keep your eyes peeled styles," Louis said

"you know a lot about this place, huh."

Louis looked at me with sorrow, then masked it off with a grin. "Eh, maybe, I know a lot. People talk a lot these days."

"Hmm.. yeah."

"That girl over there with the ax, her name Johanna, district 7. She's pretty violent. If-

" Hello, districts. We will begin training for all tributes. In 5 minutes."

Word Count: 455💕✋🏾