(A/n: Thank you all for being so patient with me, I enjoy making these chapters for you and I hope you're all staying safe. I you're registered to vote I'd appreciate if you did, But here is you long chapter. Enjoy!)
Finally it was time for the attack on the summer camp, the Vangaurd action squad was ready. It consisted of Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner,Mr. Compress, Mustard, Musuclar, Moonfish, Magne and Y/N. They were warped there by Kurogiri and we're getting ready to attack, the students were supposedly doing some strange scaring contest. But whatever, Dabi and Mustard were already hiding something of the others too. Y/N was flying over head making sure that no one spotted the others before hand, however Y/N noticed Muscular fighting some broccoli headed kid... Wait 'MIDORIYA?!' Y/N stopped for a second " I thought he didn't have a qurik... How the fuck-" Y/N thoughts were interrupted by Dabi giving the go ahead to attack. As blue flames and gas slowly ingulfed the forest Y/N shot her sharpened feathers in random directions hitting students as the attempted to escape from the flames and gas.
Toga's POV
As I was walking around hoping to find anyone I saw two girls one girl had a round face, pink cheeks and cute brown hair. The other one looked kinda like a frog, with long green hair and what seemed to be a really long tongue. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I didn't care, they were going to be my new best friends!! I jumped out at them with my knife, but they dodged me and managed to get out of the way. I lunged at the girl with the green hair with my knife and the other girl screamed
"Is that your name? I like that name Tsu~ Its so cute~" I yelled while I managed to cut her tongue a little.
"Only my friends can call me Tsu! Kerro" Tsu called
"We'll be best friend's! Okay Tsu!!"
Kota's POV ( Bet you didn't see this one! hahaha!!)
I watched as Midoriya fought the villain that killed mom and dad, noticed the forest was one fire and someone was flying?? She was pretty with her H/C she looked almost angelic, and that's with out her huge wings. But... She didn't seem very happy, like kinda sad and disappointed she was looking at us. I looking at her for a while but then I heard a loud bang, and I looked over to see Mr. Midoriya tossed into the mountain. I couldn't hold my tears back and stared crying
"A-Are you O-okay?" I asked with eyes red from crying. He didn't respond, only smiled and continued fight that villain... I felt a strange sense of calming aura from behind me, but I was to nevous to look. I fell onto my knees, I was suddenly tired and felt myself going between being asleep and awake... I wonder why.
That kid... Kota was it? He kind of reminds me of Katsuki when he was younger, a kid who hates people and only was to strive for themselves. I sensed the fear and stress and I geuss I felt the need to comfort him..strange, I guess deep down the wish to become a hero stands tall. Oh well, I released a calming aura and watched as Kota slowly fell asleep. He seems like a nice kid, he deserves to be happy... Then again, so does everyone, I stop looking at the child and try to find Katsuki as the was are main target. I suddenly get blown away by a strong freak gust of wind, I looked to see what happened and Muscular had been defeated by Izuku. 'Huh, I didn't know Izu had a quirk.. Weird' I thought, as I flew over too where Dabi was and he seemed to be fighting, someone, I could make them out cause the were moving. Suddenly a capture scarf flew at the burnt chicken nugget and he dissapeared into a pile of gloop.
Y/N: "Is that Shota? Dang he looks even more homeless then last time-"
I laughed at my self flew off to land, I ended up landing near moonfish. He's fighting someone, I hear multiple voices in the distance. Scratch that he's fighting a group, I peak out from behind a tree and see. Sho, Izu, Giant dark bird thing, Multi-arm and Katsuki, wait... WHAT?! I whip my head around to see a giant bird like creature rushing at Moonfish, I would have saved his ass but the creature plowed into me first and I have to use a barrier to stop it from wreaking havock on my ass. I looked over where Moonfish was standing seconds ago and heard demon like screeches, I looked up and Moonfish was being strangled by the thing shadow. After he was done being smashed into ground I noticed Katsuki and Sho use their quirks, and the shadow mass turned into a boy with a bird head. 'Tokoyami Fumikage quirk: Dark Shadow's I remember him from the sports festival. I spot Mr.Compress out of the corner of my eye and decide I should meet up with someone. I found Dabi lerking around in a clearing so I get out for the bushes, bad idea... I see blue flames fly at me with alarming speed, I dodge but not before getting scraped on my are by the flames
Yn: "What the hell dude!"
Dabi: "Sorry, thought you were some U.A brat"
Y/N: "Gee thanks.."
We hear a loud bang and look up, Compress was being tackled in the sky by Izu, Sho, Mult-arms. Tokoyami was probably there, and I just couldn't see them then again I couldn't see Katsuki either huh. We backed up and they all landed face first. Oof that must have hurt, they slowly get back up and Compress gets up after brushing off his clothes. Compress and Dabi start fighting as the others join from behind, the pause to watch. Sho, Izu didn't seem to notice us, Kurogiri's portal appears behind us as most of us file in Compress shows the teens to orbs. Time seemed to freeze and he threw one at them, as Katsuki came out near Dabi and Bird boy came out near Sho. Dabi grabbed Katsuki's neck and lead him into the portal. I looked back and smiled at the boys, before speeding through the portal my wings falling and my ears faced down.
*Mission successful *
*Target: Katsuki, Bakugou acquired*
We've caught you
(A/n: did you think Y/N was getting caught? I realized I wanted to give you all another chapter, I might make another long chapter of you want. Till then stay safe, and Happy Halloween!)