Chapter 2

It had been a long day. After the speech Maquai gave and what had happened… he was tired. A hospital was not the place he wanted to go to, so he went home that night to his son.

"I'm home!" He took off his coat and jacket, hanging them on the chair next to him. The bar-like countertop kitchen was right next to his door.

"What are you thinking?" Valooth, his son, much like his mother had a stubborn side to him. Those eyes of his, yellow-ish grey like Merssa, stared him down. "Hospitals exist for a reason."

"I'm fine, don't… How was school today?" He had no right to tell his son to not worry. He changed the subject instead.

"Cancelled early because of a certain attack…" His son didn't take the bait. Though he should have known ahead of time. He needs to talk with Kiestre after she settles in about that.

"It wasn't an attack. Gradient was hurt and the ceremony… brought those memories back for him."

"You know everyone is talking about how you talked him down. The video got of you and him…your back dad…"

It was a private matter. Really he needed to talk with his staff about it. Right now he just needed a shower and to get to bed. The aftermath had taken too much out of him today.

"Did you have dinner yet?"

"Yes dad, I did. Are you really okay? Tell me that at least." His son who had been leaning against the wall since he walked in, stepped away from it. Clearly worried about him.

"The paramedics already did their tests. If any pain persists then I would need to go to the hospital, but I'm fine. Now tell me about your day."


Maquai laid down in his bed. Pillow right under his neck as he flopped the blanket over him. It ruffled with the air and he adjusted himself. He hadn't gotten home early and there was only a couple hours until the morning. He needed sleep after the day. Though there was something that was stuck in his head since earlier.

Jastrous had shown up causing a commotion. He wasn't scared as he had prepared himself for something like that to happen. There have always been threats on his life and family. Rather than run away, he would jump in to protect those he cared about. Today it was a little different.

Like daydreaming, he felt his mind wander when he was running. A picture of four teenagers had stood in front of him asking for their 'Captain'. At first he didn't care due to the situation, but why did it happen. He didn't recognize them or let alone know where that dream-like vision had taken place.

Perhaps there was another Wonder around. They set off Jasterous and made him attack the remembrance ceremony. If it was a plan, was it directed towards him or just a threat against the city. A warning of sorts that there was more waiting.

If another attack happened and Valooth…


A scream woke Maquai up. Quickly standing he rushed over to his son's room. He didn't want to alert Franhics' team if his son was having nightmares again. So he slowly opened the door. It looked like his son was sleeping just fine. Nothing was out of sort-

"Dad?" He woke up his son.

"Sorry, I was just checking up on you while I got some water. Go back to sleep." As he slowly closed the door, he saw a man looking at his wall while floating in the air. Without thinking he shouted. "Who are you?!"

The man had short brown hair, orange eyes, and a distinctively large nose. The man was wearing something formal it looked like. A military like outfit with grey and orange colors. He had never seen anything like it before.

But clearly there was someone in his house now. He needed to get security in here and protect his son.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Just out of the corner of his eye his son was already out of his bed and grabbed one of his bats.

He knew his son was fit and strong. Even when they arm wrestled each other. Ever loss on his side had him feeling more pride in his son. But if he let his son fight a Wonder, then he failed as a father. It also might be the same Wonder that used Gradient. Of course that was if he was right.

"Valooth stay in your room and call for help." He couldn't see his son, but from the noises he had already started without him needing to say anything.

"Whoa, I don't mean you any harm. I don't really know what is happening or where I am." When Maquai shouted at him, the man seemed surprised. The man then put his hands up so that he wouldn't get hurt. Then he started slowly floating up towards his ceiling.

His door in his home burst open with his security team pouring in. "Over here!" He shouted while holding a lamp in his hands.

"Sir, are you alright?" Yraid, the leader of his night security team, asked him.

"I'm fine, just protect my son. That man over there…" He trailed off as the man slowly floated through the ceiling. The man looked so surprised at everything, but he didn't have time to worry about it. "Did you see him?" As he was hearing that his house was clear and Yraid slowly moved towards his room shouting clear.

"We didn't find anyone." He knew she was getting the information on her radio.

"The man was about my age, clean shaven, wearing an orange-grey suit. Military if I had to guess. He was a Wonder with the ability to fly, go through objects, and he was transparent."

He was already being dragged out with his son and explained his guess from yesterday about how he could be under an effect from that Wonder. Like his son, going to a hospital would be the best in case there were any lingering effects.


The doctors had done their tests. Just from initial observations, they had found nothing wrong with him. They still had to do blood tests and get a doctor to check out his scans.

When he looked at it objectively, maybe that man wasn't real. Well that was what he thought others were thinking. Afterall he thought he saw the same man flying after him and when he pointed it out to his security team, no one could see that man. Sure it was dark out, but he clearly stood out against the dark sky.

Of course he could just be imagining it.


With only an hour of sleep he was cranky. He had so much to do today and he just couldn't get a break.

"Sir, we have everyone looking over the camera footage. The sketch is already out to the authorities. We will find his identity and get him." Franhics, leader of his day security team, was being helpful.

There was no proof yet that Wonder even existed yet. The lack of sleep could have just caught him off guard. Now Franhics had been with him longer than he had been a minister. Over ten years now, he could say that he knew the man well. Well enough that he was doing his best. Taking the threat seriously. But Maquai was starting to doubt if everything last night had even been real. He might have been paranoid and made it all up.

"I know and I'm thankful. You always get them."

"We should talk about increasing security for now-"

Maquai cut him off for now. "There is no need for that. I trust you guys have it handled. There is no need to worry about it right now. Plus that Wonder didn't show any hostile intentions."

"He may not have, Sir, but he did get into your home. That is an issue and we can't have that happening in the future. His powers as you described, could really make it difficult to protect you and your son." Maquai looked at his son next to him, who was doing his best to stay out of the conversation. He knew he would suggest getting better security, which is what he should do, but if he did that then it would be difficult for his son to see his friends. He didn't want to put him through that right now. Once he has confirmation that the man, the Wonder, is real, then he will.

"I understand your concerns, but let's hold off on that for now." His frustration from lack of sleep was leaking through.

"Sir, it is better we get a head start now." Franhics was just doing his job.

"I know and I'm saying that I will wait. I just think it is all unnecessary… right now." He finished that last part in a whisper. It was difficult to handle this situation in front of his son. Franhics must have realized.

"Sir, once the doctor comes back then we can go from there. I'll wait outside."

"Fine… and thank you." Franhics nodded towards him. He turned to his son who was already scolding him like his mother would. Maquai wondered if this was his way to remember his mother or if it was in his genes. "Do you want to lay down? You must be tired after…tonight." He messed up his words. It came out in a slight slur as he meant to say 'last night'. His son just smiled realizing his mistake instead of glaring at him.

"Dad, it's fine."

"Yesterday was crazy and so am I. Ha… Why don't you get something to eat with Franhics?"

"Sure, I'll get you something too." He quickly left. Maquai just sighed as the door closed.

"Hello, hope I'm not interrupting." A voice broke through the silence he so much craved right now. The doctor must have just popped in.

"No, no… Who- Wait-!" He was very much wrong about it being a doctor or nurse.

"I don't mean any harm. Really. Please just hear me out. Once your son gets back, I'll leave. Can you do that for me?" The Wonder or figment of his imagination quickly spoke.

If he just listened to what the man had to say, he could learn more. It would at least give him some insight whether he was real or what he wanted. Plus angering a wonder was not in his plans for today.

"…Alright," He spoke in a soft tone just in case one of his security team could hear him, "I'll listen to what you have to say." The man was surprised by his answer.

"I have a lot of questions, but can I get your name? My name is Brahk."

He reached out his hand to shake it with him. Maquai was a little bit hesitant. If he was a Wonder and needed physical contact to kill him or something, then touching his hand was a terrible idea. Then again why would he go through all of this if that was the case. Plus he wanted to find out if he was real or not yet. "Ah… I'm Maquai. You don't know me, Brahk?" His hand passed through Brahk's hand and they both were a bit surprised by it. Now he was off the idea that he was some part of his imagination. So it was a good idea that he asked that question.

"I don't… I'm sorry .I don't know how much time I have and I need to get this all out." Brahk said hurriedly. Now if he didn't know he was the minister of the city, then why seek him out? "I'm not from here. I have never been on this planet before and… I really don't know how to explain this, but I am flying. I can go through solid matter and gravity doesn't affect me. I'm even producing sound… vibrations… yet- I'm sorry… I'm rambling. Look, so far you are the only one I can talk to about this and if I can get back to my crew then it could be all over. This whole thing. I need your help."

Brahk had rambled that out. It was a mess and he had caught something he had questions about. 'If he isn't from this planet then is he an alien? Brahk looked to be human. Now if he is a Wonder could his power be messing with his mind so that he believes that?

He found himself looking towards the door and his security team didn't even budge. No doctors or nurses looked in there to even see or hear what Brahk had said. His eyes were closing because the silence in the room started to drag on. He needed to say something.

"Brahk, was it?" Just making sure he had the name right. With a nod from Brahk, he continued. "I can-" Maquai stopped the moment the door flung open. Instead of his son or security team, it was Kiestre, his new assistant.

"Minister, are you alright?" She quickly walked to the end of the bed, just avoiding Brahk. "I'm sorry I slept through my alarm and never got your call. Really sorry." Now she was rambling too. There was just too much he had to deal with today. He looked between Brahk and her, and clearly she didn't see him.

"Kiestre, it is fine. I'm alright. I just thought I saw someone in my house." He didn't have time to tell her the whole story. She must have gotten the information already so there was no need to go into it.

"Gradient must have really injured you to see things. I'll go talk to your doctor and find out what kind of treatment you require." Did Franhics tell her that? That was his fear in the first place. He didn't get to tell anyone that he doubted what he had seen. Franhics would have guessed it and from their conversation moments ago he did, but how did she think like that? Not that it was bad, but it made him feel a lot worse than he already did. If Valooth thought that way, then he would never hear the end of it. He would need to deal with that later as she already left.

"She couldn't see…" His thoughts poured out for a moment. Everything kept happening so quickly and he just needed to speak out loud to think better. Since she couldn't see Brahk, then it was just him. From what he understood from Brahk's speech earlier, then he had no idea what was going on either. 'Now if I'm the only one who can see him, does that make me a Wonder too.' It was too much and he didn't know "what to think…"

"I can go for now. I'll let you think about it since you have things to do. It was nice to meet you."

Then Brahk just left too. He didn't get to say anything to him. Everyone kept leaving. He was too tired to think about it. While he was here it was better for him to get some rest.


He had a nice lunch with his son. The doctors later gave him his results and said that everything was normal and all that. It was nice.

Thankfully his new assistant quickly got into her work and helped clear his schedule for the day. It gave him time to rest and to spend time with his son.

He did get a private conversation with Franhics and talked to him about his security detail. For now he decided to keep Brahk a secret. If Kiestre and the night security team couldn't see him, then there was no reason to believe Franhics could either. Brahk also didn't know why and since they couldn't touch each other, with both of their surprise at that, it meant he wasn't a threat either. Doctors cleared him so there was nothing to worry about at the moment.

Now even though his day was clear, tomorrow wouldn't be. He would need to handle the rest of the fallout from what Gradient, or his real name Jasterous, had done. People had heard his cries and name. The public knew his identity. Because of that no one had seen him that day. He had actually talked to his son who went to the same school as Jasterous. They didn't know each other and he said that no one had seen him either. Not everyone spoke to law enforcement, not even students in high school.

It was late in the day as the sun began to set. He would be going home after they got some dinner. Franhics had stayed with him until he left for the hospital even though the night team had already shown up. He coordinated with Yraid and once they made it to the car, then Franhics would head home for his shift.

On his way outside to the car waiting for him, he felt a slight tug in his stomach. It felt like someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked to the roof of the hospital building. Brahk was sitting there looking at him. That caught him off by surprise, but since he was much more awake and aware than earlier, with sleep, he held it back for the most part as a politician should.

They needed to have a talk. Questions needed to be answered and he had a few of his own. As put his head down to get in the car, he nodded to Brahk to follow.



"What should we have for dinner?" Well that was a tough question that he would let Yraid figure out. "Yraid, why don't you pick tonight. I'm buying for everyone. Neither of us will be able to think of a place to eat."