Chapter 23

Naruto smiled as he saw a familiar bronze dragon creeping back into camp being led by both Beckendorf and Leo. "Ah glad to see you got him back under control Beckendorf" he said as the large boy nodded and patted Leo on the back

"Couldn't have done it without Leo here since it was a two person job" Beckendorf said as the dragon looked around and let out various clicks and bursts of steam.

"Don't worry Festus we will be taking off soon" Leo said as the dragon, now named Festus laid back down.

"Wow Leo you weren't kidding when you said you'd be getting our ride situated" Jason said as he walked up to Leo with a smile.

"Yup he's easily able to carry all four of us to where we need to go" Leo said as Jason nodded. "Where is the princess and Luke at?" he asked as they heard a chuckle behind them.

"Don't worry, we are here" Luke said as Piper groaned and kept walking.

"Still all dressed up?" Leo asked as Piper glared at him.

"Apparently my mother's blessing lasts a few days and won't go away until then" Piper said as she blushed as Jason smiled at her.

"Lu! Lu!" the trio heard as they turned to see Naruto holding two small girls who were fussing in his arms and trying to reach the son of Hermes.

"Relax Naomi, Chloe your uncle won't be gone for too long" Naruto said as he let the twins hug their godfather who Naruto decided to refer to him as uncle to make things easier.

"I'll be sure to play with you both once I return so be good for your Daddy" Luke said as they pouted but nodded.

Naruto chuckled as he kissed his daughter's cheeks and smiled at Luke "Stay safe and don't be afraid to call for help. With the fact that a goddess is stolen I think that we can bend rules" he said as Luke nodded and showed him the Hiraishin seal that was on his arm and would become active once chakra was sent through it.

"Follow the wind spirits that attacked you guys at the Grand Canyon, their master might know where Hera is" Annabeth said as Jason nodded and got on the dragon. "It's better than just going straight to Aeolus, maybe interrogate Boreas over in Canada since he is the friendliest"

"Thanks Annabeth" Jason said as she nodded and walked off to next to Naruto.

"Be safe on your quest, we will wait your return" Naruto said with a smile as he saw Silena kiss Luke before standing by his side.

The camp watched as the bronze dragon took off into the air with the quest members before Annabeth turned to him with a frown.

"We need to talk to Jason" she said as he sighed and nodded.

"Let's head over to the Big House since I feel this will take a while since it is mostly about Thalia" he said as she nodded and followed.

'I hope you all get through it safely' he thought with a sigh as he smiled at Naomi and Chloe as they giggled and nuzzled against him.


"Who were those two young girls? Naruto called you their uncle. Are they his demigods?" Piper asked as Luke chuckled.

"They are Naomi and Chloe, Naruto's two goddess children that he had with his wife Hestia" he said as Jason's eyes went wide.

"Vesta is supposed to be an eternal maiden" Jason said as Luke scoffed.

"Hestia" he said putting emphasis on her name "is married and free from her vow by Styx, which she did before marrying him" Luke said with a smile. "The twins are a little over one year old. They were originally demi-gods as Naruto didn't become a god until after the war and they were conceived before that"

"Wow those two little babies are goddesses?" Piper asked in shock.

"Yeah, Naomi is the goddess of seals and whirlpools, Chloe is the goddess of fire and infernos and they both share the domains for energy, family and twins" he explained as they continued to fly.

"Wow, you sound really close with Naruto and his family. How'd that happen?" Leo said confused as Luke chuckled and nodded.

"You can say I owe him a lot and while I was paying him back we grew close" Luke said as he smiled at the view.

"And he's the one that gave you that chakra stuff?" Leo asked as Luke smirked and nodded.

"What weapons do you have on you? You don't look armed" Jason said as Luke rolled up his sleeve with a smirk, revealing an array of seals around his left wrist.

"Everything I need is sealed in here and can be drawn out in a second. I will be able to handle what comes our way easy enough" Luke said as the three other demigod of his team nodded.

They had seen how he had fought at the Grand Canyon. If he could fight with a sword as well as he had used his odd powers of chakra then they figured they would be safe for the most part.

-Few hours later-

"Now entering Quebec!" Leo said, collapsing the telescope he had pulled from his tool belt. "I love this thing. It's almost like your sealing stuff".

"Almost, less smoke but you can't put just anything in it. Seems this is Lord Hephaestus's prototype of the gift he gave Naruto for his wedding" Luke said rubbing his chin as Leo kept smiling

"How can you two be so relaxed right now? We are on a mission" Jason asked as he pulled out and rubbed his golden coin to comfort himself as they got nearer and nearer to the city.

"Easily, Naruto always told me and everybody else to not get tense. Be at ease but alert or else you will make mistakes" Luke said as Jason turned around to look at him. "If you are too tense you might miss something, which the same goes for too relaxed. Just take a breather"

"Yeah like right now we need to find where that Bore-whatever lives" Leo said as he rubbed his chin.

"It's Boreas Leo" Piper said as she continued to hold onto Jason to safety.

"Fine, Boreas" Leo said as he rolled his eyes. "Now if I was a god, where would I live?" he asked aloud as Piper hummed.

"A castle maybe?" she said as she pointed to the one in the distance.

"Isn't that a bit cliché?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not really a castle, I believe it's a hotel of some kind" Luke said as they got closer they were able to make out that it really was a hotel.

"A god living at a hotel? Don't they normally like temples or fancier buildings?" Piper asked looking at Luke since he knew the most about gods given one of his best friends was one.

"Each god is different" Luke said with a shrug as he narrowed his eyes. "We have company" he said as the group turned back forward to see two 'angels' coming to a halt in midair not too far from them.

"Halt!" the angel on the left barked out. From what Luke could see the angel looked quite brutish while the one on the right looked very full of himself, like how the children of Aphrodite use to be before he started to hang out with them.

"You're not clear to fly here" the one on the right said, in a very poor fake French accent, something he could tell from his time with Silena.

"We need papers to fly a dragon?" Leo asked with an amused chuckle.

"This is restricted airspace" the same angel said as Luke rolled his eyes and stood up on the dragon, using chakra to stick to it.

"We are on a quest delivered from Naruto Otsutsuki to save Hera from a coming threat. We seek audience with Boreas. You have no right to slow down this quest" Luke said, channeling the silver tongue of his father.

"No care!" the brutish one said as Luke glared at them.

"You will have to excuse my brother Calias. I am Zethes" Zethes said as he pointed to his brother. "Cal here is right though we have standing orders to not let anyone through even if it is from that man so it would be best if you turn around. Or else"

"We destroy!" Cal yelled with a smirk.

"Quite so Cal" Zethes said as Luke narrowed his eyes.

These were the kind of gods that he hates. Those that just care about themselves and thinks that they are the most important. Something he sadly already knew when heading here.

"You have to leave. Or we destroy! Cal said with a scowl as Zethes nodded. "Dragon no welcome in Quebec!"

Luke was about to speak up when Jason looked like he remembered something.

"Calias and Zethes? The Boreads?" Jason asked as Zethes smirked.

"So you do know us? Cool. Still not enough to let you through though" Zethes said as he held out his hand. "Papers?" he asked as a glowing circle appeared above Luke.

"You all know when Hera is indisposed Naruto is the leader of Olympus" Luke said as he smirked at Naruto's claiming. "This basically means let us through or your leader will be pissed" Luke said as the two Boreads frowned and groaned.

"Fine" Zethes choked out with a glare at the glowing silver symbol which was of the Shinju eye with instead of the concentric circles it was with a spiral.

"But the dragon is not allowed to land" Zethes said as Leo scoffed but nodded as Luke sat back down.

"Is Naruto really the leader of Olympus while Hera is gone?" Piper asked as Luke nodded.

"He is her advisor and she trusts him the very most" Luke said as Jason rubbed his head.

"What about Jupiter?" Jason asked as Luke frowned and sighed.

"I'll tell you about Zeus later. Right now focus on Boreas" Luke said as Festus lowered a wing to let them off as they landed on the roof of the hotel as a throat cleared behind them

The group of four demigods turned around as a woman stood opposite of them. She had pale, snow like skin. She wore an icy blue dress that clung to her, showing off her curves as black hair cascaded down her back and dark brown eyes seemed to look them all over with a glare as she looked at Festus.

"Wow, she is hot" Leo said as Luke groaned into the palm of his hand. "Name's Leo Valdez honey. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" he asked as the woman glared at Leo.

"Hot? How dare you insult me! I am cold Leo Valdez. Very, very cold" she said as she glared them down until she smiled at Luke who groaned again.

"I am Khione, goddess of snow but you know that don't you Luke" she said with an almost predatory smile as she appeared next to the son of Hermes almost instantly as he rolled his eyes and looked to Zethes.

"Can you please just take us to Boreas" Luke said as Khione cleared her throat.

"No, the Valdez boy and the beast must stay here" Khione said as Leo and Festus both looked insulted as Festus let out a low growl before Leo calmed him down.

"He isn't a beast! He's a badass!" Leo said with a frown "But if you insist then I can fix it. Come here Festus" Leo said as Festus approached him.

The group watched as Leo grabbed Festus from behind his front leg as a click sounded out before Festus's eyes dimmed and the large dragon began folding into itself. It continued on until the dragon had changed into what seemed like a suitcase.

"Ta-da! The world's heaviest luggage" Leo said as he picked up Festus in his suitcase form with a smirk.

"That is not the point. You have fire within you, heat and ice do not mix" Khione said as Leo tensed a bit as Luke frowned.

"No deal. Either all of us go or none of us do" Jason said as Khione laughed and grabbed Luke's arm as he tried to walk away from her.

"Amusing. You think you can negotiate with us" she said with a small smile as the room grew colder and colder. "Valdez stays" she said as Luke narrowed his eyes.

Luke was about to speak up when Leo sighed and held up his hand "It's fine, I'll stay" he said as Luke frowned but nodded.

"Cal, you stay and keep him company and do not kill him" Khione said as Cal groaned.

"Just a little?" Cal asked with a frown.

"No Cal" Khione said with a smirk as Zethes led the other three off and she stayed back with Luke.

"So Castellan, still as charming as ever I see since you got Zethes and Cal to let you land" Khione said as Luke frowned.

"He was stopping a quest ordered from Naruto to save Hera. If I had to I would have fought them both to let us land" he said as Zethes scoffed and Khione glared at her brother.

"So Naruto sent you on the quest? Has he asked about me lately?" Khione asked with a light blush as Luke rolled his eyes.

It wasn't Khione's fault. The minor goddess, like most had a crush on Naruto, even though he was married. It was probably why she always flirted with him whenever he would see her on Olympus since she couldn't have Naruto she decided to try for Naruto's closest male friend.

"He has been focused on finding his daughter and looking after the twins. He doesn't have time for much of anything" Luke said as she frowned but nodded.

Piper glared at the minor goddess as she ignored Zethes and his boasting about hockey, ice skating and every other winter related sport. She knew Luke would never cheat on Silena since from what she had seen between the two made her believe they truly loved each other but she didn't like the flirting goddess.

Khione noticed her glare as she smirked back and smiled at Jason, effectively making Piper bristle and move closer to Jason.

The snow goddess continued to flirt until the neared a set of large double doors that were partially covered in frost.

"Father! We have guests!" Zethes yelled as he pushed open the doors.

"Merveilleux, what are demigods doing here?" the man asked as Luke sighed.

The man sat on a large icy throne. He, like Zethes and Cal had ice clinging to his hair and large purple wings. He wore a snow white suit as he glared down at the group of three.

"We seek council with Boreas, lord of the North Wind" Jason said as bravely as he could muster.

"You have it godlings" Boreas said as he smirked down at them. "Now do you intend to waste my time or not?"

"Well?" Boreas asked as Jason failed to muster his voice. "What brings three-?"

"Four father, the fourth is waiting with Cal in the hall" Zethes said as he pointed to the door where they could faintly hear 'Hockey' being yelled.

"Why is he out there?" Boreas asked as he rose an eyebrow in confusion making frost fall from it.

"He is of fire father" Khione said with distaste as Boreas huffed in disgust and looked at the demigods.

"Then I must ask again, what brings these three before me?" Boreas asked with a frown. "Children of lesser gods deserve a swift and cold death…I could use some décor" he said as Luke growled and unsealed Kusanagi.

"What did these demigods do to deserve that!?" Luke asked as he glared down Boreas as the god smirked at him.

"A standing order of my lord was given. You see boy, my lord Aeolus is the one who controls the weather, gives us directions on where to blow our domains. He is angry with the gods. After the second Titanomachy the defeat of Typhon released many spirits that he now has to control. The overabundance of spirits was his last straw and he decreed that the children of the gods were to suffer his wrath. Hence my decorations you see here" Boreas said as the earth started to shake a bit as pieces floated around Luke.

"The gods will not like that. Aeolus knows he will hear about this from Naruto and Hera once they learn of this" Luke said as Boreas narrowed his eyes.

"Wait before any fight happens hear us out! We just came here to get directions to Aeolus in order to find Hera!" Jason said as he moved himself between Luke and Boreas.

"Hera's missing? Who are your parents?" Boreas asked as Luke frowned.

"Jason is son of Zeus, Piper is daughter of Aphrodite and I am of Hermes but I am also one of the four champions of Naruto, gifted with chakra" Luke said as Boreas frowned.

"Hmmm should have figured, Hermes and that Naruto man tend to be brash" Boreas said as he eyed the floating pieces of rock that still surrounded Luke.

"Hera is indeed missing hm? Consider yourself lucky boy. Aeolus told us to hear out a son of Zeus. So tell me, why should I tell you where Aeolus is?" he asked as Jason frowned

Jason fidgeted as all eyes landed on him. He felt his tattoo start to heat up as he scratched it

The god's eyes followed Jason's movement before his eyes narrowed on the tattoo.

In a flash his appearance changed. His face grew thinner and his beard disappeared. His suit even became a toga with purple lining.

"Uh-oh" Zethes said as he widened his eyes as Khione did the same. "This-this is not good"

"You think?" Khione hissed at him as she looked to the changed god. "Aquilon, always a pleasure to see you"

"Khione" Aquilon said as he nodded at her before turning to Jason. "A son of Jupiter, an honor to see you unlike your father. You wish to rescue Juno and see my Lord?" he asked as Jason looked confused but nodded.

"Yes Lord Aquilon, we were sent by Naruto" Jason said as Aquilon looked afraid for a second but nodded.

"Of course, I suggest then you go to the Windy City, you will find more answers than I can give there" Aquilon said as Zethes frowned at his father.

"You're just letting them go?! Zethes asked shocked. "What about Aeolus's decree?!" he asked as Aquilon frowned.

"His orders are nullified" Aquilon said as he waved off Zethes with a glare. "There is more to this than Aeolus' orders. A bigger threat than before rises. Leave them be" he said as he looked at Luke who had lowered his Earth release defense.

"Plus I do not wish to end up like Jupiter did by attacking one of the Lord's champions. I would rather not fade by Lord Naruto's hand like Saturn and Jupiter did" Aquilon said as Jason's eyes went wide and looked at Luke.

"But can't we keep at least the son of Hermes? He wouldn't be dead, only frozen" Khione said as Aquilon narrowed his eyes and looked at the frozen demigods around him.

"Aeolus is a fool for doing this" he said as he snapped his fingers and made the frozen statues disappear. "Tell Lord Naruto I apologize for my actions and have sent the demigods back home" Aquilon said before he form flickered back to Boreas.

"You are free to go children. I suggest you leave before I change my mind" the god said as Luke nodded and resealed Kusanagi.

"But father…" Khione said Boreas frowned as she rubbed Luke's arm before Boreas shook his head.

"Let them leave" he said in a commanding tone. "They are on an important quest and I will not have them slowed" Boreas said as the room grew deathly cold.

"Fine" Khione growled as she turned around. "I will escort you out and back to your ride" she said as Jason bowed to Boreas.

"Thank you Lord Boreas" Jason said as Boreas waved it off before Jason followed after Piper and Luke.

Boreas frowned as he rubbed his beard. He was a bit upset that he lost his statues but between Aeolus and Naruto, he feared the Shinto primordial much more that his boss. Especially when he had made a titan and a god fade from existence.

'Just what are you two planning?' he thought with a frown. He knew Naruto and Hera had done something unthinkable. He just hoped it paid off.

Luke frowned as he walked with Khione and the others as the Khione cleared her throat.

"What was that earth technique you showed in my father's throne room? It seemed almost like wind was holding up the pieces" she said as Luke frowned.

"It's called Land release a combination of earth and my body's aura to make the earth bend to my will" Luke said as he could feel Jason's questioning glare directed at the back of his head.

"Interesting" she said with a smile. "I haven't seen much of this chakra since only four people have it but I hear everyone has affinities. What are yours?" she asked as he frowned.

"Earth and Yang though I can somewhat use every element due to my teacher helping me" he said as he walked faster and smiled at Leo who smiled in relief once he saw his group.

"Get Festus ready Leo, we need to get to Chicago" Luke said as Leo looked a bit confused but tapped his suit case as Festus started to turn back into his dragon form.

"Why Chicago?" Leo asked as he looked at Piper who was almost consoling Jason as his blonde friend glared at Luke.

"Because Boreas said that's where we would find more clues to where Hera is" Piper said as Khione left them before Jason grabbed Luke's shirt and spun him around.

"What was this about Naruto making my father fade!?" Jason asked in angry tone

"Exactly that Jason" Luke said as he stared the shorter blonde in the eyes. "Zeus wasn't without sin. When he found out Naruto had married Hestia and that she was pregnant he forced her to either annul the marriage or reform, killing the babies in the process" Luke said as he pushed Jason back with a jab of his finger.

"Naruto thankfully was able to save Hestia in the nick of time and grew furious when he arrived at the scene" Luke said as he narrowed his eyes at the shocked son of Zeus. "Zeus had blasted his own wife because she didn't side with him. Naruto decided he had enough"

"Naruto fought Zeus in the form of his nine tailed form and ripped Zeus's godly aura from him, reverting him into a human and making Hera queen. He isn't dead but locked up in the Olympian's dungeon" Luke said as he hopped up onto Festus, staring down at Jason.

"Before you think anything he doesn't hate you Jason because of your father, he just doesn't like your father" Luke said as Jason nodded and helped Piper up.

"Come on, none of this sad stuff" Leo said with a smirk as he sat at front and patted Festus's head. "Can you take us to Chicago buddy?" he asked as his dragon let out a few clicks before flapping his wings.

"Off we go!" Leo yelled as they took back off into the sky.

Luke frowned as he flew through the air 'Aquilon? That's a Roman god. What is going on?'

He had a brief idea of what was happening but he needed more info to figure it out and he figured that Chicago would have more of the answers.