Chapter 2 - Wise Tiger

To save the bore of groundhog day, the next couple of months of lessons with Mr Carter were pretty much the same. Chatting about Joe, flirty banter and of course the actual teaching. We just became more comfortable with in other in the way that our conversation just flowed, with no need to think of a response that would impress him - just ourselves.


Friday 14th November (2014)

Another lesson, the same routine. From boredom, I guess, I started to doodle in my book, it started with hearts, then faces and then full blown characters.

"I see you've been busy this lesson Miss Taylor. Nice drawings you've got there." he said sternly.

"Sorry Sir, I have been listening." I replied shyly.

He set the class off with a task and pulled a chair, sitting down next to me, he took my work book and looking through the pages.

"Now, what questions have you done Philippa?", he asked in a caring tone.

"The majority, I struggled with a few of the algebra ones" I said, still shy from annoying him earlier.

"Okay, i'll take the book to my desk and work out an easier way to do it so you have more of an understanding, sound good?"

I agreed and watched him as he moved back to his desk, his face became concentrated as he was finding an easier way to explain algebra, if there is one.

As the lesson came to an end, he walked past my table and dropped my work on the table as if he was doing sort of dodgy deal, and on his way back he mouthed 'stay after the lesson'.

"Okay Year 10, there's a really good opportunity for a lot of you in this room. The maths department are putting on extra revision sessions for all students. For some of you it's compulsory and for some it's optional. I'll let you know if I want you to attend or not."

As the rest of the class packed up and left, he told me to go over to his desk, as he sat in the chair he opened my work book. I saw what I wasn't expecting - he'd completed it.

"You've finished it?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, i thought if i'd showed the working out in an easy way then you might understand it better, and don't worry i'm not too mad about the drawings I get what maths can be like, and actually you're quite the artist Miss Taylor. Just don't do it again... Oh and I want you to go to the extra revision sessions, today has highlighted an area for improvement." he said whilst giving me a sweet smile.

"Okay. You have my word Sir, I won't do it again, and thank you, for the work and the compliment..." i said whilst looking at him.

"Yeahhh, don't get used to it Taylor, have a nice weekend." he replied as i walked out.

"You too."


Monday 17th November (2014)

I walked in, happy how the previous week had ended. I was kind of looking forward to seeing Mr Carter. I don't know what it is, but there's something about him that I like.

We took our seats as he started the class, however through his demonstration of algebra, he just stopped... When i realised there was a something in his pocket as he said,

"Can you hear that?"

We were all looking round the classroom apprehensively, when he took something out of his pocket. It was a plasticine model of something. As i got a closer look, I realised it was the character I had drawn in my work book last lesson.

"What is that Sir?", I asked shocked.

"It's your little character doodle thing, do you like it?" he replied back laughing.

"Oh my... you actually made it out of plasticine, what on earth possessed you?" I said back.

"I think you ought to be a bit more grateful Miss Taylor, I had the liberty of making this over the weekend with my little man so you had a little mascot to help you in maths, what do you think?" he spoke sternly.

Absolutely mortified and embarrassed my face went red, did he really make my drawing into plasticine, really?

"You're quite the artist Mr Carter..." i laughed as he sat it down on my desk before swiftly walking away to carry on the lesson.

Packing up my things once again, he shouted to the class

"Extra revision starts Wednesday, it would be nice to see a few of you there."

He then came over and picked up the character, asking if I liked it. I said I loved it, and that it was very nice of him. However, he once again shocked me,

"I'm gonna come up with a name for it by tomorrow Taylor, a really good name."

"I mean thank you, but did it not take up your time?" I questioned.

"Honestly no, I make things like that in my spare time anyway, and it was something for me and my little boy to do." he replied.

"Awe you've got a little boy?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, Luke. He's 3, but still in the terrible twos stage, the kid can be a nightmare sometimes" he laughed.

My god this man is full of surprises, I thought he was meant to be teaching me, not making me plasticine models for me and then naming them.