Expedition Launched

Nick, Hasso and the cub were walking closer towards the edge of the mountain range as the sun started to rise. Lighting the surrounding landscape while they were still deep in shadow.

Nick pointed up along a small trail "We are almost at the foot of the mountain range."

"I'm glad we found this path at the small lake."

"It's known as a watering hole."

"Call it what ever you want, I'm just glad we found this path and some water for the cub."

"So, what should we name this cub?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

Nick walked over to the cub and bent over. "It's a boy, you Americans are such prudes."

"Scout is a good name for a boy."

"Hunter or Jaeger sounds better for a wolf."

"I can get behind Jaeger, But how do we tell Jaeger its name?"

"Let's not deal with that for now."

- - -

Pasht was sitting agitatedly in a round room lined with maps with a spectral globe of the planet they circled filling the center. The doors opened and Victoria entered wearing a more casual and practical outfit than before but it was still vastly more formal than Pasht.

Pasht snorts "Took you long enough."

Victoria walked directly to the globe. "Sorry, but I had to ensure my information network was in working order."

Pasht got up and walked to Victoria's side. "As long as you are ready, lets go."

Victoria manipulated the globe. "They are on this continent on the eastern side."

"How long are you going to take?"

Victoria enlarged a section of the globe as the rest faded away. "As long as it takes to get it right."

"As long as we are in the right region, it should take less than a day for me to find them."

Victoria enlarged some more and placed a section on the ground in front of then. The spectral map now showed the surroundings of that place on the map. "And if we are precise enough, they will come to us."

Pasht entered the spectral image becoming spectral as she entered. "Enough talk, lets go."

Victoria sighed and then walked in to the spectral image. And then the room was empty as the spectral location morphed back in to a globe of the world it circled.

- - -

Pasht looked around at her location to get her bearings. "This is going to be an easy task. Just keep them away from people."

Victoria also looked around. "That is if that was our true goal."

"What do you mean? He said to ensure they didn't meet with large groups of mortals."

"He said we need to learn more before we let them interact with large groups of mortals."

"So we're not protecting mortals from those things?"

"We are here to test the strange effect on mortals. To see if they are too dangerous to be around large groups."

"Then why didn't he just say that?"

"Because someone almost broke the door down in the room we were talking. Letting anybody outside eavesdrop on our conversation."

"So this is all my fault?"

"He doesn't know who he can trust. Even you thought it was one of us that messed with your hawk."

"It's an Arrow Hawk. Aether doesn't trust me?"

"He trusts you enough to be on this mission. And Aether knows we will kill if need be. Be it the metal blight or the mortals."

"So we are to lay traps and cages for the metal blight and humans to interact in?"

"Yes, that was what I was gathering information for."

Pasht whistled loudly. "Then you can get right on that."

Victoria saw a large brown wolf run into view towards Pasht. "What do you mean? Where are you going?"

Pasht jumped on the back of the wolf. "I'm going to see their 'great beast'. I'll be back in no time."

Victoria could only watch Pasht ride off on the wolf. "I should have expected that."

- - -

Aether was coming out of his harem with one of his attendants while the other stayed out to guard the door. Still adjusting their clothes two men approached them. One roguishly handsome and the other with a youthful glow, dressed more commonly then the hall they were walking through but not feeling out of place. "Nohoilpi, haven't seen you for some time."

"I thought we should talk and saw an opportunity, and decided why not."

They both looked at the youthful man. "Nice to see you again your holiness."

Aether had a complicated look on his face. "Sors, you are always here when I am spent and my harem requires more. Have fun."

Sors bowed. "I am unworthy your holiness."

"Go before I change my mind."

Sors opens the door to the harem "Yes sir, thank you sir."

Aether turns to his attendant that was on guard duty "Go in with him, leave when he does."

Aether then turns to Nohoilpi. "Walk with me to my study."

"Is the harem treating you well?"

"Not bad and yours?"

"Not bad at all. Especially when my son is with me."

"That's the embodiment of pure blind luck for you."

"Even my luck pales in comparison to his."

"How many has he brought up by now?"

"Well sense he doesn't require his own harem, it's small. Just about six or seven. Two do all his work. Two or three are artisans and entertainers. And the other two are for walking around town with him. All of them content with their lot."

"Over a thousand years and only seven. Truly lucky picks."

"Enough pleasantries. What's the deal with those metal men?"

"Are you sure you want to talk so openly about those matters?"

"I'll role those dice. Because I still understand luck better than anybody on this moon. And what they have isn't luck. It's something else, and I don't like it."

"I suspected as much. I put two individuals I trust on the task of finding out what it is."

"And who are they?"

"Your lucky enough to find that out on your own. So why ask?"

"It costs me nothing and I like the complement."

"Shouldn't a gambler like yourself be busy in a casino?"

"I should be going. But I wanted to give you the odds on something interesting happening soon."

"And what is that?"

Nohoilpi came to a stop. "I would put good money on your brother coming to see you soon."

Aether stopped on the spot. "What for?"

"I only know the odds." Nohoilpi bowed and headed out of the hall. "Have a good day your holiness."