Another Update July/3/2021

Just wanted to touch base to talk about where I'm at.

I've settled into my job. Things are going well and for the most part, my time is tied up there. Writing anything is still a ways off.

However, I finally have that itch again to write. Ideas are coming back and I have taken down a few notes.

So, where do we go from here. Not too sure, but the last divergent for Brahk might be on an indefinite hiatus or I will just close up that story. Not sure... as I seem with everything, but yea. Oh and that other story I plan on writing, that would be my main focus when I do come back to writing. Taking the three characters from my Divergent Stories and putting them in a single story and making it a progressive story and none of this anthology stuff. I think that would be nice, but that is past me and future me might not think the same.

Anyway, hope you all have fun reading all the new stories out there and I'll see ya next time!