Brothers in arms

Several hours later Victor, Victoria and Pasht pored their attention onto the table with the map. As the four test subjects tried to relax in the gods presence.

Pasht shook her head "I don't understand why we don't just grab them and lock them up in a secluded place."

Victoria looked Pasht in the face "One, we don't know how they or our allies will react. Second, the best chains are the ones the imprisoned dons themselves. Need I go on?"

"Fine, but why do we need an overly complicated plan like this?"

Victoria started to get mad. "This is not overly complicated. This is well informed with counter measures and adaptability."

Pasht held up her hands in surrender. "I appear to be getting on your nerves. And all this planing is getting on mine. So I will take my leave for now."

Victoria stopped Pasht "Before you go. where do you think is the best place to put the trap?"

Pasht pointed to the map. "They should be here by early morning and here is my pick for best spot. And now I'm off."

Victoria watched Pasht walk towards the tent entrance. "Pasht, Thanks for your help."

"And thanks for yours." Pasht said quietly as he left the tent.

Victoria tried to stop a small grin from developing and looked at the four still sitting quietly. "You can do as you please. But don't leave the camp."

The four bowed. "Thank you your holiness." they said in unison and quietly walked out of the tent.

Victoria turned to Victor "You can go as well."

Victor smiled "I wish to stay. It's not every day I get the chance to study tactics from the goddess of tactics herself."

Victoria smiled slightly but enough to show Victor her pleasure that he chose to stay "Then let's continue."

- - -

The four volunteers walked their own separate ways in to the mid day sun. But ended up gathering at two smallish tents around a small campfire at the far edge of the camp. The last to arrive was the human.

She walked up to the others. "Sorry if I am imposing myself."

The half-elf looked up from her task towards the human. "Your bunking with me tonight. This is our tent."

The human walked over to the half-elf "Thank you. We haven't been properly introduced, My name is Tullia"

"My name is Aureliana but people just call me Auri. The beast-man doing pushups over there is Brando. And you already know the one that was fallowing you like a puppy all the way up here."

"Nice to see you again Albus."

Albus looked up from the book he was reading. "I did not 'fallow her like a puppy.' We were cordially talking."

Brando continued with his exercises but added. "Don't try and change what is plainly obvious, even the goddesses called you out."

Albus got a little heated. "Is it wrong that I like women?"

Auri glared at Albus "No. Your problem is that you are too clingy. And are always seeking approval from the women you like."

Albus looked over at Tullia. "I'm sorry if I offended you with my conduct."

Tullia smiled and took a seat. "I worked as a bar maid for over eight years. You are a gentleman compared to some of the regulars I had to deal with. Although you can look me in the eyes more and less on my breasts."

Albus put his face back in to the book "I'll try my best."

Tullia looked over at Auri."so what were you trained in?"

Auri smiled back. "I am good with a bow but better with my two handed long sword."

"Better than me, I'm just a cook."

"Cooks are essential for armies."

"Do you mind if I ask a personal question?"

"Go ahead."

"You are quite different from Albus in appearance. Why is that?"

Auri know this question was cumming "My mother and Albus are two different types of elves. With out going in to all the details. His race of elves are closer to faeries while my mother's race is closer to humans."

Brando looked over at Albus while taking a break from his workout. "So, you are short because you are part faerie?"

"I'm not part faerie and I am tall for my race!" Albus yelled as he slammed his book shut and throwing it down to the ground.

Brando, Tullia and Auri were shook by the outburst. "I'm sorry, it was just a joke."

Albus just stood there for a moment clenching his fists. "I am sorry for scaring you guys, but all of you are too young to remember the war. I lived through it. Just two of those things can raze our village to the ground in less than half a day. And there are two right over there, somewhere."

Auri spoke first. "Why didn't you tell us this before?"

Albus started to tear up. "Because I have been in shock sense I heard they were here. Numb to the world, so numb that I asked the goddess of the hunt for, the ability to speak to animals. I don't even like animals all that much."

Tullia walked over towards Albus. "Maybe we should ask to have you removed from the mission?"

Albus shook his head. "No, I agree with the plan and why I am on it. I just have to fight my fears and stick to the plan."

Brando and Auri nodded their heads. "Understood."

Tullia was shocked by this reply. "You to are OK with just that?"

Brando nodded his head and started to do sit-ups. "We are soldiers. It is our duty to fight through our fears and stick to the plan."

Auri nodded. "It's what we are trained to do."

Tullia shook her head in defeat. "I don't understand it."

Auri chuckled. "It's just like men. You don't have to understand them to trust them and stand beside them."