
You know we, as in basically everyone have no idea what mana really is. And to you weirdo summons think that sounds really stupid and you go spouting off like, "How can you use something you don't understand in the slightest?" Well I could just summarize it like this; when you're born you just left a land whare air didn't exist, yet the moment you come outside you sense it and go, "Hmm, I might need this." and wham you're breathin'.

I know I was blabin' on about the king of a hundred tears but I lost my pencil, and I wanted to do this journal all old timey with quills and paper, but news break nobody wants some garbage ink and feather.

Ah where was I... Ah that's it Mana. Honestly even I don't know what it is exactly, it just is. Like it has both the properties of light, energy, and gasses all at once. Not only that we know it is produced/stored by a pea sized organ called a Mana gland/ or magic organ depending on who you ask. Now you would think that means we understand what produces it, but we don't. Even if you remove someone's magic organ/organs (Because sometimes one just isn't enough, like those vampires have like ten and when decompressed are about the size of a grape fruit) they'll still produce mana at the same rate, and if you did it in their sleep quick enough they couldn't even tell if they had it or not.

Seriously I have no way to really explain it, but when one learns to sense their mana to any extent whatsoever you can just suddenly use the most basic and raw forms of magic that your race naturally has access to. So in theory, wait I just remembered something let me go find my librarian real quick...

Ok a couple of millennia ago some dragon kid was born alright, but instead of like immediately trying to take the form of his parents or some nearby animal, he just turns into a mountain. A bloody mountain, if you don't know what dragon magic really does, you're in the same boat as the rest of humanity. Dragon magic just uses absurd amounts of mana to make basically anything, especially an avatar to protect their main body. So this brat had so much mana he just made a mountain his body, jokes on him tho he's still stuck as a mountain to this day.