Beginnings, like grains of sand in the desert.

An insect crosses the crest of a sand dune seeking shade from the heat of the desert sun. It skitters towards a semi shiny shell buried in the sand with multiple openings, a multitude of cables crisscross the area inside.

The insect was not the only one to think this was a good place to find respite from the heat of the day. It tries to find its own place amongst the cables. As it touches a shimmering segment of a cable the insect is given an immense amount of power that it can not contain. And just like that, one's ending brings about another one's beginning.

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He felt very groggy, like nothing was right. His head was squirming and he could feel something walking across his face. He started to freak out and tried to bring up his hands to brush the bug away while he shook his head vigorously. Only one arm made it to his face making a metallic cling as it did so. Looking down he saw a myriad of bugs crawling away on the sand before him. Reflexively he threw his arm across the sand to get rid of all the bugs he could.

Taking a moment to calm down he starts to analyze his situation. He was only able to see through one eye. Most of his body was under the sand but what he could see was one of his hands and arms, it was robotic. He reached up to his face but felt a mask over what he thought he should feel. Under his chin he could feel loosely packed wires and gears. No ears or hair were on his head.

He wondered why bugs weirded himself out more than the realization that he was robotic, but considered he should question all this while working to get himself out of the sand. And so he started to dig with his free hand.

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As the sun set hours after he started digging he stood in front of two other beings like him that he discovered while digging himself free. Humanoid in shape but metal, gears and wires from top to bottom. One was damaged to the point of no return unnatural holes in the torso and head, missing an arm and a leg. The other was in desperate need of repairs to function. He was going to have to scrap the first to salvage the second. He also needed repairs on several components. Scavenging for the parts was going to take a lot of time.

But he didn't know why he know that. He didn't know why they were here at all. They must have been in a fight but with who? Or what? And why? But no memories to answer him. Nothing on what type of machine he was or where he came from.

While digging he realized he had no memories but a weird knowledge in him. A knowledge with out memory or context. He could see the damage to himself and the others and know what could be done and needed to be done to salvage or dismantle them, but not why or how it worked.

The weird knowledge didn't stop there. He had knowledge of himself being human. If you asked him where he was from he could tell you the address including street, town, region, country, planet, but he couldn't remember the color of the house. Ask about his parents he could give you their name but not what they looked like.

He could remember some things. He could remember the tactile feeling of his skin, the flow of water over his body, the soft caress of a hug and the heat from another persons embrace.

He looked on to the last moments of the setting sun across an almost endless desert and in the twilight faced the oncoming night. His remaining eye could not see well in the darkness creeping in, but there was one thing that stood out to him. Two bright lights in the sky, his damaged eye could not focus on them but the only thing that could shine like that to him would be a moon, one white and one light blue.