Chapter 35

Thalia frowned as she, Percy, Frank and Hazel all walked through Seattle. They were somewhat stuck there as the second they docked and pulled their stuff off the boat the little dingy the Romans had given to them had broken apart and sunk before their eyes.

She had sent Ella off to try and help find the Amazons so she could ask Reyna's sister for help but she figured the harpy was too busy collecting books. The fact that she had seen her red feathered friend flying from building to building with thick books in the claws of her feet was proof of Ella's little obsession with books.

Not that it was a bad thing.

They had spent a couple hours searching, getting some desperately needed food while they looked around for the Amazons. So far they were having no luck finding the group of all female warriors.

She stopped, raising an eyebrow as both her and Hazel's eyes landed on an office building with the word 'Amazon' etched on the glass door. "You don't think it's seriously that literal?" she asked as Amazon's main headquarters was in Seattle after all.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try" Percy said in an unsure tone as with everything it wouldn't hurt to check.

The inside of the building was very minimalistic with glass walls and a gloss black floor, only a few plants here and there round the room. At the back of the room was a black stone staircase that led up and down and in the middle stood a young woman.

She wore a black pantsuit with long auburn hair and a security guard's earpiece. Her name tag read 'Kinzie' and while her smile seemed friendly enough Thalia noticed how her eyes were looking them over as if they were threats, ready to defend if they made a move.

"May I help you?" Kinzie asked as she ignored the boys and turned towards her and Hazel.

"I hope so, we are kind of looking for the Amazons" Hazel said as Kinzie looked them over, lingering on Hazel's sword and Frank's spear, two things that should be hidden by the Mist.

"This is the main campus for Amazon," she said cautiously "do you have an appointment with someone or-" Kinzie said before Thalia interrupted her.

"Hylla, we are looking for a girl named Hylla" Thalia said as she quickly watched Frank get kicked in the chest, sending him flying backwards across the lobby as Percy jumped over her leg sweep, back flipping away from Kinzie as the guard pointed her sword towards him.

"First rule: males don't speak without permission. Second rule: trespassing on our territory is punishable by death. You'll meet Queen Hylla as she determines your fates" she said as Thalia sent Percy a look that told him to not fight back, which he begrudgingly nodded and agreed to.

Kinzie confiscated all the weapons she could see, including Percy's pen as she could somehow feel its magic while they she marched them down several flights of stairs, so many that Thalia had lost count.

It took a while but after a while they had finally emerged in a cavern so big Thalia didn't doubt it could hold ten or so high schools including all of their sports fields. It was illuminated by fluorescent lights that glowed along the rock ceilings.

The cavern was full of conveyor belts that wound around it like waterslides, carrying boxes and packages in every direction. There were metal shelves that seemed to stretch out forever, stacked high with crates of merchandise. Cranes hummed and robotic arms whirred as they built boxes, packed them and took things off and on the belts.

Thalia couldn't help but frown as she noticed the only other people were women patrolling the catwalks in black security suits and men in orange prison jumpsuits working with iron collars around their necks.

"You keep slaves?" Hazel asked in shock and outrage as Kinzie snorted.

"The men? They're not slaves. They know their place. Now move!" Kinzie ordered with a glare as Thalia frowned and moved Hazel back away from Kinzie, glaring back before they started walking again through the massive underground factory of sorts.

"The Underworld isn't this big" Hazel complained as the factory only seemed to go on and on.

"You admire our base of operations? Our distribution system is worldwide and even if it took many years and most of our fortune to build. Though now finally we are turning a profit and the mortals don't even realize they are funding the Amazon kingdom. Soon, we'll be richer than any mortal nation and then when the weak mortals depend on us for everything the revolution will begin!" Kinzie said with a smirk as she seemed to fantasize about it all.

"What are you going to do? Cancel free shipping?" Frank grumbled as one of the guards slammed the hilt of her sword into his gut. Percy tried to help him, but two more guards pushed him back at sword point.

"You'll learn respect, it is males like you who have ruined the mortal world. The only harmonious society is one run by women. We are stronger, wiser-" Kinzie said before Percy rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"And more humble it seems" Percy said before the guards tried to hit him, only for him to duck and dodge it.

"Stop it and just get us to Hylla!" Thalia said with a glare as surprisingly, the guards listened to her. "She is going to judge us so why wait with this spiel? It's just wasting time" she growled as Kinzie frowned but nodded.

"Perhaps you're right. We have more important problems such as time" Kinzie said as Thalia frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked as one of the two guards grunted with a smirk.

"We could take them straight to Otrera and win her favor by doing so" one said before Kinzie quickly turned towards them with a powerful glare.

"No!" Kinzie said in a snarl as she clenched her fists, the knuckles of the hand that held her sword turning white from how hard she was clenching her fist. "I'd sooner wear an iron collar and drive a forklift. Hylla is queen and that is the end of it" she said as the other guard scoffed.

"Until tonight that is" the guard muttered as Thalia frowned. For a second she thought Kinzie would start a fight with the guards from how tight Kinzie was holding her sword but after a few deep breaths Kinzie seemed to get her anger under control.

"Enough, let's go" Kinzie said with a frown as they continued moving.

"So, just curious, is Juno possibly a patron goddess of the Amazons?" Thalia asked as they navigated a maze of conveyor belts that were moving merchandise. Most of it seemed normal: books, electronics, baby diapers and other items. Against one wall though as they past she saw a war chariot with a barcode on the side and a sign that read 'Only one left in stock. Order soon! (More on the way)'.

"Yes she is our main patron as she is queen of Olympus and has denounced Jupiter. Lady Juno, Diana and Minerva are all patron goddesses of the Amazons" Kinzie said just as they entered a smaller cavern that looked like a combination of a throne room and a loading zone. The walls were likes with metal shelves that were decorated with war banners, painted shields and the stuffed heads of monsters such as dragons, hydras, giant lions and wild boars.

Standing guard along either side of there were dozens of forklifts modified for war. The prongs of the forklift were sharpened into oversized sword blades and an Amazon standing on the back, manning a giant crossbow that was mounted on the back while an iron collared male drove.

On the shelves were numerous cages containing live animals: black mastiffs, giant eagles and gryphons that called out for her to save them, and a red ant the size of a compact car. 'Why can I understand what those eagles are saying?' she thought confused as she rubbed her head.

"What are you doing to that poor animal?" Hazel asked as a cage containing a beautiful white pegasus was picked up and taken away by a forklift.

"The pegasus will be fine. Someone ordered it" Kinzie said with a frown.

"You can buy a pegasus online?" Percy asked as Kinzie scoffed.

"You can't male but other Amazons around the world can. Keep moving, Queen Hylla can't be kept waiting" Kinzie said with a glare as Percy sighed and kept walking.

Near the end of the odd throne room was a dais constructed from pallets of various books that made her think about Ella, the oddest books of the dais seemed to be about 1,000 copies of 'The Five Habits of Highly Aggressive Women'.

At the base of the steps were several Amazons in camouflage having a heated argument while a young woman, who Thalia figured to be Queen Hylla, watched and listened from the throne.

Hylla looked to be in her 20's with a body as lithe and lean as a tiger. She wore a black leather jumpsuit and black boots. She had no crown but around her waist was a strange belt made of interlocking gold links, like the pattern of a labyrinth.

Thalia was a bit in shock of how much she looked like Reyna, only a little older with the same long black hair and dark eyes, as well as Reyna's usual hard expression like she was trying to decide which Amazon before her deserved the most death for making the most noise.

She somewhat went into a daze while Hazel talked about some horse the second she made eye contact with Hylla, her mind throbbing as it almost tried to tell her something that she needed to know. And the look of recognition from Hylla was only making it worse.

"Enough!" Hylla snapped as she looked at the group, eyes lingering on Thalia as she stepped down from her throne.

"My queen, these demigods-" Kinzie said before she stopped in shock from the sight of Hylla kneeling in front of Thalia, holding her hand and placing a soft kiss on the back of it.

"It is great to see you again. I didn't know when I'd see one of my saviors again so I am honored to see you again. You do look different compared to last time but I'd remember you anywhere" Hylla said with a smile that made Thalia blush a bit more, already blushing from the kiss on her hand.

"Q-Queen Hylla? What are you doing?" Kinzie asked in shock as Hylla stood back up.

"Paying respect to one of the two people that saved me and my sister from the escaped prisoners of Circe's Spa and Resort" Hylla said as Thalia frowned.

"I'm sorry I don't quite remember much, I've lost my memory and its slowly just returning" she said as Hylla frowned and nodded before she turned towards Percy and glared.

"I find one of the saviors and the person who caused the situation she saved me from all in one day" Hylla said as she drew her dagger. "You destroyed my home and endangered me and my sister before a kind man, one of a kind I assure you, and this woman saved us and the others" she said as Percy frowned, rubbing his head as his head seemed to be trying to remind him as well given that she made him drink the gorgon's blood as well while they were sailing to Seattle.

"Wait…clipboard, spa, and pirates" Percy said as he frowned and cursed in Greek.

"Were you possibly of the two girls I saw my dad save?" Thalia said before he eyes widened in shock. "Holy crap! I remember my dad!" she added excitedly as Hazel and Percy smiled at her, happy she was able to remember.

"Glad to see you remembered a bit. Yes my sister Reyna and I were the two girls he saved, though I was not aware he was your father" Hylla said before she turned to Percy.

"Though of course everything started with you" Hylla said as she ran her dagger under Percy's chin. "You released the captives, Blackbeard and all of his pirates. If it wasn't for Naruto Otsutsuki I don't know where I'd be or how the Amazons would be" she added as Thalia frowned.

"Wait! Please don't hurt him. We are just here because Reyna sent us. We have her ring to show that she did" Thalia said as she pulled out Reyna's ring, as it hung on a necklace, from under her shirt.

"Hmm," Hylla hummed in thought as she walked over and looked over the ring around Thalia's neck to make sure it was legitimate "explain why she sent you and how she is doing" Hylla said as she looked up between Hazel and Thalia.

The two girls quickly explained the situation, Hazel more than Thalia. They explained and told Hylla about Camp Jupiter and how Reyna was the praetor of it with an army of monsters marching south. They even filled her in on the quest to free Thanatos in Alaska.

As they were finishing up another group of Amazons entered the room. One was taller and older than the rest with plaited silver hair and fine silk robes like a Roman matron. Other Amazons made way for her as the new group walked towards them. Thalia could feel the tension as the two glared at each other venomously.

"Please, Reyna and the camp needs your help" Thalia said as she removed the ring from her necklace and held it out towards Hylla.

"Reyna…that foolish girl-" Hylla muttered before the older woman interrupted her.

"Well! The Romans need our help?" she asked with a laugh as the others around her joined in. "How many times did we battle the Romans in my day? How many times have they killed our sisters in battle? When I was queen-" she said before Hylla cleared her throat.

"Otrera, you are here as a guest. You are not queen anymore" Hylla said as Otrera scoffed and spread her hands while making a mocking bow.

"As you say, at least, until tonight. But I speak the truth, Queen Hylla" she said with a taunting like tone while saying queen. "I've been brought back by the Earth Mother herself! I bring tidings of a new war! Why should we follow Juno, a foolish queen-" she said before she was sent flying back as Thalia stood over her with fury in her eyes and her swords pointing down towards Otrera's throat with black lightning arcing off of them.

"Don't you dare speak ill of my mother! I am Thalia Otsutsuki, adoptive and claimed child of Juno and Vesta. Speak badly of her again and I will send you back to that evil bitch of a primordial you call a mother" Thalia growled out as her Sharingan spun into life.

Thalia didn't even have to look to know the Amazons around Otrera were pointing their swords at her but she had her Susanoo ribcage protecting her. "Gaea is a primordial bent on killing everyone so don't you dare try and make her out to be the good side" Thalia hissed out as Otrera stared up at her, rage in her eyes but with a calm face.

"Thalia please calm down. She will be reprimanded for disrespecting our queen Lady Juno but you need to let her go" Hylla said in a calm tone as Thalia frowned and made her sword disappear.

"You're lucky Hylla was here for you or you would be golden dust" Thalia whispered out as she stomped her foot on Otrera's chest one last time before lowering her ribcage and moving back towards Hylla.

"You cannot be Juno's daughter! Juno doesn't have any children!" Otrera yelled as Thalia walked away.

"Then explain how I bear her and Vesta's mark!" Thalia yelled back as she pulled up her sleeve to expose her legion tattoo. "I might not be her blood daughter but she has claimed me. She is my mother and I won't accept others speaking badly of her" Thalia said as Hylla cleared her throat.

"I will pass judgement once I hear all the facts from the female warriors before I sentence their male allies to death. I rule by reason, not of fear. That is the Amazon way or has the years in the Underworld muddled your memory Otrera?" Hylla said with a glare as Otrera sneered but didn't try to argue.

"Kinzie take the males to the holding cells, the rest of you besides these two," she said pointing to Thalia and Hazel "may leave" she said as Kinzie nodded.

"As our queen commands we must do but if any of you wish to hear more about Gaea and our glorious future with her then come with me!" Otrera said as she and about a quarter of the Amazons in the room left with her while Kinzie snorted in disgust while she and her guards hauled Percy and Frank away.

Soon, after everyone left, it was just the two of them with Hylla and her personal guards, who at Hylla's signal also moved out of earshot.

As they went back Thalia watched Hylla's anger dissolve in her eyes only to be replaced by desperation. Hylla went from a fierce tiger to one of the animals in the cages.

"We must talk fast, we don't have much time and I fear by midnight I will most likely be dead" Hylla said as Thalia and Hazel frowned.

"Relax Hazel, we don't need to run" Thalia said as Hylla nodded as Hazel was blushing a bit as she was unsure her thoughts were so easily deduced.

"We'd respect you for trying but we would have to kill you" Hylla said as Hazel stared at the floor embarrassingly.

"Thanks for the warning" Hazel said as Hylla shrugged her shoulders.

"It's the least I can do. I believe you two come in peace since Reyna sent you, especially Thalia" Hylla said as Thalia frowned.

"But you can't help entirely can you?" she asked as Hylla sighed while she looked over Reyna's ring.

"It's complicated since the Amazons have always had a rocky relationship with other demigods, especially male demigods. We fought for King Priam in the Trojan War, but Achilles killed our queen, Penthesilea. Years before that, Hercules stole Queen Hippolyta's belt, the belt I'm wearing right now and it took us centuries to recover it. Long before that, at the very beginning of the Amazon nation, a hero named Bellerophon killed our first queen, Otrera, daughter of Ares." Hylla said as Thalia narrowed her eyes at the mention of Otrera.

"Otrera isn't the first revived person we've met. We killed Phineas earlier today. He also worked for Gaea as she is amassing soldiers" she said as Hylla nodded with a frown.

"Wait don't you mean Otrera is a daughter of Mars?" Hazel asked as Hylla made a sour face and shook her head.

"No, definitely Ares. Otrera lived long before Rome, in a time when all demigods were Greek. Unfortunately, some of our warriors still prefer the old ways. Children of Ares … they are always the worst" Hylla said as Hazel frowned but Thalia rubbed her head in pain as the name of Ares was trying to tell her something.

"So the Amazons are a mix of Greek and Roman?" Hazel asked as she helped Thalia stay up.

"They really don't teach things like this at that Camp Jupiter. The gods have many aspects. Mars and Ares, Pluto and Hades. Being immortal they tend to accumulate personalities. They are a combination of Greek, Roman, and American. All the cultures they've influenced over the eons. Do you understand?" Hylla asked as Thalia nodded but Hazel looked confused.

"Yeah, they keep what they have influenced even if they have changed" Thalia said as Hylla smiled and nodded.

"So are all the Amazons demigods?" Hazel asked as Hylla nodded.

"We all have immortal blood in us but many of my warriors are descendants of demigods. Some have fought as Amazons for generations and others are children of minor gods. Kinzie, the one who brought you here is the daughter of a nymph. Ah and here she is now" Hylla said as Kinzie walked over to them and bowed.

"The prisoners are locked away safely but Otrera made sure her followers are guarding the cell. I am sorry my queen" Kinzie said with a frown as Hylla pursed her lips in thought.

"No matter. Stay with us Kinzie, we are just talking about the…situation" she said as Kinzie nodded.

"Otrera shouldn't even be able to fight for the throne" Thalia said as Hylla nodded.

"Yes because she isn't real. I've worked with the sorceress Circe for many years. I know a returned soul when I see one. When did you die Hazel? 1920's, 30's?" Hylla asked as Hazel frowned.

"1942 but I wasn't sent by Gaea. I came back to stop her and this is my second chance" Hazel said as Hylla sighed.

"Your second chance?" Hylla asked as she gazed at the rows of empty battle forklifts. "I know of second chances. Thalia your father gave me my second chance after that boy Percy Jackson destroyed my old life. Circe's island was safe for me and Reyna before Naruto sent us to where we needed to go, Reyna as leader of the camp and me as queen of the Amazons. Though I may not be queen for much longer" Hylla said with a frown as Kinzie clenched her fists.

"You will prevail Queen Hylla!' Kinzie insisted as Hylla chuckled dryly.

"As the Fates decree, as you see, Otrera has challenged me to a duel. Every Amazon has that right and tonight at midnight, we'll battle for the throne" Hylla said without enthusiasm as she let out a tired sigh.

"But … you're good, right?" Hazel asked with a worried frown.

"Good yes, but Otrera is the founder of the Amazons" Hylla said as Thalia smiled as she felt her wrist heat up a bit.

"I think we have a way to even the scales but I might have to give you a crash course with it. Do you trust me?" Thalia asked as Hylla looked her in the eyes.

"Yes, help me and I will promise that the Amazons will help you and we will release your male friends" Hylla said as Thalia smiled, wondering if the idea in her head could work.

'Two gambles in a row, let's hope it's not pushing it' Thalia thought as Kinzie brought over some chairs for them to talk since they were running quickly out of time.