Trap is Sprung

Victor entered the command tent with someone else right behind him. "I brought Dolos here as soon as he arrived, as you requested your holiness."

A man in adequate appearance and dress stood before Victoria and Pasht. "It has been a while. But it's nice to see you again."

Pasht scoffed at the man. "What is this forgery of a god doing here."

Dolos smiled at Pasht. "Aether requested me. The god that recognized my domain and I as legitimate."

Pasht glared back. "Once a mortal, always a mortal."

Voctoria stood up from her chair and pored the water from the silver bowl. Cutting an unnecessary conversation from going out. "Pasht, Please stop this. We needed someone that understands manipulation of the mind. That is literally Dolos domain."

Pasht faced Victoria. "There are some real gods with some overlap in that domain."

"But there are none that Aether trusts more than Dolos."

Victoria looked over at Dolos. "Did Aether catch you up on what is happening down here?"

Dolos sighed as he walked towards the crystals. "Yes, and I'm not here to play nice and make friends. It's to understand how and why this forged voice of the mind works."

Dolos points at Victor. "You, what do you see in these crystals?"

Victor stammered out a reply. "Just some swirling colors."

Dolos smiled at the honesty. "Victoria, what do you see?"

"Those colors represent the emotions and thoughts of four individual mortals."

"Correct. Now are mortal emotions and thoughts the same?"

Pasht lost her temper. "NO! Now get to the point!"

Dolos threw up his hands in defeat. "The silver color is the exact same size, shape, hue and relative position in all four. That's the fake voice in their minds."

Victoria looked at the crystals. "So they are already infected?"

"We all are. It's just not active."

Pasht looked at the crystals. "So all we need to know now is how and why."

Victoria placed some water in the silver bowl. "At least we know what. How and why is easier to figure out with what answered."

Pasht growled. "I just want to know who."

Victoria sat down. "Dolos, would you like a seat?"

"I would love one." Dolos took a seat beside Victoria away from Pasht while Victor stood in silence.

Pasht closed her eyes. "Call out for help now and don't stop till you see them."

They all heard a cry for help coming from the silver bowl.

A few moments passed and Pasht looked at Victoria. "Had to use the cub after all, they should be there momentarily."

The great wolf cub leaped over a bush and in to the camp. Fallowed by two mechanical men. Dolos looked puzzled. "Why are they wearing cloths?"

Victoria tilted her head. "That is an interesting question."

Pasht looked over at Dolos. "Hey god of fakes. Are they pretending to be mortals?"

"Aether asked the same question and my answer hasn't changed. I don't know, I need to see more."

Victor spoke up. "Looks like they are arguing, but about what?"

Victoria glared at the image. "They know it's a trap."

- - -

Nick glanced over the surroundings hesitantly. And Hasso sighed pointing to the monocular. "There is nobody around here but us and the slaves. I checked before walking into the camp."

Nick carefully strolled up to Hasso. "Are you questioning my character?"

Hasso shook his head. "I am not passing judgment on you."

"You did not answer my question."

"I am answering the question that is implied by your attitude."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you feel like you must leave. Then do so knowing that I accept your decision. But I will not leave as long as they are in that cage."

Nick started to get agitated and animated. "Then shoot the lock and lets get out of here."

Hasso also got a little animated acting out his rebuttal. "If I shoot an energy projectile at the lock. It will continue through and either kill one, start a fire, or both."

Nick pointed to his hand. "So you need my sword?"

Hasso shook his head. "I don't need it. I'll find something to use around here. So, you can leave. We can meet up at the large signal."

"Fine." Nick said walking past Hasso towards the cage.

"Nick, what are you doing."

"I'm getting Jaeger. He shouldn't have to suffer through our bad choices." Nick intentionally ignored everything in the cage as he approached Jaeger.

Hasso understood what wasn't said and started to scan the surroundings. "I guess, I'll just wait for you then."

Jaeger was barking playfully at the cage as Nick approached him. "Hey boy, I know you can't hear me, but I need you to get away from there." He placed his metallic hand on Jaeger's head rubbing the fur around his ears.

Jaeger looked over at Nick and Nick pointed over towards Hasso. "I'm going to need you to go over there boy." Jaeger looked over at Hasso. Hasso did a little dance that looked like he wanted to play with Jaeger to tempt him over. The temptation worked and Jaeger started to walk towards Hasso.

Nick still ignoring what was going on in the cage targeted the lock. When he thought Jaeger was far enough away. He materialized his sword and quickly sliced the lock in half and started to run to Hasso. As a blood curdling scream came from the cage.

A moment later a yell was heard from the other direction.

Nick and Hasso looked for another place to head as the slaves got out of the cage. East and South sounded covered as west lead to the main road. Nick pointed North as he, Hasso and Jaeger ran for the hills. And the slaves fallowed behind.