Chapter 3

Warning again, just in case.


Brahk got in a comfortable position as he waited. Woph with the other injured pilot were going to cross with Roush leading and the other soldier following up behind them.

He was aware there was danger, but a part of him believed that if they had all crossed at the same time they would be out of here already. There was no reason or really a way for him to complain. He just kept an eye out for anything suspicious.

Brahk found that difficult. He didn't really know what to do and he felt it was the safest way for him to spend his down time while the others got ready to move. Comparing the soldiers next to him and the commoners that he could see in the distance were vastly different. Long flowing clothing to keep out the heat and soak up sweat. The multiple thin layers helped keep them safe from the dust around. The soldiers were wearing clothing that was thicker and offered camouflage with the surroundings in a mix of brown, grey, and black. The commoners wore mechanical upgrades… actually it was jewelry. He had to squint and the person had been facing away from him, but he did recognize jewelry. Nobles wore that on Subhillaj, but he had only ever seen one person with it. In his history lessons he was made aware that it was a sign of the rich and powerful. Maybe he was wrong about them being commoners. Though again the soldiers had some sort of jewelry. On Iremagren he could see a ring on his finger. He didn't know what to make of it.

Now if he compared himself to everyone, then he was the real stranger here. A complete one piece space suit, black with orange and grey accents. While he noticed some people had wear and tear on their clothing, even the soldiers next to him, his was a mess. Chipped, cut, melted… It was a real big mess. Even his helmet that he wore wasn't safe. Now he and the wiring on the inside were fine from what he could tell. All systems were green.

So in an attempt to help and point out threats he failed. There was no way he could even begin to search for something when it was mostly foreign to him.


Within the minute since that happened, the rest of the team were prepared to cross. They were clearly aware of what he assumed to be a trap and moved to the other side where he and Iremagren had run through.

Even with Woph helping the pilot, they moved a lot faster than he had run with the pilot on his back. Considering they were soldiers, it made sense. He worked out and trained his body to be fit, but nowhere near the effort they put in their own bodies.

Thankfully nothing happened and everyone arrived safely. The only problem was that it was delaying them. Their pursuers were catching up.

Laeir had scouted ahead and Brahk could hear his voice over the communication device. Roush checked on the two injured pilots and himself. Probably for that reason was because he wasn't one of them including the language barrier. With a wave of his hand, he essentially told Roush that he was fine and could go on.

Their whole group started moving again in the same order. Brahk was keeping up, but slowly losing his strength. He adjusted the man on his back the best he could.

The alley way they were in was filled with miscellaneous items. Cloth, bins, bags, rubble and dust. This whole place has dust. Considering he took off his helmet earlier he could feel a little bit that had got into his shirt. Either way his thoughts were on the people. Like he noted earlier, they were human from his initial observation. Nothing to suggest a difference in genetics. Clothing matched that of the local population. Suspicion and fear were present on their faces, but they were quick to retreat away from his group.

It was until two people came from an adjacent alleyway. Like Brahk, the others noticed them quickly. A man and a woman. The man was holding a piece of metal, sharpened and long. It was a sword. Something that he heard about in history lessons. The woman was holding a ranged weapon closer to what the squad around him had. Her weapon had a wooden grip on top of the metal exterior. She had been holding it in the air when he saw them enter.

That changed when the two groups looked at each other. Brahk didn't move, he just observed. His implant knew there was danger and forced him to the ground, so he followed. Loud pops, like the ones he heard in the distance when off.

The man made it two meters with blood splattering on the woman behind him before he fell, not moving. The woman got of shots-


It didn't take long for Brahk to come to. His head hurt on the other hand and he tried to feel for it. It was then he noticed he didn't have his helmet on. He remembered wearing it, having it on, but… 'Why did I have it on?'

He could hear voices around him, but he was in a daze. He couldn't hear them correctly, nor could he really pay attention.


He could hear his name in the haze. That seemed to snap him out of it a bit.

"Wha… What happened?" It was a natural question from him. Thankfully whoever was speaking answered him.

"We were attacked by the aliens. You were in the slipstream-"

"Is that you Sidarce?"

His memories were starting to come back. Yes aliens attacked. The main relay on the slipstream drive was broken and they needed to make an emergency escape so he held the relay in place. After that…

He was on a planet… with humans… ones not with Subhillaj. Met soldiers and traveled with them. Carrying a pilot… 'in the alley way.'

His head hurt-

"Stop touching your head Brahk. There's some intracranial bleeding. Nanites are currently working on it." Thevhei was next where he was laying down, scolding him.

Glex and Mystreioj were also next to him.

"Why did you do that? Tell me Brahk." Glex came close to his face.

"Glex step back right now!" Sidarce silenced the whole room. Except Brahk who was forced to comply with his implant.

"It had the highest chance of success. I didn't have time to lock the relay in place so I had to hold it there. It was the only way to guarantee that you all were safe." It was true what he said and that was why he did that. Though the way he spoke was in a more neutral voice, to not let his emotions flow out. His reasoning was to show them he was reliable and that he could handle the consequences of his actions as well as what happened after he did that.

Gripping his hand over and over again, he could feel his strength. It let him control his emotions. Though he wasn't only worried about his emotions. His thoughts strayed to what he experienced before waking up here on the ship.

'That couldn't have been a dream. I felt pain. I slept. I smelled the planet. The dust and sweat. I heard the language Iremagren used and it wasn't anything like I heard before. Those around me were real. Woph, Roush, Laeir and the others. The man on my back had weight, I could see his breath on my helmet.'

He started to question his previous experience. He guessed it was the slipstream rather than a hallucination or aftereffect from Something he thought left him there because he entered the slipstream. 'If that wasn't real… was this one?'

Sidarce had ushered out the others along with herself, leaving Thevhei next to him. She was using a data pad and he could tell she was looking over data on the nanites. The wound on his head looked like…

"Thevhei could you tell me about my injuries?"

"A few bruises along your right arm and chest. Dehydration and slight malnutrition." Then she pointed at his head. "I found a piece of metal that punctured through your helmet and hit you in the forehead. Thankfully the momentum didn't carry all the way though. It dented your skull and put pressure on your front lobe." She walked over to a trey next to her and replaced the bag hanging next to him. "You are going to be alright. Everything is working as intended, don't worry. As long as you get some rest, you will be better in three more days… Captain."

Thevhei was professional when she spoke to him. Telling him the truth about his health instead of trying to cover it up. What she was doing was right. He was proud of her for that even if he knew that she would never lie about something like this.

"Dehydrated… how long has it been?" He did want to ask how they all are. Brahk should have done that earlier when they were all here. While he would like to blame it on his injuries, he knew he should have done it. That one moment instilled him regret so before his question could be answered in a lower voice he asked the young woman next to him. "Are you all okay? I didn't see anyone else injured…"

"Brahk- Captain, everything is fine. The others are fine. I already checked everyone over." He could tell she was starting to get a little nervous. It didn't last long though. "After we made the jump into the slipstream and we check all radars to see if we weren't followed, Glex and I ran over to check up on you." He could tell there was something she was holding back, but he kind of guessed it was about Glex. It was just something he noticed in the way she spoke his name. "We found you and started administering first aid. That was a week ago Captain.

"Sidarce is the Captain for now. You can just call me Brahk, Thevhei."

She just smiled in his response and finished up. "Right now we are just drifting. Get some rest, Brahk."

He laid down and his thoughts were cleared. The implant erased his worries, because it was doctors orders.


The thing was he couldn't find himself falling to sleep and after fifteen minutes, he was back to thinking.

Brahk's mind was a mess. He was glad to be back. To see them all again and to have the chance to protect them. Then again his mind wasn't sure what to believe.

Even in his dreams his implant worked against him. His dreams made him believe the world around him was real and when given commands by those people he thought to be real, his implant would force him to follow.

If he was honest they were nightmares, not dreams.

Anyway on that planet and here on the research ship, it was real. Not in a dream where he believes it to be real. He knows the difference. Both of those situations were and are real. He knows that.

Then again his mind finds itself to be contradictory. It couldn't have been. It wasn't possible. Not that way. His thoughts were logical and followed a linear pattern. In order and complete. There was no part where his mind skipped forward or a lack of awareness like he would find in a dream. On the planet and here, he was in control. Aware and complete. His body worked and he could think things through.

But there was nothing he wanted to do. Not really. There was no way he wanted to go back to that planet away from those he wanted to protect. But a part of him would like to make sure everyone was alright. He last saw them in a battle. Sure there was no place for him there, but no one deserved to get hurt.

'I guess I'm a little more hung up about that… well their group.'


Brahk found himself in need of tea. Not that he needed to have it, but that he wanted something familiar to him. A good drink would do him wonders with his thoughts.

He obviously didn't want to worry his crew. It was late and they should be sleeping now. So Brahk sat up in bed. He was dizzy and a little weak, but he could do it.

He made his way out of the medical room. There he leaned on the walls and followed the hallway to the kitchen. He did his best to stay quiet.

The metal walls were a wonderful sight. The orange accents along the steel grey walls were great… He stopped there in the hallway.

He could hear breathing coming up ahead. The ship was made to be quiet and it did hamper sanity if you were awake at night. Usually he would leave on some Subhillaj approved music, so as not to get his crew in trouble, while helping them avoid the deathly quiet of the ship.

Moving ahead into the lounge area he found Sidarce sitting there.

"Brahk, you are predictable." Well she wasn't wrong. "Sit down. I made a pot for you."

"Please don't tell Thevhei." It was more like side banter than anything. He knew she wouldn't share that with her.

"I won't. How are you feeling?" He could clearly hear the concern in her voice. She was worried about him.

"I'm fine." He paused while he poured himself a cup, but noticed her looking at him. "Seriously, I'm alright. She already said I would be fine in a few days."

"A few days… so what are you doing here?" She knew, but it was aimed towards how the others would react. Glex was already taking this whole situation pretty bad. Mystreioj probably keeping it to himself, but it was tough to figure out what he really thought about it. Thevhei… well he already knew.

"I can't sleep. How are you feeling?" He watched her shift slightly in her chair. She was already relaxed, so it was noticeable.

"I understand why… it was just so sudden." Her façade she wore was coming off right now. "I hate myself. I ordered you to sacrifice yourself. You're better than me… I can't lead them."

He knew she didn't appreciate hugs, but she needed one. He knelt down, with a little bit of difficulty, and hugged her while she was sitting. He didn't want her or any of his crew to feel that way.

The command she gave him helped them. It saved all their lives. If he stayed there and thought more about the situation, his implant might have made a horrible decision. With everything in his mind, the quick information from the computer about the relay, if at that moment he hesitated to think, he might have died. Sidarce's command forced him to act without thinking as his implant took over and 'did his job'.

"It was the right thing. You needed to do it, to save yourselves."

"Brahk, do you really think so little of your life?"

The worst part was that he had to answer. "I believe you all are more important than myself." That was true, but he could have worded it much worse. "I've already lived my life. Yours is just starting. I would do anything to protect all of you. My crew and my children."

He could tell she was pulling herself back together ever so slowly. "You miss them don't you… your children?"

He was kneeling beside her while she collected herself. "I do." He missed his children more than anything. The time he lost for not being there for them. For having- The implant was- Subhillaj-… "I miss them with my whole being. But I know they have grown into adults now. I've had to say goodbye to them so they can live their own lives." He slowly put his hand on her shoulder, waiting for her to acknowledge it and accept it. "I'm here now. I can protect you all. I will do whatever I can so that you don't ever have to feel that way again. So you can get back to your family."

He never really got to talk to her about her family, but he did know hers was still on Subhillaj before they left. So to see her cringe when he said family there… hurt him a little bit. He frowned slightly at that.

"My family… I don't really want to go back." He watched her stand up and walk over to reheat the tea. She quickly changed the subject. "And I… I should… I want to work to be a better leader."

"Why?" Moments earlier she had just said that she didn't want to be one.

"Because… I need to be." When she turned around to see him sitting in his chair, she could also see his face. "I mean it. I need to be the leader you want me to be."

"I don't want you to be anything, Sidarce. You can be whatever you want to be. If I made you feel that-"

"No… I just… I'm a mess. I know that, Brahk." He smiled, he could tell this would be good for her. "From the… attack," she looked away, "I made many mistakes. But I know I can do better and be better. We shouldn't have to rely on you. I know you never said anything before, but it is a problem. We have to get better. I have to. For myself and our crew." She then made sure she was looking straight at him. "Thank you Brahk, for everything."


For the next few hours, Sidarce gave him the rundown on the ship.

As they jumped into the slipstream, they were grazed by another plasma shot. It hit the starboard side engine. It blew it out and the research center there on the right side of the ship.

Quite a few tools and resources for their survival were lost. They would need to land on a planet before making their way to Subhillaj to mine for metals. After they repair the only other drill they had.

Food and water would last them another eight months. Though that was their return trip food with some extra.

Their mission no longer mattered. It was all about survival. If he was being truthful, it looked grim. If they weren't back in six months, Subhillaj would probably have already left that star system.

It would be a tough and long journey. One where they might never return to their lives.


Brahk found himself relaxed now. He had returned to his bed in the medical bay. There he laid down to rest. He was happy and proud of Sidarce. All things considered, she did a wonderful job. Those tough choices brought positive change to her life.

He was tired now and he lied down. It was time for sleep now. He felt assured of their travels now.

His head rested on the pillow. Soft and comfortable. The blanket held in his heat. The cold and sterile room couldn't hold anything against him.


This time when Brahk awoke, he screamed in pain. 'It hurts.' It was sudden for him to feel that way. Uncomfortable couldn't even begin to describe what he felt. His head was in pain. Sharp and loose.

While his hands covered his head, another hand covered his mouth tightly. It wasn't too long after before he could feel a death grip around his arm and then a sharp pain from his wiggling.

Even in that state he was still writhing around. Pain gripped him and the others held him down. Slowly his heart rate slowed along with the pain. He looked around to barely see everything covered in red. He blinked out the horrible feeling in his eyes. He knew it was blood, but he didn't want it to be. There he saw Iremagren, Roush, and the other soldier from earlier holding him down.

His eyes soon closed and he fell backwards into his mind.


With a sudden jolt, Brahk jumped up and looked around. A loud clang came from his left. Mystreioj and Thevhei turned the corner. He could barely hear them over his own breathing. He wasn't sure why, but his ears were also ringing at that moment.

"… is wrong?" Thevhei was looking worried and he could see Mystreioj looking around, ended up bringing a box over. "Brahk, tell me what is wrong." Her voice finally came through to him.

"I think I was shot in the head!" It was a sudden realization as his implant took over and forced him to answer. The thing was, the implant made it impossible to tell lies. So when Thevhei and Mystreioj both heard him, he could see the shock in their eyes. He must have had the same look as he was as well. Hallucination or not it was real. So very 'real'.

He couldn't stop hyperventilating. The pain was still there. He could still feel it in his head. It was-


Brahk was awake. He didn't open his eyes or move. He just laid there listening. There was just so much that he remembered and expected. The sounds he heard were relaxing though.

He could tell he was on the ship. At least he hoped his hearing was correct. A slight groan from the hull of the ship. Someone must be piloting at the moment. Other than that he could hear a few machines on. Unsure, but he thought he could hear the one that produces synthetic fabrics. That would have been in the research room, not in the medical bay.

For a moment he tried to catch a peek to see who was in the room, but found that he really couldn't open his eyes. He tried to open his mouth or move his body… His breathing increased. Heart rate spiking. He must have ignored it earlier, but there was a machine next to him that tracked his vitals. Brahk was stuck. It scared him. He could hear Glex next to him before his worries seemed to slip away.

"It's going to be alright Captain. Just rest."


The next moment Brahk became conscious he quickly moved his body. Spoke and opened his eyes. A purple mixed with yellow sky appeared above him. He was currently being carried and was quickly moved to the side where they set him on the ground before Roush came over to him quickly.

From his hasty and quick gestures he was trying to convey questions to him. Brahk responded in a slightly tired and exhausted response that he felt fine. Once more his mind was slowly taking in the information around him along with what got him here.

The first movement he made when his mind started working was moving his hand to his forehead. It stung, but was heavily numb. His hand lightly felt the fabric that was wrapped around his head. Hands were shaking. He gripped his hands to hold himself back. From looking around he could see everyone looking away from him and Roush right now so he was… they were still in danger. They saved him and helped him and breaking down would just hold everyone back.

Roush snapped his fingers right in front of Brahk's face. He focused on him and just nodded. He couldn't be a burden. They needed to make it to safety.